Тест складається із випадкових питань з обраної теми.
Which one of the listed requirements regarding lifeboat fittings do not correspond to present regulations? All lifeboats shall be fitted with:
a buoyant lifeline bucketed around the outside of the lifeboat
effective means for bailing or have self-bailing arrangement
a remotely operated steering arrangement
release device to enable forward painter to be released under tension
*Monoammonium phosphate used as a dry powder can be effective on:
solid, liquid, gases and metals
How is the activation of any detector or manually operated call point of fixed fire- detection and fire-alarm systems to be indicated? (SOLAS II-2/13.1.4)
By all the indication methods listed
By visual and audible signal at the control panel and indicating units
By sounding the ship-s fire alarm signal in crew accommodation and service spaces
By alarm signals at the bridge and engine room control panels
Why do we have to have an International Shorecoupling onboard? To be able to ...
Connect the firelines ship/shore
Connect sloplines ship/shore
Connect the cargohoses to shore
Connect the bunkerhoses to ship/shore
Which of the following is a precautionary measure to prevent fire:
Storing rags impregnated with oil in closed containers
What is the minimum number of fireman's outfits that should be carried on a cargo ship?
What will be the minimum volume of halon to extinguish a fire in an enclosed room?
10% of the volume of the room
15% of the volume of the room
4.25% of the volume of the room
20% of the volume of the room
The pressure in a flexible hose must be set up
Before it is being laid down
After it has been laid down
While it is being laid down
Which of the following prevention actions offers the guarantee of an efficient intervention in an emergency
Planning of the emergency
The installation of protective measures
As a fire fighter, what should you always consider when fighting a fire in a confined space?
The confined space can be considered to have one side only as heat always rises
The confined space has only five sides
The confined space has only four sides
The confined space always has six sides
Regular ‘updating’ of a vessel’s position in an Inmarsat-C installation is among other things of importance:
to exclusively receive MSI-reports meant for the NAVAREA where the vessel is
because the Inmarsat organisation, in connection with the good reception of MSI-reports, makes it……
because MSI-reports for own vessel can't be received otherwise
A Cargo Ship Construction Certificate will be issued for :
A period not exceeding 12 months
A period not exceeding 48 months
A period not exceeding 6 months
A period not exceeding 24 months
If you discover serious technical deficiencies on your vessel, what would you do?
Report to and discuss with the Master.
Take contact with the manager.
In US waters "Oil Pollution Act of 1990" was activated in August 1993. What is the main issue for the introduction of the act?
To prevent oil spills in US waters?
To enforce owners to use equipment of higher standards that those of today?
To encourage owners to build double hull vessels for trading US waters?
To improve safety measures onboard?
A severe blow to or a heavy fall on the upper part of the abdomen (solar plexus) can upset the regularity of breathing. What is the symptoms and signs?
The casualty may start sweating profusely and develops a fever.
Difficulty in breathing in and the casualty may be unable to speak.
The casualty feel very hungry.
The casualty is speaking in a very load manner.
A diabetic has eaten too little food and the person may feel dizzy and lightheaded. The skin becomes pale, with profuse sweathing. Limbs may begin to tremble and pulse becomes rapid. The urine glucose reaction is negative. What kind of medicine will the person need as soon as possible?
Sugar lump, sugar drink or something sweet.
What should you do with the ashes from your vessels incinerator which had burned garbage containing plastics?
Discharge at sea providing you are more than 25 miles offshore
Discharge to a shore facility only
Discharge at sea providing you are more than 12 miles offshore
Discharge at sea providing you are not in any river or estuary
How many annexes do we find in MARPOL 73/78 and what is the content of annex 1?
We find 4 annexes in MARPOL 73/78 and annex 1 regulations for the prevention of pollution by garbage
We find 5 annexes in MARPOL 73/78 and annex 1 is the regulations for the prevention of pollution by sewage
We find 1 annexes in MARPOL 73/78 and annex 1regulations for the prevention of pollution by chemicals.
We find 5 annexes in MARPOL 73/78 and annex 1 is the regulations for the prevention of pollution by oil
Give the meaning of the following symbol
Fire main with fire valves
Fuel lubricating oil valves
Section valves drenching system
You are Sen.Off.Deck on a vessel and you have collided with another vessel which is on fire. What would you do?
Check own vessel for any loss of life, danger of explosion and offer your assistance to the other vessel
Leave the other vessel because the other vessel was to blame for the collision
Stay close to the other vessel and commence fire fighting procedures
Commence arguing with the other Sen.Off.Deck about the reason for the collision
What is the main purpose of VTS?
Reduce port operation costs
Increase safety for all ships in the area
Increase safety for ships participating in VTS
Give the meaning of this symbol:
lifebuoy with light and hand flare
lifebuoy with light and smoke
lifebuoy with light and water dye marker
lifebuoy with smoke and automatic sound signal
Give the meaning of the following symbol:
The steps of the embarkation ladder used must be proportioned as it follows:
length = 280 mm, breadth = 85 mm, depth = 10 mm
length = 480 mm, breadth = 115 mm, depth = 25 mm
length = 580 mm, breadth = 165 mm, depth = 30 mm
length = 380 mm, breadth = 145 mm, depth = 20 mm
The wearer of a lifejacket can jump into the water without injury and without damaging the jacket from a height of at least:
What method shall be used when hauling survivors out of the sea (state of survivors is critical)?
Which one of the listed requirements regarding lifejackets do not correspond to present regulations? (SOLAS III/32) A lifejacket shall be so constructed that:
is capable of being worn inside-out, or as far as possible can not be incorrectly donned
it allows the wearer to jump from any height without injury and without damaging the lifejacket
it is comfortable to wear
it can be correctly donned within 1 minute without assistance
Which item among those below is included in the normal equipment of every rescue boat ?
anti-seasickness medicine sufficient for at least 48h and one seasickness bag for each person
one copy of the prescribed life saving signals on a waterproof card
a food ration for each person as
Which item among those below is included in the normal equipment of every liferaft ?
two painters of a length equal to not less than the distance from the stowage position of the liferaft to the waterline
anti-seasickness medicine and one seasickness bag for each person
one searchlight which can work continuously for not less than 3 hours
*Which among the following list is required for lifeboat equipment according to present regulations?
Be made of fire retardant material
Be made of buoyant material or stored in buoyant containers
Be made of fire-retardant material and stored in buoyant containers
Be secured in a manner as not to interfere with abandonment procedures
How many hand held distress flares are carried in each lifeboat?
*Give the meaning of the following symbol
Start air filling of the davit launched liferaft
Start air filling of the liferaft
Start ventilation of the rescue boat
When you are taking an "ullage" on a cargo tank on an oil tanker, what are you actually doing?
Measuring the distance from the surface of the cargo to the ullage reference point
Measuring the distance from the bottom of the tank to the ullage reference point
Measuring the distance from the bottom of the tank to the surface of cargo
Measuring the distance from the surface of the cargo to the underside of the maindeck
From the statements given in the answer options, choose the one which is most accurate in relation to the operation of water-tube boiler and fire-tube boilers.
A watertube boiler can tolerate a short period of time without any water when the burner is operating.
A firetube boiler has a much better capability to work at higher steam pressure.
Water-tube boilers are more efficient and generally contain less water than fire tube boilers. They are prone to major damage when run dry during operation.
A firetube boiler does not require a non-return valve in the feedwater line.
Why do we use stabilisers on passenger ships?
To decrease the rolling angle of the vessel
To adjust the trim of the vessel
To increase the intact stability
To decrease the dynamic stability
Signals are often used by aircraft engaged in search and rescue operations to direct ships towards a casualty. This aircraft flies across your stern, rocking his wings. What is the meaning of the signal?
The aircraft is telling me he does not understand my last message.
The assistance of your vessel is no longer required.
This is part of a sequence of manoeuvres by which the aircraft will indicate a direction for my vessel to proceed in.
The aircraft is telling me he is preparing to drop supplies or personnel in the water.
What does a ship’s angle of pitch vary with?
Sea state and wind force combined
A diode is in good condition when the following test results are obtained using a Digital Multi-Meter.
With + to A a reading of about 0.6V, and with probes reversed a reading of O/L.
With + to K a reading of about 0.6V and with probes reversed a reading of O/L.
With + to A good continuity ( low ohms) and with the probes reversed a reading of infinity.
With + to K good contiuity ( low ohms) and with the probes reversed a reading of infinty.
According to SIGTTO publications, what is a typical accuracy for LNG pressure measurement equipment?
+/- 1,00 bar (which will apply within the MARVS of the tank)
+/- 0,0005 bar (which will apply within the MARVS of the tank)
+/- 0,0015 bar (which will apply within the MARVS of the tank)
+/- 0,50 bar (which will apply within the MARVS of the tank)
What is one way to try to overcome people's fears about loved ones?
Inform them about the nature of the emergency.
Prevent them from looking for their loved ones.
Assure them that the crew is sweeping the entire ship for passengers.
Give them a lifejacket to put on.
What is the most likely cause of the clean oil outlet pressure being higher than normal when operating a centrifuge as a fuel oil separator?
Valve in the outlet line incorrectly positioned.
High fuel oil temperature.
A 450 volt, 859 kW rated generator has not been in operation for several weeks. Prior to starting, insulation resistance readings are taken. The minimum acceptable insulation resistance reading on the main stator winding to allow you to proceed with running the generator is:
Information about your ship’s security arrangements and procedures is stored electronically. Which of these measures will help safeguard it from potential threats?
Work history verification
What is the minimum furnace temperature that must be reached during start up before waste material can be introduced into an incinerator?
What is the meaning of the term "Steady as she goes" when acting as helmsman?
Reduce the number of helm movements used when steeriing a set course
Try to reduce the continuous swinging either side of the course when steering a compass course.
Keep the applied rudder constant until the next helm order.
While altering the ships head, the instruction "steady as she goes" means reduce the ships swing as rapidly as possible and steady on present course
Depending on density or API, an error measurement of 0.1 degree Fahrenheit in a tank containing 50,000 cubic metres (314,491 barrels) of oil will result in which of the following volumes?
35 cubic metres (220 barrels).
25 cubic metres (157 barrels).
7 cubic metres (44 barrels).
16.5 cubic metres (104 barrels).
Which publication sets out the forces that cause cargo shifting on a General Cargo Vessel?
The Code of Safe Practice for Solid Bulk Cargoes (BC Code)
The Cargo Securing Manual (CSM)
The ship's stability manual
The Cargo Stowage and Security (CSS) Code
What is the function of the "scrubber" in the inert gas system on an oil tanker?
To prevent backflow of dangerous vapours to the machinery space.
To blend the flue gas and air and achieve the desired concentration levels for tank inerting.
To wash and warm the flue gas.
To quench, cool and clean the flue gas.
According to the ISGOTT definition, what is "volatility"?
The tendency of a crude oil or petroleum product to produce gas.
The ability of a crude oil or petroleum product to resist ignition.
The measure of a crudre oil or petroleum product's vapour pressure.
The tendency of a crude oil or petroleum product to ignite.
In the human body, breathing is controlled by
The respiratory centre in the brain
During inspection of a medium speed diesel engine piston of the composite type it is found that the steel crown is loose at its connection to the alloy skirt. Further inspection reveals damage to the surfaces and evidence of metal particles where the two parts are connected. Select, from the options given, the likely cause of this type of damage.
Fatigue due to excess compression at the joint between the components.
Crushing due to over tightening of the piston crown retaining bolts.
Shear of the metal surfaces due to excessive load on the engine.
Fretting due to loss of compression at the joint between the components.
On a General Cargo Vessel cargo is be secured using turnbuckles (bottlescrews) and wires; what is the minimum number of bulldog grips that should be used to attach wires to turnbuckles ?
Which of the following cuts of beef is taken from the shoulder?
Studies of shipboard emergencies show that many passengers do not read or remember safety information. As an officer, how can you best compensate for this fact?
In an emergency, repeatedly tell passengers what's happening, what's being done, and what they should do.
Post large, graphic safety signs conspicuously throughout the ship.
Prior to departure, provide passengers with a good safety video.
Ensure that printed safety information onboard is of the highest quality.
What will you do when all the fresh water in the survival craft is finished or about to finish?
Use sea water to keep your body wet
Start collecting rain water
Drink only 1 liter of sea water per day
On a Container vessel, what should a crew member do if a tank container on deck is found with a leaking valve?
Wash away the leaking contents immediately
Report it immediately to the duty officer
In a fresh water tank we are using a pressure transmitter with a range of 0-0.5 bar / 4-20mA for level measurement. The transmitter is for different reasons installed 30 centimeters from the bottom of the tank, and the tank is 5 meters high. What will the output from the transmitter be when the tank is full? (Pending no calibration is made)
What is the purpose of the IGC code?
The purpose of the IGC code is to provide an standard for safe carriage of liquefied gases in bulk
The purpose of the IGC code is to protect the oil companies
The purpose of the IGC code is to provide an international standard for safe carriage of liquefied gases in bulk
The purpose of the IGC code is to provide safe carriage of liquefied gases in bulk
What is the correct range for the pH-value for the water in an oil fired steam boiler?
When is the 2nd Mate supposed to call the Captain?
30 minutes from the pilot station
When anything unusual happens, and 30 minutes before the pilot station
Just when he happens to remember
Where are the two places that a hydraulic cargo pump can be started from on a chemical tanker?
Remotely, from the cargo control room or from the hydraulic aggregate room.
Locally at the pump on deck and remotely from the hydraulic aggregate room.
Locally at the pump on deck and remotely from the cargo control room.
Remotely, from the cargo control room or the engine control room.
How is the pressure in the cargo containment system of a conventional LNG carrier controlled during normal operation?
By using the boil-off gas as fuel for the ships propulsion plant.
The gas vapour is evacuated to the atmosphere via the vent-line.
The gas vapour is taken from the vapour header and passed through the demister and into the LD Compressor and evacuated to the atmosphere via the vent mast.
If a cargo leak occurs onboard a liquefied gas carrier it is likely that a 'white' vapour cloud will form. What makes the vapour cloud look white?
Condensation of nitrogen in the air.
Condensation of cargo vapour in the air.
Condensation of oxygen in the air.
Condensation of water vapour in the air.
What must the oxygen content of the atmosphere within the cargo tanks of an oil tanker be prior to loading?
It must not exceed 8% by volume.
It cannot be in excess of 12% by volume.
It must be no greater than 5% by volume.
It must be less than 10% by volume.
Emergency exits are provided for personnel's safe and quick escape from the engine room in case of fire. The emergency exits are an item to be checked during the Safety Equipment survey annually. What is the surveyor checking?
The surveyor is checking the lighting fixture in way of emergency exits.
The surveyor is check that the vessel is equipped with emergency exits.
The surveyor is checking that there is no oily residues in the emergency exits.
The surveyor is checking that the emergency exits are properly marked, free from obstacles and that the closing devices are easy operable.
What is most important when using expanded square search?
Through time the container stools on the weather deck / hatch tops of a container vessel can suffer from corrosion and wear down. Select the most dangerous consequence of ignoring this.
It may be difficult to fully lock the twistlocks.
The deck stool may collapse causing the lashings to go slack.
The container will not sit evenly on all four corners.
It may be difficult to remove the twistlocks during cargo operations.
By what means can we monitor and control the integrity of the hull?
Documented operating procedures
The chief officer is responsible for monitoring the integrity of the hull and superstructure at all times
Let experienced personnel close and secure doors and ramps
Automatic detection systems, television surveillance and patrolling of ro-ro cargo spaces
Which of the following statements is true with respect to the Great Lakes area?
Cargo sweepings can be discharged anywhere
Cargo sweepings cannot be discharged in sensitive and/or protected areas
Cargo sweepings cannot be discharged within 5 nautical miles of any coastline
The discharge of cargo sweepings is prohibited
In a diesel engine lubrication system the circulating pump pump normally takes suction from the oil sump tank. Where does the oil pass to directly after the pump?
The sign on the image indicates:
Location of immersion suit(s)
Location of boiler suit(s)
You should wear warm clothes in this area
You should wear immersion suit when working in this area
Which of these will not physically damage a bulk carriers’ plating, frames and brackets?
What name is applied to foods (in particular meat) that have been prepared according to the rules of Islam?
Which of these is not a Cargo Transport Unit under the IMDG Code?
Select from the options given the one which best completes the following statement. "Reefer vessels, loaded with a homogenous cargo, usually operate with a small GM due to the fact that…
…they are designed with small fuel tanks."
…they are designed with fine lines and the biggest cargo spaces are at the top of the holds."
…they are designed that way to produce a gentle rolling motion."
…they usually have large deck cranes."
For a container stowed in a position equidistant from the roll and pitch axes of a ship, what will quarter the acceleration forces acting on it?
Doubling the pitch period
Bananas form the largest proportion of fruit transported by sea. There are many varieties of banana. Which of the types given in the options is the most common type of banana that is transported by sea?
What is the possible concern if fuel tanks on a Bulk Carrier, which are close to cargo spaces containing grain, are excessively heated?
The grain cargo may produce methane gas
The grain cargo may be heated and damaged
The International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL) covers detailed regulations to prevent various sources of ship generated pollution. Annex I - VI deals with regulations for the prevention/ control of pollution from:
Proper Pollution Prevention Training
Oil, Noxious Liquid Substances in Bulk, Harmful Substances in Packaged Form, Sewage, Garbage and Ballast Water
All Harmful Substances we have onboard
Harmful Substances in Packaged Form, Sewage, Air Pollution, Garbage, Oil and Noxious Liquid Substances in Bulk
The ship is en route. When may passengers visit the bridge?
Passengers are not allowed to visit the bridge while the ship is en route
When the weather is nice and the sea is calm
During daytime if the traffic is smooth
What should be the first action to be taken in the event of the water level disappearing out of the boiler water level gauge glass?
Secure all of the burners.
Close the feed-water stop valve.
Close the main steam stop valve.
What would be a typical value for the set point for shut down of a large 2-stroke diesel engine due to thrust bearing high temperature?
If a cargo has a litreweight 0f 1.5200 kg/l at 15 degrees Celsius and a correction factor of 0.001 per degree, what will the litreweight be at a temperature of 20 degrees Celsius?
A refrigerated break-bulk cargo (not palletised) is being loaded into a space that it will not fill. From the options given select the one which gives the best way to finish the stow.
With a vertical face that can be secured by netting.
The stow should be stepped down progressively over several rows so that it is self securing.
With a vertical face that can be secured by plywood sheeting.
With a vertical face which can be secured with wooden tomming.
Inspection of the LP turbine rotor reveals some erosion damage to the blading on the final stage. Which of the given options is most likely to be the cause of this condition?
Steam inlet to the turbine superheat temperature low.
Steam inlet to the turbine pressure too low.
Excess LP bleed steam take off.
Total dissolved solids in the boiler too high.
What type of component does this graphical symbol illustrate?
Pressure-reducing regulator.
The sign on the image indicates:
This is the location where you should operate pyrotechnic equipment (Buoyant smoke signal, hand flares and rocket parachute flares) In case of an emergency
Location of lifebuoy with self-igniting light and self-activated smoke signal
Location where you should throw lifebuoys in case a man- over-board situation occurs.
This amplifier circuit is a common configuration used to amplify the difference in voltage between two input signals; in this case input 1 and 2. What is this amplifier called?
Darlington connection amplifier
What is the signal used by a life saving station or rescue unit indicating that distress signals are observed at night time ?
*Generally speaking, what is the value commonly recognised as the maximum concentration of CO2 allowed in the breathing air of a breathing apparatus?