Тест складається із випадкових питань з обраної теми.
The self contained air support system on a totally enclosed lifeboat is designed to provide safe and breathable air with the engine running for a minimum of how many minutes?
How many hand held distress flares are carried in each liferaft with SOLAS B pack?
Why do we have to have an International Shorecoupling onboard? To be able to ...
Connect the firelines ship/shore
Connect sloplines ship/shore
Connect the cargohoses to shore
Connect the bunkerhoses to ship/shore
What manoeuvre should be carried out in case of a fire onboard a ship?
Let the ship follow the wind in order to reduce the oxygen supply
Continue on course and speed
Reduce speed and, if possible, keep the fire zone to the leeward of the ship
Keep the stem up against the wind if possible
*What maximum suction head can be expected from a fire pump?
Any height, provided the pump has enough power
What is the minimum number of fire control plans that should be permanently stored in a prominently marked weathertight enclosure outside the deckhouse for the assistance of shoreside fire fighting personnel?
Not required providing one set is available inside the accommodation
“Fading” can partially be compensated by:
MARPOL 73/78 - Annex V. Disposal of garbage. Your vessel is in the Red Sea (Special Area) and the Chief Cook is requesting to have some food waste burned in the incinerator. Due to problems with incinerator, you decide to have the waste ground in the Grinder (Lump size max. 25 mm) and disposed off into the sea. Is this prohibited, if not, how far from nearest land is this legal?
When planning the distribution of the cargo, what are the most important forces to take in consideration?
Shear forces and bending moments.
It is important that the brake holding capacity of a self stowing winch drum should not exceed the breaking strength of the wire or rope wound onto it. A certain percentage of extra strength is therefore recommended for the wire or rope over the brake holding capacity of the winch. So, for a winch of brake holding capacity of 60 Tons you would order a wire of breaking strength:
Your ship is approaching the berth as illustrated and has a right handed propeller and no thrusters. What could be a method to retain full control of the vessel as it comes alongside?
Reduce speed by going astern on the engines.
Let go port anchor to about 1 shackles on deck
Full starboard rudder and stop engines
Let go starboard anchor to about 1 shackle on deck
Which of the following hull shapes would normally provide a directionally stable ship?
A long ship with a wide beam
A short ship with a wide beam
A long ship with a narrow beam.
A short ship with a narrow beam
Which of the alternative methods of using a tug when escorting your ship through narrow waters do you think is the most effective if you lose steering power?
The tug-s bow against my stern, made fast with lines. By moving the tug to either side of my stern, this will help to steer the ship (figure 4).
Running free alongside, ready to be made fast (figure 2)
Made fast forward on either shoulder, ready to push (figure 3)
Made fast in a line at the bow (figure 1)
Your vessel is moving in Panama Canal waters. When must a crew man capable of and ready to operate the anchors be on the forecastle?
When passing through the Gatun Lake
When passing through Gaillard cut
When anchoring in Gatun Lake only
When a Panama Canal pilot is onboard
Your vessel is transitting the Panama Canal. Which manning level is applicable?
Manning level as per statutory requirements + 10% more to handle mooring equipment.
Manning level as per (statutory requirements) masters discretion
A reduced crew is acceptable since the Panama Canal authorities are supplying transit crew.
Sufficiently manned in officers and crew to permit safe handling of vessel.
*How much liferaft capacity should be provided on a conventional cargo ship of more than 85 meters in length.
75% of the complement on each side of the ship
100% of the complement if it can be readily launched on either side of the ship. If it cannot be readily launched on either side, 100% must be provided on each side
50% of the complement on each side of the ship
25% of the complement on each side of the ship
Which one of the listed requirements regarding equipment for inflatable liferafts do not correspond to present regulations? The inflatable liferaft shall be fitted with:
one repair outfit for repairing punctures in buoyancy compartments
a buoyant lifeline bucketed around the outside of the liferaft
one topping-up pump or bellows
a manually controlled lamp inside the raft
Which one of the listed requirements regarding rescue boat equipment do not correspond to present regulations? The normal equipment of every rescue boat shall include:
a first-aid outfit in a watertight case
an efficient radar reflector
immersion suits for the number of persons the boat is permitted to accommodate
two buoyant rescue quoits attached to not less than 30m of line
For how long and at what speed is a fully loaded lifeboat designed to operate in calm weather?
The training manual shall contain instructions and information in easily understood terms and illustrated wherever possible. Which of the following objects do not have to be explained in detail in the manual according to present regulations?
Recovery of survival craft and rescue boats including stowage and securing
Instruction for emergency repair of fire-fighting equipment
Best use of survival craft facilities in order to survive
Instructions for emergency repair of the life-saving appliances
The muster list shall specify details of general alarm signal and also actions to be taken by crew and passengers when the alarm is sounded. Which of the following actions do not necessarily have to be included in the muster list? The muster list shall:
specify substitutes for key persons who may become disabled
specify how the order to abandon ship will be given
be prepared and approved by the Administration before the ship proceeds to sea
specify which officers are assigned to ensure that life-saving and fire-fighting appliances are maintained in good condition
Which one of the following types of rope is the most dangerous to work with?
Which electronic component is this graphical symbol illustrating:
What is the correct definition of: - a mooring line?
A thick rope to tie up the ship.
What action should be taken if the inert gas plant fails during discharge of a liquefied gas cargo?
Slow down the discharge rate until the IG plant is working again.
Open the atmospheric vents to prevent a vacuum in the cargo tanks.
Stop all cargo operations and inform the terminal.
Open the vapour return line from shore to prevent a vacuum in the cargo tanks.
Is membrane tanks designed for carrying of ambient liquefied gases?
Yes if the vessel have cargo cooling plant
No, membrane tanks is normally designed for transport of fully refrigerated cargoes
Yes if the membrane tank is designed for high pressure
Yes if the membrane is more than 50mm thick
LNG is made up of a number of saturated hydrocarbons the greatest percentage of which is Methane. What are saturated hydrocarbons?
Saturated hydrocarbons contain atoms of hydrogen and carbon and also other elements such as chlorine.
Saturated hydrocarbons contain hydrogen and carbon atoms with single carbon to carbon bonds.
Saturated hydrocarbons are compounds of hydrogen and carbon which contain the maximum amount of water vapour.
Saturated hydrocarbons contain hydrogen and carbon atoms with double carbon to carbon bonds.
What basic information do we get from the pump's flow-head curve?
We get information about the NPSH.
We get information about the pump-s lifting height and liquid flow.
We get information about the pump-s back pressure.
We get information about the pump-s suction head.
A chlorine carrier must be equipped with a chlorine absorption plant connected to the cargo tanks and cargo lines. What is the gas detectors alarm setting?
What is Inert Gas?
It is a gas containing insufficient oxygen to support the combustion of hydrocarbons.
It is a gas containing too much hydrocarbon vapour to support combustion.
It is a gas containing no oxygen.
It is a gas containing less than 21% by volume oxygen.
On the figure 4 possible definitions of the term "QUAY" are given. Which one is the correct one?
Quay is given by C on the figure
Quay is given by A on the figure
Quay is given by D on the figure
Quay is given by B on the figure
During inspection of a medium speed diesel engine main bearing the shell is found to have approximately 15% of the white metal overlay worn away and some light score marks on the exposed aluminium tin bearing metal. Select the most appropriate action to take from the given options?
Refit the shell as it is, this is an acceptable condition for a thin shell bearing after a period of service.
Use a scraper to remove the score marks from the bearing metal before refitting the shell.
Use a scraper to remove the remaining overlay before refitting the shell.
Discard the damaged shell and polish the journal pin before fitting a new shell.
What are the main components causing the magnetic compass to require a regular evaluation and compass correction?
The change in the position of the magnetic pole causing annual changes in the variation
Permanent and induced magnetism in the ships structure
The continual changes of courses steered by the ship
What is the most likely cause of the clean oil outlet pressure being higher than normal when operating a centrifuge as a fuel oil separator?
Valve in the outlet line incorrectly positioned.
High fuel oil temperature.
What should you ensure prior to closing hatch covers when preparing to sail on a General Cargo vessel?
That all track ways are clear of obstructions
That cargo hold bilges are empty
That cargoes have been stowed according to the stowage plan
Read the text in the picture before answering the question. What is the fundamental requirement relating to the older ships, which are still in service?
The older ships should be scrapped to make way for the new builds.
The older ships must be in good condition.
The older ship must be cheaper to run than the new builds.
As a result of the new building activities, older ships are no longer required.
A centrifugal pump gland has been repacked following overhaul of the pump. Which of the procedures given in the options is the correct method to ensure the pump shaft does not overheat when the pump is operating?
Tighten the gland to half way travel of the gland follower.
Tighten the gland follower as much as possible and then slacken it back again by one turn of the gland nuts.
Gradually tighten the gland follower with the pump running until leakage at the gland stops.
Gradually tighten the gland follower with the pump running until the leakage is just a small steady flow.
The decision to abort a proposed or ongoing ship to ship mooring or cargo transfer operation rests solely with:
The Sen.Off.Deck of the constant direction or anchored vessel which is to discharge the cargo.
The Pilot, if one is present on either ship.
Either of the Sen.Off.Deck if he feels the situation is heading out of control due to bad weather, bad manoeuvring, or for any other reason.
The Sen.Off.Deck of the manoeuvring or offtake vessel.
A conventional reefer vessel operating a Controlled Atmosphere (CA) is approaching the port of discharge in Northern Europe. Which is the most suitable action to take from the options given?
Turn off the CA plant just prior to the start of discharge operations.
Continue to apply CA throughout the discharge to maintain the condition of the cargo.
Continue to apply CA until the hatches are opened to maintain the condition of the cargo.
Turn off the CA plant and thoroughly ventilate the cargo spaces under CA with fresh air just prior to arrival.
How is stability affected during Parametric Rolling?
By development of a negative GM
By rapidly changing waterplane areas
By heaving rolling and pitching
What is the main use for polyurethane foam onboard an LNG carrier?
As a fire retardant coating for the deck.
As a fire fighting medium.
As insulation for the cargo tanks.
As a sealant for deck openings.
Gas detectors are widely used on liquefied gas carriers. Before using a portable combustible gas indicator which has not been used for a period of a few hours what action should be taken?
Just renew the batteries. A calibration is only required if the instrument gives false readings.
Just check the filters. If the sample is free to flow the indicator will work correctly.
Just carry out a zero check and adjustment. If the instrument reads zero correctly it will also read correctly throughout the scale.
Always carry out a full calibration and battery check.
Not all crude oils can be used for crude oil washing. What is the common recommendation to use a crude oil for washing.
The temperature must at all times be 10 degrees Centigrade above the oil’s pour point temperature.
As long as the oil is floating.
Depends on the oil’s density.
The temperature must at all times be 25 degrees Centigrade above the oil’s pour point temperature.
Why could container lashings, secured to a lashing bridge, part during heavy weather?
Because container lashings are not designed for use in heavy weather
Because the hatch covers and lashing bridge could move, during heavy weather
Because the hatch covers could move during heavy weather, whereas the lashing bridge will not
The best way to identify an IED is to?
Measure the size of the object.
Recognize its components.
When are power-operated watertight sliding doors (class 3 doors) compulsory for all watertight doors aboard passenger ships?
Where the ship is fitted with through-going car decks
Where one or more doors are situated below deepest load line
When the ship is certified for more than 150 passengers
Where the ship has passenger spaces below the bulkhead deck
When calibrating an pressure transducer we have to adjust both SPAN and ZERO. Please indicate in which order these adjustments should be done.
The order of adjustment is of no importance.
First Span adjustment and then Zero adjustment. After that Span setting should be checked gain.
First Span adjustment and then Zero adjustment. After that Span setting should be checked again.
First Zero adjustment and the Span adjustment. Then Zero should be rechecked.
What is the minimum number of lifebuoys that shall be provided with self-igniting lights an self-activating smoke signals?
50% of the total number of lifebuoys
Which factor influences the pumping capacity (flow) of a centrifugal pump the most?
Which of the following is a false statement in relation to; the best advice to a first aider is to:
Call the doctor immediately
Restore breathing and heart beat of the patient
If necessary remove the casualty from the danger
What is the master's position if he is asked to load a container that is incorrectly manifested, but which is believed to contain dangerous goods, about which insufficient information is supplied?
If it it approved by the operations department, he can assume all safety checks have been carried out and should load it.
He has the authority to refuse it.
He must load it, but ensure it is placed in a safe loaction, to which there is immediate access in the event of an emergency.
He must load it, but immediately advise his operations department and request full information.
The diode shown performs which function?
Reference the transistor to +15V.
Provide an overload route for transistor current.
Allow Op Amp to top up +15V rail.
Return inductive current to supply at switch off.
What are the limitations of Cargo Securing Manuals?
They are developed whilst ships are still under construction and may therefore be unsuitable under certain operational conditions
They are not always approved by a classification society
Some Cargo Securing Manuals cover a full range of sister ships
Cargo securing arrangements in the manuals may be unsuitable for heavy weather conditions
What is the purpose of a hatch cover ventilator grill on a General Cargo vessel?
To act as a strength member inside the ventilation shaft
To prevent the ventilator fans from damage
To prevent moisture from entering the hold
To prevent sparks entering the cargo hold
Refrigerated compartments are usually fitted with two types of thermometer - those designed for indicating air temperature and those designed for indicating pulp temperatures. When a fruit cargo is being loaded which of the given options represents the best location for a pulp thermometer to be placed?
In the return air flow path.
Directly in the delivery air flow path.
Between two cartons in the middle of the stow.
Why are drains fitted to hatch coamings of a General Cargo ship?
To drain water from the hatch covers
To drain water that enters the hatch coaming channel via the hatch seals
To drain water from hatch cover cross-joints
To collect debris that collects in the hatch coaming channel
According to MARPOL there are requirements regarding minimum amidships draught for crude oil tankers in ballast condition. What is the formula for calculating minimum draught amidships?
In the context of ship design, what does the abbreviation "OBO" stand for?
In RoRo Cargo Planning What should be considered for the location of stowage of a heavy loads such as transformer, locomotive or work boats?
The discharge port rotation
Requests from the stevedore
The stability of the vessel, access to the location and the SWL of the stowage location
Some liquefied gas carriers require a secondary barrier as part of the cargo containment system. What is the main purpose of a secondary barrier on these gas carriers?
To provide temporary containment of any leakage of cargo through the primary barrier.
To reduce heat leakage into the cargo.
To hold the thermal insulation for the primary barrier in place.
To connect the cargo containment system to the ship's hull.
The densities of most hydrocarbon gas mixtures which evolve from normal petroleum products are greater than the density of air. What would be the approximate relative density of a mixture of 50% by volume of air and propane relative to 100% air?
Some liquefied gas carriers are fitted with cascade type direct cooling plants to meet cargo vapour reliquefaction requirements. What is the cargo vapour normally condensed against in a cascade type cooling plant?
A commercial refrigerant gas.
On a RoRo vessel, what is a low-bed Ro-Ro unit that is towed onto a ship called?
"Your ship security plan must include procedures for responding to security threats, auditing security activities and interfacing with the port facility."
The charge air pressure supplied to a diesel engine, which is normally 2.0 bar, is reduced to 1.5 bar . What will be the likely effect on the engine operation?
The performance of the engine will be reduced noticeably.
The turbochargers cooling water flow will increase.
The performance of the engine will be similar to normal conditions.
The cylinder cooling water flow will increase.
Maintenance of lifeboats and davit arrangements is routine work onboard. Why should you not carry out this type of work alone?
It is boring to work alone and you should be able to chat with colleagues while working
If you need something to drink, the second person can get it for you
If the person working on the lifeboat falls over board, the second person can lower the lifeboat and prepare pick-up immediately
There might be a risk of falling even though harness and lifeline is used. A second person should always stand by to assist with tools etc. and other practical arrangements.
A walk-in refrigerator has been out of use for several weeks and needs cleaning. It has been closed for a long time because there is a suspicion that there may be a small gas leak from the cooling system. What should you do?
Hold your breath as you enter, locate the gas leak and stick a bit of tape over it.
Seek advice from ther ship's safety officer who will perform a risk assessment and advise on any precautions necessary.
Nothing special - it's only a refrigerator and everything will be OK.
Get someone to come inside the refrigerator with you.
Which of the following fresh fruits should be used first?
What does the term "ullage" refer to?
The measured depth of product in a cargo tank.
The height from the bottom of a cargo tank to the top.
The special calculations that the Chief Officer makes when he works out the ship's final draughts before sailing.
The depth of free space left in a cargo tank above the current liquid level.
You are at anchor and another chemical tanker is alongside to receive several parcels from your vessel. As you are not alongside, or actually in port, do you have to observe any of the usual precautions on deck?
No, when outside port limits, there are no requirements to observe any precautions.
No, the other ship is the receiving vessel, so the responsibility lies completely with her crew.
It is only necessary to observe precautions on deck if the agent or any other personnel from shore are on board.
Yes, there is no difference to a transfer operation whether it is alongside or with another ship at anchor.
What is the meaning of "Make Fast"?
Make Fast means to secure a rope
Make Fast means to avoid all meals
Make Fast means to coil a rope
Make Fast means to act very quickly
Which special regulations cover transportation of grain on a Bulk Carrier?
Classification Society Rules?
Why must draught marks be read on both port and starboard sides of a bulk vessel when accurate draughts are required
The vessel marks may be incorrectly drawn
The vessel may appear up right but often will be found to have a slight list when port and starboard marks are compared
The vessel may be trimmed by the head
The draught reading on one side of the vessel sufficient
How could your menus best contribute to reducing the number of dental problems amongst the ship's crew?
By ensuring that at least two portions of vegetables are available with every meal.
By limiting the use of sugar-rich foods and beverages and those containing high levels of starch.
By increasing the amount of red meat served on board.
By ensuring that a minimum of 1.5 grams of salt per person is included in the daily menu.
According to ISGOTT, which of the following indicates the approximate density ratio of undiluted gas, in relation to air, from a typical crude oil?
0.8 times that of the air (assuming atmospheric pressure above 1000 mb).
1.8 times that of the air.
1.5 times that of the air.
Refrigerated cargo spaces are fitted with temperature sensors and in some cases carbon dioxide sensors. From the options given select the one which best completes the following statement. "Monitoring the carbon dioxide content in a cargo space loaded with fruit can be useful because…
… low levels indicate that there are insufficient numbers of air changes."
… increasing levels indicate that the fruit may be starting to ripen."
… its presence indicates that the fruit is ripe."
… its presence indicates that the fruit is still not ripe."
In a PID controller we have possibility to change the setting of the Proportional band (P), the Reset time (1) and the Rate time (D). Please indicate which curve shows the typical response to a change in input, if the setting of the proportional band is too wide.
At what temperature should Intermediate Fuel Oil (IFO) 180 be maintained so as not to damage a bulk cargo of grain?
What is the lightweight of a ship according to SOLAS?
Weight of ship including equipment, complement, stores and supplies
Weight of the ship including fixed and permanent equipment, less cargo, complement, passengers, stores and supplies
Weight in tons of operative ship with no cargo
Weight of a light loaded ship (not fully loaded)
A tachometer for a diesel engine is reading erratically. The tachometer is of the non-contact type using magnetic proximity switches to generate the signal. What is the most likely cause of this problem?
The shaft magnet has fallen off.
The proximity switch has dirt on the outside casing.
The shaft magnet has become demagnetised.
The proximity switch is loose on its mounting.
What damages a ship’s cargo holds?
Repeated stresses at a particular location
What is class "A" division
Bulkhead constructed of steel, suitably stiffened and insulated so as to be able to meet a prescribed fire test of one hour duration
Bulkheads used to divide a vessel in different parts
Bulkhead used to divide a ship horizontally
Bulkhead to divide accommodation from the cargo spaces
Which is the "AFT BREAST LINE", in the figure?
The aft breast line is indicated by C, in the figure
The aft breast line is indicated by B, in the figure
The aft breast line is indicated by D, in the figure
The aft breast line is indicated by A, in the figure
What is the purpose of a draught survey on a bulk carrier?
To calculate the vessels lightship displacement
To calculate the vessels constant
To calculate shear forces at the bulkheads
To calculate the quantity of bulk cargo loaded or discharged
What is the correct name of the part highlighted in the sketch?
The IMO Gas Carrier code defines liquefied gases, of which LNG is an example, as those gases with absolute vapour pressure greater than 2.8 bar at a certain reference temperature. What is the reference temperature used in the definition?
What will happen when the ship arrives in Rotterdam?
The ship will receive fuel and diesel oil bunkers when it arrives in Rotterdam
The anchor will be tested when the ship arrives in Rotterdam
The navigation lights will be tested when the ship arrives in Rotterdam
The main engine will be tested when the ship arrives in Rotterdam
How many carbon atoms are there in solid materials?
From 5 to 16 carbon atoms.
A delta connected 3-phase A.C. induction motor is running normally at its rated current of 150 A when a single phasing fault (open circuit) occurs in one line. The likely outcome will be:
Line currents: 0 A, 180 A, 180 A. Trip condition: trip on overload.
Line currents: 150 A,150 A,150 A. Trip condition: fuses blow on short circuit.
Line currents: 75 A, 75 A, 75 A. Trip condition: no trip but speed falls.
Line currents: 0 A, 150 A, 300 A. Trip condition: trip on overload.
What would you do if you saw a person falling overboard?
If I saw a person falling overboard I would shout once, "Man overboard"
If I saw a person falling overboard I would run to the Bridge
If I saw a person falling overboard I would inform the Bosun
If I saw a person falling overboard I would shout repeatedly, "Man overboard"