There are several steps that must be undertaken before beginning grinding operations:
Which of the following are precautions that must be taken when using portable grinding equipment?
Which of the following are precautions that must be taken when using portable grinding equipment?
Select the statements which identify safe working practices for the use of abrasive wheels.
Select the statements which identify safe working practices for the use of abrasive wheels.
To minimise the risk of bursting, abrasive wheels should always be run within the specified maximum rotation speed.
What are the main hazards associated with grinding operations?
Which of the following types of abrasive wheel has a long, wide surface with no centre mounting support or hollow?
Cylinder wheel.
Tapered wheel.
Saucer wheel.
Straight wheel.
Carrying out grinding operations: “Guarding”:
The wheel should be guarded so that only the area of the wheel needed for the work is exposed.
There should be no guarding; the whole wheel should be exposed.
Only the area of the wheel needed for the work should be guarded; the non-work area of the wheel should be exposed.
Abrasive wheels are bonded together using ____ or inorganic substances, such as ____ to form a solid circular shape.
… organic … resin … saw.
… inorganic … oil … saw.
Select the relevant pieces of PPE to identify the minimum PPE required for grinding operations.
Этот тест оценивает базовые знания по безопасному использованию и обслуживанию абразивных кругов, что важно для предотвращения травм при их эксплуатации.
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