Тест по Deck Department (Management), General Cargo Vessels

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Правильные ответы:

When keeping a lookout, what would be the correct understanding of the question “What is the aspect of the other ship”?:

Правильный ответ: The question is requesting some indication of the direction the other ship is heading.; The question wants to know what type of ship has been sighted.
Ваш ответ: The question is requesting some indication of the direction the other ship is heading.

On the figure there are four (4) possible directions shown by the arrowed lines. Which one would correctly shows the direction understood by the term “AFTER SPRING”?:

Ваш ответ правильный: After spring is defined as A.

In the diagram, which arrow is pointing at the position known as the “Bridge”?:

Ваш ответ правильный: The Bridge is indicated by A.

Which is the “CAPSTAN”, in the figure?:

Ваш ответ правильный: The Capstan is indicated by A.

On the figure there are four (4) possible definitions of the term “AIR DRAUGHT” given. Which one is the correct one?:

Ваш ответ правильный: Air draught is indicated by D.

When could there be a demonstration of how to start a lifeboat engine?:

Ваш ответ правильный: A demonstration could be arranged during a lifeboat drill.

“Overshoot” is an expression related to a ship’s steering ability. What is the correct understanding of this expression?:

Ваш ответ правильный: It is how many degrees of the compass a ship continues to turn after applying counter-rudder.

What is the correct understanding of the term “gangway”?:

Ваш ответ правильный: Portable bridge arrangement between ship and shore, when alongside.

What is the correct understanding of the term “FAIRLEAD”?:

Ваш ответ правильный: The access point where mooring lines are lead when making fast to the shore.

When acting as helmsman would you expect the reading of the gyro compass to be the same as the magnetic compass?:

Ваш ответ правильный: Very seldom would they be the same.

On a fire patrol at night you see smoke coming from a closed cabin door. What action should you take first?:

Ваш ответ правильный: Activate the nearest fire alarm button and advise bridge of the location of the fire.

If circumstances permit, how should low expansion foam be applied to oil burning near a bulkhead of the engine room?:

Ваш ответ правильный: The foam should be aimed at the bulkhead behind the fire and allowed to spread out slowly over the fire.

Who is authorised to operate lifting equipment around the ship?:

Ваш ответ правильный: Those ship’s personnel who have been assessed as competent and are duly authorised to do so by the master as per the procedures as outlined in the ship’s SMS system.

What kind of safety clothing should be worn during a mooring operation?:

Ваш ответ правильный: Helmet, safety shoes, gloves and protective clothes.

In the figure, which arrow indicates the direction “ASTERN”?:

Ваш ответ правильный: Astern is indicated by D.

What is understood by the term “Boat Drill”?:

Ваш ответ правильный: “Boat Drill” means the practical training in the various aspects of getting all the people onboard safely off the ship, in the event of abandoning ship.

The diagram shows the lead of a rope during mooring operations and the possible point where it may break. Where would be considered the safest place to be standing?:

Ваш ответ правильный: Outside the coloured zone.

What is the correct lifting technique?:

Ваш ответ правильный: Legs bent, back straight, using leg muscles to lift.

A class “D” fire involves what type of material?:

Ваш ответ правильный: Metals.

Anyone of the crew who is assigned to watch duties in port has a number of important tasks to carry out. Which one of the listed tasks should be included in the watchman’s duties?:

Ваш ответ правильный: Check the moorings for correct tightness and ensure the gangway remains safe and secure.

What is the main responsibility of a bridge lookout at night?:

Ваш ответ правильный: Inform the bridge of any new lights when they appear over the horizon or any other items observed which may affect the ship.

How will you act if you are helmsman and the OOW (officer on watch) gives you the order: “Nothing to port”?:

Ваш ответ правильный: Don’t let the ship turn to port.

If you are the helmsman on duty, what would be the correct action if the OOW (officer on watch) gives you the order to: “Change over from Automatic pilot to Hand steering”:

Ваш ответ правильный: Apply the controls to disconnect the Automatic pilot and engage hand steering. Start steering the vessel using the wheel and confirm with the OOW the change-over is complete and the course you are to steer.

How should you, as helmsman, give feedback to the OOW (officer on watch) that his orders are understood?:

Ваш ответ правильный: By repeating the order.

Is the act of piracy at sea an increasing or decreasing problem?:

Ваш ответ правильный: Piracy is increasing.

The extinguishing agent which can be applied on any fires of class A, B or C is:

Ваш ответ правильный: Multipurpose powder.

In order to extinguish a flammable liquid of the same kind as alcohol, we can use:

Ваш ответ правильный: Anti-alcohol foam.

Give the meaning of the following symbol:

Ваш ответ правильный: Flame detector.

Give the meaning of the following symbol:

Ваш ответ правильный: Remote controlled fire pumps.

In which way shall a survivor be hauled out of the sea?:

Ваш ответ правильный: Horizontal.

How many thermal protective aids are carried in each liferaft?:

Ваш ответ правильный: 10 % of the number of persons the liferaft is designed to carry, or two, whichever is more.

Which part of the fresh water quantity provided for each person the liferaft is permitted to accommodate may be replaced by a de-salting apparatus?:

Ваш ответ правильный: 0,5 l if the de-salting apparatus is capable of producing this quantity in 2 days.

When mustered to an abandon ship drill, what is the first thing you do when entering the muster station?:

Ваш ответ правильный: Pick up a life jacket.

The responsibility for safety and security rests with everybody on board the vessel. General house-keeping rules should be followed. Which of the listed rules is the most important?:

Ваш ответ правильный: Do not use loose garments, belts, ties or scarfs near winches and moving machinery.

What shall a rescue person use if he has to jump into the water in order to assist a survivor?:

Ваш ответ правильный: Survival suit and lifeline.

A lifejacket should be provided with:

Ваш ответ правильный: A whistle and a light.

Identify this symbol:

Ваш ответ правильный: Emergency generator.

If you detect a fire on board the ship, dependent on the situation, which of the following actions is the first to be taken?:

Ваш ответ правильный: Raise the fire alarm.

What is an IED?:

Ваш ответ правильный: A homemade bomb.

Which of these are indicators that an individual may be a drug smuggler?:

Ваш ответ правильный: The individual wears bulky or out of season clothing.

On a General Cargo vessel, how should steel coils be stowed?:

Ваш ответ правильный: With their cores aligned fore and aft.

How should steel wire rod coils be stowed on a General Cargo ship?:

Ваш ответ правильный: With their cores aligned fore and aft.

What prevents hatch cover panels from lifting in a seaway on a General Cargo vessel?:

Ваш ответ правильный: The hatch cleats.

What is the correct sequence of washing a cargo hold of a General Cargo ship?:

Ваш ответ правильный: Sweep, saltwater wash, freshwater rinse, dry.

With regard to fire hose boxes and/or fire hydrants, what must be ensured upon completion of cargo loading operations on a General Cargo vessel?:

Ваш ответ правильный: Fire hose boxes and fire hydrants must be accessible at all times.

What is important when checking cargo lashings on a General Cargo Vessel?:

Ваш ответ правильный: The tightness of all lashings.

When lashing general cargoes why are short lashings preferred to long ones?:

Ваш ответ правильный: Because they are more easily tightened and held in tension.

What precaution must be taken when painting on deck during cargo operations on a General Cargo Vessel?:

Ваш ответ правильный: Cargo hold fan inlets near paint areas must be closed.

Where are cargo residues usually concealed on a General Cargo Vessel?:

Ваш ответ правильный: In recesses below manhole covers.

Under international regulations where must entries be made with regard to the disposal of cargo residues into the sea from a General Cargo Vessel?:

Ваш ответ правильный: In the Garbage record book.

You are driving a crane and the signalman on deck gives this signal. What does it mean? (Hand signals as per the Code of Safe Working Practices for Merchant Seamen).:

Ваш ответ правильный: Danger, or emergency stop.

What is “DRAUGHT” in the figure?:

Ваш ответ правильный: Draught is D in the figure.

What does the word “pirates” mean?:

Ваш ответ правильный: Pirates are persons who attempt to board and take over a ship at sea.

What would you do if you saw a person falling overboard?:

Ваш ответ правильный: If I saw a person falling overboard I would shout repeatedly, “Man overboard”.

What do you understand by: Bitter end?:

Ваш ответ правильный: Bitter end means: the end link of an anchor cable that is secured within the chain locker.

In the human body, breathing is controlled by:

Ваш ответ правильный: The respiratory centre in the brain.

The bones in the human body are connected to each other by:

Ваш ответ правильный: Different type of joints.

During cargo or bunker operations, oil response equipment is to be:

Ваш ответ правильный: Ready for immediate use.

The emergency oil pollution equipment locker must be:

Ваш ответ правильный: Prominently marked and easily accessible.

What will you do when all the fresh water in the survival craft is finished or about to finish?:

Ваш ответ правильный: Start collecting rain water.

Select the three main checks that must be made to ensure that a hold of a General Cargo Vessel is fully weathertight before sailing?:

Ваш ответ правильный: Hatch cover fully secured, hold access battened down and bilge sounding pipe caps on.

When preparing cargo cranes for operation on a General Cargo ship using shore personnel, what are three of the most important checks to be made?:

Ваш ответ правильный: Check that winches, brakes and emergency stops are working correctly.

On a General Cargo ship, what must completed before a cargo hoist wire is replaced on a deck crane?:

Ваш ответ правильный: A full risk assessment carried out and a permit to work issued.

What must be done before dock workers and stevedores are allowed on board a General Cargo vessel?:

Ваш ответ правильный: Identification and passes must checked and number of persons on board recorded.

On a General Cargo ship, when can dunnage from a previous cargo be used again for cargo?:

Правильный ответ: Only when clean and Chief Officer has approved use.; Dunnage can only be used again if sterilized.
Ваш ответ: Only when clean and Chief Officer has approved use.