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Which one of the listed requirements regarding lifeboat fittings do not correspond to present regulations? All lifeboats shall be fitted with:
a buoyant lifeline bucketed around the outside of the lifeboat
effective means for bailing or have self-bailing arrangement
a remotely operated steering arrangement
release device to enable forward painter to be released under tension
Give the meaning of the following symbol
Survival craft distress pyrotechnic signals
Buoy fitted with line throwing appliance
In general, what is the best extinguishing agent to put out a class A fire?
A fire bulkhead of the "C" class must be constructed of:
Steel or equivalent material
Low flame spread material
Ignition resistant material
*Which code regulates the transportation of dangerous goods by sea ?
What quantity of reserve fuel is to be available for diesel driven fire pumps outside of the main machinery space? (SOLAS II-2/
Sufficient amount for fifteen hours operation at full capacity
Sufficient amount for six hours operation at full capacity
As a fire fighter, what should you always consider when fighting a fire in a confined space?
The confined space can be considered to have one side only as heat always rises
The confined space has only five sides
The confined space always has six sides
The confined space has only four sides
Select the correct send and receive frequencies for sending a DSC ‘distress alert’ in the MF band:
TX: 2189.5 kHz RX: 2177.0 kHz
TX: 500.0 KHz RX: 518.0 KHz
TX: 2187.5 kHz RX: 2187.5 kHz
TX: 2177.0 kHz RX: 2177.0 kHz
At present the MF/HF transmitter often has an automatic aerial turning unit. Should this fail:
No distress frequencies can be used at all
Its always possible to put the turning unit in a fixed position, so the MF distress frequencies can still be used
The transmitter will automatically keep operating on the MF and HF distress frequencies
You want to make a telephone call to another ship operating in Indian Ocean Region. Which sequence will you key into your INMARSAT A terminal?
CES two digits code # 00 873 SES INMARSAT code #
CES two digits code # 00 583 SES INMARSAT code #
00 # CES two digits code 873 SES INMARSAT code #
CES two digits code # 873 SES INMARSAT code #
A "Standard Format for Search and Rescue Situation Reports" (SITREPs) should be used by vessels in distress. The SITREP can be compiled as a short form (urgent essential details). Which of the following information shall be included when using the "short form"?
At sea red rocket signals are seen. This is not reported by radio. You have to begin the distress alert procedure via VHF with the term:
The word CHANNEL is spelled conform the international phonetic alphabet:
Charlie, Hotel, Alfa, November, November, Echo, Lima
Cornelis, Hotel, Alfa, November, November, Edison, Lodewijk
Charlie, Hotel, Able, November, November, Echo, Liverpool
A Category "B" Chemical Cargo which has a melting point of more than 15° C. can be carried:
In tanks adjacent to the ship's shell plating having heating coils?
In tanks where the heating coils have been removed and supply and return steam pipes blanked off?
In tanks not adjacent to the ship's shell plating having heating coils?
In any tank onboard the vessel?
Where should the placard you are shown be located, according to U.S. Coast Guard regulations ? (Title 33-Navigation and Navigable waters, § 155.440 )
In a conspicuous place at the bilge and ballast pump control station
In a conspicuous place in each machinery space
Both in a conspicuous place in each machinery space and in a conspicuous place at the bilge and ballast pump control station
What is correct UTC in this example? Approx. Pos: N49°51' W35°23', zone +2, Local Time 0900.
If your vessel is fitted with wires on self-stowing 'split drum' winches, the advantage of having these split drum winches is:
Increased brake holding capacity due to the ability to keep the paid out wire in a single layer on the drum
All the listed alternatives
Less chance of the wire being jammed in the reel
Who is responsible for the voyage plan?
The person who has done the planning
What is the secondary purpose of a radio installation onboard?
To take part in public traffic
To enhance the safety of lives at sea
To communicate in distress cases
The HF-band is in the frequency range:
Public correspondance MF communications should normally be operated :
In G3E mode – on simplex basis
In J3E mode – on simplex basis
In G3E mode – on duplex basis
You are starting to get low on water in the lifeboat. What should you do?
Mix sea water with 50% fresh water
*Which of the following detailed explanations should be mentioned in the Training Manual ?
The use of surface to air visual signals to be used by survivors
The method of launching from within the survival craft
The use of navigational equipment for survival crafts
The use of escape routes and other escape methods
What kind of permits have to be obtained before starting hot work in tanks?
Hot work permit + Permit for entry.
What is the purpose of the LD (low duty) compressors on an LNG carrier?
To deliver inert gas and to aid cooling down of the cargo tanks.
To transfer cargo vapour to the shore installation during loading operations.
To handle the LNG boil-off vapour for fuelling the boiler.
To discharging the LNG cargo at a slow rate.
Which of this information must be included in a piracy attack alert?
The type of weapons being carried by the pirates/highjackers.
The number of pirates/highjackers.
The number of crew onboard.
Your ship’s name and call sign.
What is the requirement to valves in the ESD (Emergency shut-down) system?
They must be electrically operated.
They must be hydraulically operated.
They must be pneumatically operated.
On the figure there are four (4) possible definitions of the term "QUAY" given. Which one is the correct one?
Quay is given by D on the figure
Quay is given by A on the figure
Quay is given by C on the figure
Quay is given by B on the figure
Which of the following parameters will result in oscillation
Why is it important to keep the condensate pH value within the correct range when operating steam boilers?
To prevent corrosion in the feed system.
To minimise oxygen content in the feed waters.
To minimise dissolved gases in the feed water.
To prevent sludge forming in the feed tank.
The vessel is instructed to load alternate holds when chartered to carry a high density cargo. What reasons could be given by the master to refuse to do this?
The trim of the vessel will not be satisfactory.
The summer deadweight will not be achieved.
Cargo space cleaning after discharge will be excessive.
IMO do not recommend alternate loading of cargo holds with high density cargoes.
Whenever ro-ro/car decks are unattended the following applies:
Fire detection systems should be switched on, Deck and engine crew should be trained in the use of the drencher systems and their operation, Continous monitoring of ro-ro/car decks by Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) or regular fire patrols should also be in place, All fire doors should be kept closed on ro-ro/car decks when the vessel is at sea
Fire detection systems should be switched on, Continous monitoring of ro-ro/car decks by Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) or regular fire patrols should also be in place, All fire doors should be kept closed on ro-ro/car decks when the vessel is at sea
Continous monitoring of ro-ro/car decks by Closed Circuit Television (CCTV)
Fire detection systems should be switched on, All fire doors should be kept closed on ro-ro/car decks when the vessel is at sea
A transformer with 10:1 turns ratio and rated 50 kVA, 2400/240 Volts, 60 Hz, is used to step down the voltage to a distribution system. The low tension voltage is to be kept constant at 240 Volts. What load impedance connected to the low-tension side will cause the transformer to be fully loaded?
What is the usual validity of 2T SWL lashing belts?
What are the basic cargo stowage requirements for a small consignment of household cleaning products when loaded on a General Cargo Vessel?
Stow away from any other chemicals
Stow away from foodstuffs
Stow next to bagged grains
On the figure there are four (4) possible definitions of the term "STARBOARD QUARTER" given. Which one is the correct one?
Starboard quarter is given by D on the figure
Starboard quarter is given by B on the figure
Starboard quarter is given by C on the figure
Starboard quarter is given by A on the figure
If all indications are that a cargo has been received without damages, irregularities or short shipment and the phrase "apparent good order and condition" are entered on the Bill of Lading, what type of Bill is this said to be?
An endorsed Bill of Lading.
A Due Title Bill of Lading.
A Bill of Lading completed for shipment.
What name is given to the rotating jet water outlets on a tank-cleaning machine that is used on an oil tanker?
During synchronising, the incoming generator should be running slightly "fast" compared to the busbar frequency.This is to ensure that the:
Incomer picks up as a generator
Incomers reverse power trip is tested
Incomer picks up as a motor
Most rapid synchronising action is achieved
There are certain cargoes which are extremely sensitive to moisture in the atmosphere. How are they commonly protected when shipped on chemical tankers?
By heating the cargo above the temperature of the outside air.
By filling the tank with inert gas before loading.
By continuously ventilating the ullage space above the cargo in the tank.
By the application of a nitrogen blanket (pad) above the cargo in the tank.
On a Bulk Carrier, what should be done immediately if during the voyage the temperature of bulk coal exceeds 55?C?
Use fire fighting water in the cargo space
Notify the harbour authorities at the port of destination
Seal the hold completely and monitor the cargo using suitable instruments
Notify the ship owner and/or charterer
Under normal circumstances 21% O2 is diluting toxic gases, which one are we talking about?
Carbon monoxide, nitrogen dioxide, nitric oxide, sulfur dioxide?
Natrium monoxide, ferro chloride, hydrogen sulfide dioxide?
Sulfur, monoxide, hydro chloride, carbon dioxide?
Why are the L.P.G. compressors of "Oil Free" type design?
To prevent contamination of the cargo.
To prevent low oil pressure during start up.
To prevent carbonising of the valves.
To prevent contamination of the lub oil.
What name is given to the flat, flexible, round-tipped knife, used to remove baked food from trays and for spreading fillings?
In the context of oil tanker operations, what is "clingage"?
Oil residues remaining in the bottom of a cargo tank after tank-cleaning
The resistance to flow in a pipeline during the discharge of an oil cargo
Electrostatically charged bubbles of air and moisture suspended in an oil cargo after loading
Residues remaining on the inside of a pipeline, or on the internal structure of a cargo tank after an oil cargo has been discharged
A ro-ro unit weighing 2mt is to be loaded in the fore and aft direction and lashed by belts of SWL 0.6mt. How many lashing belts should be used to secure the unit?
What are the two parts of the magnetic compass error?
Permanent and induced magnetism
The latitude and longitude
On a Container vessel, against what do explosives need protection?
Other categories of explosives
During maintenance of a piston rod stuffing box on a large, slow speed diesel engine it is usual to measure the butt gaps between the sealing ring and scraper ring segments. What would be the effect of these gaps being too small?
If the gaps are too small they could close due to the radial wear of the rings before the next scheduled overhaul preventing the rings from contacting the piston rod and sealing it.
If the gaps were too small then no oil could pass up the piston rod to lubricate the sealing rings.
If the gaps are too small the rings could score the piston rod.
If the gaps are too small then the flow of scavenge air through the gland would be reduced and the gland would overheat.
According to ISGOTT, when in-service testing a hose used for cargo transfer on an oil tanker (and for which the elongation of the hose assembly when new was greater than 2.5%), what is the maximum permitted elongation before the hose must be withdrawn from service?
Not more than 1.5 times the temporary elongation measured when the hose assembly was new, as documented in the manufacturer's certificate.
Not more than 1.25 times the temporary elongation measured when the hose assembly was last tested, as documented in the appropriate certificate.
Not less than 1.5 times the temporary elongation measured when the hose assembly was new, as documented in the manufacurer's certificate.
Not more than 1.5 times the temporary elongation measured at the previous in-service test, as documented in the ship's annual test record.
What is the purpose of the Ship Security Plan?
Outline the organizational structure for the ship.
Protect your ship from risks posed by security threats or incidents.
Outline specific measures for your ship to move from security level 1 to 2 and from 2 to 3.
Detail the duties of shipboard personnel assigned security responsibilities.
Where are cargo residues usually concealed?
In the upper sections of the ship’s frames
In recesses below manhole covers
By what practical means can the upper reaches of a bulk carrier’s hold be inspected?
Standing on the Australian ladder’s upper platform
What is the requirement to number of inert gas blower(s)?
Sufficient to obtain minimum 500 mm water column during discharging.
The are no requirement to number of blowers.
What lights are required on an inconspicuous, partly-submerged vessel or object of less than 25 metres in breadth (other than a dracone) being towed?
A flashing yellow light on the tow, where it can best be seen.
One all-round white light on the tow where it can best be seen.
No lights are required on a tow of this description.
One all-round light at or near the forward end and one at or near the after end of the tow.
How many lifejackets are required in a passenger cabin?
Same number as beds in the cabin
Twice the number of beds in the cabin
Non, they will be handed out at the muster station
What is the value of GZ upto an angle of heel of 5 degrees?
GM x Cosine angle of list
What is a "ladle"?
Part of a Steward's uniform.
A Mediterranean vegetable.
What is the main problem associated with oil in a steam boiler water system?
It causes the gauge glasses to become dirty preventing the oerator from seeing the water level..
It causes corrosion of steel in the boiler.
It forms an insulating film on heat transfer surfaces with the risk of overheating.
It increases scale deposits in the boiler.
Many fruit cargoes are carried refrigerated and also under controlled atmosphere (CA) conditions. A situation develops where there is a problem with the main reefer plant that will take several hours to repair but the CA system is still operation. Which of the statements given in the options is the most accurate in these circumstances?
The CA plant could be used to increase the levels of nitrogen in the cargo spaces which will be sufficient to preserve the fruit.
The CA plant could be used to increase the levels of carbon dioxide in the cargo space which will be sufficient to preserve the fruit.
The CA plant will take care of the cargo without the refrigeration plant and therefore there is no further action required and no need for concern.
The CA plant is only an adjunct for the refrigeration plant and therefore there should be concern about the condition of the cargo.
What does ISPM stand for?
International Safety Procedures Manual
International Standards for Port Management
International Safety Policy Model
International Standards for Phytosanitary Measures (code)
On a RoRo vessel, what is a low-bed Ro-Ro unit that is towed onto a ship called?
For a low pressure boiler, after testing the water cloride level, it is found to be 500 PPM, what action would You take?
Blow down boiler and check condenser for leakage.
Marine diesel engines are normally provided with automatic protection devices which operate in the event of abnormal conditions arising. Why would medium speed engines used for main propulsion normally only automatically slow down for certain abnormal conditions but automatically shut down for the same conditions when used to drive an alternator?
The gearbox and clutch of the propulsion system may be damaged if the engine suddenly stopped.
Sudden total loss of propulsive power may seriously endanger the vessel. This is a greater risk than engine damage.
Since the engine used for propulsion would usually be bigger the sudden stop would generate greater thermal stress which may damage the engine.
The vessel could continue to operate and manoeuvre without any electrical power at all as long as the main engine is still running.
Which of these procedures should crew follow when conducting a search?
Search the perimeter of the space up to a height of 5 feet.
Wait in the area they’ve finished searching until they’re contacted for a status update.
"Stand quietly in various spots around the space, listening for unusual sounds like the tick tock of a clock mechanism."
Conduct random or spot checks of logical threat areas.
What is related to a high GM?
Decreasing righting moments
Increasing righting moments
Increasing angles of roll
Decreasing transverse accelerations
If you are looking for passengers who may be trapped or hiding, what is the best command to shout?
Go to mustering stations immediately.
Take warm clothes and lifejackets.
Is anyone here? Call out if you need my help.
In terms of electrical units, what is Hz the abbreviation for?
Frequency in Direct Current (DC)
Frequency in Cycles per second
What is the world-wide system operated by the US Coast Guard exclusively in support of search and rescue operations?
The Worldwide Maritime Mutual Assistance Programme (WMMAP).
The U.S. Command and Control Rescue (USCOMR) Service.
The International Search and Rescue Coordination System.
The Automated Mutual-Assistance Vessel Rescue (AMVER) System.
What is IMO's requirement to maximum temperature for fully pressurised cargo tanks at ambient temperature?
On a conventional reefer vessel carrying palletised cargo, dunnage bags (air bags) are used to prevent the pallets from moving during bad weather. Assuming that the air bags are correctly positioned and inflated, select, from the options given, the other important function provided by these bags
They will help to achieve a good stowage factor.
They will prevent short circuiting of the cold air.
They will prevent chafing between the pallets
They will protect the ships structure.
On most ro-ro passenger ships there is no requirement to carry out drills with the passengers. What is the most effective ways of informing embarking passengers about the emergency procedures?
Information on boarding cards, public announcement on departure, posters in public areas and cabins, safety video running continuously
Posters in public areas and cabins, safety video running continuously
Information from the crew
Safety video and folders in tax free shops
Which kind of secondary barrier, if any, is required for an LNG carrier fitted with membrane type cargo tanks?
No secondary barrier required.
Partial secondary barrier.
Complete secondary barrier not formed by the hull.
Complete secondary barrier formed by the hull.
According to "Summary of minimum requirements" in the IGC Code, what is the requirement for vapour detection for methane (LNG) cargoes?
Flammable and toxic detection.
Flammable vapour detection.
When handling drugs…
Wear skin protection and a facemask.
"Briefly inhale powders, fumes or vapours to verify the substance is a drug."
Test out the potency of the drug.
Shut off the ventilation in the room where the drugs are being stored to ensure any vapours or fumes do not spread to other parts of the ship.
Which of the following has the highest diffusion resistance?
What is the primary hazard associated with the carriage of a bulk cargo of salt on a Bulk Carrier?
There are no special hazards associated with this cargo
The cargo may be liable to self heat.
The only possible hazard is associated with ingress of water into the hold and a loss of stability
This cargo maybe liable to spontaneous combustion
A cargo of hard frozen, whole tuna is being loaded on a conventional reefer vessel. Select the best method of loading the cargo from the options given.
What is the lightweight of a ship according to SOLAS?
Weight of ship including equipment, complement, stores and supplies
Weight of the ship including fixed and permanent equipment, less cargo, complement, passengers, stores and supplies
Weight in tons of operative ship with no cargo
Weight of a light loaded ship (not fully loaded)
Which food group contains the most calcium per 100 grams of edible product?
Liquefied gas is, by IMO, divided in to different groups. What is the criterion for this division?
The boiling point, chemical bindings, toxicity and flammability.
The nitrogen and other hydrocarbon containment.
How can the Master ensure that all cargo loading doors, bow visors, weathertight ramps etc. are locked and secured before the ship proceeds on any voyage?
Automatic systems will alarm you if the doors are not properly secured.
By having an effective system of supervision and reporting of the closing and opening of doors. Time of closing and opening of doors shall be entered in the log-book.
The bosun is always responsible to check the watertight integrity before the ship proceeds on any voyage.
By having experinced officers and crew to supervise the closing and opening of doors. Time of closing and opening of doors shall be entered in the log-book.
When we are measuring salinity with a salinometer, the sensing device is:
During cargo or bunker operations, oil response equipment is to be:
Used elsewhere in the ship
What is the anticipated rolling period of a ship with a large initial Transverse Metacentric Height (GM) and would there be any associated dangers to consider?
Long slow roll and no particular hazards
Short sharp period of roll associated with breaking lashings and shifting cargo
Short period of roll, but a very stable ship and no associated dangers
Long period of roll with free surface effects at a maximum.
During a pre-loading survey prior to loading grain on a Bulk Carrier, very small amount of the previous grain cargo is found in a cargo hold; what is the significance of this situation?
The cargo hold can be cleaned while other holds are loaded
The affected cargo hold should be left empty
The vessel may fail the pre-load survey and be declared off-hire
The remaining cargo from the previous voyage can be ignored
A reefer vessel, which is about to carry a palletised cargo, has to have available sufficient cargo equipment including air bags (dunnage bags), air lines and valves, cargo slings, wooden dunnage, nails, etc. These items are required to ensure a quick loading operation and a successful passage. Complete the following statement from the options given. "Air bags are particularly important in that ….
… they are quick and easy to deploy."
… they secure the pallets against movement during the passage."
… they protect the pillars and the vent trunking against damage during heavy weather."
… they reduce the movement of the pallets and prevent short circuiting of the air flow."
In which ships shall fire hoses be connected to hydrants in interior locations at all times? (SOLAS II-2/4.7.1)
Passenger ships carrying more than 12 passengers
Passenger ships engaged on short trips
Passenger ships carrying more than 36 passengers
Passenger ships carrying more than 100 passengers