A concerning situation is when person is reported missing and has not been seen for many hours or longer. It is imperative to establish when the person was last seen and to confirm if they have fallen overboard so that emergency action and recovery can be attempted.
What are the three types of turns that can be performed?
What does the code flag OSCAR mean?
Man overboard.
Release lifeboats.
In which of the following situations might it be harder to spot someone in the water?
As per the International Convention on Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers (STCW), no matter what rank or position, all crew members must complete which of the following basic training?
Which of the following are dangers for those who have fallen into the water?
Which of the following are reasons a person can fall overboard?
The training for competence in Personal Survival Techniques (PST) is mandatory for all personnel prior to employment on a ship as per the STCW.
How should the rescue boat approach a casualty for recovery?
Once on board, it is imperative that the ____ is given the necessary medical attention available and that they are transported to the nearest ____ or rendezvous point. There is always a risk in moving a casualty, especially on a ship at sea with inclement weather, therefore, it should only be done if a threat is imminent. The decision will be made by the onboard ____ as necessary.
… casualty … port … medical officer or doctor.
… casualty … port … captain.
… casualty … ship … captain.
… crew … casualty … medical officer or doctor.
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