Тест складається із випадкових питань з обраної теми.
Oily rags and metal turnings
are not a fire hazard at all
are not a fire hazard unless ignited
are a fire hazard because they generate their own oxygen when ignited and are therefore difficult to extinguish
are a fire hazard because they are liable to spontaneous combustion
If a fire starts in the fuel tanks of a vessel, the fire will be …
Which deck is the "bulkhead deck"?
A deck between two transverse bulkheads
A deck which transverse bulkheads go through
The uppermost deck to which transverse bulkheads are carried
The deck on which the transverse bulkheads are resting
To guarantee optimal reception of VHF-DSC-calls as every:
DSC-report is sent twice, at least every second call is compared with the earlier received call
DSC-symbol is checked on the right amount of 10, and then checked on the correct relation by Error Checked Character
DSC-symbol is sent twice and checked extra by Error Check Character
On board they want to establish a telex connection by HF-set with the ship Apollogracht. In the guides you find for the Apollogracht the following ID’s:244320000, 424432010, 424432020, 1300210, 36715. What ID should be chosen:
To what pressure will a new length of cargo hose be tested by a manufacturer prior to its supply to a vessel for service onboard a chemical tanker?
Not more than one and a half times its specified maximum working pressure, but not less than two-fifths of its bursting pressure.
Not less than one and a half times its nominal bursting pressure, but not more than four-fifths of its specified maximum working pressure.
2 times its designed working pressure, but not more than three-fifths of its nominal bursting pressure.
Not less than one and a half times its specified maximum working pressure, but not more than two-fifths of its bursting pressure.
A Cargo Ship Equipment Certificate will be issued for :
A period not exceeding 24 months
A period not exceeding 48 months
A period not exceeding 6 months
A period not exceeding 12 months
What is full form of VRP (OPA-90)
Vessel Response Procurement
Vessel Reporting Procedures
How many, minimum lines of positions are needed to decide a position using the decca system?
When is a vessel deemed to be an overtaking vessel?
When coming up with another vessel from any direction abaft her beam
When coming up with another vessel from a direction more than 10 degrees abaft her beam
When coming up with another vessel from a direction more than 45 degrees abaft her beam
When coming up with another vessel from a direction more than 22.5 degrees abaft her beam
Which of the following hull shapes would normally provide a directionally stable ship?
A long ship with a wide beam
A short ship with a wide beam
A long ship with a narrow beam.
A short ship with a narrow beam
SOLAS regulation requires that tankers of XXX ton dwt must be equipped with an emergency towing system?
*How much liferaft capacity should be provided on a conventional cargo ship of more than 85 meters in length.
75% of the complement on each side of the ship
100% of the complement if it can be readily launched on either side of the ship. If it cannot be readily launched on either side, 100% must be provided on each side
50% of the complement on each side of the ship
25% of the complement on each side of the ship
What should each manufacturer of cargo tank coatings issue ?
A information guide stating type, when and how many microns of coating applied.
A resistance guide stating which chemicals are compatible with the coating.
A information guide stating how many microns of coating applied.
A resistance guide stating which poisonous vapours are compatible with the coating.
When lashing general cargoes why are short lashings preferred to long ones?
Because long lashings are more prone to vibration
Because they are more easily tightened and held in tension
Because some of the ship’s lashing points may not be designed to hold long lashings
Because the safe working load of lashing materials decrease with length
LPG and other liquefied gases are often transported by sea on fully refrigerated gas carriers. What is the generally accepted definition of a fully refrigerated gas carrier?
Any gas carrier designed to carry liquefied gases and is fitted with a cooling plant.
A gas carrier, fitted with a reliquefaction plant, and designed to carry liquefied gases at the boiling temperature and at pressures slightly above atmospheric.
A gas carrier designed to load and carry liquefied gases at boiling temperature and at pressures slightly above atmospheric. No cooling plant is necessary as the cargo is loaded fully refrigerated.
Any gas carrier designed to carry pre-cooled liquefied gases in thermally insulated cargo tanks.
What action would you take if confirmed boiler water test results showed that the pH of the water in the boiler was below 7?
Blow the boiler and top up again with untreated feed water.
Retest the water after increasing the treatment chemical dosage.
Nothing, this is an acceptable value for the pH of boiler water.
Retest the water after decreasing the treatment chemical dosage.
When checking the zero point on a combustible gas indicator that is to be used to detect hydrocarbon gases in an empty cargo tank which method should be used from the options given?
Pass oxygen gas through the sample chamber
Pass fresh air through the sample chamber.
Pass carbon monoxide gas through the sample chamber.
Pass methane gas through the sample chamber.
You are testing the atmosphere in a cargo tank on an oil tanker, for the purpose of approving it as safe it for crew members to enter at the end of tank cleaning operations. According to the industry standard guidelines (ISGOTT), what measurements must be obtained before this permission is granted?
8% oxygen by volume and 0% hydrocarbon vapour concentration
21% oxygen by volume and less than 1% LFL hydrocarbon vapour concentration.
Minimum 17% oxygen by volume and not more than 1% LFL hydrocarbon vapour concentration.
21% oxygen by volume and less than 1% UFL hydrocarbon vapour concentration.
When should a vessel’s hatch pontoons not be lifted?
When the SWL of the gantry crane is not clearly marked
When the vessel is listed
When lighting conditions are poor
When the pontoons are to be lifted by a floating crane
Gas welding is carried out in the work shop. Prior to lunch break the following precaution is carried out:
One of the ratings is left "on watch" during the lunch break.
The main supply valves in the deck storage are closed prior to switching to UMS-mode
The local acetylene/oxygen valve in the work shop is closed prior to switching to UMS-mode
What is the most common signal level from an I/P converter?
What is the best method to use to remove heavy scale and fouling from the plates of a heat exchanger?
Use wire-brush, metal scrapers and chipping guns.
Use high-pressure cleaner with abrasive additives.
Soak the plates in a recommended cleaning solution and then use a soft brush or pressure cleaner.
You have discovered a small leak of oil at the manifold during discharging. What is you first action?
Call immediately the person in charge.
Read the text in the picture before answering the question. What is the fundamental requirement relating to the older ships, which are still in service?
The older ships should be scrapped to make way for the new builds.
The older ships must be in good condition.
The older ship must be cheaper to run than the new builds.
As a result of the new building activities, older ships are no longer required.
What would you do before giving a boiler a “bottom blow”
Increase the oil temperature
Drop the water level a couple of inches below normal
Increase the oil pressure
Raise the water level a couple of inches above normal
On a Container vessel, what facilitates the lashing of containers in the fourth and fifth tiers?
Long lashing rods with extensions
What immediate actions should the Officer of the Watch take when the ship goes aground on an uncharted shoal in the middle of the ocean?
Stop engines and call the Master
Stop engines and tell the engine room to switch over to high suctions
Stop engines and immediately request "Full Astern"
Sound the General Alarm and plot the ships position
On board a crude oil tanker, where would you look for guidance on the washing system and equipment, together with the applicable operating procedures?
The Oil Record Book - ship particulars page.
The ODME Operating Manual - manufacturer's instruction section.
The Operating and Equipment (COW) Manual.
Many large 2 stroke marine diesel engines are equipped with an auxiliary scavenge air blower. What is the purpose of this equipment?
To provide combustion air at start up, during manouevring and low load running when the turbocharger delivery is insufficient.
To assist the main turbochargers in supplying combustion air when on full load.
To help cool the engine after it has been stopped.
To allow full load running when the main turbocharger is defective..
The arrival ballast water must contain maximum 15ppm (parts pr. million) of oil to fulfil the regulations in force. How many ppm is 1% by volume.
What is a Gangway?
A Gangway is an interval of time between a change of working gangs, on board
A Gangway is a portable means of access to a ship
A Gangway is an accommodation ladder
A Gangway is a temporary means of access into the cargo holds
You are loading a cargo of Vinyl Acetate Monomer to several tanks on board. Tank 6 centre is about to finish and the next tank to load is 2 centre. How will you operate the valves to achieve this change-over?
I will close the valves for tank 6 centre when the required ullage is reached and then open the valves for 2 centre.
When the required ullage is reached in tank 6 centre, I will close the manifold valve, then close the tank valves for that tank. I will then open the tank valves for 2 centre and finally open the manifold valve again. (Using the manifold valve to control the flow avoids any pressure-surge in the shore line).
I will open the valves for tank 2 centre and then close those for 6 centre, as the required ullage is reached.
I will stop loading cargo when tank 6 centre reaches its required ullage and close the valves to that tank. I will then open up the valves to tank 2 centre and resume loading cargo.
What is a "consignee"?
Any person or company which seeks to transport a consignment of cargo by sea.
Any person, organization or government that prepares a consignment for shipment.
Any person, organization or government entitles to take delivery of a consignment.
Any person or company responsible for the operation of a vessel which carries a consignment as freight.
This block diagram illustrates an elementary control system. What is the common name for this type of system?
Open loop feed back system
Closed loop feed back system
A General Cargo Vessel is loading and rain starts to fall; what action should be taken by the OOW ?
Cargo operations would only be stopped if cargo bagged grain
Rain should not affect cargo operations
In all cases of rain cargo operations should stop unless Master authorises operations to continue
Only Port Authorities can make decision to stop cargo operations
What are the two parts of the magnetic compass error?
Permanent and induced magnetism
The latitude and longitude
To achieve a good stow with palletised refrigerated cargo it is preferable to have long uninterrupted faces for the stow. Any pillars, access ladders or other obstructions in the cargo space can make this difficult. From the options given, select the most appropriate way of dealing with an access ladder which is obstructing the pallets to achieve a satisfactory stow.
Stow the pallets as tightly as possible around the access ladder and fill any gaps with air (dunnage) bags.
Stow the pallets as tightly as possible around the access ladder and fill any gaps with loose cartons.
Remove the access ladder and place it on top of the stowed pallets.
Stow the pallets as tightly as possible around the access ladder and then support the pallets with plywood and timber bracing.
In a fresh water tank we are using a pressure transmitter with a range of 0-0.5 bar/4-20mA for level measurement.The transmitter is installed 30 centimeters from the bottom of the tank,and the tank is 5 meters high. What will the output from the transmitter be when the tank is empty?
How should additional lashings be applied to vehicles if they do not have sufficient lashing points?
Pass lashings over the vehicles’ axles
Pass lashings over the body of the vehicles
Secure the vehicles’ wheels
Secure the front and rear bumpers
What collective culinary term is given to the internal organs of a butchered animal, such as the heart, kidneys, liver, tripe, etc?
How is the temperature of the high temperature circuit of a central cooling system normally controlled?
By controlling the bypass of flow for the central coolers.
By increasing the flow rate through the main engine cooling circuit
By controlling the flow through the fresh water evaporator heating circuit.
By mixing with water from the low temperature circuit.
Some process control systems may several inputs and controlled variables. In this context what is meant by split-range?
Several controllers are connected to the same control-valve
Several control-valves are connected to the same controller
Several control-loops for the same range
Which of the following statements will direct a fire-fighting team to the source of fire?
Fire in the accommodation
Fire in No. 3 cargo hold, port side, forward
What is the difference between methane and ethane?
Ethane has two more carbon atoms and two more hydrogen atoms.
Ethane has double bonding between the atoms.
Ethane has two more carbon atoms and one more hydrogen atoms.
Ethane has one more carbon atoms and two more hydrogen atoms.
If a vessel’s Moment to Change Trim by one Centimeter (MCTC) is 196 in saltwater, what would be her MCTC is water of density 1.015 T/m3?
Subject to allowance by the Port State Authority, a tanker with a defective oil discharge monitoring and control system (ODME) may continue to trade for a limited period before a repair is effected. What period is allowed and what conditions apply?
No limit is placed on the vessel, provided it can be demonstrated to the Port State Authority that the appropriate spare parts have been ordered for delivery in the next convenient port.
One ballast voyage and one loaded voyage, provided no cleaning operations are commenced.
One ballast voyage before proceeding to a repair port.
The vessel may discharge her cargo but will then be detained in port until the ODME is made fully operational and approval from the Port State Authority obtained.
Drip trays are provided in way of the cargo manifold on the vast majority of LNG carriers. What is the main purpose of having this drip tray?
To minimise cargo losses during disconnection of hard arms at completion of loading and discharging.
To allow blanking plates and fastenings to be stored ready for fitting after disconnection of hard arms.
To minimise the risk of pollution in the event of a minor spillage during disconnection of hard arms.
To minimise the risk of extremely cold cargo from spilling onto the deck, which may damage the ship's structure, when disconnecting hard arms.
Why is a vessel entering dry dock normally slightly trimmed by stern?
To minimise the loss of stability.
To position the vessel easily over the blocks.
To allow drainage of water off the docks.
To allow better manoeuvring when entering into the dry-dock.
At what temperature do we take the Reid Vapour Pressure test?
We take the Reid Vapour Pressure (RVP) test at the temperature of 100 C.
We take the Reid Vapour Pressure (RVP) test at the temperature of 60.0 C.
We take the Reid Vapour Pressure (RVP) test at the temperature of 38.7 C.
We take the Reid Vapour Pressure (RVP) test at the temperature of 37.8 C.
Which of these steps (in shut-down procedure) shall be executed last?
Shut down of inert gas blower
Close the gas pressure control valve
Close the flue gas uptake
Open ventilation valve to atmosphere
Which of the following is not designed to hold chain lashings?
Clover leaf lashing sockets
You are going to enter a tank to clean up some dust. What kind of permits is required to be issued before entering?
Enclosed Space Entry Permit
Hot Work Permit and Cold Work Permit.
Enclosed Space Entry Permit and Hot Work Permit.
Enclosed Space Entry Permit and Cold Work Permit
What is the Maximum Securing Load of high tensile steel chains?
35% of the breaking strength
40% of the breaking strength
25% of the breaking strength
30% of the breaking strength
What is the main reason for crewmembers to practice search and rescue operations on ships in an emergency?
Passengers may not hear the alarm bells, and they may not know that they should proceed to mustering stations.
Passengers seek safety in mustering stations, or other common areas, where they think they can escape danger.
Passengers seek safety in their cabins, or in other places onboard, where they think they can escape danger.
Passengers may not hear the public address system, and they may not know that they should proceed to mustering stations.
Some engine manufacturers recommend that washing of the compressor side is not carried out. Is this due to;
The thermal shock exhibited by the vanes.
The nozzle ring becoming corroded.
Greasy sludge from the compressor sticking between the fins in the air coolers, necessitating extra cleaning of these.
Large volumes of water being carried over into the cylinders of the engine.
What name is given to the process on an oil tanker, when inert gas is being blown into a cargo tank, to reduce the level of oxygen it contains?
Liquefied natural gas (LNG) is often referred to as natural gas or marsh gas. What is another common name for LNG?
A medium speed diesel engine which is supported on a steel chocking system has had repeated problems with two of the chocks at the end of the engine on the port side becoming slack. This has led to some fretting damage to the bedplate and tank top in that area. What action should be taken to affect a cost effective permanent repair?
Replace the damaged chocks with resin based chocks of an appropriate size.
Replace the complete steel chocking system with a resin based system.
Tighten the holding down bolts in that area to 150% recommended load to prevent further slackening and fretting.
Replace the complete steel chocking system with one using resilient mounts to accommodate movement and avoid further incidents of fretting.
Which of these foodstuffs contributes to lowering the cholesterol content in the blood?
Which plan shows the position of the centre of gravity of every tank aboard the ship?
What is IMO's definition of liquefied gas?
All chemicals with excess pressure above 2.8 bar at +73.8 C.
All chemicals with excess pressure above 8.2 bar at +37.8 C.
All chemicals with excess pressure above 2.8 bar at +37.8 C.
All chemicals with excess pressure above 2.8 bar at +100 C.
What would be the effect of a large GM on a ro-ro vessel?
The possibility of assuming an angle of loll
A stiff ship with a quick roll period
An adverse affect on seaworthiness
The possibility of capsizing
It is common practice to connect a resistor is connected over an alarm contact (see diagram) in many applications. Why is this connection used?
To stabilise power consumption.
To avoid sparks on the contacts when opening and closing.
Enable measuring the total resistance of the circuit.
To monitor the cable/wires for break.
Where should a mid-bay guide be positioned?
At the base of cell guides
On the tank top between two 20’ container bays
Between 20’ container bays on deck
On the tank top at the ends of 40’ container bays
What is normally seen as the greatest risk when operating a high pressure, water tube, steam boiler with an excessively high level of Total Dissolved Solids?
Pitting corrosion at the water level in the boiler water drum.
General corrosion of boiler tubes and fittings
Hard scale deposits on boiler tubes and fittings
Foaming and carryover of water into the steam range.
Where shall you be able to activate the ship security alert system on board ro-ro passenger ships?
From the navigation bridge and in at least one other location
Captain's- and Chief Officer's office
Despite setting what appears to be the correct delivery air temperatures in accordance with shipper's instructions, large cargo loss claims can still occur when operating reefer vessels. Which of the options given is likely to help avoid the majority of these large claims?
By confirming that the shipper is supplying to a market that works in Fahrenheit or Celsius.
By confirming that the vessel plant is calibrated in the same temperature scale that the shipper is quoting.
By confirming the whether the shipper is referring to the delivery air or pulp temperature of the cargo.
By confirming the temperature scale that the shipper is using in his carriage instructions, Fahrenheit or Celsius.
A General Cargo vessel on completion of the loading has a large metacentric height (GM); what will be the predicted behavior of the vessel in a seaway ?
A fast roll period and small righting levers (GZ Levers)
A fast roll period and large righting levers (GZ Levers)
A long roll period and large righting levers
A long roll period and small righting levers (GZ Levers)
Why should a surveyor be in attendance when discharging steel rebars from a General Cargo Vessel?
In case cargo is found damaged during cargo discharge operations
Because individual rebars will be inter-twined with those below them and will therefore be discharged in damaged condition
Because of charterers? requirements
Because it is a P. & I. Club requirement
What are the properties of IMDG Class 4 (Flammable Solids) cargoes?
These cargoes emit flammable gases
These cargoes are liable to spontaneous combustion
These cargoes are liable to spontaneous combustion or when in contact with water emit flammable gases
These cargoes emit toxic gases
Where do you find detailed information and specific technical requirements for fire safety systems?
Fire Safety Systems Code (FSS Code)
High Voltage systems rely on the installed protective equipment being able to interrupt any fault in the system. Throughout the system, the fault level has been calculated, and under no circumstances must the system be modified to exceed this fault level. What is meant by fault level?
The amount of apparent power, that would be drawn from the generating plant, when a short circuit occurs at the bus bars.
The current level flowing into a dead short to earth at any point on the ship, directly from the High Voltage system.
The amount of apparent power that could flow into any fault at any point in the electrical network.
The current level flowing into a symmetrical short circuit fault between all three phases.
The design features of a container ship with pronounced bow flare, a wide flat transom stern and wall sided amidships section contribute to what occurrence?
The ability to shed water very quickly off the decks
Large angles of heel with a large GM
What is class "A" division
Bulkhead constructed of steel, suitably stiffened and insulated so as to be able to meet a prescribed fire test of one hour duration
Bulkheads used to divide a vessel in different parts
Bulkhead used to divide a ship horizontally
Bulkhead to divide accommodation from the cargo spaces
Why should you wear your catering uniform and not your ordinary clothes in the galley?
Catering clothing will absorb body odour more effectively than other clothing.
If you do wear your ordinary clothes in the galley, food odours will be transferred to your cabin and germs may be transferred into the galley from less hygenic areas.
If you do wear your ordinary clothing in the galley, it will be difficult for visitors or new crewmembers to identify the cook.
Clothing worn in the galley cannot be washed with any other clothing.
On the air compressor's crankcase there is a small valve that lets off overpressure. What do we have to do if this valve is letting off pressure and oil moisture ?
Check the clearance in the bearings.
Increase the flow of cooling water.
Overhaul the compressor unit.
Block the valve because it pollutes the engine room (block off the valve).
Which of the given options best completes the following statement? You should never attempt to light a boiler until………………….
.. the gauge glass shows the water at normal working level.
... the air register is fully open.
… the furnace purge sequence is completed.
… the feed water pump is running.
A refrigerated break-bulk cargo (not palletised) is being loaded into a space that it will not fill. From the options given select the one which gives the best way to finish the stow.
With a vertical face that can be secured by netting.
The stow should be stepped down progressively over several rows so that it is self securing.
With a vertical face that can be secured by plywood sheeting.
With a vertical face which can be secured with wooden tomming.
Which of the answers best summarises the information which should be provided for the bridge Officers of the Watch within an effective Voyage plan.
All of the suggested answers
Expected prevailing wind and weather
Contingency arrangements in case of problems
Courses to steer; distance off dangers; parallel index lines; expected currents; prevailing winds; distance between alteration points.
With regard to fire hose boxes and/or fire hydrants, what must be ensured upon completion of cargo loading operations on a General Cargo vessel?
Fire hydrants must be accessible at all times
Fire hose boxes must be lashed so as to prevent accidental opening
Fire hose boxes must be accessible at all times
Fire hose boxes and fire hydrants must be accessible at all times
Which controller must be tuned first in a cascade control system?
On the figure 4 possible definitions of the term "BRIDGE" are given. Which one is the correct one?
Bridge is given by B on the figure
Bridge is given by C on the figure
Bridge is given by D on the figure
Bridge is given by A on the figure
As part of a survey of a main steam boiler it is necessary to check the condition of the steam drum. What would be the preferred method for checking drum shell thickness in such a situation?
Drill a test hole in the shell to accurately measure the thickness.
Use magnetic particle inspection equipment.
Use dye penetrant tester.
Use ultrasound equipment.
How should steel wire rod coils be stowed on a Bulk Carrier?
With their cores aligned alternately fore and aft and athwartships
With their cores aligned vertically
With their cores aligned athwartships
With their cores aligned fore and aft
This is a parallel L-C circuit with a curve showing frequency- impedance characteristics. Which of the formulae A to D will you utilize for determining the resonant frequency f?
f o = 1 / (2*Pi* sqrt (L/C))
fo = 1 / (Pi*sqrt (1 - LC))
The successive stages of all cargo and ballast handling operations on an oil tanker must be recorded on board. What is the name of the book where these details are listed?
The Deck Operations Logbook.
How does a cement carrier discharge its cargo?
Using its own pumping system and equipment
Using shore side cargo gear
Passenger ships shall either carry automatically self-righting liferafts or canopied reversible liferafts. What does it mean that a liferaft is automatically self-righting?
The liferaft will automatically turn back into an upright position when it is empty of people
One person can manage to turn the liferaft back into an upright position
The liferaft will automatically turn back into an upright position when it is fully loaded with people
It means the same as self-righting lifeboats
For ideal synchronising, the phase angle difference between the incomer e.m.f. and the busbar voltage should be: