What has been done by many countries and international organizations to combat cyber-crime?
They have denied access to certain web-pages.
They have implemented individual data rights and created laws that enable data protection standards. In addition they have created and sponsored best practice standards.
Is the following statement true or false? Turn off Bluetooth when you don’t intend to use it. It is a potential gateway for cyber-criminals to get access to your smartphone.
Which of the following statements indicates a way of lowering the risk of catching an e-mail virus?
You must first download an attachment from your e-mail to be infected by malware.
Knowing who sent you an e-mail and why can help you reduce the risk of catching a virus.
My antivirus software catches all e-mail viruses.
Which of the following is a common way for cyber-criminals to make a personal approach?
Via a Secure WiFi.
By sending spam e-mails.
Spear Phishing.
What is generally safer to use?
Your smartphone as a mobile hotspot.
Public WiFi.
Which of the following is an easy way to enhance your cyber-security?
By changing your attitude from “It won’t happen to me” to “I’m a potential target”.
By only updating the software programs you use most commonly.
By using the same password on all your accounts.
When I post personal information on social media, it does not compromise my cyber-security.
Your company depends on you to be the first line of defence and your online habits are important.
Don’t open an attachment unless you know who it is from and you are expecting the file.
Is the following statement true or false? Always use a strong password and never share it.
Is the following statement true or false? I have never had a problem downloading free music and movies. So it is basically safe.
Is the following statement true or false? Your smartphone can get viruses just like a computer.
Will a reputable business ask for your personal information or credit card details via e-mail?
Only if it’s an urgent matter.
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