Тест складається із 80 випадкових питань.
Усього питань на цю тему: 398
In case a fire alarm is sounded from the bridge, what action would you take as Engineer on Duty?
Report to the muster station.
Contact the bridge by telephone and ask for instructions.
One of the risks of using CO2 is the low temperatures that it reaches when it vaporises; this temperature is approximately:
Give the meaning of the following symbol:
Radio signal emitting parachute flare.
Survival craft distress pyrotechnic signals.
What is the purpose of the “Bowsing tackle” (block and tackle) supplied at each end of the lifeboat?
It keeps the boat alongside the embarkation deck so that the tracing pennants can be released.
It is a general purpose tackle to be used in any type of emergency.
It is designed to pull the boat alongside the embarkation deck after the tracing pennants have been released.
It enables the boat to be secured to the embarkation deck so that the wire falls can be released for changing or end for ending.
Wearing an immersion suit when abandon ship is effective permits the person:
Not to wear warm clothing because the suit has sufficient insulation.
Not to wear a lifejacket because the suit has sufficient buoyancy.
To jump from a height of 4,5 m into the water without being injured or damaging the suit.
To climb up and down vertical ropes.
A cargo hold containing such cargo as nitrates, chlorates etc. which produces oxygen under the influence of heat catches fire while the vessel at sea. How would you deal with this?
None of the above answers are correct.
Use large quantities of water as soon as possible.
Apply boundary cooling only.
Close the hatches and use the fixed CO2 system because water cannot be used with this type of cargo.
Give the meaning of the following symbol:
Manually operated call point.
What is the meaning of this symbol?
On board passenger ships an abandon ship drill must be performed:
Which of these procedures should crew follow when conducting a bomb search?
Wait in the area they’ve finished searching until they’re contacted for a status update.
Search the perimeter of the space up to a height of 5 feet.
Stand quietly in various spots around the space, listening for unusual sounds like the tick tock of a clock mechanism.
Conduct random or spot checks of logical threat areas.
As per SOLAS regulations, the general emergency alarm system must be tested:
An alarm signal consisting of seven short blast followed by one prolonged blast is sounded by the ship’s whistle and alarm bells. What are you to do?
Go to (or remain in) your cabin and await further orders.
Go to your lifeboat station.
Report on the bridge (deck crew) or engine room (engine crew) for further orders.
Generally speaking, what is the value commonly recognised as the maximum concentration of oil vapours allowed in the breathing air of a breathing apparatus?
Give the meaning of the following symbol:
Survival craft distress pyrotechnic signals.
Survival craft portable radio.
What percentage of the baggage is required to be checked at Security Level 1?
100 % of the baggage is required to be checked at Security Level 1.
The percentage is not specified.
5-15 % of the baggage is required to be checked at Security Level 1.
25-50 % of the baggage is required to be checked at Security Level 1.
Which of the following information shall be specified by the muster list?
The muster list has been prepared and approved by the administration before the ship proceeds to sea.
Action to be taken by crew and passengers.
The specific duties assigned to passengers that are in charge of a group of others.
The abandon ship signal consisting of two long blasts.
Which two persons check the Declaration of Security?
The local Police Officer and Ship Security Officer.
The Port Facility Security Officer and the Ship Security Officer.
The local Coast Guard Officer.
The Company Security Officer.
Where shall manually operated call points in fixed fire-detection and alarm systems be located in accommodation spaces? (SOLAS II-2/13.2.1).
At exits and in corridors.
In stairways and escape routes.
In all crew and passenger cabins.
In messrooms, public lounges and other public rooms.
When passenger ships are engaged on international voyages (except for short ones) musters of the passengers must be performed within:
Immediately after their embarkation.
48 hours after their embarkation.
24 hours after their embarkation.
1 week after their embarkation.
How many hand held distress flares are carried in each liferaft with SOLAS B pack?
Which of this information must be included in a piracy attack alert?
Your ship’s name and call sign.
The number of pirates/highjackers.
The number of crew onboard.
The type of weapons being carried by the pirates/highjackers.
What is the purpose of the Ship Security Plan?
Outline specific measures for your ship to move from security level 1 to 2 and from 2 to 3.
Protect your ship from risks posed by security threats or incidents.
Outline the organizational structure for the ship.
Detail the duties of shipboard personnel assigned security responsibilities.
Your ship security plan must include procedures for responding to security threats, auditing security activities and interfacing with the port facility:
What percentage of the ship’s stores are required to be inspected at Security Level 3?
50-80 % of the ship’s stores are required to be inspected at Security Level 3.
100 % of the ship’s stores are required to be inspected at Security Level 3.
25-50 % of the ship’s stores are required to be inspected at Security Level 3.
5-20 % of the ship’s stores are required to be inspected at Security Level 3.
Which of the following fittings shall be provided to all lifeboats?
A remotely operated steering arrangement.
An electric power starting system for the propulsion engine with one rechargeable energy source.
Permanent boarding arrangements on both sides to enable persons in the water to board the lifeboat.
A manually controlled lamp fitted on the inside.
Which one of the following appliances is allowed to burn an oil fuel, the flash point of which may be a little bit lower than the one used for the main engine?
All the answers are wrong.
The inert gas generators.
The emergency generators.
Which of these statements about drug smuggling is true?
Drug smuggling is only a problem in certain ports, so only ships sailing in those ports need to implement preventative measures.
Drugs are difficult to conceal onboard a ship.
The risks to ships are not restricted to specific areas or trading routes.
Which of these measures would you implement to prevent drugs from being smuggled onboard your ship while it’s berthed?
Search some of the packages, spares and stores received.
Maintain restricted areas.
Check a portion of the bags and packages brought onboard.
Eliminate fore and aft deck watch at night.
On a dark night with a clear atmosphere, the outside manually controlled lamp of a liferaft is visible at minimum at a distance of:
The minimum number of lifebuoys required on passenger ships depends on:
The sea area in which the ship is allowed to sail.
The number of persons on board.
The discharge arrangements for halogenated hydrocarbon total flooding systems shall be so designed that the minimum quantity of medium can be discharged in (based on the discharge of the liquid phase):
Which one of the following items has to be included in an abandon ship drill according to SOLAS regulations?
Starting and operating radio life-saving appliances.
Checking that life-jackets are correctly donned.
Manoeuvring the lifeboat in the water.
Launching and recovery of a survival craft.
Which of the following is allowed as a fire-extinguishing medium for fixed gas fire-extinguishing systems aboard ships?
All of the above gas are allowed.
The best way to prevent stowaways from boarding your ship is to:
Seal spaces that are not in use while in port, and perform a search of the ship before leaving.
Conduct routine, but irregular searches of the ship.
Conduct a Nominated Officers search.
Search the ship when you arrive at port and again just after leaving.
What equipment is provided in a liferaft to help you keep warm in cold weather?
The floor of the raft has a second layer which can be inflated to help insulation, in addition to the thermal protective aids (10 % of complement, minimum 2).
At least 10 % of the rafts complement with a minimum of 2 thermal protective aids are provided.
Thermal protective aids for each person.
The floor of the raft has a second layer which can be inflated to give additional insulation from the cold water.
Which among the following list is particularly required for a totally enclosed lifeboat?
Hatches positioned so as to allow launching and recovery operations to be performed without any occupant having to leave the enclosure.
Windows on both sides can be closed watertight and opened for ventilation.
Handrails inside for persons moving to their seats.
Self-bailing arrangements.
What is a Continuous Synopsis Record?
A record of all security incidents.
A plan including all security measures onboard.
A plan for continuous maintenance of security equipment.
A record of the vessels history.
What is the minimum number of channels required for the portable two-way VHF’s for survival craft?
We must clean the spots of oil on hot surfaces because:
All the answers are correct.
In which one of the following an oil, the flash point of which only needs to be over 43 °C, may be used?
What is a contingency plan for ships?
Plan for safety preparedness.
Plan for maintenance and repair.
Loading plan for general cargo.
Which Security Levels requires the highest security alert?
Which of the following actions will most effectively prevent fire in a cabin?
Ensuring that all persons avoid smoking in bed.
Request people to refrain from smoking.
Install fire detecting devices.
How many buoyant smoke signals are carried in each liferaft with SOLAS A pack?
One of the checks during the annual Class survey of the UMS functions is focusing on cleanliness of the engine room. What is the reason for such a check?
To prevent risk of pollution.
To have the engine room looking tidy.
To avoid frequent alarms.
To reduce the general risk of fire in an unmanned engine room.
Besides certain other factors, a BOILOVER takes place:
If the tank has a floating roof.
When the product is a combustible liquid.
When the container is nearly full.
When the container also contains water.
A lifejacket is so constructed that a person can correctly don it within a period of:
Could a lift be considered as an escape route from the engine room?
It depends on the distance of the escape route.
Yes, if it is constructed with class A materials.
Where do you find minimum drill requirements?
In classification society rules.
In the SOLAS convention and its annex.
In manager’s instructions.
Searches are often triggered by:
An increase in security level by the Flag State.
News stories of stowaways.
The receipt of a shipment of damaged stores.
Which of the following is a combustion reaction?
All the answers are good.
How is the activation of any detector or manually operated call point of fixed fire-detection and fire-alarm systems to be indicated? (SOLAS II-2/13.1.4).
By all the indication methods listed.
By alarm signals at the bridge and engine room control panels.
By visual and audible signal at the control panel and indicating units.
By sounding the ship’s fire alarm signal in crew accommodation and service spaces.
When a fire breaks out in the engine room, who is in charge of the fire-fighting operations?
The first person to arrive at the scene.
The emergency fire pump is in accordance with good seamanship and precautionary routines run and tested weekly. Routine checks and maintenance are normally carried out by dedicated personnel. To ensure safe and appropriate operation of the pump, would you consider it beneficial that the same dedicated personnel operate the pump in emergencies?
In case of accidents, it is important that a wide range of personnel must be permitted and trained to operate the pump.
Only senior deck officers should operate the emergency pump.
To ensure safe operation of the emergency pump, only dedicated personnel must be permitted to operate the pump.
Only senior engineers should operate the emergency pump.
In which way shall a survivor be hauled out of the sea?
What are the tricing pendants made for?
They automatically prevent any gap between the ship side and the lifeboat at the first stage of its launching.
They prevent people from falling down if the lifeboat falls down.
They prevent the lifeboat from falling down if one or both davit breaks.
They prevent the lifeboat from falling down if the falls break.
When passenger ships are engaged on international voyages (except for short ones) musters of the passengers must be performed within:
1 week after their embarkation.
Immediately after their embarkation.
48 hours after their embarkation.
24 hours after their embarkation.
An evacuation-slide must be capable:
Of being deployed by two person or remotely controlled from the bridge.
Of being deployed by two persons.
Of being deployed by one person.
Of being deployed by one person or remotely controlled from the bridge.
How often should the lifeboat wire falls be turned and renewed?
Turned every 2 years and renewed every 4 years.
Turned at intervals of not more than 30 months and renewed every 5 years.
Turned every 30 months and needs only to be renewed if the wire is in poor condition.
If drugs are discovered onboard your ship:
Ensure the witness to the discovery signs your incident report.
Disembark crew and passengers as quickly as possible at the next port of call so the authorities can conduct their investigation.
Notify the authorities after you arrive at the next port of call.
Write a report a few days after the event and describe everything that occurred.
When should a crew member joining a ship for the first time be given some training and instructions in the use of the ship’s fire-fighting appliances?
As soon as possible but not later than 2 weeks after he joins the ship.
As soon as possible but not later than 2 days after he joins the ship.
As soon as possible but not later than 24 hours after he joins the ship.
Which of these weapons are widely available and commonly used by criminals and terrorists to further their aims?
Which one of the listed requirements regarding lifeboat equipment correspond to present regulations? The normal equipment of every lifeboat shall include:
Helicopter rescue equipment.
Sea charts and navigation equipment.
Who is responsible for ensuring that your ship’s security plan meets the requirements of the ISPS Code?
Company Security Officer.
Flag State Administration.
Recognized Security Organization.
Check the items that can be a possible threat:
Piracy, Hijacking and Smuggling.
Cargo tampering and Stowaways.
The presence of smoke represents one of the greatest dangers in the fire fighting. Why?
It refrains the equipment from setting out the fire, and is irritating.
It only reduces visibility and is very hot.
It hinders communications, causes, burns, and provoke panics.
It reduces the visibility, provokes panic, is irritating and may be toxic.
Apart from red, what other colour is frequently used for a dry powder extinguisher?
Which one of the listed requirements regarding life-jackets corresponds to present SOLAS regulations? A life-jacket shall be so constructed that:
It gives a long term thermal protection.
It can be correctly donned within 3 minutes without assistance.
It allows the wearer to jump from height of at least 4,5 m into the water without injury and without damaging the life-jacket.
It allows the wearer to jump from any height without injury and without damaging the life-jacket.
Give the meaning of the following symbol:
Muster station to liferaft.
As a general rule, what is the minimum flash point of an oil used as a liquid fuel on board?
The smoke detector (fire indicator) indicates a fire in a cargo hold loaded with general cargo; this is immediately followed by a heavy smell of fire. What action should be taken first?
Close the ventilation system and other openings to the hold in order to choke the fire.
Use the ship’s central gas-extinguishing system to put out the fire.
Inspect the scene before deciding the method to be used for fire-fighting.
Start the fire pumps, open the hatches and start fighting the fire with fire hoses.
Which one of the listed fire-extinguishing medium is most effective against an open oil fire?
For a search to be effective it must be:
Inclusive of all personnel.
Conducted by personnel with limited knowledge of the ship’s layout.
What vessels must have automatic fire detection onboard with heat/smoke detectors and audible alarm?
All ships that are covered by the IMO safety conventions.
All ships that are built after 1986.
It is the owners option to have fire detection onboard.
All ships that are built on or after 1986 in accordance with local rules and regulations.
From the list below, which is among the recommended actions for a vessel to take, on entering an area known for pirate activity?
To confine all ship’s personnel to one room onboard.
To transit with maximum safe speed.
To transit at night time only.
How often shall each member of the crew participate in an “abandon ship”-drill?
How often must the Emergency Steering Gear be tested, and how is this information recorded in the OLB?
Monthly with signature of person carrying out test.
Monthly, with signature of Chief Engineer and witness.
Every 3 months. Details of test with signatures of Master and witness.
Fortnightly, with signature of Chief Engineer and witness.
Where is the International Shore Connection to be stored?
Easy accessible by the gangway.
Together with the cargohoses.
Mention some important thoughts for what you have to do when you recognise that fire break out onboard:
Report to bridge or duty officer, actuate the fire alarm, call the persons around the fire and join the fire squad.
Report to bridge or duty officer, actuate the fire alarm, organise and commence fighting the fire.
Commence fighting the fire, call the persons around the fire and join the fire squad.
Go to the lifeboat start the motor then call the duty officer and commence fight the fire.