Тест складається із 80 випадкових питань.
Усього питань на цю тему: 90
On a container vessel, what must be done as soon as reefer containers have been loaded?
It must be connected to the ship power supply and their setting temperature verified.
Stowage position must be reported to the duty officer.
Setting temperatures must be verified.
How to test dielectric gloves before work?
Before use, the gloves should be inspected, paying attention to the absence of mechanical damage and fill gloves with hot fresh water.
Dielectric gloves do not need to be tested before work, if there is a “test stamp” from manufacturer.
Before use, the gloves should be inspected, paying attention to the absence of mechanical damage, dirt and moisture, and also check for punctures by twisting the gloves towards the fingers.
Ship Security Plans all look the same.
What method shall be used when hauling survivors out of the sea (state of survivors is critical)?
A person wearing lifejacket or immersion suit, shall be able to turn from a face-down to a face-up position in not more than:
A producer is attempting to reduce costs by packing his fruit in cheap, poor quality cardboard cartons. Which of the given options would be the most likely outcome of using inferior quality cartons for packaging of perishable cargo for carriage in a refrigerated vessel?
The lower rows of cartons in the stow will collapse and cause crush damage to the cargo.
The cartons will be a poor advert for the producer.
The cartons are more likely to be water damaged by a rain shower.
The cartons may tear when being handled by the stevedores.
You have abandoned ship in a liferaft. Which of the following actions should you take?
Organize a lookout system and join up with other survival craft if possible. You should also stream the sea anchor.
Start paddling in the direction of the nearest land.
Organize a lookout system.
Join up with any other survival craft and stream the sea anchor.
A cargo of hard frozen, whole tuna is being loaded on a conventional reefer vessel. Select the best method of loading the cargo from the options given.
What signal, if any, is specified in SOLAS as the “Abandon ship” signal?
Six short blasts followed by one long blast.
The “Abandon ship” signal is not specified, only the general emergency alarm signal is stated.
Seven short blasts followed by one long blast.
The temperature of chilled air is monitored after it has passed through a refrigerated cargo and the temperature noted. This temperature is often referred to as the RAT. Which of the given options does RAT stand for in relation to refrigeration of a cargo?
Respirated Air Temperature.
Relative Air Temperature.
Why is precooling of cargo is important?
Reefer cannot be used to reach the desired temperature, cargo of a reefer container has to be brought to the desired temperature prior to loading.
If no precooling done cargo inside of container can be out of order already.
Its save fuel. After loading onboard, vessel will not spend own fuel to bring temperature on required level.
The minimum number of lifebuoys required on a cargo ship depends on:
The sea area in which the ship is allowed to sail.
The number of persons on board.
On the figure there are four (4) possible definitions of the term “QUAY” given. Which one is the correct one?
Quay is given by “A” on the figure.
Quay is given by “B” on the figure.
Quay is given by “C” on the figure.
Quay is given by “D” on the figure.
What is means “Ambient Temperature”?
Maximum possible temperature.
Required temperature for transportation of cargo in reefer container.
What is the superheat in a refrigerated system?
This is the compressor overheat temperature.
This is the difference between the boiling point temperature of refrigerant in the evaporator coil and the actual temperature of the refrigerant gas as at leave the evaporator.
This is the difference between the supply and return temperatures.
What is the correct stowage of the reefer on deck of container vessel?
From the options given, select the one which best completes the following statement. “A seaman who is required to work in a hatch containing perishable goods should wear gloves that are …”.
The fire point is:
The maximum pressure that will be reached when a given combustible burns into an enclosed space.
A process of chemical decomposition by oxidation-reduction at unusually high temperature, in areas with slight ventilation.
The minimum temperature at which a combustible gives off vapours that may burn in contact with oxygen in air, and at which combustion persists once the source of ignition has been removed.
The minimum temperature at which a combustible gives off vapours that may burn when they are in contact with oxygen in air, when there is a presence of activation energy; but with no capacity of maintaining combustion.
Modern conventional reefer vessels tend to be designed with large, unobstructed areas on the main deck. Select, from the options given, the main reason for this feature of the vessels design.
To leave the maximum space available for the carriage of containers on deck.
To make the vessels easier to build.
To leave space for the carriage of deck cargo.
To leave the maximum space for lifting on and off of palletised cargo when using a shore crane.
What is the normal suction pressure for compressor?
Depend on the reefer container working mode and ambient temperature. Technical standards from the manufacturer that are specified in manual.
Depend on the freon gas level in receiver.
According to the requirements of the SOLAS 74 convention, Emergency Diesel Generator (EDG) must take full ratred load no more than:
Which parameters of the reefer container you should check after loading?
Serial number, stowage position, set point, ventilation position, humidity set point, supply temperature, return temperature, active alarms, visual damages of refrigerated plant.
Serial number, set point, gas level in receiver, compressor current, supply voltage, evaporator temperature, superheat, suction temperature, discharge temperature.
Serial number, stowage position, set point.
Which of the following is false when a casualty is bleeding?
Cover the wound with a cloth.
Encourage patient to lie quite and re-assure.
Which of the cargoes given in the options would you expect to be most suited for loading onto a conventional reefer vessel designed with side loading doors?
How many buoyant smoke signals are carried in each liferaft with SOLAS A pack?
What is the purpose of the Oil in the refrigerated systems?
To lubricate the moving parts of the compressor.
To help the refrigerant absorb the heat in the process.
To lubricate the TXV as sometimes it works hard to maintain cooling capacity.
To ease the travel of the refrigerated thru the piping.
Is it always possible to use the word “ship” instead of the word “boat”?
Normally a small vessel is called a “boat” rather than a “ship”, otherwise it is not important.
A boat can only be used for vessels under 50 metres in length.
Either can be used anytime.
A large vessel is always called a “ship” and never a “boat”.
This device can detect a package of drugs inside a large delivery of ship’s stores. What is it?
What is the first action if you find a reefer container in not working condition?
Check main circuit breaker position (on/off) and the presence of power supply on each incoming phase with multimeter.
Make sure the serviceability of the main transformer.
Verify presence of “freon gas” in the system.
What is meant when a vessel is said to have sinkage?
Sinkage is the extra draft a vessel obtains when she is comparatively heavily loaded both ends.
The vessel may be moving which causes extra loads on a person.
On the figure there are four (4) possible definitions of the term “BOLLARD” given. Which one is the correct one?
Bollard is given by “B” on the figure.
Bollard is given by “C” on the figure.
Bollard is given by “D” on the figure.
Bollard is given by “A” on the figure.
The figure shows the cross section of a ship floating in water with the hull coloured in red and the seabed below the vessel shaded. On this figure there are four (4) possible definitions of the term “UNDERKEEL CLEARANCE” given. Which one is the correct one?
Underkeel clearance is given by “A” on the figure.
Underkeel clearance is given by “B” on the figure.
Underkeel clearance is given by “C” on the figure.
Underkeel clearance is given by “D” on the figure.
During bunker operations, oil response equipment is to be:
Used elsewhere in the ship.
What does the term “Hard a Starboard” or “Hard to Starboard” mean?
Put the wheel fully over to starboard.
The wheel is difficult to turn to starboard.
Do not allow the vessel to swing to port.
Start the ship swinging to starboard.
What kind of safety equipment must be worn during anchoring?
Boiler suit, working gloves.
Dress according to the climate.
Safety helmet, safety shoes.
All of the mentioned equipment.
Breathing apparatuses is an important piece of equipment for being able to fight a fire onboard a vessel. What routine precautions to be observed with regard to use and maintenance of such equipment?
That the equipment always to be kept, cleaned, checked and bottles are recharged immediately upon use, and frequently inspected.
All the mentioned alternatives.
That personal that are appointed as smoke divers, primarily are given a shore based proper basic education and training.
That personnel having a beard are not selected as smoke divers.
What is the output shown on the “Rate of Turn” display fitted on the bridge?
The Rate of Turn indicator displays the rate the ship is swinging in degrees per minute.
The Rate of Turn indicator shows the changing angle of the vessel from the meridian.
The Rate of Turn display shows the turning speed the vessel is swinging in degrees per second.
The Rate of Turn indicator shows the rudder angle applied by the helmsman to turn the ship.
During a walk around of a stow of refrigerated containers, one of the containers is noted to be quiet and has a red light showing on the control panel. Select, from the options given, the most likely cause of this condition.
The red light indicates that there is a fault with the container’s refrigeration unit.
The red light indicates that there is no power to the container.
The red light indicates that an air change is in progress.
The red light indicates that there is power to the container.
What might safely be used to prevent a load swinging when lifted by a crane?
Guide or tag lines, tended from a safe location.
Personnel underneath the load, holding onto it and restricting its movement.
Short, jerky movements on the ship’s controls.
Which of the following should be used on an electrical fire (2 answers are correct).
What will you do when all the fresh water in the survival craft is finished or about to finish?
Use sea water to keep your body wet.
Drink only 1 liter of sea water per day.
Start collecting rain water.
What is a Reefer Container?
Container is a type of shipping container that remains it cargo safe.
Container for transportation of different types of food.
Container is a type of shipping container that remains its cargo at a regulated cool temperature.
You are carrying out a search in a smoke filled compartment wearing a breathing apparatus. At what stage should you start to make your way out of the compartment?
Regularly check your pressure gauge and note how much air you used to reach your work area. Start to return when you have this amount left plus a reasonable reserve.
Wait until the breathing apparatus warning whistle sounds.
Wait for the appropriate signal on your safety line as the personnel outside will be keeping a track of the time you have spent inside.
15 minutes after starting to use the set as this leaves you with 5 minutes air left.
According to European standards (EN) fire can be classified:
During restricted visibility, you are posted as bridge lookout and you hear 1 long blast at intervals of about 2 minutes on your port bow. What will you report to the OOW (officer on watch)?
Power driven vessel under way and making way on the port bow.
A vessel at anchor on port bow.
Fog signal of one long blast heard on the port bow.
Power-driven vessel making no way on port bow.
A drip tray containing oil is on fire. The only fire fighting equipment available is water hose with spray jet/spray nozzle. How, if at all, should you attempt to put out this fire using water?
Water should be applied in a jet to the back of the fire.
Water should be applied to the oil in a single jet only.
The water can be applied in a fine spray starting from the front in a sweeping motion.
Water should not be used on any type of oil fire.
What is a contingency plan for ships?
Loading plan for general cargo.
Plan for maintenance and repair.
Plan for safety preparadness.
A deck patrol notices that a cargo space carrying refrigerated cargo under controlled atmosphere (CA) is not padlocked shut. Select, from the options given, the main reason why such a space should be kept locked.
To prevent unauthorised entry into the space because of the hazard risk due to the low oxygen content of the controlled atmosphere in the space.
It is a requirement of the ship security plan that such spaces should be locked.
To prevent unauthorised entry into the space because of the hazard risk due to low temperature in the space.
To minimise the occurrence of pilferage of a valuable cargo.
Port State Control Officers are authorised to:
Inspect and detain ship that are not meeting the requirements until they are able to demonstrate compliance with the regulations.
Detain ships that are not meeting the requirements for a minimum of 30 days.
Regularly inspect ships known to meet the requirement.
Sign oil record book entries.
On a conventional reefer vessel fitted with wooden hatch boards (gratings) which of the operations given in the options is the most likely to cause the greatest damage to the hatch gratings?
Loading or discharging break bulk fruit in cartons.
Loading or discharging break bulk (loose) frozen lamb carcasses.
Loading or discharging motor cars.
Loading or discharging palletised fruit using pallet jacks.
Electric ozone generators are sometimes used to remove residual odours from refrigerated cargo spaces. Which of the options given is the additional action required to ensure the operation is successful?
The fans should be run continuously in the cargo space.
The source of the odour must be located and removed.
The cargo space should be fumigated.
The cargo space should be cooled down using the refrigeration plant.
Give the meaning of the following symbol:
Portable fire extinguisher.
Wheeled fire extinguisher.
Which of these does not affect the temperature rise of the compressor discharge gases?
Malfunction one of two return air sensors.
Insufficient freon level in the system.
Malfunction of expansion valve.
How will you act if you are helmsman and the OOW (officer on watch) gives you the order: “Nothing to port”?
Alter course to starboard.
Don’t let the ship turn to port.
Let the ship turn to starboard.
What is the meaning of “make fast”?
What is the reason for the superheat in reefer system?
Low quantity of refrigerant in evaporator.
Too much refrigerant in the system leading to overheat of the compressor.
What are the duties of an effective bridge look out?
Ensure there is always a bridge lookout on duty and only leave the lookout when given permission.
Keeping a constant observation around the ship.
Keep a lookout for other ships; navigation lights and any other dangers which may have no lights.
All of the alternatives specified.
Which of the following is a precautionary measure to prevent fire in general:
All the answers are good.
Storing rags impregnated with oil in closed containers.
How to prepare reefer container system for safely welding work on the gas pipe?
Switch off power supply and collect freon to the recovery balloon.
Switch off power supply and collect freon to receiver.
Switch off power supply and discharge freon to atmosphere.
Disconnect power supply cable and collect freon to the recovery balloon.
What is the correct understanding of the term “Bottlescrew”?
A bottlescrew is a metal threaded sleeve which adjusts the length and tension on rigging or stays.
A bottlescrew is the connection ring on the ships deck used to connect lashings and rigging.
A bottlescrew is threaded screw used to open large bottles.
A bottlescrew is the special wire rope used to lash containers.
What is the reason between dry and reefer container?
The major difference between normal dry container and reefer container is that the temperature condition controlling system is available in reefer container.
Difference in types of cargo it loaded.
It is the same, just different names for containers in different countries.
We do need old ships to enable us to meet the world’s transport needs, but they must be in a good condition. The shipping world would have serious problems if all the old tonnage was taken out of service or broken up today. The new building activities of recent years has given insufficient transport capacity to tolerate more ships being broken up. It has yet to happen, however. It is up to the industry to ensure that more of the poorest ships are scrapped. What is the fundamental requirement relating to the older ships, which are still in service?
The older ships must be in good condition.
The older ships should be scrapped to make way for the new builds.
The older ship must be cheaper to run that the new builds.
As a result of the new building activities, older ships are no longer required.
What is the main signs of an insufficient freon gas level in the refrigerated system that we can easily see on the evaporator coil?
The evaporator coil is frozen after the thermostatic valve at the beginning of the coil.
Insufficient level of freon does not affect the evaporator coil.
The evaporator coil is frozen after the thermostatic valve at the end of the coil.
The pipe before the thermostatic valve is frozen but the evaporator coil is clean.
What do you understand by: Let go the port anchor?
Open the port windlass brake.
Put the port windlass brake in gear.
Slacken the port anchor cable.
Put the port windlass brake in gear and lower the anchor.
A conventional reefer vessel is carrying a cargo of chilled palletised fruit. During a period of bad weather some of the bottom cartons on a pallet have compressed causing the pallet to distort, resulting in the cargo leaning to one side. Which of the options given is the safest way to discharge the cargo from the affected pallet?
Break the pallet down and re-stow the cartons so that the pallet is stable and then lift it in the normal way.
Place the pallet in a lifting cage and lift it slowly.
Place the pallet in the centre of a three point A-frame and lift it carefully.
Lift the pallet with cargo strops and have all personnel stand well clear.
You are driving a crane and the signalman on deck gives this signal. What does it mean? (Hand signals as per the Code of Safe Working Practices for Merchant Seamen).
Danger, or emergency stop.
An electrical power emergency source on ship is required because:
It satisfies the SOLAS (and other) requirement for the ship safety.
The main diesel generator(s) can be taken out of service for overhaul of repair.
The ship’s total load can be shared between main and emergency generators.
What is understood by the word “Bollard”, when mooring a ship?
A Bollard is a thick steel post to which mooring lines are secured.
A Bollard is a loop in a rope.
A Bollard is a rope made up of several strands.
A Bollard is a very heavy rope.
How does a reefer container work?
The generator, placed on one side of the container, blows air into the container.
Two generators from both side of the container blows air into the container.
What is Reefer container used for?
Reefers are essential for worldwide trade of food.
Reefers are essential for worldwide trade of food. Storage of the wood.
Whenever there is a major bleeding, the first priority should be to:
Take the pulse of the patient.
What is the ideal humidity in a working environment?
On the figure there are four (4) possible definitions of the term “ASTERN” shown. Which one is the correct one?
Astern is defined as “C” on the figure.
Astern is defined as “B” on the figure.
Astern is defined as “A” on the figure.
Astern is defined as “D” on the figure.
On a conventional reefer vessel carrying palletised cargo, dunnage bags (air bags) are used to prevent the pallets from moving during bad weather. Assuming that the air bags are correctly positioned and inflated, select, from the options given, the other important function provided by these bags.
They will help to achieve a good stowage factor.
They will prevent short circuiting of the cold air.
They will protect the ships structure.
They will prevent short circuiting of the cold air.
A refrigerated container is loaded on deck. On inspection it is noted that the door seals are damaged. Select, from the options given, the main reason why it is unacceptable to have a refrigerated container in such a condition.
If the door seal is damaged the cargo packaging may become watermarked.
The refrigeration unit will run for more time than is normal.
If the door seal is damaged the cargo may spoil due to ingress of warm air.
The refrigeration unit will ice up to a greater extent than normal.
Where is the “FORECASTLE” in the figure?
The Forecastle is indicated by “A”, in the figure.
The Forecastle is indicated by “B”, in the figure.
The Forecastle is indicated by “C”, in the figure.
The Forecastle is indicated by “D”, in the figure.
What is means “Set Point”?
Required temperature of Chief Officer/Planner.
Required temperature for transportation of cargo in reefer container.
A cargo of frozen chicken is being presented for loading into a conventional reefer vessel. Which of the options given is the most appropriate packaging method that should be used for such a cargo?
It should be packed in cardboard cartons.
It should be wrapped in plastic and stowed loose.
It should be packed in wooden cases.
It should be packed in plastic sacks.
Based on pressure measurements, how to determine that the compressor is out of order?
The suction pressure is less than the discharge pressure.
The suction pressure equal to discharge pressure.
The suction pressure greater than the discharge pressure.
Compressor failure will not affect to the system pressure.
Why could dirty and oily areas of the deck be dangerous?
They show the ship is not efficient.
They may cause people to slip over and hurt themselves.
They are areas which should be cleaned up.
They do not look good to the customers.