Test online for Deck department, Management level, Oil Tanker (CES v6.0)

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Правильні відповіді:

A vessel has been in involved in a collision. Which procedure should happen immediately?

Правильну відповідь:

There is assessment of the damage stability.

Ваша відповідь:

Determine any injuries of persons on board.

The time indication 121310z means in maritime radio communication:

Ваша відповідь правильна:

12th day, 13:10 hours UTC.

What is usually the effect on G when the ship is damaged with water ingress?

Правильну відповідь:

It lowers.

Ваша відповідь:

It is unchanged.

By the term “Stand by” the operator of a coast-station means that one should:

Ваша відповідь правильна:

Wait until the coast-station calls again.

A vessel berths at two different jetties under the influence of a 1 knot beam current. At the first jetty the ship has an underkeel clearance of 5 times the draught and at the second the underkeel clearance is only 0,5 times the draught. If the current exerted a force of 50 tonnes on the ship at the first jetty, what would be the approximate force exerted at the second if the draught is the same?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

150 tonnes.

How many rocket parachute flares are carried in each liferaft with SOLAS B pack?

Ваша відповідь правильна:


What do you understand by: “Secure the tug”?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

To make fast the tug.

Which one of the following items has to be included in an abandon ship drill according to SOLAS regulations?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

Checking that life-jackets are correctly donned.

Give the meaning of the following symbol:

Ваша відповідь правильна:

Rocket parachute flares.

During the survey of Long Range Identification and Tracking (LRIT) equipment, which document must be available to the surveyor to demonstrate compliance with SOLAS?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

A report giving the result of the Conformance Test issued by an Application Service Provider on behalf of an Administration.

What is the correct understanding of the term “Bottlescrew”?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

A bottlescrew is a metal threaded sleeve which adjusts the length and tension on rigging or stays.

The “dew point” of a liquid chemical is often quoted in the documentation relating to its loading and carriage. Which of the following is a definition of “dew point”?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

The temperature at which a gas is saturated with respect to a condensable component, as in operational terms is seen at the point when air is saturated with moisture.

To maintain good relationship among the crew on board a vessel, one must be:

Ваша відповідь правильна:

Understanding, Co-operative, and have respect from both sides.

How many thermal protective aids are carried in each liferaft?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

10 % of the number of persons the liferaft is designed to carry, or two, whichever is more.

The ID of an Inmarsat-M station on board starts with:

Ваша відповідь правильна:


Oil tankers of 70 000 tons and above, delivered after 31 December 1979 shall be:

Ваша відповідь правильна:

Provided with at least 2 slop tanks.

If drugs are discovered onboard your ship:

Ваша відповідь правильна:

Ensure the witness to the discovery signs your incident report.

What device can be used by a tug to get a line aboard a disabled vessel in bad weather, when it is dangerous for the tug to get too close?

Правильну відповідь:

A rocket line.

Ваша відповідь:

A heaving line.

When loading oil in oil tankers, why are you only allowed to load maximum 98 % of the tank capacity?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

Due to temperature expansion.

On board an oil tanker, slop tanks may be used for the carriage of oil:

Правильну відповідь:

When not being used for the carriage of slops and are included in the total cargo capacity of the vessel.

Ваша відповідь:

Slop tanks may only be used for the carriage of oil on clean ballast tankers and are only included in the total cargo capacity of this type of vessel.

A satellite receives the transmissions of the 406 MHz Cospas-Sarsat EPIRB. The transmissions of the EPIRB will be:

Ваша відповідь правильна:

Always passed on to a LUT.

How would you alert others onboard if you saw a person falling overboard?

Правильну відповідь:

If I saw a person falling overboard I would shout repeatedly, “Man overboard”.

Ваша відповідь:

If I saw a person falling overboard I would run to the Bridge.

With a davit launched lifeboat, what weight is required by SOLAS regulations to be used for the 5 yearly test of the davit and brake system?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

1,1 times the total weight of the lifeboat when loaded with its full complement of persons and equipment.

The battery of a SART:

Ваша відповідь правильна:

Must be replaced before the expiry date is exceeded.

If the wind speed on a vessel doubles, by approximately how much will the force from it rise?

Правильну відповідь:

The force will be Quadrupled.

Ваша відповідь:

The force will be Quintupled.

The reporting of incidents involving harmful substances and/or marine pollutants is regulated under:

Ваша відповідь правильна:

Protocol I of MARPOL.

In which way shall a survivor be hauled out of the sea?

Ваша відповідь правильна:


What immediate action should be taken if a ship unexpectedly runs aground and stops?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

Stop engine(s).

What is the correct setting of the “Anti sea clutter” control on the radar?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

A few sea returns remaining on the screen.

When initially setting up the GPS to provide positions for use with a paper chart, what Chart Datum should be selected:

Ваша відповідь правильна:

Select WGS84 and when plotting on the chart apply the stated corrections.

What is the purpose of the Ship Security Plan?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

Protect your ship from risks posed by security threats or incidents.

Measuring the ullage at a cargo tank would mean:

Ваша відповідь правильна:

Measuring the distance from the surface of the cargo to the ullage reference point.

What is the probable cause of an error in the position shown on a GPS receiver set into “2D” fixing?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

Incorrect height of the antenna set into the receiver.

Master of every ship must provide:

Ваша відповідь правильна:

A link between the shipboard training officer and the company training officer ashore.

Chemical tankers of 20 000 tonnes DWT or above, with a keel laid on or after 1st July 1986, when carrying flammable products with a flashpoint not exceeding 60 °C, such as those listed in chapters 17 and 18 of the International Bulk Chemical Code, are exempt from the requirement to be fitted with and use an inert gas plant provided certain conditions are met. Which of the following is a summary of those conditions?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

The cargo tank does not exceed 3 000 cubic metres capacity/each tank washing machine nozzle does not exceed 17,5 cubic metres per hour delivery rate/the total wash water input to the tank from all tank washing machines does not exceed 110 cubic metres per hour.

Which of the following requirements to ships stability for normal operation corresponds to present regulations? (NSCL 4/12.2).

Ваша відповідь правильна:

The ship is loaded in such a manner that adequate stability is achieved in all loading condition.

When a Master takes the leadership in approaching a problem, Must his first action be a decision that will directly solve the problem?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

Not necessary, he shall use all available resources. He should resist the temptation to step in and do it all by himself.

The majority of convensions adopted under the auspices of IMO fall into which of the three main categories:

Ваша відповідь правильна:

Maritime Safety, Prevention of Marine pollution, Liability and compensation.

Inmarsat Telex Service code “31” can be used:

Ваша відповідь правильна:

To ask for maritime inquiries.

The aerial system of an Inmarsat-C terminal consist of:

Ваша відповідь правильна:

An omni-directional aerial.

As a result of being in collision with your vessel, the other vessel involved is on fire. What are your responsibilities?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

The other vessel is in distress and if possible I will render assistance.

Via Inmarsat-C a message is sent to an Inmarsat-C mailbox with a positive delivery notification (PDN). The ground station will:

Ваша відповідь правильна:

Send a PDN, if the message has arrived in the mailbox.

You are on a sailing vessel, underway in open water. This vessel is sighted on the starboard bow, on a steady bearing and the distance is closing. By the International Regulations for the Preventing Collisions at Sea, what action will you follow?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

By Rule 18, a power-driven vessel underway shall keep out of the way of a sailing vessel. I will maintain my course and speed, but will continue to monitor situation to ensure the other vessel takes avoiding action.

This device can detect a package of drugs inside a large delivery of ship’s stores. What is it?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

Pallet scanner.

What is the period of validity of the Safety Management Certificate?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

5 years.

The diagram shows the direction that a rope runs during a mooring operation and a possible place where it may break. Where would be considered the safest position to stand?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

Outside the blue coloured zone.

When discussing their chemistry of petroleum cargoes, if “Alkanes” are saturated hydrocarbons, what are unsaturated hydrocarbons?

Правильну відповідь:


Ваша відповідь:


What general background colour is used on warning signs that indicate emergency or first-aid features, or indicate a safe condition?

Ваша відповідь правильна:


Which of the following is the correct minimum carriage requirement for a ship of more than 300 gross tons and operating in area A1:

Ваша відповідь правильна:

1 VHF RT + DSC + DSC watch receiver – 1 or 2 SART – 1 NAVTEX or 1 EGC receiver – 2 or 3 VHF portable – 1 EPIRB.

Your vessel is in an area of restricted visibility. You hear this sound signal. What does it mean?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

That there is a vessel in distress nearby.

If for some reason a vessel does not comply with a Classification Society’s requirements, what can a surveyor issue to the vessel enabling it to sail to the next port or for a period of time?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

A Condition of Class.

Whenever there is a major bleeding, the first priority should be to:

Ваша відповідь правильна:

Stop the bleeding.

A DSC distress alert is received. The message states that communication by radiotelex is preferred. One preferably uses:

Ваша відповідь правильна:

FEC mode.

The purpose of permanent continuous coamings fitted from side to side across the decks near the accommodation of an oil tanker is:

Ваша відповідь правильна:

To keep deck spills away from the accommodation and service areas.

Cargo residues of certain chemical substances are permitted to be removed by ventilation. What criteria is applied in determining if a cargo can be cleaned in this way? (Always accepting that local port authorities may have over-riding regulations on ventilation).

Ваша відповідь правильна:

That the cargo discharged has a vapour pressure greater than 5 KPa at 20 °C.

The operating mode of a pyrotechnic signal depends essentially on:

Ваша відповідь правильна:

Instructions or diagrams printed on its casing by the manufacturer.

What can be used to reduce the effect of the state of sea-waves?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

Vegetable/Fish Oil.

If the wind speed on a vessel doubles, by approximately how much will the force from it rise?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

The force will be Quadrupled.

Any ship of 10 000 tons gross tonnage and above shall be fitted with oily-water separating equipment for the control of machinery space bilges. What kind of equipment is required in this connection?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

Either Oil filtering equipment, or Oily-water separating equipment, or combination of both.

Under ISM, what is a “non-conformity”?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

An observed situation where objective evidence indicates the non-fulfilment of a specified requirement.

What is to be considered when deciding the position of the accommodation on an oil tanker?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

A single failure of deck or bulkhead shall not allow fumes into the accommodation spaces.

In US waters “Oil Pollution Act of 1990” was activated in August 1993. What is the main issue for the introduction of the act?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

To prevent oil spills in US waters.

When is it good practice to check the pressure-vacuum valves?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

Prior to cargo transfer.

Which of these conventions is The International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code a part of?

Ваша відповідь правильна:


As far as possible, all engines in lifeboats and rescue boats should be run:

Правильну відповідь:

For a total period of not less than 5 minutes every month.

Ваша відповідь:

For a total period of not less than 3 minutes every week.

The oil product particularly associated with the danger of contracting leukaemia through exposure to its vapours is:

Ваша відповідь правильна:


The main fire-fighting medium to be used on the cargo area of an oil tanker is:

Ваша відповідь правильна:


When tank cleaning hoses are tested for electrical continuity, they must display a reading of:

Правильну відповідь:

Not greater than 6 ohms per metre length.

Ваша відповідь:

At least 8 ohms per metre length.

In a typical shipboard de-humidifier plant as may be found on a modern chemical tanker, operating on a “rotating bed” principle, what names are given to the two parts of the rotating bed?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

The “process sector” and the “reactivation sector”.

What is the inherent danger in welding/cutting in piping containing freon?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

Development of nitrous gases.

Why is it important to have good relationship on-board a vessel?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

It leads to better work performance and positive atmosphere among the crew.

What is the minimum permissible distance measured horizontally between the ship’s shell plating and the outer side bulkhead of the first cargo compartment on a type II chemical tanker?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

Not less than 760 mm.

What is the MARPOL definition of a “high-viscosity substance”?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

A noxious liquid substance in category “X” or “Y” with a viscosity equal to or greater than 50 mPa·s at the unloading temperature.

How is a EPIRB (Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacon) activated?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

Most EPIRBs are automatically activated when they enter the water.

Which personnel must undergo familiarization training on board?

Ваша відповідь правильна:


When describing the characteristics of oil cargoes or oil/water slops, a “mercaptan” is:

Ваша відповідь правильна:

A colourless, odorous gas, with a smell similar to rotting cabbage and which is generated naturally by the degredation of natural organisms, as may be found where water has remained under oil for a long time.

The DoS addresses the responsibility for the security of the water around the ship and the verification of increased threat levels.

Ваша відповідь правильна:


How many annexes do we find in MARPOL and what is the content of Annex 1?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

We find 6 annexes in MARPOL and Annex 1 is the regulations for the prevention of pollution by oil.

The portable walkie talkies required to be carried by GMDSS regulations should have which channels as a minimum?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

Channels 6, 13 & 16.

IMO MSC.1/Circ 1321 requires that cargo pump rooms on oil tankers shall be mechanically ventilated, using non-sparking suction type fans. What is the minimum number of changes of air per hour that a ventilation system must deliver?

Ваша відповідь правильна:

At least 20 per hour.