Тест складається із випадкових питань з обраної теми.
Which of the following is a precautionary measure to prevent fire:
Storing rags impregnated with oil in closed containers
When a message is sent by the Inmarsat—C installation to an Internet e-mail address, the land charge is:
dependent on the ‘chargeband'
dependent on the destination
independent of the destination
What is the correct chemical name for Caustic Soda in liquid form?
Sodium Hydroxide solution
Potassium Hydroxide solution
Sodium Chlorate solution.
Sodium Hypochlorite solution.
A diabetic has eaten too little food and the person may feel dizzy and lightheaded. The skin becomes pale, with profuse sweathing. Limbs may begin to tremble and pulse becomes rapid. The urine glucose reaction is negative. What kind of medicine will the person need as soon as possible?
Sugar lump, sugar drink or something sweet.
In MARPOL 73/78, the term "Special Areas" is mentioned in connection with discharges from oil tankers. What do you understand by this term?
Specific geographical sea areas, designated as Marine Conservation Areas by the United Nations, in which any discharge from the cargo area of an oil tanker is strictly controlled.
All sea areas within 50 miles from the nearest land, where that coastal state is a signatory to MARPOL 73/78.
Limited ocean and sea areas, listed under the OPA-90 Act, inside which the discharge of oil is prohibited and the penalty for doing so is an umlimited fine and unlimited jail sentence.
Specific geographical sea areas, defined in MARPOL 73/78, in which special mandatory measures for the prevention os sea pollution by oil are required.
Which of the four calculations below is the correct set up, if you want to find observed latitude when the sun is on the meridian?
Calculation 2 is correct.
Calculation 4 is correct.
Calculation 3 is correct.
Calculation 1 is correct.
You are on a power-driven vessel underway in open water. This vessel is sighted on the port bow on a steady bearing. What kind of vessel is it and what will your action be?
This is a sailing vessel not making way through the water. There is no risk of collision and I will maintain my course and speed.
This is a vessel engaged in fishing. It is my responsibility to keep clear under rule 18 and I will alter course to starboard, sounding one short blast.
This is a sailing vessel underway. I am the stand-on vessel and will maintain my course and speed under rule 17.
This is a sailing vessel underway, seen head-on. It is my responsibility to keep clear under rule 18 and I will take appropriate avoiding action.
Experience has shown that the most successful method of double banking (when no tugs used) is:
With the larger vessel stopped and drifting in the water, fig. 4.
With the smaller vessel at anchor, fig. 3.
With both vessels underway, fig. 1.
With the larger vessel at anchor, fig. 2.
Which of the following information shall be specified by the muster list?
The abandon ship signal consisting of two long blasts
Action to be taken by crew and passengers
The muster list has been prepared and approved by the administration before the ship proceeds to sea
The specific duties assigned to passengers that are in charge of a group of others
If a distress signal is received on board your ship, what would you do ?
all of the alternatives together
try to make contact with the vessel in distress
contact SAR Authorities via nearest coastal Radio station
The grabline of a lifebuoy has a length of:
5 times the outer diameter of the lifebuoy
4 times the outer diameter of the lifebuoy
2 times the outer diameter of the lifebuoy
3 times the outer diameter of the lifebuoy
What special safety measures are required by a seaman when working aloft on a stage?
Safety harness with a rope secured to a safe point above.
No special safety measures required.
A safety harness secured to the stage.
Helmet, safety shoes and gloves.
When there is doubt about the freshness of the atmosphere in enclosed or confined spaces, what action should be taken?
Ro-ro decks are always ventilated in advance of an operation
Open both bow- and stern doors
Arrangements should be made for testing of the atmosphere to ensure maintenance of 21% oxygen and a carbon monoxide content below 50 ppm in the atmosphere of the space
Supply filter masks to all crew working on ro-ro deck
One water fog applicator is required for each pair of breathing apparatus on board which type of ship?
Passenger ships fitted with car decks
Passenger ships carrying more than 36 passengers
What is meant by the term "segregation"?
The stowage of cargoes when calculated by a computerized load program.
The planned, separated stowage of cargoes that may react dangerously with each other in the event of leakage or other damage.
The process of electronically transferring the data on cargoes loaded on a vessel between the load port and the discharge port, such that import dcumentation is prepared in advance of the vessel's arrival.
The planned adjacent stowage of packaged goods, thereby confining a listed hazard within the same area of the ship.
What measures regarding ship stability should be taken in order to make passenger ships able to withstand critical damage?
Damaged stability to be increased by weight redistribution.
Damaged stability to be increased by use of water ballast
Avoid overloading the ship
Maintain sufficient intact stability
Which of the following can cause an unprecedented list at sea?
Metal particles are found on the magnetic element of the main turbine lubricating oil filter. Which of the options is the most likely source of these particles?
Damaged reduction gearing.
Damaged blades on turbine rotor.
Damaged rotor bearing shell.
What is the necessary protection when you are rust chipping with air tools?
Gloggles and ear protectors
Protective clothing, safety shoes, earmuffs
Gloves, goggles, earmuffs
Protective clothing, safety shoes, gloves, goggles, earmuffs.
Many marine steam boiler designs incorporate external "downcomers". What is the main purpose of these downcomers?
To provide extra support for furnace tubes.
To increase heating surface area.
To ensure adequate circulation in all boiler operating conditions.
To provide a flow path for the steam bubbles.
You are to carry a cargo of Phenol across the North Atlantic in winter time. What precaution will you take with the double bottom tank located under the cargo tank containing the Phenol?
It is not necessary to take any additional precautions with the double bottom tank because it is part of an entirely separate pumping system.
It should be continuously vented to avoid the build up of condensation on the structure around the product.
It should be empty, to avoid cold water contacted the structure around the product because Phenol has a relatively high melting point.
It should be inerted, because Phenol has a very low Flash Point.
Where can the size of the Magnetic Compass Error be found?
By taking a transit bearing of two fixed geographical positions and comparing it with the bearing of the same points on the chart
On the chart in the centre of the compass rose or by reference to the Variation chart, taking into account the annual changes
By reference to the last entry in the Compass Error Log Book
By taking the error from the Deviation Table on the bridge
On a container vessel, why would it be difficult to extinguish a fire in a container containing chemicals?
Because water, if used, will always cause a chemical fire to flare up
Because containers containing chemicals are always inaccessible
Because heat is often produced due to chemical reactions within the cargo
Because chemical fires always spread instantaneously to other containers
What is the correct definition of "gangway"?
Portable bridge between ship and shore.
A gangway to the waterline.
The way between two gangs.
In a PID controller it is possibile to change the setting of the Proportional band (P), the Reset time (I) and the Rate time (D). Please indicate which curve shows the typical response to a step input, if the variables are well adjusted.
What number is being shown by this flag hoist?
On a Container vessel, what is the purpose of fixed stacking cones?
To prevent the horizontal movement of 40'containers at tank top level
To prevent horizontal movement of 20'containers in 40' cell guides
To prevent movement of 20'and 40' containers at deck level
To prevent the horizontal movement of 20'containers at tank top level
How would you determine whether a particular cargo transfer hose was compatible with the chemical product to be transferred?
Refer to the product entry in the hose manufacturer's chemical resistance chart.
Check the product classification mark stamped on the flange collar of the hose.
Check the colour of the hose against the general classification code in the IBC Code.
There will be no need to check. If the hose has been supplied to a chemical tanker, it will have been certified for the transfer of all chemical products.
Safety is of great importance on a liquefied gas carrier because of the hazardous nature of the cargoes carried. Where should a copy of the ship's fire fighting and safety plan be kept while the vessel is alongside at a terminal?
In a container near the gangway.
In the cargo compressor room.
Your vessel is a tanker in ballast and the two vessels are interlocked after collision. You have already made clear that all people are well taken care of and you will try to separate the two vessels. What should be your greatest concern?
That you have your permission from the company to do so.
The exact time of the collision.
If the vessels separate, the other vessel may run away and you will be the only one to blame.
That the separation may cause sparks that can possibly ignite the oil or any other flammable substances.
On a Container vessel, when will a hatch pontoon's quick-acting cleat need replacement?
When the rubber washer is compressed and hardened
When the cleat has sprung open at sea
When the cleat retainer is rusty
When the cleat retainer is distorted
On a Container vessel, who is responsible for the safe lashing and securing of containers?
The figure shows a silicon controlled rectifier with a RC circuit connected in parallel. RC circuit is often used in such connection. For which purpose?
Protect the SCR against damage caused by high voltage spikes
Measuring the current through the SCR
Delay the ignition of the SCR
When ballasting operations are about to start on a bulk carrier, what important checks must be made?
That all air pipes are open and that the pipeline and valve system is correctly set up
That the vessel is even keel and upright
That the cargo operations are completed
That the hold bilge system has been cleaned and the access ladders checked
Despite shipping lines having hulls coloured in the company livery colours e.g. black, blue, green, etc. refrigerated containers are now usually painted white. Which of the options given is the main reason for this?
White paint is cheaper than coloured paint.
White painted containers reduce the load on the refrigeration plant.
White coloured containers are more aesthetically pleasing.
White is synonymous with hygiene and cleanliness.
Hydrocarbons belongs to a chemical group named:?
Which of the following voltage levels would be regarded as high voltage likely to be found on a ship?
Based upon what factors is Seed Cake categorised in the Code of Safe Practice for Solid Bulk Cargoes (BC Code)?
The extraction process, oil and moisture content
Temperature during extraction, oil and moisture content
Temperature during extraction and moisture content
What is the requirement to number of portable gas detection apparatus?
Sufficient number of apparatus.
There is no requirement to numbers of apparatus.
What does MARVS mean on a cargo tank?
We mean maximum allowed relieve valve setting.
We mean minimum allowed relieve valve setting.
We mean maximum ROB of vapour.
We mean maximum recovery system.
What name is given to the flat, flexible, round-tipped knife, used to remove baked food from trays and for spreading fillings?
Which of the following could cause a “flareback”
opening air registers too quickly
trying to ignite burner from hot brickwork
Anyone who violates the provisions of Norwegian law or the provisions of regulations laid down by virtue of Norwegian law, relating to contract of engagements and account book, to notification to, appearance before, or to the taking of evidence, shall be liable to????
Imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months.
Imprisonment for a term not exceeding three months.
Fines or imprisonment for a term not exceeding three months.
What is ‘Standardized Cargo’?
Cargo for which the ship is provided with an approved securing system
Cargo that is shipped in standard dimensions
What effect will a low operating temperature of the boiler feed water system have on the condition of the feed water supplied to a high pressure boiler?
It will cause the amount of chlorides in the feed water to increase.
It will cause the amount of dissolved oxygen in the feed water to increase.
It will cause the amount of total dissolved solids in the feed water to increase.
It will cause the pH value of the feed water to increase.
What is meant by the term "keeping a proper lookout" as applied to the bridge lookout?
Keeping a visual lookout all round the vessel
Continually visually scanning the horizon all round the ship
Keeping a visual lookout all round the ship and also actively listening out for audio signals
Keeping a very visual lookout ahead and abeam of the ship
Emergency instructions in appropriate languages shall be posted in passenger cabins. What information shall as a minimum be included in the emergency instructions?
Where to find thermal protective aids
The method of donning life-jackets, escape routes and alarm signals
Escape routes and alarm signals
Inert gas drawn from an in-line unit in the main or auxiliary boiler exhaust cannot normally be used in a chemical tanker carrying high-spec products. Why is this?
Because MARPOL severely restricts the cleaning to sea of tanks that have been inerted in this way, unless additional prewashing has first been carried out. This results in the generation of slops which reduce cargo carrying capacity and incurs disposal costs.
Because the gas drawn from such a source cannot be guaranteed to be below the Lower Explosive Limit.
Because the levels of hydrocarbons and suspended soot particles will have a significant negative impact on cargo quality and tank cleanliness.
Because connection between boiler exhaust systems and cargo containment arrangements is forbidden under the IBC Code.
When a vessel arrives at a port to pick up a pilot and enter harbour, there should be someone required to stand by the anchor forward. How should the anchor be prepared and ready?
The brake may be insufficient to hold the anchor, so leave everything in place except the cement/covering of the chain locker
The brake securely applied, all cement/covering into the chain locker and securing arrangements from windlass removed. The guillotine can remain for removal when ready
The use of the anchor will not normally be required when going straight into port, so the anchor does not need to be prepared, but left ready for going back out to sea.
Leave the brake on securely.
What must be ensured when using ship’s cargo gear in hot climates?
That all cargo gear is appropriately marked
That grease from wire falls does not fall onto cargoes being loaded or discharged
That the cargo gear register in up to date
That stevedores handle cargo gear in the proper manner
In a fresh water tank we are using a pressure transmitter with a range of 0-0.5 bar / 4-20mA for level measurement. The transmitter is for different reasons installed 30 centimeters from the bottom of the tank, and the tank is 5 meters high. What will the output from the transmitter be when the tank is full? (Pending no calibration is made)
What does the term liquefaction mean with respect to some heavy metal concentrate cargoes on a Bulk Carrier?
The cargo is very dry and will not reach a flow state
The cargo may suffer moisture migration and become semi-liquid near the top of the stow
The cargo may self-heat on voyage
The cargo pile will always be stable
IMO publishes the IGC Code relating to LPG and other liquefied gas carriers. What does the IGC code primarily deal with?
Specifically, how gas carriers for hydrocarbon gases are designed
Specifically, the safety of personnel sailing on gas carriers.
How all liquefied gas carriers are constructed and equipped.
The most efficient way to operate any gas carrier.
When one ship is unmooring from another which is at anchor, the unmooring crew should be instructed to cast off lines:
As and when they think fit.
As and when the vessel remaining at anchor instructs them to do so.
As and when the manoeuvring vessel instructs them to do so.
As and when strain appears on individual ropes.
How can you arrange for safe movement of passengers on ro-ro decks?
Passengers should stay in their cars until loading is completed. They should keep to walkways when leaving the car.
Passengers are responsible for their own safety while moving about ro-ro decks.
It is easy, only drivers are allowed to stay in the car during loading and unloading.
Passengers should be warned of vehicle movements when entering or crossing car or vehicle decks. They should preferably keep to walkways while moving about the ship.
"Your ship security plan must include procedures for responding to security threats, auditing security activities and interfacing with the port facility."
If an enclosed space needs to be entered, what is the first thing that must be done?
A responsible person must be appointed
The chief officer must be asked for permission to enter the space
A full Risk Assessment must be caried out
Two crew members must be asked to stand-by outside the space
To what Proof Load is a 30T SWL derrick tested?
Where shall you be able to activate the ship security alert system on board passenger ships?
From the navigation bridge and in at least one other location
Captain's- and Chief Officer's office
What is the normal name of the waterproof suit shown in the picture?
One of the purposes to MARPOL Annex I is to:
Ensure that the ships certificates are valid.
The tanker is en-route and meets certain discharging conditions.
Prevent operational oil pollution by providing ships with discharge criteria and other guidelines to follow.
Prevent sea-going incident involving tankers.
How can the ship’s master prove that a vessel is British?
By showing survey certificates issued by Lloyds Register in London
By showing the ship-s register
By showing a Certificate of Equivalent Competency issued by the MCA
What are the dangers associated with operating a heavy lift derrick close to the horizontal on a General Cargo vessel?
Because the cargo operations at other hatches may have to be suspended
Because the stability of the vessel may become critical
Because there is danger of excessive stresses acting on parts of the derrick system
Because the driver will have a restricted view of the lifting operation
What would indicate the onset of Parametric Rolling?
When the wave encounter period approaches the natural roll period of the ship
When twice the wave encounter period approaches the natural roll period of the ship
When wave heights experienced from either quarter exceed 6 meters
When wave heights experienced from the bows exceed 6 meters
Which of these measures would you implement to prevent drugs from being smuggled onboard your ship while it’s berthed?
"Search some of the packages, spares and stores received."
Maintain restricted areas.
Check a portion of the bags and packages brought onboard.
Eliminate fore and aft deck watch at night.
If you are the helmsman on duty, what would be the correct action if the OOW (officer on watch) gives you the order to: "Change over from Automatic pilot to Hand steering".
Standby the wheel and wait for the OOW to apply the appropriate controls to change from Automatic pilot to hand steering
Apply the controls to disconnect the Automatic pilot and engage hand steering. Start steering the vessel using the wheel and confirm with the OOW the change-over is complete and the course you are to steer
Apply the appropriate controls to disconnect the Automatic pilot and engage hand steering. Start manually steering the same course as was being steered by the automatic pilot.
Ask the OOW what course you are to steer and standby the wheel. Tell the OOW you are ready for changing over.
Which one of the following liquefied gas cargoes is considered as presenting a toxic hazard according to the IMO Gas Codes?
You have prepared a tray of cream eclairs, using fresh cream filling. At what temperature must they be stored until required for service?
Between 5 and 7 degrees Celsius.
At least 10 degrees Celsius.
The coil of a 12V, 120mA dc relay must be connected across a 24V supply. What action should be taken?
Install a 100 ohm resistor in series with the coil
Install a 100 k ohm resistor in parallel with the coil
Install a 100 k ohm resistor in series with the coil
Install a 100 ohm resistor in parallel with the coil
How do we control the cargo tank pressure whilst we are at sea?
Whilst at sea we control the cargo tank pressure by use of inert gas system.
Whilst at sea we control the cargo tank pressure with the cargo cooling plant.
Whilst at sea we control the cargo tank pressure by use of cargo pumps and cargo heater.
Whilst at sea there is no way to control the cargo tank pressure.
When operating a propulsion installation consisting of medium speed diesel engines driving a controllable pitch propeller it is possible to operate the combination of engine speed and propeller pitch in a number of different ways. What would be the main reason for operating with constant speed and variable pitch?
To allow the engine to be operated with a load sensing governor instead of a speed sensing governor.
To allow rapid load change and thrust reversal when manoeuvring.
To obtain maximum propeller efficiency over the load range of the engine.
To allow constant speed operation of a shaft generator while the engine load changes with pitch variation.
When a submerged centrifugal cargo pump is being run at too high a speed during discharge of a viscous cargo, the pump may start racing, causing a heat build-up around the suction, possible localised solidification of the cargo and consequent damage to the pump. What term is applied to this problem?
What is the possible concern if fuel tanks on a Bulk Carrier, which are close to cargo spaces containing grain, are excessively heated?
The grain cargo may produce methane gas
The grain cargo may be heated and damaged
Data loggers are a vital part of the temperature control and monitoring system on a reefer vessel. In a situation where the data logger fails several days before the end of the voyage it is still necessary to maintain control of and monitor cargo temperatures. How could an accurate, portable thermometer be used to the best effect, to achieve this, in such a situation?
Use the thermometer to maintain the delivery air settings as they were prior to the data logger breaking down.
Use the thermometer to check the pulp temperature by entering the cargo space and placing it in the centre of the stow.
Use the thermometer to check and control the delivery air temperature by inserting it in the delivery air ducting close to the evaporators.
Use the thermometer to check and control the return air temperature by holding it in the return air space on top of the cargo.
How can a lead-acid type battery be checked to confirm if it is fully charged or not?
Measure the relative density (specific gravity) of the electrolyte
Measure the temperature of the electrolyte
Measure the level of the electrolyte
Measure the battery voltage
What is usually the effect on G when the ship is damaged?
It first rises and then lowers.
What would be the correct form of response to the question: What is the visibility in your position?
The correct form of response would be: Visibility is poor
The correct form of response would be: Visibility is okay
The correct form of response would be: Visibility in my position is two hundred meters
The correct form of response would be: Visibility is medium
A unit of alcohol is equal to which of the following measures?
A half pint (284 ml) of lager / light beer or a small glass (125 ml) of wine
A pint (568 ml) of lager / light beer or a large glass (275 ml) of wine
A large glass (275 ml) of wine or a measure (30 ml) of spirit
A measure (30 ml) of spirit, if taken with a glass of water
What factors do you consider as important before mooring a vessel?
Use of proper Personal Protective Equipment, Mooring stations should have effective hazard markings/ hazard highlighting, Stay clear of mooring ropes/wires, Be aware of Snap-back Zone, Proper procedures
Use of proper Personal Protective Equipment
Use of proper Personal Protective Equipment and be aware of Snap-back Zone
Use of proper Personal Protective Equipment, Well maintained mooring equipment, Make sure the area is tidy and clean, Mooring stations should have effective hazard markings/ hazard highlighting, Stay clear of mooring ropes/wires, Be aware of Snap-back Zone, Proper procedures, Effective communication
What type of component does this graphical symbol illustrate?
Pressure-reducing regulator.
A diesel engine cylinder head is to be overhauled but the spring compressor for removing the valve collets is found to be damaged and unusable. How should the task be carried out by ship's engineers?
Use a couple of screwdrivers to compress the spring and lever out the collets as this will save time.
Use a ring spanner to press down on the spring guide and pick out the collet halves once they are free.
Delay the work until a new spring compressor is available or fabricate a suitable replacement onboard if the work is urgent.
Using a hammer and a tube with an inner diameter slightly bigger than the outer diameter of the collets repeatedly strike the upper spring carrier until the collets pop out.
During cargo or bunker operations, oil response equipment is to be:
Used elsewhere in the ship
In discussing the properties of oil cargoes, which of the following are examples of Aromatic Hydrocarbons?
Benzene, Toluene and Xylene.
Hydrogen Sulphide and Carbon Monoxide.
Carbon Dioxide and Hydrogen Peroxide.
Propane, Butane and Pentane.
During maintenance work at sea an engine room rating is moving a heavy component to the workshop using a chain block attached to an overhead trolley on a rail. Part way through the operation the rating is asked by the engineer to go immediately to the store for some equipment. What should the rating do?
Immediately land the component on the deck and secure it to a hand rail stanchion and go and get the equipment from the store.
Leave the component suspended from the chain block and go and collect the equipment from the store.
Continue with the moving operation until the component is properly secured in the workshop before going to the store for the equipment.
Immediately land the component on the deck but leave the chain block attached and go and collect the equipment from the store.
What is the estimated average daily calorie intake required by an active adult male?
Port State Control Officers are authorised to:
Detain ships that are not meeting the requirements for a minimum of 30 days
Regularly inspect ships known to meet the requirement
Inspect and detain ship that are not meeting the requirements until they are able to demonstrate compliance with the regulations
Sign oil record book entries
"Which of these precautionary measures can reduce the threat of piracy, if implemented?"
Plan to arrive at port at night.
Turn off all of the ship’s lights at night.
Stay at least 15nm away from the shore.
What kind of damages do steel coils sustain?
Chemical reactions between the steel banding and outer envelope
When should gangway nets be rigged?
When it is deemed necessary by the Master or the Chief Officer.
Between sunset and sunrise.
Whenever the gangway is regarded as unsafe.
Whenever the gangway is rigged.