At start-up by utilising the flexinert mode, the correct start-up sequence is:
Start the blowers first, then the scrubber pump immediately after, then choose flexinert mode.
Start the scrubber pump first, then the blowers, then choose flexinert mode.
Choose flexinert mode, then start scrubber pump, then start the blowers immediately after.
Choose flexinert mode last.
How do you inspect the combustion chamber of the inert gas generator?
By dismantling the burner from the scrubber.
By opening the front cover.
By opening the inspection hatch.
By opening the bottom cover.
How do you look up a spare part?
Open the Operating and Maintenance Manual, look in parts list, then find component number.
Open the Operating and Maintenance Manual, go to mailing list and ask for help.
Open the Operating and Maintenance Manual, look for sales department and ask for component number.
The operating and maintenance manual and contact maker.
How do you look up spare parts from a vendor manual?
Open the Operating and Maintenance Manual, go to parts list, then find component number.
Open the Operating and Maintenance Manual, go to Ch. 7, Parts list, then find component number.
Open the Operating and Maintenance Manual, go to relevant Vendor manual, then find component number.
Open the operating and maintenance manual, and contact relevant vendor.
Routine maintenance – how often and how should demister inside scrubber be cleaned?
Weekly with fresh water.
3 monthly with sea water.
3 monthly with fresh water.
Monthly with fresh water.
Routine maintenance – how often should calibration of stationary oxygen analyser be carried out?
3 monthly.
Routine maintenance – how often should cleaning of fuel filters be carried out?
3 monthly.
Safety on deck – before opening a cargo tank hatch cover, it is important to check:
That the cargo tank pressure is zero.
That cigarettes are distinguished.
That the master has been informed.
Check safety gear.
The drain valve of the deck water seal shall be:
Partly open.
Partially closed.
The heavy fuel control/re-circulation valve should be pre-set to:
1 bar.
3 bar.
5 bar.
10 bar.
The pressure/vacuum-breaker should be filled-up with:
Salt water.
Fresh water.
Fresh water and antifreeze.
Salt water and antifreeze.
What is Inert gas?
It is a gas containing no oxygen.
It is a gas containing insufficient oxygen to support the combustion of hydrocarbons.
It is a gas containing less than 21 % by volume of oxygen.
It is a gas containing more than 21 % of oxygen.
What is the purpose of the Venturi scrubber?
To clean the inert gas from the Inert gas generator.
To clean the flue gas after it enters the blowers.
To clean the flue gas before it enters the blowers.
To clean the flue gas/air mixture before it enters blower.
When is the Flexinert mode applied?
When the auxiliary engine exhaust gas is of acceptable quality and quantity.
When all tanks are to be gas-freed before the ship enters dry dock.
When exhaust gas is not available.
When auxiliary engine gas is not available.
Where is the inert gas outlet of the scrubber located?
At the bottom of the unit.
At the top of the unit.
Below the sea water nozzles.
Above the sea water nozzles.
Which document contains all specific plant performance data?
The supplier document list.
The Package data sheet.
The Alarm list.
The material data sheet.
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