Тест складається із випадкових питань з обраної теми.
An enclosed lifeboat is fitted with a self-contained air support system. With the engine running, what is the minimum period of time the air should remain safe and breathable?
*Where a fixed fire detection system does not include means of remotely identifying each detector individually, detectors are grouped in "sections". These sections may cover up to:
*In addition to cargo and machinery spaces, which other space, if any, has to be fitted with an approved fixed fire-extinguishing system on a cargo ship where method of protection "I C" has been adopted ?
Emergency batteries store room
No fixed extinguishing systems are generally required for any other spaces protected according to this method
When the fire alarm signal is sounded every member of the ship's crew shall immediately proceed to their assigned fire station. Which one of the following signals is used as fire alarm signal on board cargo ships?
Intermittent signals by the ship's alarm bells.
Continuous blasts (very long blasts) by the ship's whistle and alarm bells.
Seven short blasts followed by one long blast by the ship's whistle and alarm bells.
One long blast with the ship's whistle and alarm bells followed by seven short blasts.
In case each hydrant is not fitted with hose and nozzles, what is the requirement? (SOLAS II-2/4.6.1)
Hoses with fixed nozzles to be kept ready for use in conspicuous positions near the hydrants
Complete interchangeability of hose couplings and nozzles
Hoses and nozzles for each hydrant to be available at the fire stations
At each fire station, sufficient number of hoses with nozzles for the hydrants in the area shall be available
What type of nozzles for fire hoses can be provided aboard ships?
Spray type only, incorporating a shutoff
Jet type only, incorporating a shutoff
Dual purpose (jet/spray) type incorporating a shutoff
All of the above types can be provided
What are the components of the personal equipment of the fireman's outfit
Protective clothing to protect the skin from heat, burns and scalding
Boots and gloves of rubber
A rigid helmet, an electric safety lamp and an axe
*Besides the official language of registration, what language is used in the fire control plans and booklets?
Which of the following items SHALL be included in a fire drill?
checking the operation of fixed fire-extinguishing equipment
reporting to stations and preparing for the duties described in the muster list
operating one of the fixed fire-extinguishing equipment
checking capability of persons to prevent panic
The category of a DSC-call determines is:
how the rest of the call is to be composed
for whom the message is destined
The Urgency Message from a ship is used to notify other traffic of a situation where the ship is not in imminent danger, but where the development of the situation is uncertain and may need assistance in the near future. What is the telephony urgency message like?
Can a nitrogen blanket be maintained on a cargo containing an inhibitor which is "oxygen dependent"?
No, if this is done the lifetime of the inhibitor will rapidly expire.
Yes, provided the blanket only reduces the oxygen content in the ullage space to a minimum of 8% oxygen, which will still be enough for the inhibitor to function properly.
You are planning the discharge of a crude oil tanker with segregated ballast tanks, SBT. Which of the cargo tanks should be crude oil washed if you are expecting heavy weather?
All the cargo tanks that were not COW'ed in the last discharge port
At least 30% of the cargo tanks
The dedicated heavy weather ballast tank
Both sloptanks, and 30% of the remaining cargo tanks
Give the meaning of the following symbol
Locker with protective clothing
A balanced rudder has some of the rudder area forward of the rudder axis. About how much area should this be to call it a balanced rudder?
What is the crucial aspect in executing a voyage in a safe and efficient way?
The bridge equipment includes ARPA radar, GPS and ECDIS in full and effective operation
An effective detailed passage plan fully understood and followed by a competent bridge team.
All navigational equipment fully functional.
Bridge equipment effectively operating and being used efficiently
Which of the following duties shall be included in the "muster list" as being assigned to crewmembers in relation to passengers ?
ensuring that extra food and water is taken to the survival craft
clearing the escape routes
assembling passengers at muster station
ensuring that every passenger is provided with an immersion suit or a thermal protective aid
*On board a ship, how many lifebuoys is required to be fitted with a buoyant lifeline ?
At least one lifebouy with buoyant lifeline on each side of the ship
Half of the total number of lifebuoys provided on board
Only the two lifebuoys of the quick-release system
The total number of lifebuoys provided on board
*How much food per person is supplied on a lifeboat?
None -only barley sugar-sweets supplied
In a distress situation and immendiately after the distress signal has been sounded, what next action should be taken by the officer on duty?
Send distress signal to call for help.
Use the intercom to inform crew and passengers of the reason for the alarm.
Call the nearest coast radio station.
Use the VHF radio telephone to ask ships in the vicinity to stand by.
In a distress situation how many times, or for how long is the emergency alarm signal to be sounded?
Until the signal "risk is over" or the order "abandon ship" is given.
Until all crew members and passengers have reported to their respective muster stations.
The Muster List shall show the duties assigned to members of the crew. Which of the following duties shall be included in the "muster list" according to present regulations?
Preparation of immersion suits and thermo protective aids for the ship's passengers.
Preparation of survival craft's Emergency Positions Indicating Radio Beacons.
Closing of watertight doors, fire doors, valves, scuppers, sidescuttles, skylights.
Operation of the vessel's propulsion system.
Where do you find minimum drill requirements?
In classification society rules.
In manager's instructions.
As per SOLAS regulations, the general emergency alarm system must be tested:
The Training Manual shall contain instructions and information on the life-saving appliances and the best method of survival. The training manual shall contain detailed explanations of crew duties in relation to emergency situations. Which of the following tasks or duties shall be included in the manual according to present regulations?
The use of the ship's line throwing apparatus.
The use of navigational equipment for survival crafts.
The use of surface to air visual signals to be used by survivors.
The use of escape routes and other escape methodes.
Anyone of the crew who is assigned to watch duties in ports has a number of important tasks to carry out. Which one of the listed tasks has to be included in the watchman's duties?
Checking the trim of the vessel.
Checking the moorings for tightness/slack.
Checking the number of persons entering/leaving the vessel.
Checking the safe and secure handling of cargo.
The "inner bottom" is the :
Compartment between the tank top and shell of the vessel
Inner side of the vessel-s shell
Space between two transverse bottom frames
What is the main responsibility of a bridge lookout at night?
Inform the bridge of any new lights when they appear over the horizon or any other items observed which may affect the ship
Inform bridge of changing weather patterns
Inform bridge of any lights when they appear over the horizon
Inform bridge of any other ships observed, which appear to be getting closer to your own ship
What significant change to the requirements for the carriage of Vegetable Oils in tankers was introduced by the amendments to MARPOL and the IBC Code on 1st January 2007?
They must now be carried in double-hull tankers.
They must now be carried in type 2 tanks.
What precaution must be taken when painting on deck during cargo operations?
There must be an established means of communication between crew members and the duty officer
Cargo hold fan inlets near paint areas must be closed
There must be an established means of communication between crew members and the bosun
On a General Cargo vessel, how should steel coils be stowed?
With their cores aligned athwartships
With their cores aligned alternately fore and aft and athwartships
With their cores aligned vertically
With their cores aligned fore and aft
Which statement about the use of profiling onboard a ship is true?
A random selection process must be established.
Detection equipment can be used in place of profiling.
Profilers need at least half an hour to gather the information they need.
Only visitors can be profiled.
By the International Convention for the Control and Management of Ship's Ballast Water and Sediments, oil tankers are required to have a ballast water exchange plan that involves replacing ballast taken onboard at the previous port. What percentage volumetric exchange must be achieved?
Which of the statements given in the options relating to LNG carriers is true?
LNG is normally carried in fully pressurised gas carriers.
LNG is always carried at very low temperature.
The size of an LNG carrier is limited to no greater than 50,000 m3 cargo capacity.
All LNG carriers are fitted with spherical tanks.
You are to carry a cargo of Phenol across the North Atlantic in winter time. What precaution will you take with the double bottom tank located under the cargo tank containing the Phenol?
It is not necessary to take any additional precautions with the double bottom tank because it is part of an entirely separate pumping system.
It should be continuously vented to avoid the build up of condensation on the structure around the product.
It should be empty, to avoid cold water contacted the structure around the product because Phenol has a relatively high melting point.
It should be inerted, because Phenol has a very low Flash Point.
What information should be displayed on a Fumigated Container?
The date of manufacture of the container
The proper name of the fumigant and the date it was applied
The trade name of the fumigant and the date it was applied
The last container inspection date
Which international convention deals with maritime safety and safety equipment onboard ro-ro passenger vessels?
Failed O-rings on a 2 stage air compressor cylinder liner have resulted in a water leak. Where is the leaking water most likely to go when the compressor is operating?
Into the crankcase and mix with the lube oil.
When first using cleaning agent in the machinery space, the crew should:
Confirm that it won't form an emulsion
Confirm that it will form an emulsion
On the figure 4 possible definitions of the term "BOLLARD" are given. Which one is the correct one?
Bollard is given by C on the figure
Bollard is given by D on the figure
Bollard is given by A on the figure
Bollard is given by B on the figure
When discharging dirty ballast from an oil tanker at a high flow rate with main cargo pumps, the limiting factor on permitted overboard discharge is the instantaneous rate of discharge of oil. Which of the following formulae is used to calculate this rate?
Instantaneous rate of discharge (l/nm) = oil content (ppm) x flow rate (m3/h) / speed (knots) x 1,000
Instantaneous rate of discharge (l/nm) = oil content (ppm) x 1,000 / flow rate (l/h) x speed (knots)
Instantaneous rate of discharge (l/h) = oil content (ppm) x flow rate (l/h) / speed (knots) x 10,000
Instantaneous rate of discharge (ml/nm) = oil content (ml/nm) x flow rate (l/m) / speed (knots) x 100
On a RoRo vessel, what is the Maximum Securing Load of reusable use wire ropes?
30% of the breaking strength
40% of the breaking strength
25% of the breaking strength
If normal cool down rate has been complied with, what should the temperature at the primary insulation and the secondary barrier be?
The correct time to synchronise is usually taken to be when the synchroscope reaches the "5 to 12" position and is rotating slowly clockwise. This to allow for:
Generator phase difference error
Circuit breaker operating time
Synchroscope pointer time lag
Some ships generate electrical power at 440 Volts, but then step up this voltage to supply specific electrical equipment. One common example, may be to feed a large bow thruster. Why is this done?
A large bow thruster will draw very large currents at low voltage. Being typically remote from the generator, significant voltage drops would occur at low voltage.
The shipyard could not purchase High Voltage generating plant at the time of manufacture, so they used what was available at the time.
Manufacturers can supply High Voltage bow thrusters at less cost, and the power factor is improved.
The overall ship's electrical load does not justify High Voltage generating plant. This method allows more power to be delivered to the bow thruster at low running cost.
Many large 2 stroke marine diesel engines are equipped with an auxiliary scavenge air blower. What is the purpose of this equipment?
To provide combustion air at start up, during manouevring and low load running when the turbocharger delivery is insufficient.
To assist the main turbochargers in supplying combustion air when on full load.
To help cool the engine after it has been stopped.
To allow full load running when the main turbocharger is defective..
What is Standardized Cargo?
Break bulk cargo of standard dimension
Cargo for which the ship is provided with an approved securing system
Cargo that is shipped in standard dimensions
Hydrocarbons belongs to a chemical group named:?
A CBT-tanker arrives at the loading port in ballast condition. What is today’s normal procedure for this type of vessel when loading?
Deballasting and loading simultaneously.
Pump out all the ballast before commencing loading.
Load a part of the cargo, de-ballast and resume loading.
On a container vessel, a number of twistlocks have been identified as suffering wear down. Choose the most appropriate way of dealing with these twistlocks.
Spare parts should be ordered and used to replace the worn down parts of the twistlocks.
The twistlocks should be isolated from use and disposed of appropriately.
The twistlocks should be removed to the ships workshop where the wear down can be built up with weld material.
The twistlocks should be landed ashore for repair at an approved workshop.
In the context of oil tanker operations, what is "clingage"?
Oil residues remaining in the bottom of a cargo tank after tank-cleaning
The resistance to flow in a pipeline during the discharge of an oil cargo
Electrostatically charged bubbles of air and moisture suspended in an oil cargo after loading
Residues remaining on the inside of a pipeline, or on the internal structure of a cargo tank after an oil cargo has been discharged
On a container vessel, when would a bulk liquid cargo carried in a flexitank container be considered dangerous?
When the associated material safety data sheet shows a constituent(s) listed in the IMDG Code
When declared as a non-hazardous chemical
When the shipper instructs that the container be carried on-deck only
When declared as bulk liquid foodstuff
During maintenance work on a compensated mechanical hydraulic governor air is drawn in to the hydraulic circuit after draining and flushing out the unit. Which of the actions given in the options is most likely to assist in the removal of the air from the system?
With the governor in operation open the compensation needle valve to introduce instability and disturb the engine load to make the governor hunt.
With the governor in operation close the compensation needle valve and disturb the load to make the engine hunt.
Overfill the governor with fresh oil to force all of the air out.
Drain the governor again and slowly refill with fresh oil.
Methane/air mixtures in the range of 5.3 - 14% are flammable and have an auto ignition temperature of approximately 595 degrees C. What is meant by the term 'auto ignition temperature'?
It is the lowest temperature at which flammable gases are given off by the mixture.
It is the lowest temperature at which the mixture will ignite when a flame is applied to it.
It is the lowest temperature of the source of ignition required to ignite a flammable mixture.
It is the temperature at which the mixture will spontaneously ignite and continue to burn without an external source of ignition.
Emergency instructions in appropriate languages shall be posted in passenger cabins. Which information shall as a minimum be included in the emergency instructions?
The method of donning life-jackets, escape routes and alarm signals
Where to find thermal protective aids
Escape routes and alarm signals
A bulk cargo is loaded and the shore cargo figure is 10 000 tonnes; the chief officer calculates 9 500 tonnes have been loaded; what should the Master do?
Bills of Lading to be signed "Clean" by Master.
Inform Designated Person Ashore( DPA)
Ask for a draft survey to be carried in the presence of P& I Club representative
During a ballast voyage, the fuel consumption is noticeable higher than normal and all pressures and temperatures is normal, may the reason to this be:
Long time since the last overhaul.
What should be done if a vessel is trimmed outside the limits of its trim correction tables during a draught survey?
Bring the vessel to within the trim limits imposed by the tank sounding tables prior to carrying out the survey
Ask the attending surveyors to extrapolate the tables for the excessive trim
Bring the vessel to within the trim limits imposed by the tank sounding tables prior to taking tank soundings
Consult the classification society concerned
What is the minimum permissible distance measured horizontally between the ship's shell plating and the outer side bulkhead of the first cargo compartment on a type II chemical tanker?
Not less than moulded breadth / 5.
Not less than moulded breadth / 15.
For types "A" and "B" cargo tanks, what is the requirement with regard to shut-off valves for liquid and vapour connections where cargo tanks have a MARVS less than 0.7 barg?
Double butterfly valves fitted in series.
One manually operated globe valve and one remotely operated valve.
On a RoRo vessel, what is a low-bed Ro-Ro unit that is towed onto a ship called?
The picture shows a liquid filled thermometer. Liquid filled thermometers and manometers are often installed onboard ships. What is the main purpose for the liquid filling of such pointer instruments?
Keep the rear side of the front glass clean
Avoid water penetration from outside
Reduce mechanical wear on the internal parts caused by vibration
Compensating for changes in ambient temperature
One water fog applicator is required for each pair of breathing apparatus on board which type of ship?
Passenger ships carrying more than 36 passengers
Passenger ships fitted with car decks
On a RoRo vessel, why should chipping and painting not be done on a loaded car deck
because there is not enough space to work with the cargo in the way
To avoid damage to the cars or their paint work
because you cant run the ventilation and the fumes will overcome the crew
On a reefer vessel air is passed over the cooling coils before entering the cargo hatch via trunking to cool the cargo. It is important to ensure that the cooling coils are clear of any material such as plastic sheeting or bags. Why is this so important?
The plastic material may block scuppers and bilges.
The plastic sheeting may be picked up by and foul the cooling fans.
The plastic may interfere with the air flow over the cooling coils and subsequently the cooling of the cargo.
The plastic material may affect condensation forming on the cooling coils.
The wire mesh guards for the fans of refrigerated containers sometimes have coloured ribbons tied to them. Which of the options is the reason for fitting these ribbons?
To indicate if the fan is running too slowly.
To indicate that the fan is running in the correct direction.
To indicate to the crew that the fan is running as a safety consideration.
To indicate that the fan is running at the correct speed.
Due to the very low carriage temperatures for LNG the thermal conductivity, k value, is an important property of the insulation material used in cargo containment systems. For a given rate of heat leakage across the insulation, which of the following statements is true?
The higher the k value the thicker the insulation needs to be.
The rate of heat leakage is unaffected by the thickness of the insulation.
The k value depends on the thickness of the insulation material.
The higher the k value the thinner the insulation needs to be.
What must be done before dock workers and stevedores are allowed on board a General Cargo vessel?
Number of persons on board noted
Security checks are the responsibility of stevedores
Identification and passes must checked and number of persons on board recorded
Only no smoking rule to be enforced
What is this?
A hydrostatic release unit
An antistatic release unit
An engine room rating is assisting the duty engineer during a period of UMS operation. After completing the tasks they have been busy with the engineer and rating leave the engine room which is returned to UMS mode. The rating realises that an oil tank filling valve has been left open. What action should be taken?
Inform another crewmember that he is going back into the engine room to close the valve.
Inform the duty engineer immediately so that the engine room can be re-entered and the valve can be shut.
Just leave the valve open as it is unsafe to enter the engine room alone. The high alarm will sound to notify the engineer when the tank is full.
Re-enter the engine room straight away and shut the valve.
In many cases the ship's Chief Engineer can carry out survey of machinery on behalf of a Classification Society under arrangements covering Continuous Surveys. As part of this arrangement a Surveyor from the Classification Society must carry out a periodic audit of the documentation for the approved planned maintenance system and undertake a confirmatory survey of the items surveyed. What is the normal frequency for this audit?
Which of the function shown is this operational amplifier circuit performing?
Why are all passenger ships divided into vertical ’zones’?
Vertical zones are separated with fire doors which will be closed automatically when the fire alarm start.
All vertical zones are separated with watertight doors, which will be closed in the case of a grounding, etc.
Vertical zones are fire zones which can be divided from each other with fire doors. In case of fire, all fire doors in front and aft of the fire will be closed to prevent spreading of smoke/fire.
There is one fire team in each zone.
What is the minimum information to be given on a dangerous goods declaration on a General Cargo Vessel?
IMO Class, weight, cargo brand name, stowage requirement
Gross and net weight, volume of cargo, proper shipping name
IMO Class, UN Number, Gross weight, number of units of cargo, Proper Shipping Name
UN Number, Volume of units, stowage requirements, weight, centre of gravity
How often shall liferafts be serviced?
Decided by the safety officer
At intervals not exceeding 12 months
At intervals not exceeding 18 months
Which of the following options may be used as a brief summary of how to safely make high voltage equipment accessible?
Shed load, Earth (ground), disconnect, isolate
Disconect, isolate, earth (ground)
Shed load, isolate. Earth (ground)
Disconnect, earth (ground), isolate
After the discharge of Lube Oils, Lube Oil Additives, Phthalates and Olefins and before the loading of "high-spec" cargoes on a chemical tanker, what particular test might be expected to produce unsatisfactory results during initial wall-wash analysis?
What action should the Master of a General cargo vessel take with a fishmeal cargo, which is self-heating and liable to spontaneous combustion?
Follow guidance in IMO Bulk Cargo Code or IMSBC) and probably declare a port of refuge
Boundary cool only and continue on voyage
Open hatch covers to find source of fire
A conventional reefer vessel, on passage to the loading port, should pre-cool the cargo spaces intended for shipment of the refrigerated products. Select from the options given, the one which best completes the following statement. "In general, pre-cooling should commence….
…six hours before arrival at the loading port."
…at anytime prior to arrival as long as the delivery air is at the required carriage temperature."
…on arrival at the loading port to demonstrate that the fans can deliver refrigerated cold air to the cargo spaces."
…about 48 hours before arrival with the temperatures in the cargo spaces stable for the last 24 hours."
What is the time limit for abandonment of ro-ro passenger ships?
30 minutes from the time the abandon ship signal is given
15 minutes from the time the abandon ship signal is given
2 hours from the time the abandon ship signal is given
Why should you wear your catering uniform and not your ordinary clothes in the galley?
Catering clothing will absorb body odour more effectively than other clothing.
If you do wear your ordinary clothes in the galley, food odours will be transferred to your cabin and germs may be transferred into the galley from less hygenic areas.
If you do wear your ordinary clothing in the galley, it will be difficult for visitors or new crewmembers to identify the cook.
Clothing worn in the galley cannot be washed with any other clothing.
On the air compressor's crankcase there is a small valve that lets off overpressure. What do we have to do if this valve is letting off pressure and oil moisture ?
Check the clearance in the bearings.
Increase the flow of cooling water.
Overhaul the compressor unit.
Block the valve because it pollutes the engine room (block off the valve).
What is the normal name of the special wire/rope on board the ship used to make a tug fast?
What are twistlocks designed for?
To couple containers horizontally
To couple containers vertically
To lock containers vertically and horizontally
What is the procedure if a tank lorry containing dangerous goods is not clearly marked?
As long as the driver looks ok, load the cargo
Ask the driver to write a declaration of contents and load the vehicle
Load it, usually tank lorries are not clearly marked
Refuse to load the vehicle
Why is the tightening of the timing chain important?
To reduce vibration in the chain.
To avoid high wear down of chain and chain wheel tooth and a potential breakdown.
To get the right timing on the engine.
To reduce the noise level
You are in an area of restricted visibility, close to a port. You hear this signal. What vessel does it come from and what additional information does the signal provide?
A vessel at anchor, more than 100 metres in length. She is sounding the additional signal to give warning of her position.
A vessel aground, more than 100 metres in length. The additional signal indicates which side the clear water lies on.
A vessel at anchor, less than 100 metres in length. She is sounding the additional signal top give warning of her position.
A vessel at anchor, more than 100 metres in length. The additional signal indicates that her cable extends at least 25 metres from her bow.
Achieving a good air flow through the various cargo compartment of a reefer vessel is a principal design aim of a Naval Architect. Which of the options given represents the optimum cargo space shape?
A flared space that would be found in a forward upper deck.
A narrow tapered space as would be found in a forward lower deck.
A long oblong space as would be found in an after upper deck.
A square space as would be found in a midships lower deck.
Which person is qualified to carry out a five yearly thorough survey of cargo gear on a General Cargo vessel?
A classification society surveyor
A deck officer designated by the master
On the figure 4 possible definitions of the term "MOORING BUOY" are given. Which one is the correct one?
Mooring buoy is given by D on the figure
Mooring buoy is given by B on the figure
Mooring buoy is given by A on the figure
Mooring buoy is given by C on the figure