Every year, oil tankers transport how many tonnes of crude oil and oil products around the globe?
2 400 million.
5 500 million.
3 400 million.
1 500 million.
How does oil enter seas and oceans?
What must the system specifications for the electronic record book address?
90 % of oil discharges are down to low-level releases associated with the extraction and consumption of petroleum.
For how long should the oil record book be preserved after the last entry has been made?
3 years.
5 years.
2 years.
In what circumstances must the Oil Record Book Part 1 be completed?
All entries into the Oil Record Book must be:
What information should be included in every entry in the record book?
What are the possible consequences of errors in the Oil Record Book’s entries?
What are the challenges of the paper Oil Record Book?
Тест оценивает знания по правильному заполнению журнала нефтяных операций в соответствии с международными нормами.
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