Based on what you have learned so far, which of the following statements are correct?
Free water and solids can be removed from oil in a clarifier.
Sealing and displacement water is not added to a purifier bowl.
Too low a separating temperature will not cause the interface to move into the disc stack.
An increase in viscosity will reduce separation efficiency.
Centrifugal separation has advantage over gravitational separation, because:
Separators are easier to install than large settling tanks.
Tank heating systems are complex.
Centrifugal force is many times greater than gravitational force.
During a partial discharge, the bowl opens for:
A few milliseconds only.
A few minutes only.
A few seconds only.
How are the solids removed from a Solid Bowl separator?
Through the drain holes.
By hand.
Through the solids discharge ports.
How long is the bowl open during a partial discharge?
A few minutes.
A few seconds.
A few milliseconds.
Identify from where the V/V Block is drawing Oil?
Storage Tanks.
Service Tank.
Settling Tank.
If the backpressure in the oil discharge line is increased, which of the statements is correct?
Oil level in paring chamber moves outwards.
Water level in paring chamber moves inwards.
Nothing happens.
Oil level in paring chamber moves inwards.
If the density of the oil being supplied to the purifier has increased, would you have to change the gravity disc?
Yes, always.
No, never.
Not necessarily, but a check should be made.
Increasing viscosity of a liquid makes it:
More pumpable and easier to flow.
Less pumpable and more difficult to flow.
Viscosity has no relationship with flow or pumpability.
So, can we increase the speed of separation?
The purpose of a purifier is to separate:
Liquids and solids.
Liquids of different densities.
Solids of different densities.
The purpose of the paring disc is:
To pump away the purified oil and water away from the bowl.
To pump purified oil and water into the bowl.
To enclose the bowl from the top end.
The recirculation valve is positioned close to purifier:
To lessen effect of temperature fluctuation when valve operates.
For ease of installation.
For ease of maintenance.
The time required for particles to separate in sedimentation depends on:
Speed and size.
Form and shape.
Colour and temperature.
To achieve the best possible results, the interface should be positioned:
As close as possible and within the top disc.
As far out as possible, but no further than the top disc.
Wherever it can be positioned.
What is a Solid Bowl separator suitable for?
Processing liquids with large solids volume.
Processing liquids with small solids volume.
Processing liquids with negligible solids volume.
What is the purpose of the oil paring disc?
To pour-off the water from the oil.
To keep the interface in the correct position.
To discharge the water under pressure.
To discharge the oil under pressure.
Which of the following cause the interface to move outwards?
Increase of Feed Temperature.
Decrease in Oil Density.
Decrease in Feed Flow.
Increase in Oil Density.
Why is a heater with PI (proportional and integral) required?
To keep steady control of temperature.
To avoid manual temperature control.
To allow for temperature fluctuation.
With decreasing back pressure, the inner level of liquid in the paring chamber:
Moves inwards.
Moves outwards.
Stays static.
Your Clarifier is NOT cleaning the liquid as it should. Click the alternative you think would improve cleaning:
Reduce the feed.
Increase the feed.
Reduce temperature of process liquid.
Increase temperature of process liquid.
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