Результаты прохождения теста
The word NAVTEX is spelled conform the international phonetic alphabet:
In the Inmarsat Maritime Communications Handbook one can find information about:
If messages are received which aren’t intended for own ship:
You wish to send an e-mail using the Inmarsat-C installation. The message has to be composed in:
When a DSC-message of the “distress” category is received, in order to start distress alert communication in so far as not indicated in the alert, you will switch to VHF channel:
An area within the radiotelephone coverage of at least one VHF coast station in which continuous DSC alerting is available is called:
By the term “Stand by” the operator of a coast-station means that one should:
With an Inmarsat-C installation there is the addressing-option “special”. Via this option:
What are the NAVTEX messages categories which cannot be suppressed?:
In the Maritime Radio Traffic the order of priority is:
The correct functioning of a DSC-modem can be checked by means of:
According to the rules of GMDSS vessels one must be able to receive MSI with the aid of:
MF communication is usually provided by:
In what HF-band is long distance transmission possible when both stations are located in Darkness?:
How will you start a cancelling message after you send by mistake a distress call on your VHF DSC equipment?:
The prescribed test of an approved portable VHF radio set (portophone) must be done once a:
What is the proper term used to describe a coast radio station that primarily handles chargeable ship-to-shore message traffic of a routine nature?:
Define the class of emission H3E:
Distress MF communications should normally be operated:
The ideal aerial length depends on:
Dish aerials are used with:
The type of Inmarsat station A, B, C, M is recognized by:
The battery of an EPIRB should be changed:
The typical “daylight-frequencies” for long distance transmission are located in the:
With an EPIRB:
Which word will precede a routine message?:
A DSC-notice should be sent on VHF-channel:
Long distance communication in the HF-bands depends on:
On area A3 the function “Transmission and reception of signals for locating” is mainly based on:
What do you understand by the initials EPIRB?:
The squelch on the control panel of a VHF-sat serves to:
At the entrance to the space where batteries are stored on board the following notice must be fitted:
By FleetNET communication is understood:
The ID of an Inmarsat-M station on board starts with:
In the traffic list a coast-station indicates that there is a radio telex-message for a vessel. To call for the message one should put in:
With what system is a NAVTEX-message transmitted?:
Automatic amplifier regulation is used for the following reasons:
A battery of 24 Volt supplies during 10 hours a current of 6 ampere. What is the capacity supplied?:
The altitude effect of the reflection of radio waves in the ionosphere on the transmission range also depends on:
The MERSAR is:
An area within the radiotelephone coverage of at least one VHF coast station in which continuous DSC alerting is available is called:
What do you do after receiving a VHF DSC DISTRESS call?:
What are the NAVTEX messages categories which cannot be suppressed?:
The sensitivity of a communication receiver can be adjusted with:
Which wave length applies to a frequency of 2 000 kHz?:
With help of DSC a ship wants to contact a coast-station to have a question for telephone call. One has to choose from the following DSC-frequencies:
According to the rules of GMDSS all vessels have to be equipped with:
On area A4 the function “Transmission of ship to shore distress alerts” is mainly based on:
The frequency 121,5 MHz is used for:
On area A1 the function “Reception of shore to ship distress alerts” is mainly based on:
The DSC-controller display the following: DOO: 244562000 CH16; S distress sinking. After receiving this DSC message the following is done immediately:
On board you have to switch from transmitting to receiving and vice versa. The shore station can transmit and receive simultaneously. You are working with two different frequencies. This method is called:
If a ship according to the rules of GMDSS is equipped with an MF/HF radio set a DSC listening watch must be kept on:
One can check the functioning of the SART by:
Of the AM-signal:
For a DSC-connection (no “distress alert”) with another vessel the following frequencies are used:
Which of the following frequencies is used by the NAVTEX system?:
To receive distress alerting and MSI via an Inmarsat-C set vessels must have:
The emergency battery of a GMDSS portophone:
The distress message is used when the vessel is threatened by a serious and imminent danger and is in need of immediate assistance. What is the telegraphy and telephony distress message like?:
How often must inspection of proper working of the EPIRB’s and SART’s take place on board? Once per:
DSC uses for automatic identification the MMSI. The identification 002442000 is assigned to:
At the end of a radio telex-connection, when a “store and forward” message has been transmitted, the coast-station at least gives a:
When on HF band a DSC distress alert is received, you have to listen to:
By frequency is meant:
Which type of call will be sent by a ship adrift and needing the assistance of a tug? The weather is not bad and the ship will be aground 24 hours later.:
In radio-telex distress traffic preference is given to FEC because:
Which of the following is a ship MMSI?:
A VHF transmission range is mainly determined by:
Which of the following is a Accounting Authority Identification Code?:
The compulsory testing of a prescribed EPIRB is to be done:
The position of a 406 MHz Cospas-Sarsat EPIRB is:
Via Inmarsat-C a message is sent to an Inmarsat-C mailbox with a positive delivery notification (PDN). The ground station will:
Command of radio-traffic between vessels and coast stations lies:
You receive a distress alert on HF Radio. What should you do?:
The word CHANNEL is spelled conform the international phonetic alphabet:
Which word will precede a safety message?:
Your vessel is not in distress and not taking part in a distress operation. How would you impose radio silence on vessels which are interfering the distress traffic?:
The wavelength of a radio-signal reflected against the F-layer may be:
Which of the following services is not provided by Inmarsat-C?: