Тест складається із 80 випадкових питань.
Усього питань на цю тему: 689
When the temperature of the air increases with height it is known as a “Temperature Inversion” and may influence the performance of some instruments on the ship. What should the bridge Officer of the Watch be prepared to happen?
Abnormal ranges of VHF RT and Second Trace Returns on the radar.
The bearings obtained from the Directional Finder (DF) will not be as accurate as normal.
The radar will be show abnormal sea clutter as the pulse is trapped by the inversion.
The GPS may give errors of position because of interference of incoming signals from the satellites.
When a ships derrick or crane lifts a weight off the deck of a ship, from which position can the centre of gravity of the weight be considered to act?
From the position on the deck from which the weight was lifted.
From the centre of the weight lifted.
From the head of the derrick or crane.
From a position on the deck at the base of the derrick or crane.
How is the painter released from the lifeboat, once the boat is waterborne and ready to leave?
The painter will automatically part by the weak link when the boat goes astern to clear the ship.
Cut it with the axe provided.
Remove the toggle which will release the painter.
Cut it with the knife contained in the equipment locker.
What should be carried out before entering the pump room?
Run the ventilation for at least 15 minutes.
Notify the Chief Officer or officer on duty.
Notify the Chief Officer or officer on duty and run the ventilation for at least 15 minutes.
Always carry a walkie talkie with you into the pump room and call for help immediately if you start feeling dizzy.
When plotting a position, where should the Officer of the Watch select as the ships position, when three gyro compass bearings intercept as a triangle (Cocked Hat) and not as a single point?
At the centre of the triangle.
At the point nearest to the danger, if any.
At the point furthest away from any danger.
At the point nearest the course line drawn on the chart.
When a character in the NAVTEX message sent is not received in the proper way:
A closely resembling character will be printed.
Any other character will be printed.
The message will not be printed at all until, with repeated transmission, it can be automatically compared and corrected.
Nothing or a special character will be printed.
Which of the four figures illustrated shows the correct position line for the following situation: Latitude 50° 00′ N, Longitude 30° 00′ W, Time 1200 GMT. Course steered: 090° True, Speed: 12 knots, bearing of the sun: 200°, Intercept correction: 00° 02′ Towards (observed altitude – computed altitude).
Give the meaning of the following symbol:
Gathering place for embarkation formalities.
Muster station for families only.
Muster station for unaccompanied minors (UM).
What is the general emergency alarm signal as specified in SOLAS?
Seven or more short blasts followed by one long blast.
One long blast followed by seven short blasts or more.
Three short blasts followed by three long blasts then three short ones.
What is correct UTC in this example? Approx. Pos: N49° 51′ W35° 23′, zone +2, Local Time 0900.
Which method is used to make a physical connection between a rescue vessel and a wreck?
Which statement about IED’s is true?
All IED’s have four common components.
IED’s are difficult to manufacture.
IED’s don’t cause serious damage.
When a fire breaks out in the engine room, who is in charge of the fire-fighting operations?
The first person to arrive at the scene.
When shutting down the flue gas plant, the last step that the operator shall carry out would be to:
Close the deck isolating valve.
Close the gas pressure control valve.
Open ventilation valve to atmosphere.
Shut down of inert gas blower.
Code signals concerning requests and general information on medical matters normally consist of:
Letter P plus two other letters.
Letter H plus two other letters.
Letter M plus two other letters.
Letter D plus two other letters.
Having a CO2 alarm during normal working hours, what immediate action should be taken?
Get out of the engine room as soon as possible.
Get into the control room.
The “pour point” of an oil cargo is:
The lowest temperature at which a gas converts back to liquid.
The temperature necessary for a cargo to load from shore by gravity alone.
The temperature as recorded during the taking of cargo samples.
The lowest temperature at which it will remain fluid.
The approximate Lower Flammable Limit of Crude Oil when measured as a percentage volume in air is:
Give the meaning of the following symbol:
Survival craft portable radio.
Survival craft distress pyrotechnic signals.
The first time you send a DSC distress alert via the HF-band, you prefer the:
A distress alert has accidentally been sent with the Inmarsat-C installation. One should now:
Turn off the transmitter.
Wait until an RCC reports.
Make contact with an RCC.
What is the most important way to contain small oil-spills from cargo operations on the ship?
Have sawdust located by the manifold.
Have Sandpiper pumps rigged on the aft part of the tank deck.
Have ample room in drip-tray by the manifold.
Have all scuppers plugged.
A radio-telex call to a coast-station is generally started up in the:
The Second Officer, when on watch on the bridge, is often referred to as the OOW. What does OOW actually stand for?
On official watchkeeping.
Give the meaning of the following symbol:
Indicates manual starting direction of the engine.
Which of the following hull shapes would normally provide a directionally stable ship?
A short ship with a narrow beam.
A long ship with a wide beam.
A short ship with a wide beam.
A long ship with a narrow beam.
If your vessel is fitted with wires on self-stowing “split drum” winches, the advantage of having these split drum winches is:
Less chance of the wire being jammed in the reel.
All the listed alternatives.
Increased brake holding capacity due to the ability to keep the paid out wire in a single layer on the drum.
What does ISM stand for?
International Ship Measurement and Pollution Control.
Internal Ship Safety Management.
International Safe Manning Certification.
The International Management Code for the Safe Operation of Ships and for Pollution Prevention.
A wire aerial for an MF/HF-transmitter must be suspended between isolators:
To make the way for aerial currents as long as possible.
To prevent burns when touching the aerial.
To prevent contact with earth.
A burn may occur when electricity of high current and voltage passes through the body. Most damage occurs at the points of entry and exit of electricity. What is the treatment of electrical burns?
Apply lotions and ointment to injured area and secure with a bandage.
Remove loose skin and apply ointment. Don’t secure with bandage.
Break blisters and secure with bandage.
Place sterile dressing over the burn and secure with a bandage.
Which radio frequency/channels are reserved for emergency communication?
2 182 kHz/VHF channel 16.
2 128 kHz/VHF channel 16.
Onboard the following message is received on the DSC controller: DOO: 245329000 CH16; S distress ack 244123000. What station sent the distress acknowledgement?
What is the weather associated with being in the centre of an Anticyclone (a region of High Pressure)?
Strong winds and heavy rain.
Light winds and fair weather, sometimes fog.
Strong winds but with very little rain.
Persistent rain and very humid weather.
Tanks lids and other access points on an oil tanker are usually shaped round so as to:
Provide easy access to tank washing machinery.
Allow several people to have visual access to the tank at the same time.
Avoid injuries to crew members from the sharp ends of such openings.
Avoid localized stress points at any corners.
Which routine procedures should be carried out before cold work commences?
Carry out procedures to instructions for cold work including filling in forms and having them signed.
Sound the general alarm and carry out procedures to instructions for cold work including filling in forms and having them signed.
Have a breathing apparatus standing by.
If one wants to transmit a weather report with an Inmarsat-C terminal one should use the following address:
You are on a power-driven vessel underway in open water. You observe this vessel, directly ahead, on a steady bearing, with the distance closing steadily. What can you tell about this vessel from the lights it is displaying?
This vessel is not under command and is not making way through the water. I cannot tell its aspect.
This is a fishing vessel, not making way through the water, with its nets fast upon an obstruction, seen from astern.
This vessel is aground and is seen from directly ahead.
This vessel is restricted in its ability to manoeuvre and is stopped in the water. I am seeing it from astern.
A message is send by the Inmarsat-C set. The land earth station will:
The sender has to confirm delivery by sending another separate message.
Never send a positive delivery notification (PDN) to the sender. The addressed will have to confirm the message through the ground-station and request for further information, if desired.
Only send a positive delivery notification (PDN) to the sender if the sender requested, so in the send menu.
Automatically send a positive delivery notification (PDN) to the sender.
What shall you do if you see a person falling into the sea?
Throw a lifebuoy over board and report to the bridge immediately.
As regards the launching and recovery arrangements for rescue boats which is required among the following:
Each lifeboat shall be provided with separate appliances which is capable of launching and recovering the lifeboat.
Launching and recovery arrangements shall be such that they can be operated at all times from the bridge.
Means shall be available to prevent any discharge of water on to survival craft during abandonment.
Different type of launching and recovery arrangements shall be used for similar survival craft on board the ship.
Which one of the listed requirements regarding lifeboat equipment correspond to present regulations? The normal equipment of every lifeboat shall include:
Helicopter rescue equipment.
Sea charts and navigation equipment.
A casualty suddenly loses consciousness and falls to the ground letting out a strange cry. The pasient is red-blue in the face and froth may appear around the mouth. You are witnessing a major epileptic attack. What should you do?
Give the casualty a lot to drink and keep talking to the person at all times.
Loose tight clothing, ask all unnecessary bystanders to leave and carefully place something soft under the head. If casualty is unconscious, place the person in Recovery position.
Move the casualty in a sit-up position and put something in the persons mouth to protect the tongue.
Forcibly restrain and try to wake the casualty.
When a ship is steaming along a course line, what is the importance of determining the set and rate of drift due to wind and current?
To determine the time required to reach the next alteration of course point.
To appreciate the possible extent of drift and dangers in the event of engine failure.
To determine the correction required to the course steered to maintain the planned passage.
All of the suggested answers.
The fire integrity of any bulkhead shall be maintained:
Only at the continuous/solid part of the bulkhead.
Up to 5 metres above the deck level.
At the openings and penetrations.
Up to 5 metres below the upper deck.
Your vessel is acting as the on scene commander during a distress rescue. Various vessels are interfering the distress traffic on the VHF. What message would you use to stop them interfering with this traffic?
What is understood by the term “Dew point” of the air?
The temperature of the water vapour in a cloud.
All of the suggested answers.
The temperature at which condensation in the air forms into water droplets.
The “Dew point” is the point at the centre of an Anticyclone.
Satellites which receive the 406 MHz Cospas-Sarsat EPIRB are:
Only capable to determine the position of the EPIRB in certain circumstances.
Capable to determine the position of the EPIRB.
Not capable to determine the position of the EPIRB.
Capable to determine position only in day time.
Which one of the listed items has to be included in a distress message?
Weather in immediate vincinity.
Identification of the ship.
What is the purpose of the radiotelephony two tone alarm?
Attract the attention of the person on watch.
Activate bridge watchkeeping receivers.
Alert COSPAS/SARSAT satellites.
Activate bridge watchkeeping receivers and attract the attention of the person on watch.
Can the OOW be the sole lookout?
Never should the Officer of the Watch be the only lookout.
During daylight when visibility and traffic allows.
When the visibility is good and the ship is in the middle of the ocean where there is very little shipping.
Only if the ARPA radar is set onto Auto Acquisition with an audio alarm sounding when a ship is detected.
The receipt of a distress alert is to be pronounced as followed:
Mayday (1x), call-sign of ship in distress (3x) / this is / own call-sign (3x) / received mayday.
Mayday (3x) / this is / own call-sign (1x) / received mayday / call-sign of ship in distress (1x).
Mayday (1x) / this is / own call-sign (3x) received mayday.
Mayday (1x) / distress alert / own ship call sign.
Which equipment will detect a signal from a SART transponder?
The transmitting power of the mariphone is adjusted by setting:
Testing a SART is permitted:
Only at sea, outside territorial waters.
Only in a port or harbour.
At sea, outside territorial waters, and in port or harbour.
MARPOL – Annex V. Disposal of garbage. Your vessel is in the Red Sea (Special Area) and the Chief Cook is requesting to have some food waste burned in the incinerator. Due to problems with incinerator, you decide to have the waste ground in the Grinder (Lumb size max. 25 mm) and disposed off into the sea. Is this prohibited, if not, how far from nearest land is this legal?
You are in open water and clear conditions. You are approaching the pilot station when you hear this signal from a vessel ahead of you. What does it signify?
That the vessel is altering his course to starboard.
That the vessel is starting his engine and resuming his passage.
That the vessel is operating astern propulsion.
That the vessel is picking up his pilot.
What are the main priorities of the leader of the fire-fighting teams?
Start the fire pump, inform other ships, call the local fire brigade, arrange transport to shore.
Start the emergency fire pump, fighting the fire, call the local fire brigade, arrange transport to shore.
Rescuing of life, fighting the fire, limitation of the fire and secure the retreat.
Which of the following spaces is a “special category space”?
A space containing a centralised fire control equipment.
A garage tweendeck on a passenger ferry.
A space the gross calorific value of which may exceed 45 megajoules per square meter of the deck area.
A space specially designed and used for the storage of class 1.1 dangerous goods.
Which part of the magnetic compass error changes with a change in the course steered?
All of the suggested answers.
A DSC distress alert is received. The message states that communication by radiotelex is prefered. One preferably uses:
To receive distress alerting and MSI via an Inmarsat-C set vessels must have:
Suitable for 518 kHz NAVTEX receiver.
A radio officer on board.
MF/HF radio telex scanner with printer.
In radio-telex distress traffic preference is given to FEC because:
The system automatically requests repetition when reception garbled.
Everybody can read along.
What is the meaning of the abbreviation “RQ” at the end of a DSC sequence?
Acknowledgement broadcast.
Most cases of oil pollution are caused by human errors, often jointly by seafarers and shore based clean-up teams. What has proved to be the essential mistake executed by the shore people regarding environment damages?
Dispersement of chemicals.
Two ships are meeting in a restricted channel as illustrated. Which of the following actions would be the most suitable to take on both vessels as they approach and pass each other?
Keep as far as possible on the starboard side of the channel and maintain speed to retain effective steerage.
Increase speed slightly to pass each other as quickly as possible and thereby reduce the effects of “ship to ship” interaction.
Slow down if possible without losing steerage and be prepared for prompt application of rudder to counteract any swing as they approach and pass each other.
Maintain speed and a straight course on the starboard side of the channel.
Notification logging procedures (OPA-90):
Only communication with USCG.
Only verbal reports for documentation.
Only initial reports to be logged.
Every report or message must be logged including time and date.
If you use chemicals for cleaning up an oil-spill on the water, what would the chemicals do?
Absorb the oil for easy removal.
Remove the oil from the water.
Disperse or dissolve the oil into the water.
Contain the oil within a small area.
Which VHF channel should be used for intership navigation safety communications?
As per SOLAS the Inert Gas System of an oil tanker must deliver the inert gas with a maximum level of oxygen of:
Not more than 5 % by volume.
Between 8 % to 11 % by volume.
Not more than 8 % by volume.
On what mode is a radio-telex traffic list transmitted?
A partially loaded ship is steaming slowly ahead in shallow, confined waters as illustrated in the diagram. Which of the suggested answers are the most critical external influences experienced by the vessel?
The ship will be making leeway due to the beam wind.
The ship will be experiencing the effects of Squat.
The ship will be experiencing interaction with the bank.
All of the suggested answers are critical.
In relation to oil cargoes, the abbreviation VOC stands for:
Volatile Organic Compound.
Volumetric Oil Calculation.
At what minimum height above sea level a SART transponder must be mounted?
The good working of a SART transponder doesn’t depend on the height above sea level.
From which locations is it normally possible to close watertight doors?
Watertight doors can be closed locally and also a remote control station within the accommodation.
Watertight doors can be closed from the bridge and an alarm sounds at the door.
A watertight door can only be closed by a control adjacent to the door.
Watertight doors can be closed adjacent to the door and remotely from bridge and also one emergency remote control station.
A Cospas-Sarsat EPIRB can be used in:
Only in the sea-areas A1, A2 and A3.
Only in the sea-areas A2 and A3.
All sea-areas (A1 to A4).
The freeboard of a lifeboat, measured from the waterline to the lowest opening through which the lifeboat may become flooded:
Should exceed 1,5 % of the lifeboat length when loaded with 50 % of the number of persons the lifeboat is permitted to accommodate, these persons being seated to one side of the centreline.
Should exceed 0,5 metres when fully loaded.
Should exceed 1,5 % of the lifeboat length when fully loaded.
Should exceed 0,5 metres when loaded with 50 % of the number of persons the lifeboat is permitted to accommodate, these persons being seatd to one side of the centreline.
When splicing an eye on a mooring wire (using the recommended 5 full tucks and 2 half tucks) the effective breaking strength of the wire may be affected by the splice. What would be the anticipated change in the breaking strength of the wire?
A reduction in strength of 1 % to 5 %.
A reduction in strength of 10 % to 15 %.
A reduction in strength of 30 % to 40 %.
No reduction in strength.
What does the abbreviation ABC mean in first aid?
Abandon, Balance, Circulation.
Air, Breath, Concentration.
Air, Breathing, Circulation.
If you are ordering chain for use as “Chain Stoppers” on mooring wires, the length of chain usually recommended for use in each stopper is:
Which position is the best to stop bleeding from the nose?
Laying on the back, leaning the head as much back as possible.
Laying on the back, holding a wet, cold towel on the top of the nose.
Holding the nose above steamed water.
Sitting on a chair, leaning forward, with two fingers pressing the nose together.