Тест складається із випадкових питань з обраної теми.
*At what temperature do the sprinklers come into operation in accommodation and service spaces ?
Sanitary-, ballast-, bilge- or general service pumps may be accepted as fire pumps provided: (SOLAS II-2/4.3.2)
They are ready for use as fire pump at any time
They can be started from a position outside the engine room
They are not normally used for pumping oil
They are fitted with automatic start connected to the fire alarm
What is the maximum allowed suction head for fire pumps? (SOLAS II-2/
The letter ‘X’ in the answer-back 36572 LIBK X means:
This vessel has more telex-numbers
This concerns a mobile station
The position of the vessel is not known
When you join a new ship, how are you informed about safety rules, alarm instructions and your own duties in case of an emergency?
By oral instructions by the Captain
By alarm instructions in all crew cabins
By folder distributed to each crewmember
By muster lists exhibited in conspicuous places
OPA-90 is referring to a Qualified Individual (QI)
An individual certified by USCG to handle oil spills
QI is representing the USCG
QI is an authorised individual, situated in the US, and contracted by the owner or operator of the vessel
QI is the owner’s contingency leader
How will you treat a seasick person?
Encourage him to drink a lot of lukewarm sea water.
Leave him in bed or request him to have some fresh air.
Force him to eat any kind of fat food.
Make him swallow seasick pills until he stops vomiting.
You are part of a team of two First Aiders in a resuscitation situation. What is the rhythm of resuscitation with two First Aiders?
5 compressions after every 1 inflation
7 inflations before every 5 compressions
10 compressions within every 3 inflations.
3 compressions after every 1 inflation
What is the most important way to contain small oil-spills from cargo operations on the ship?
Have ample room in the drip-tray by the manifold
Have Sandpiper pumps rigged on the aft part of the tank deck
Have sawdust located by the manifold
Have all scuppers plugged
Which PPM is allowed for discharging of "Bilge Water" overboard?
Give the meaning of the following symbol
Area protected by Halon 1301
Area protected by sprinkler
Area protected by drenching system
What is the search pattern system called where 1 ship and 1 plane are involved ?
When a number of merchant vessels, but no rescue units or warships, are participating in a search and rescue operation, one of the vessels will have to assume the duty as co-ordinator (CSS). Which one of the listed items is most important when designating a CSS?
The manoeuvring of the vessels.
Service speed of the vessels.
Senior deck officers rescue operations experience.
Good radio communication facilities (preferable 2182 kHz and/or 156.8 MHz (channel 16) radiotelephony and 500 kHz radiotelegraphy).
You will anchor a VLCC at a depth of 80 meters in open water with swell. How much chain will you use?
Your engine is going astern and you pick up sternway. The rudder is midships, and you are operating on a single, right-handed fixed screw. How will your ship react?
She will most likely change heading to starboard
She will most likely go straight astern
She will most likely change heading to port
The stern will be lifted to starboard
When handing over the con of a vessel to a pilot, should the Master insist in discussing the passage plan with the pilot while he is there to use his local knowledge and advice on the navigation of the ship?
The passage is well established and known by the pilot and a plan is therefore not necessary
The pilot would probably consider it unnecessary, be more interested in knowing the ship's characteristics and resist any passage planning discussions with the Master.
A pilot is responsible for the navigation whilst on board and will be very familiar with what is required, therefore discussing the passage plan is not necessary
A passage plan should be discussed between the Master and pilot, when under pilotage in the same way as discussed with the bridge team when deep sea
What is the status and function of a Panama canal pilot?
He will be responsible for canal crew mooring gangs and use of locomotives during lock transits.
He is an advisor to the vessel-s master.
He shall have control of the navigation and movement of the vessel.
He will take over all the responsibilities of the master on embarkation.
Give the meaning of this symbol:
lifebuoy with light and smoke
lifebuoy with automatic parachute flare
Give the meaning of the following symbol:
*Which one among the following information shall be marked on the container of an inflatable liferaft:
the port of registry of the ship to which the liferaft belongs
the name of the ship to which the liferaft belongs
the number of the liferaft
maximum permitted height of stowage above waterline
Which item among those below is included in the normal equipment of every lifeboat ?
one immersion suit for each person
sea-charts and navigating equipment
one whistle or equivalent
*Which among the following list is required for lifeboat equipment according to present regulations ?
be made of fire-retardant material
be as small and of as little mass as possible
be made of buoyant material or stored in buoyant containers
be made of fire-retardant material and stored in buoyant containers
Which one of the listed requirements regarding equipment for inflatable liferafts do not correspond to present regulations? The inflatable liferaft shall be fitted with:
one repair outfit for repairing punctures in buoyancy compartments
a buoyant lifeline bucketed around the outside of the liferaft
one topping-up pump or bellows
a manually controlled lamp inside the raft
How much liferaft capacity should be provided on a conventional cargo ship of more than 85 meters in length, built after July 1986?
75% of the complement on each side of the ship
100% of the complement if it can be readily launched on either side of the ship. If it cannot be readily launched on either side, 100% must be provided on each side
25% of the complement on each side of the ship
50% of the complement on each side of the ship
*Give the meaning of the following symbol
Secure doors in the ship's side plating
Close rescue boat ventilation aperture
How much water would you allow per person as officer in charge of the lifeboat, following an abandon ship operation?
Nothing for the first 24 hours, then 1/2 litre per day (more in the tropics)
Nothing for the first 48 hours, then 1/4 litre per day (more in the tropics)
1/2 litre immediately, followed by 1/4 litre per day (more in the tropics)
Nothing for the first 24 hours, then 1/4 litre per day (more in the tropics)
What is most important for crew members when preparing for emergencies?
That people listen to orders given
That people are well trained
That people know where to find designated equipment
That people know where to muster
*On all ships any crew member must be given an on-board training in the use of the ship's life-saving appliances as soon as possible after his joining
not later than 1 month after his first joining if he is regularly assigned to the ship
not later than 2 weeks after his first joining if he is regularly assigned to the ship
The Training Manual shall contain instructions and information on the life-saving appliances and the best method of survival. Which of following detailed explanations of crew duties in relation to emergency situations shall be contained therein?
The use of oars and other propulsion equipment for survival crafts
The use of navigational equipment for survival crafts
The use of on-board communication equipment
Best use of the survival craft facilities in order to survive
What is a contingency plan for ships?
Plan for safety preparedness
Plan for maintenance and repair
Loading plan for general cargo
What is an oxygen analyzer used for?
Measure oxygen contents in the atmosphere.
Check if there is explosive atmosphere in the oxygen.
Measure humidity in the oxygen.
Check if the oxygen is contaminated.
You are witness to a collision between two other ships close to your vessel. What immediate action should you take?
Send out a distress message on their behalf.
Contact one or both vessels involved in the incident and offer assistance.
Nothing, just standby and wait to see if any assistance is required.
Inform the local coast radio station of the incident and submit your name as a witness.
The majority of medium speed main propulsion installations incorporate a reduction gearbox between the engine and the propeller shaft. Why is this arrangement usually required?
So that the engine can be more easily reversed.
So that the engine can be coupled to a controllable pitch propeller.
So that the propeller operates in a relatively efficient speed range.
So that the engine can also drive a shaft alternator.
What action should be taken if the inert gas plant fails during discharge of a liquefied gas cargo?
Slow down the discharge rate until the IG plant is working again.
Open the atmospheric vents to prevent a vacuum in the cargo tanks.
Stop all cargo operations and inform the terminal.
Open the vapour return line from shore to prevent a vacuum in the cargo tanks.
You are close to the entrance to a port in thick fog. You hear the following signal. What does it mean?
That there is a vessel aground in the vicinity.
That there is a vessel at anchor in the vicinity. She is more than 100 metres in length.
That there is a vessel at anchor in the vicinity. She is less than 100 metres in length.
In which cases shall side scuttles in passenger ships be so constructed that they cannot be opened without the consent of the master of the ship?
Where the sills of the side scuttles are below the margin line
Where the sills are mounted below the bulkhead deck
Where the sills of the side scuttles are less than 500 mm above the deepest load line
Where the height of the side scuttles go through more than two decks
What do you think would be the most likely cause of too low suction pressure in a freon compressor?
Broken suction valve plate.
Too little gas in the system.
On a General Cargo ship in the United States, what will be the consequences of a ship's failure to correct an unsafe stevedore working practice?
The duty officer will be arrested
The ship will be prosecuted
The port will lodge a protest against the ship
The master will be arrested
When we are measuring viscosity with a restricted flow viscometer, the preerred sensing device is:
A medium speed diesel engine, operating with a pulse turbocharging system, has been adjusted to have good power balance. What would the cylinder exhaust gas temperatures, relative to each other, be expected to be?
plus or minus 5 degrees Celsius.
All cylinder exhaust temperatures should be equal if the cylinder power balance is correct.
plus or minus 70 degrees Celsius.
plus or minus 30 degrees Celsius.
What is required in accordance with IMO's requirements regarding cargo segregation?
he instrument most widely used for testing of semiconductor diodes is
Which IMO publication deals specifically with the construction and equipment of liquefied gas carriers?
Why is it important to issue “Note of Protest”?
To protect the interest of owners
To protect both owners and charterers
To protect the interest of the crew
To protect the charterers
A situation arises where there is insufficient fruit cargo available to fill a cargo space. There is a cooler arrangement (cooler/evaporator/brine nest/fans) positioned at one end of the cargo space. Select, from the options given, the best method for stowage of the fruit.
Start at the end with the cooler arrangement and work away from the cooler.
Start from one side of the space.
Start from the centre of the space and work towards both ends.
Start at the opposite end to the cooler arrangement and work towards the cooler.
What does the word "condiments" refer to?
A sauce or seasoning, such as mustard or pepper.
Persons suffering from food poisoning.
On a Bulk Carrier, which of these cargoes is susceptible to liquefaction due to compression and/or vibration?
What weakens a turnbuckle?
On a Container vessel, what problem is associated with the use of twistlocks?
Freedom to slide when the vessel is rolling an pitching
Susceptibility to wear and tear
Fracturing during rolling and pitching in high seas
Left hand and right hand types exist, causing uncertainty whether a fitting is locked or open
What do Tonnes per Centimeter immersion (TPC), Moment to Change Trim by one Centimeter (MCTC) and Longitudinal Centre of Floatation (LCF) have in common?
They vary with changes in displacement
They vary with small angles of heel
They vary with changes in the shape of the waterplane
They remain unaffected by changes in displacement
How can you avoid and/or reduce potential panic among passengers, if an emergency situation occurs?
Do not inform passengers about the situation. It will only create panic and make it difficult for the crew to handle the situation.
Inform the passengers, that there is nothing to worry about, to keep them calm.
Inform passengers at frequent intervals over the public announcement system about the situation and how they shall act. Use as many of the ships officers and crew among the passengers to assist.
Checking that all crew and passenger are present
Tank venting systems should be designed and operated so as to ensure neither pressure nor vacuum created in cargo tanks during loading or discharging exceeds tank design parameters. A certain rate of generation of vapour during loading, sometimes termed gas evolution, is assumed. According to the IBC Code, how is that calculated?
The nominal loading rate is multiplied by a factor of 1.15
The maximum loading rate is multiplied by a factor of at least 1.25
The average anticipated loading rate is multiplied by a factor of 2.0
The calculated loading rate, assuming a litreweight of 1.2 kg/l and allowing for a friction loss of 12% per 30 metre length of unrestricted pipeline, is multiplied by a factor of 1.15 (A safety margin of 20% is additionally applied for products with a vapour pressure of greater than 1.15 mPa).
What are the disadvantages of large double bottom tanks on a double hull oil tanker?
The effect of free surface and reduction in the transverse metacentric height.
Suddenly developing a severe trim.
Potential hazards relating to damage to internal structure and pipelines.
Increased longitudinal bending moments.
How is the condenser cooling water flow regulating valve automatically controlled in a vapour compression refrigeration system?
By the compressor discharge pressure.
By the quantity of refrigerant in the system.
By the temperature of the refrigerant after the evaporator.
By the temperature in the refrigerated room.
If inspection or repair of the boiler is due, the plant has to be shut down, and the boiler emptied for water. If time is available, which of the following procedures is correct?
The feed water regulator should be bypassed and the boiler topped up with cold feed water immediately after shut down to help cool it down before draining.
The boiler should be allowed to cool down after shut down and then the water should be drained out.
The boiler should be blown down to sea immediately after shut down.
The safety valve easing gear be operated and all the pressure released immediately after shut down and then the remaining water is drained.
How often shall abandon ship- and fire drills take place on board passenger ships?
At least two abandon ship drills and one fire drill every month
Before loading operation starts, what shall you as duty officer observe?
The hoistable decks in correct positions and stanchion-guard placed where needed?
The angle on the stern ramp in order?
Leave everything to the crew?
Physical checking the ramp/cargo holds/hoistable decks and see that everything are in order and the ship-s gear correctly located?
What items of container securing equipment must be used in conjunction with buttresses?
Single stacking cones and bridge fittings
Double stacking cones or link plates
A 2 term controller is used to control the fuel oil temperature for a thermal oil system used for heating services. The control is very unstable with the measured value hunting constantly. Select the most probable cause of this problem from the options given.
Integral action reset time is set too slow.
Proportional band width is set too wide.
Proportional band width is set too narrow.
Integral action reset time is set too fast.
The exhaust gas temperatures of all cylinders of a diesel engine are seen to be high. Select, from the options given, the most likely cause of this.
High wear rate in one of the fuel injection pumps.
One of the fuel cams is worn.
Insufficient cooling of the main bearings.
When a ro-ro unit/cargo is damaged what should the duty officer do if he is not carrying a camera?
Sketch the damaged unit/cargo
Note the manufacturer's details
Make a damage report and rough sketch of the damage
Note the stowage location at which the damage occurred
What is important to keep in mind about U-profiles that are used on pipes supports?
They should only allow movement on the lateral axis.
They must not be fastened against the pipe.
They must be made of flexible material to protect against stress.
That they should be fastened tightly around the pipe.
What special requirements applies to fire alarm signalling systems in passenger ships
Same requirements for Fire alarm systems applies to all ships
Remote control of fire doors and reactivation of ventilation
Centralized in a continuously manned control station with remote control of fire doors, Indication of open or closed fire doors
Fail safe, Centralized in a continuously manned control station, Remote control of fire doors, Indication of open or closed fire doors, Reactivation of ventilation, Detector status, Back up powered
What is a Declaration of Security?
A checklist jointly completed by the Ship Security Officer and the U.S. Coast Guard
A document stating the ship’s security level
A document between the port and the cargo owner stating security
A checklist jointly completed by the ship and shore security representatives
What do you understand by the order: "Move the pilot ladder to the other side"?
Move the pilot ladder to the other side, means: to shift the pilot ladder to the opposite side of the ship.
Move the pilot ladder to the other side means: to change the position of the pilot ladder from the main deck to the fore deck.
Move the pilot ladder to the other side means: to rig another pilot ladder
Move the pilot ladder to the other side means: to move the pilot ladder further along nearer to the bow.
When making a small repair to the furnace refractory lining it is common to make a patch using castable plastic refractory material. Which is the best method, from those given in the options, of securing the patch to the main refractory lining?
Drill holes in the main lining and fix some anchor bolts to cast the patch around.
Cut away the damaged area to form an undercut right around the edge and fill with the plastic refractory material.
Pin some wire mesh across the damaged area and cast the patch over it.
Make a smooth hollow in the damaged area and fill with the plastic refractory material.
Why should one not rely wholly on a loading computer?
Because loading computers do not indicate actual sea going conditions
Because loading computers do not warn of high centres of gravity when high cube containers are carried
Because some instruments do not warn of heavy-over-light containers so long as overall stack weights are within limits
Because loading computers do not indicate the positions of high cube containers
It is the Masters responsibility to ensure that
All information reagrding the onboard training is given to the ship manager
safety equipment is not used during the training
All personnel participate in the training at the same time
concerned personnel carry out the on-board traing progamme effectively
Why should a surveyor be in attendance when discharging steel rebars from a General Cargo Vessel?
In case cargo is found damaged during cargo discharge operations
Because individual rebars will be inter-twined with those below them and will therefore be discharged in damaged condition
Because of charterers? requirements
Because it is a P. & I. Club requirement
Which of the given options characterizes a 2-stroke diesel engine ?
The piston always has a short skirt.
A 2 stroke engine always has 2 or more turbochargers.
A 2 stroke engine completes a full cycle every revolution.
A 2 stroke engine has an air inlet valve in the cylinder cover.
When an engine is working normally, the lubricating oil return temperatures are moderate and the running temperatures of the moving parts are also moderate. Lubricating oil is not a volatile liquid and the temperature inside the crankcase is insufficiently high to cause concentration of vapor. What would be the flash point of the lubricating oil?
The International Maritime Bureau Piracy Reporting Centre attributes the increased numbers of hijackings to:
Higher crime rates around the world.
The greater involvement in piracy of well-organized and armed crime networks.
Easy access to military weapons.
In a PID controller we have possibility to change the setting of the Proportional band (P), the Reset time (1) and the Rate time (D). Please indicate which curve shows the typical response to a change in input, if the setting of the proportional band is too wide.
A ship is sub-divided by thermal and structural boundaries to:
Contain and extinct any fire in the space of origin
Divide the officers and crew living quarters
Separate the air conditioned and non air conditioned spaces in the accomodation
Separate crew living quarters from machinery spaces
A system for continuous monitoring of the concentration of hydrocarbon gas shall be fitted in cargo pump-rooms. A continuous alarm shall be automatically effected when the hydrocarbon gas concentration reaches a pre-set level. What are the criteria for pre-setting the alarm level?
No higher than 10% of LEL.
No higher than 15% of LEL.
No higher than 5% of LEL.
No higher than 20% of LEL.
When is a visitor onboard required to present an ID?
"On SECURITY Level 1, 2 & 3"
What would be understood by the message "A yacht has capsized in heavy seas"??
The message means the vessel is taking in water.
The message means the yacht has been overturned in heavy seas
The message means the yacht has lost its Captain in heavy seas
The message means the vessel is experiencing heavy seas and may need assistance
What are the symptoms that would indicate the filter/drier unit in a refrigeration system was becoming blocked?
A large temperature drop across the drier with possible icing of the casing.
Pressure drop before the driver.
A hammering noise from the drier.
The drier casing temperature increases.
A general cargo ship is being loaded in Singapore for Hong Kong; which is the preferred order of loading for the following cargo types in the same hold?
Top stow: Steel slabs, Middle stow: Pallets Machinery parts, Bottom stow: CKD's (packaged cars)
Top stow: CKD's (packaged cars), Middle stow: Steel slabs, Bottom stow: Machinery parts
Top stow: CKD's (packaged cars), Middle stow: Pallets Machinery parts, Bottom stow: Steel slabs
Top stow: Pallets Machinery parts, Middle stow: CKD's (packaged cars), Bottom stow: Steel slabs
What is the disadvantage of using High Tensile Steel (HTS) in ship construction?
Enhanced vibration in HTS areas
Diminished cargo carrying capacity
What is the maximum quantity of cargo permitted to be carried in a single tank on a type 1 chemical tanker as per the IBC Code?
On a traditional crude oil carrier, it is possible to arrange the valves in the bottom of a pumproom so that cargo flows from one bottom line to another. When more than one grade of cargo is carried, what is the operational safeguard requirement regarding these valves?
That two valves must be closed on each line or a 'spacer' removed to ensure no direct connection between tanks.
That there is two valve segregation.
That one valve segregation is maintained at all times.
There is no so special requirement.
A 3-phase cage rotor induction motor requires protection by a time delay overload trip. What is the reason for this?
It will tolerate fault conditions during start up
It will allow for inrush current or motor specific faults
When we are measuring salinity with a salinometer, the sensing device is:
Which would be the most suitable point in the system to obtain a representative of diesel engine lubricating oil for analysis?
From the lubricating system pipeline on the discharge side of the circulating pump.
From the lubricating oil filter drain.
From the lubricating oil cooler drain.
From the lubricating oil purifier outlet.
What was blocking the grease pipe?
The pump was blocking the grease pipe
The grease pipe was broken
Grease was blocking the grease pipe
Nothing was blocking the grease pipe
What type of buoy is this?
Give the meaning of the following symbol
What is the minimum recommended ratio between stripping capacity and total water put through during bottom washing?
You are in charge of loading a product tanker equipped with segregated ballast tanks, SBT.How can you find out if there is a leakage between the cargo and ballast system?
Use the Oil Discharge Monitoring Equipment (ODME)
Use an oil/water interface detector
Check the surface of the ballast for oil after the ballast tanks have been filled
Check the cargo tanks for water prior to loading