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What are class "C" bulkheads?
Bulkheads constructed of approved non-combustible materials that can withstand the standard fire test for 15 minutes.
Bulkheads constructed of approved non-combustible materials but do not meet any of the requirements relative to smoke and flame nor limitations relative to temperature rise.
Bulkheads constructed of approved non-combustible materials that can withstand the standard fire test for 30 minutes.
Bulkheads constructed of approved non-combustible materials that can withstand the standard fire test for 45 minutes.
The method of extinction by smothering is based on this basis;
The fire is extinguished by interrupting the chain reaction, as it stops the transmission of heat by means of the action of chemical agents
The fire is extinguished by avoiding the contact between the fuel vapours and the oxygen
The fire is extinguished by avoiding the contact between the fuel vapours and the hot surface
The fire is extinguished by eliminating the heat so as to obtain a temperature at which the fuel doesn-t give off enough vapour
*What precautions are necessary to prevent soot fires in the exhaust boiler ?
Hose down the smoke side at regular interval
Clean the smoke side regularly with soot blower equipment
Clean the smoke side with chemicals
All the mentioned alternatives
What is/are the area(s) of the vessel which present a greater risk of fire?
Cargo holds and engine rooms
*What quantity of service fuel must be available for a diesel driven emergency pump before it is necessary to use any reserve fuel?
To allow at least 12 hours of operation
To allow at least 6 hour of operation
To allow at least 3 hours of operation
To allow at least half an hour of operation
What has to be done before the central gas extinguishing system is used on a fire in engine rooms, cargo holds or other confined spaces?
All openings to the compartment must be closed
Make sure that the compartment has been evacuated
Which of the following prevention actions offers the guarantee of an efficient intervention in an emergency
Planning of the emergency
The installation of protective measures
*The smoke detector (fire indicator) indicates a fire in a cargo hold loaded with general cargo; this is immediately followed by a heavy smell of fire. What action should be taken first?
Inspect the scene before deciding the method to be used for fire-fighting
Start the fire pumps, open the hatches and start fighting the fire with fire hoses
Use the ship's central gas-extinguishing system to put out the fire
Close the ventilation system and other openings to the hold in order to choke the fire
In case of a fire on the line in an oxyacetylene-line gas-welding equipment, what action should be taken?
Close the valves on both bottles, first the acetylene and then the oxygen bottle
Close the valve(s) on the acetylene bottle only
Close the valve(s) on the oxygen bottle only
Do not close any valve and attack the fire, preferably with powder
On which frequency are navigational and meteorological messages normally sent on the NAVTEX system?
How is a radio-telex traffic list transmitted:
Inmarsat Telex Service code ‘33’ can be used:
when the coast-station is disfunctional
to ask for ‘maritime enquiries
when technical problems are experienced with the Inmarsat-terminal
The printer of a DSC-controller gives the message:(see original) This DSC message was received via:
the listen watch receiver
channel 16 of VHF, coupled to a DSC-controller
While transmitting with an MF/HF transceiver the transmitting power is suddenly decreasing. The cause may be:
J3E is selected instead of H3E
the transmitting antenna has broken down
The emergency battery of a GMDSS portophone:
must be checked every week
must be replaced when the seal is broken
Which of the following two digits codes is used to obtain medical advice ?
A distress alert has accidentally been sent with the Inmarsat-C installation. One should now:
wait until an RCC reports
The word QUICK is spelled conform the international phonetic alphabet:
Quebec, Uniform, India, Charlie, Kilo
Queen, Upsala, India, Charlie, Kilo
Quebec, Uniform, Italia, Casablanca, Kilo
The word SATCOM is spelled conform the international phonetic alphabet:
Sierra, Able, Tango, Cornelies, Oslo, Man
Sierra, Able, Tripoli, Charlie, Oscar, Mike
Sierra, Alfa, Tango, Charlie, Oscar, Mike
Sierra, Anna, Tango, Cornelies, Oslo, Mike
One of the following areas is NOT a Special Area as mentioned in MARPOL regulations regarding pollution by oil. Which is that area?
The Red Sea and The Gulf of Aden
When using a buoy as an aid to navigation, which of the following should always be considered?
That if the light is showing its correct characteristic it is in its right position
The buoy may not be in its charted position
If no radio navigation warnings have been issued concerning the buoy it can be assumed to be in its correct position
The buoy is nearly always well anchored and can be considered to be in its charted position providing there has not been any recent storms in the area
You are duty officer on the bridge. A person is reported missing. Which of the following actions are to be considered as the correct manoeuvre in this situation?
Do you think a ship's trim has any influence on steering abilities?
Yes, a ship usually steers better if trimmed by the bow
No, it is usually best to have no trim at all
Yes, the ship usually steers better if trimmed by the stern
No, the ship will have the same steering ability unaffected by trim
An area within the radiotelephone coverage of at least one VHF coast station in which continuous DSC alerting is available is called:
By reduced transmitting power is meant in VHF a power between:
Define the class of emission H3E :
Radiotelex and DSC - Frequency shift keying of carrier with error correction
Radiotelephony - Frequency modulation
Radiotelephony - Single sideband full carrier
Radiotelex and DSC - Frequency shift keying of sub-carrier with error correction
Public correspondance MF communications should normally be operated :
In G3E mode – on simplex basis
In J3E mode – on simplex basis
In G3E mode – on duplex basis
Which of the following is the correct minimum carriage requirement for a ship of more than 300 gross tons and operating in area A4:
1VHF RT + DSC+ DSC watch receiver – 1 NAVTEX or 1 EGC receiver– 2 or 3 VHF portable – 1 EPIRB – 1 MF RT + DSC+ DSC watch receiver – 1 INMARSAT A,B or C and 1 HF RT + DSC+ DSC watch receiver
1VHF RT + DSC+ DSC watch receiver – 1 or 2 SART – 1 NAVTEX and/or 1 EGC receiver and/or 1 HF NBDP watch receiver – 2 or 3 VHF portable – 1 EPIRB – 1 MF RT + DSC+ DSC watch receiver – 1 HF RT + DSC+ DSC watch receiver
1VHF RT + DSC+ DSC watch receiver – 1 or 2 SART – 1 NAVTEX or 1 EGC receiver– 2 or 3 VHF portable – 1 EPIRB – 1 MF RT + DSC+ DSC watch receiver – 1 INMARSAT A,B or C
1or 2 SART – 1 NAVTEX and/or 1 EGC receiver and/or 1 HF NBDP watch receiver – 2 or 3 VHF portable – 1 1 HF RT + DSC+ DSC watch receiver
You just have thrown an inflatable liferaft overboard from your vessel. The liferaft was stowed at a distance of 10 metres above the waterline (light condition). What minimum length of painter will you have to pull out pulled out in order to get the liferaft inflated (N.B.: The inflation of the liferaft takes place once the whole length of painter is pulled out)
How much water per person is provided in a liferaft equipped with a desalting apparatus?
*Which of following items shall be included in an abandon ship drill?
Checking passenger's immersion suits
Checking the distress signal rockets and other distress signals
instruction in the use of radio life-saving appliances
Checking the lifeboat provisions and supplies
The muster list shall show the duties assigned to the different members of the crew. Which of the given duties do not necessarily have to be included in the muster list?
Manning of fire parties assigned to deal with fires
Preparation and launching of survival crafts
The "inner bottom" is the :
Compartment between the tank top and shell of the vessel
Inner side of the vessel-s shell
Space between two transverse bottom frames
What are we seeing here?
A sailing vessel, at anchor.
A sailing vessel of less than 10 metres in length, displaying the mandatory combined lantern inlieu of sailing lights, seen head-on.
A sailing vessel less than 20 metres in length, displaying the optional combined lantern in lieu of standard sailing lights, seen head-on.
A sailing vessel, seen from astern, where the edges of her sidelights are both visible.
To conform with "best practise", can you drive a crane and stand-by for a colleague who has entered a cargo tank at the same time?
Normally no, but if we are in a hurry to get lots of jobs done before entering port and the Chief Mate know about it, then it is alright to do so.
Yes, if I have radio contact with the man inside the tank.
When a container is damaged en route, who should be asked to attend on board at the next port?
A surveyor representing the vessel’s P. & I. Club
A surveyor representing the vessel’s hull & machinery underwriters
The classification society surveyor
A surveyor representing the consignee
In which of the following areas of the holds of a bulk carrier is cargo residue unlikely to be concealed?
Recesses below manhole covers
Upper sections of ship's frames
Which of these is not covered in the chain register?
The engine room gantry crane
What are the main elements in a damage control plan?
A damage control plan is the same as an emergency plan
Arrangements for correction of list due to flooding within 15 minutes
Boundaries of the watertight compartments for decks and holds. Position of controls for opening and closing of watertight compartments. Arrangement for correction of list due to flooding.
Instructions and procedures for reporting damage to the Company
Failed O-rings on a 2 stage air compressor cylinder liner have resulted in a water leak. Where is the leaking water most likely to go when the compressor is operating?
Into the crankcase and mix with the lube oil.
On a RoRo vessel, which of the ships trading certificates details the type and location that dangerous goods are allowed to be stowed onboard
The Cargo Ship Safety construction certificate
Safety Equipment certificate
Certificate of compliance for the carriage of Dangerous goods
During inspection of a medium speed diesel engine main bearing the shell is found to have approximately 15% of the white metal overlay worn away and some light score marks on the exposed aluminium tin bearing metal. Select the most appropriate action to take from the given options?
Refit the shell as it is, this is an acceptable condition for a thin shell bearing after a period of service.
Use a scraper to remove the score marks from the bearing metal before refitting the shell.
Use a scraper to remove the remaining overlay before refitting the shell.
Discard the damaged shell and polish the journal pin before fitting a new shell.
On a RoRo vessel, what must be considered when planning the loading of ro-ro cargoes on ramps?
SWL and loading limit of the ramp and Minimum clearances for the operation of ramp doors
The extent of lashings due to the ramp slope
You have to choose one of the following instruments for measuring pressure in an air bottle in measuring range 0 - 35 BAR. Which instrument would you install?
Can a ZENER BARRIER be installed in a hazardous area?
Yes, that's what the zener barrier is made for.
Only in equipment operating on very low voltage.
No, as only the output from the barrier is intrinsically safe this is not allowed.
Only if properly marked for such installation.
What is the main use for polyurethane foam onboard an LNG carrier?
As a fire retardant coating for the deck.
As a fire fighting medium.
As insulation for the cargo tanks.
As a sealant for deck openings.
At what temperature would a fully refrigerated cargo of propane normally be carried on a liquefied gas carrier?
Is there any requirements regarding double bottom for large passenger ships?
Yes, in ships of 76 m in length and longer, a double bottom shall be fitted amidships, and extend to the fore and aft not less that ? of the ship length.
No, a double bottom is not required
Yes, in ship of 76 m in length and upwards, a double bottom shall be fitted amidships, and shall extend to the fore and after peak bulkheads, or as near thereto as practicable.
Yes, a double bottom shall be fitted amidship
If a cargo has a literweight 0f 1.5 kg/l at 15° and a correction factor of 0,001, what is the literweight at 20° C ?
In a crisis, which crew behaviours are most reassuring to passengers?
keeping up with safety knowledge
enthusiasm, confidence, hospitality
enthusiasm, confidence, decisiveness
What is the meaning of "stand by"?
That you shall stand very close to the engineer officer.
That you shall keep on with your work.
That the watch keeping personnel shall be ready for starting or manoeuvring the main engine.
That you are properly relieved from your duties.
What causes cargo sweat on a Bulk Carrier?
Cold and moist air introduced into a warm cargo hold
Warm, dry air being introduced into the cargo hold
Warm air introduced into a cargo hold
Warm and moist air introduced into a cooler cargo hold
A lubricating oil having a high viscosity index number would normally be used in which of the following situations?
When the machinery operates at a very high temperature.
When the machinery operates at a high load.
When the machinery operates at a very low temperature.
When the machinery operates over a wide temperature range.
What should one consider prior to loading machinery with caterpillar crawlers on the hatch covers?
The horizontal restraint of hatch covers
The horizontal restraint of hatch coamings
Maximum permissible loading of the hatch covers and the horizontal restraint of hatch covers and coamings
Maximum permissible loading of the hatch covers
What is the main problem associated with oil in a steam boiler water system?
It causes the gauge glasses to become dirty preventing the oerator from seeing the water level..
It causes corrosion of steel in the boiler.
It forms an insulating film on heat transfer surfaces with the risk of overheating.
It increases scale deposits in the boiler.
What are flexitanks used for?
The carriage of liquid cargoes of a particular specific gravity
The carriage of liquid cargoes that do not have a Proper Shipping Name
The carriage of hazardous liquids, in bulk
The carriage of non-hazardous liquids, in bulk
Modern large slow speed diesel engines operate with very efficient turbochargers. This has resulted in much later opening of the exhaust valve as less energy is needed to drive the turbocharger giving exhaust timing which is almost symmetrical about bottom dead centre. How has this affected the reversing operation of the engines?
It has no effect and the reversing requirements of the engine are still the same.
Only the air start distributor has to be repositioned prior to reversing the engine.
The engine can be reversed by simply repositioning the main camshaft.
Only the fuel and starting air timing needs to be changed to reverse the engine.
What will the cadet find in the engine store?
He will find The Bosun in the engine store
He won't find anything in the engine store
He will find the port anchor winch in the engine store
He will find new brake bands in the engine store
On a Container vessel, if chemicals spilled into a cargo hold what would these residues be considered as, under MARPOL 73/78?
How can you arrange for safe movement of passengers on ro-ro decks?
It is easy, only drivers are allowed to stay in the car during loading and unloading.
Passengers are responsible for their own safety while moving about ro-ro decks.
Passengers should be warned of vehicle movements when entering or crossing car or vehicle decks. They should preferably keep to walkways while moving about the ship.
Passengers should stay in their cars until loading is completed. They should keep to walkways when leaving the car.
What is the danger of having a large bunker tank only partially filled with bunkers?
Excessive corrosion of the tank sides.
FSE and virtual loss of GM.
Constructional damage due to liquid movement in the tank.
Insufficient bunker to complete the voyage.
What is a system employing a single common freshwater cooler (cooled by means of seawater) called?
High temperature freshwater system
Low temperature freshwater system
In describing oil cargoes, what is "sour crude"?
A crude oil from West Africa
A petroleum product which reacts with water during tank-washing, leading to a distinctive odour about the tank deck
A crude oil cargo which has left substantial residues in the bottom of the tank after discharge
A term used to describe crude oil or products containing appreciable amounts of hydrogen sulphide and / or mercaptans
Is it required to have supplementary emergency electric lighting on board passenger ships?
No, passengers should bring their own flashlights
No, reflective marking indicates the escape routes
Yes, all passenger public spaces and alleyways shall be provided with supplementary electric lighting
The insulation resistance (IR) to earth of a new galley hot-plate is measured to be 30 Mohm. When three identical hot-plates are tested together their combined IR will be:
How will you act if you are helmsman and after making a turn to port you receive the order: “Steady as she goes”
Put the rudder midship and wait until she stops
Give counter rudder to stop her and keep the course
Read off the compass and keep her steady on the course
Put the rudder all the way to starboard to stop the turn
By what means can we monitor and control the integrity of the hull?
Documented operating procedures
The chief officer is responsible for monitoring the integrity of the hull and superstructure at all times
Let experienced personnel close and secure doors and ramps
Automatic detection systems, television surveillance and patrolling of ro-ro cargo spaces
When you are taking out provisions for the next day, you notice that the temperature in the meat freezer is only -8° C. How would you react to such a situation?
Report it immediately to the Chief Engineer
Move all the meat to the fish room
Check it over the next 3-4 days and, if necessary, report it after that
Ignore it - it's not your responsibility
What does ODME mean?
Oil Detecting - Master Evaluating.
Oil Discover Measure Equipment.
Over board Detecting Measure Equipment.
Oil Discharge Monitoring Equipment.
Where shall you be able to activate the ship security alert system on board ro-ro passenger ships?
From the navigation bridge and in at least one other location
Captain's- and Chief Officer's office
Who decides the number of lashings you should put on a trailer?
What is understood by the term "a Combination Carrier"?
A ship designed to carry either oil or solid bulk cargoes
A ship designed to carry bulk cargoes in alternate holds
A ship designed to carry all types of cargoes
The engine is started by compressed air. Which one of the following statements is correct ?
If we have lost the starting air pressure, we can use a pressurized oxygen bottle from the welding equipment for an emergency start of the engine.
A heavily leaking starting air valve can cause an explosion in the starting air pipe system.
The starting air shall always contain some water.
If the engine does not turn when we open for the starting air, we can use the turning bar together with the starting air to get the engine out of a deadlock position.
Which type of equipment can be used to detect explosives?
Does MARPOL apply to liquefied gas liquefied gas carriers?
When should the Second Officer call the Master?
The Second Officer should call the Master whenever he sights more than three ships
The Second Officer should call the Master just before breakfast
The Second Officer should call the Master thirty minutes prior to the vessel's arrival at the pilot station
The Second Officer should call the Master whenever anything unusual happens during his watch or whever he is in doubt, regarding the COLREGs
Indicate the correct name for the part marked on the sketch:
What is the purpose of the discharge booster pump?
To increase the manifold pressure.
To maintain the cargo temperature.
To compensate for friction losses in the discharge line.
Which of the following could cause a blowback from a steam boiler oil fired furnace?
Trying to ignite burner from hot brickwork
Having the fuel oil temperature too high
Having the fuel oil pressure too high
Opening air registers too quickly
The turbocharger on a diesel engine is surging and making occasional, loud "whoofing" noises. Which one of the options given is the most probable cause of this?
Engine on bridge control.
Rapid changes in engine load due to rough sea conditions.
Exhaust system recently cleaned.
Air leakage from scavenge receiver.
What can be done to effectively reduce the rate of ice accretion on containers during loaded sea passage?
Have the crew remove the ice
The fire integrity of any bulkhead shall be maintained
At the openings and penetrations
Only at the continuous/solid part of the bulkhead
Up to 5 meters above the deck level
What should be done if the surface of the loading ramp is oily?
Immediately clean the oil-affected area(s)
Allow cargo operations to continue in the usual manner
Stop cargo operations and inform the master
Wash the oil-affected area(s) using a fire hose
When trying to reverse a large slow speed diesel engine in the astern direction it cannot be turned on air even though it will start in the ahead direction. What is the likely cause of this problem?
One of the cylinder air start valves has stuck open.
The reversing servo for the fuel pumps has stuck in the ahead position.
The start is blocked because the air distributor has not moved to the astern position.
The automatic valve for the air start system has jammed shut.
The overspeed shutdown is to be tested on a high speed four stroke diesel engine driving through a pneumatic clutch. The overspeed protection is provided by a solenoid operated dump valve in the governor servo system activated by an electrical signal from a small synchro motor. What is the preferred method of testing such a shutdown?
With the engine on a high or full load suddenly disengage the clutch.
Reduce the set point so the shutdown operates at normal engine speed.
With the engine off load manually increase the governor speed setting until the shutdown operates, reduce the shutdown set point if necessary.
Use a crowbar to lever the governor linkage to full fuel with the clutch disengaged and engine off load.
The thermal conductance capability is expressed by a material's thermal conductance number and states the heat quantity. What is the denomination for heat quantity?
Why are accommodation spaces separated from the remainder of the ship by thermal and structural boundaries?
To increase effectiveness of the air-conditioning in the accommodation
To provide means of escape for the passenger and crew
So that passengers can stay in the accommodation in case of fire in the engine room
During cargo or bunker operations, oil response equipment is to be:
Used elsewhere in the ship
With regard to raised deck sockets what must be ensured prior to commencing cargo operations?
They must be ready to secure the turnbuckles
They must be free of internal debris
They must be well painted
This device can detect a package of drugs inside a large delivery of ship’s stores. What is it?