How can you prevent someone who has fallen overboard from being lost at sea? Select the ONE best answer:
Keep them in sight.
Stop the ship immediately.
Fire a parachute flare to alert other vessels.
Turn around and steer a reciprocal course.
The other crew have abandoned ship in a lifeboat because of a fire, but you are trapped on the fo’csle. There is no ladder nearby. How can you get into the lifeboat? Select the ONE best answer:
Jump onto the lifeboat roof.
Jump into the water.
Climb down a fire hose.
Wait for a helicopter.
Which of the following can be used to reduce the risks to the lifeboat crew when recovering a lifeboat after a man overboard rescue? Select the ONE best answer:
Foul weather recovery strops.
Nylon falls.
Use a freefall lifeboat.
Use a neck brace.
You have abandoned a burning ship in a lifeboat. Which piece of equipment is used to keep the lifeboat near to where the ship is? Select the ONE best answer:
A sea anchor.
An anchor.
A painter.
You have abandoned ship in a life-raft. How can you increase the range of your radar reflector? Select the ONE best answer:
Tie it to the grab ropes outside.
Open all the canopy doors.
Rig it as high as possible.
Flatten it out.
You have abandoned ship in a lift-raft. Which of these would you do when a rescue helicopter wants to winch you up? Select the ONE best answer:
Fire a parachute flare.
Flatten the raft canopy.
Take off your Immersion Suit.
Take off your lifejacket.
You have abandoned ship in a lifeboat. What should you do now? Select the ONE best answer:
Get all the survival craft together, clear of the ship.
Use the engine to head for the nearest land.
Open all the doors to get air.
Spread out and search for help.
You have abandoned ship in a lifeboat. Which of these increases you risk of hypothermia? Select the ONE best answer:
Distance from land.
Lack of water.
Drinking too much water.
Wet clothes.
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