Indicate the correct answer to the following question. Should the master take time out of his busy schedule to mentor his officers?
Is the following statement true or false? A person of a minority nationality feel alienated and lonely onboard a vessel.
Is the following statement true or false? A Second Officer on board an operational tanker cannot possibly be both a candidate and mentor.
Is the following statement true or false? As a result of mentoring, a junior officer can have performance that equates to a Senior Officer.
Is the following statement true or false? For effective mentoring it is necessary to communicate in a common language on a multi-national crewed ship.
Is the following statement true or false? On the job training serves as the best method of experimental knowledge transfer as it reinforces theoretical knowledge through practice.
Is the following statement true or false? Senior officers should always monitor interpersonal relationships between crew members.
Is the following statement true or false? The 10 minute challenge is a method of monitoring the performance of others.
Is the following statement true or false? When the mentor recaps all they have taught, it is known as reverse mentoring.
Select as many of the given options which best describe why some officers do NOT mentor?
Select as many of the given options which best describe why some officers do NOT mentor?
Select options which best explain the benefits of mentoring to members of a team:
Select the most appropriate options from the given list which describe barriers to mentoring:
Select one appropriate option from those given which is NOT a step involved in mentoring?
Select one of the given options that most accurately completes the following statement. In order to further experiential knowledge it is important that all accident investigations are:
Select one option that most accurately completes the following statement. To be able to effectively perform their practical role, seafarers need:
Some form of mentoring on board a vessel.
A full week of on the job training before taking over.
A high level of academic knowledge only.
To have already sailed on the vessel.
Select three of the given options that best describe the mentor-candidate relationship:
Select three of the given options which are considered critical to effective mentoring.
Select two of the given options which best explain the importance of mentoring in the maritime sector.
Select two of the given options which best explain the master’s role as an effective mentor.
Select two of the given options which best explain why reflection of life’s experiences is important.
Which one of the given options describes how mentoring can help the officer of the watch (OOW) to understand the correct avoiding action to take in compliance with the regulations for preventing collisions (coll regs)?
Mentoring helps the OOW better understand the practical application of the coll regs.
Mentoring will always assist by telling the OOW what action to take in each case.
Mentoring will make the OOW comply with the coll regs.
Mentoring cannot help with practical knowledge of the coll regs.
Which one of the given options describes the result of effective mentoring?
Mentoring helps in matching theoretical knowledge with practical application.
Mentoring is mainly used to acquire theoretical underpinning knowledge.
Mentoring can provide the theoretical principles of a task only.
Mentoring can effectively replace formal classroom training in all areas.
Which one of the given options is the most appropriate to define the term “candidate”?
A person who receives experiential knowledge from another.
A person who needs physical assistance with a job in the work place.
A person not able to work using their own initiative.
A low ranking person on a vessel.
Which one of the given options is the most appropriate to define the term “mentor”?
A person who is an experienced and trusted adviser.
A person who likes to formally teach a group of people.
A person who has vast practical experience.
A Senior Officer on a vessel.
Which one of the given options is the most appropriate to define the term “personal reflection with respect to life’s experiences”?
Thoughtful and honest consideration of a person’s own experiences.
A process of looking back to store good memories of personal experiences.
A process of looking back to store bad memories of personal experiences.
Critically reviewing the actions of another person in the work place.
Which one of the given options is the most appropriate to explain the process of “mentoring”?
Mentoring occurs when two persons exchange life’s experiences.
It is a classroom based method of knowledge transfers.
Mentoring occurs in a team when the leader monitors the activity.
Mentoring is a personal activity undertaken by reflecting on life.
Which two of the given options are the most appropriate to define the term “experiential knowledge”?
Which two of the given options are the most appropriate to define the term “mentoring”?
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