Which of the following behaviours are examples of AGGRESSIVE communication?
Demonstrating that you can violate the rights of a crew member.
Talking in a calm and empathic manner.
Stating your needs clearly and respectfully.
Which of the following aspects apply more often to the maritime industry than other industries?
Which of the following statements characterises an engaged crew member?
Which of the following features commonly characterise ASSERTIVE communicators?
What are the valuable benefits of a leader who has been on board and experienced hardship at sea (being “One of the team”)?
Which of the following actions are recommended in order to lead your team through difficult times?
Which of the following factors commonly contribute to maritime accidents?
When is a situation a conflict, which you need to confront and solve?
When a crew member is denying there is a problem rather than pointing it out.
When a crew member lacks situation awareness.
When a behaviour in the crew is negatively impacting the performance of others.
When the crew practices teamwork naturally.
Which of the following terms is defined as “The ability to identify and motivate individual employees to form a team that stays together, works together and achieves together”?
Team building.
Which of the following are descriptions of self-aware leaders?
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