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Which class of fire involves gas?
Welding and use of open flames on board tankers in operation are subject to regulation laid down by the Norwegian Maritime Directorate (Norwegian Ship Control Legislation - NSCL). During preparations for welding or hot works, the following item shall always be checked:
Type of oil or gas chemicals having been carried in the actual tank and the adjacent tanks.
Cleaning and venting methods and systems.
Working performance and capacity of ventilating system.
*What type of fire integrity must be provided for an engine control room ?
A drip tray containing oil is on fire. The only fire fighting equipment available is a water hose with single jet/spray nozzle. How, if at all, should you attempt to put out this fire using water?
Water should be applied to the oil in a single jet only
The water can be applied in a fine spray starting from the front in a sweeping motion
Water should be applied in a jet to the back of the fire
Water should not be used on any type of oil fire
If you have to carry out hot work close to a smoke detector in the engine room, what precaution(s) should be taken?
Disconnect the smoke detector
Notify the deck officer in charge that a fire alarm may occur
No special precaution except for having a watch man and a fire extinguisher available
Notify the Master, Deck officer on duty and the engineer on duty, the loop for this special sensor to be switched off and take normal precautions for hot work
In a distress-situation a MF/HF-DSC transmission is used in the 8MHz frequency. In this case always:
Indicate on what frequency communication will be continued
Ask the RCC for the frequency
Put in the MMSI number of the coastguard on the DSC
Turn on the right frequency
The sound level of the telephone in the tele-microphone on the panel of e.g. an MF/HF radio-telephony installation is adjusted with:
Which class of emission is used for FEC NBDP transmissions ?
Proper transmissions of the NAVTEX-message can be aided ………… by:
automatically comparing the message earlier received ones
request for repetition of the garbled text fragment by the receiving NAVTEX installation
What is the required number of hours that a SART's battery must be able to operate the unit in the standby mode?
The authority to order the use of distress signal or distress alerts is:
the first person to discover the distress situation
the person designated to maintain communication during distress situations
A DSC-message of the “safety” category is received from another vessel on VHF channel 70. Conforming to the GMDSS rules, for the continuation of the safety traffic, you must change to VHF-channel:
" On area A3 the function "" Transmission and reception of on scene communications"" is mainly based on:"
the use of HF DSC and/or INMARSAT C
the use of MF and/or VHF R/T
the use of MF and/or HF R/T
Asthma is a distressing condition in which the muscles of the air passage go into spasm. How can the asthma attacks be triggered off ?
Nervous tension,allergy, or none obvious cause.
Too much fresh air activity
What does the abbreviation ABC mean in first aid?
Air, Breathing, Circulation.
Abandon, Balance, Circulation.
Air, Breath, Concentration.
What is the disadvantage of using chemicals on an oil-spill on the water?
The water gets a white colour, which makes it easy to detect the oil-spill
It is difficult to apply chemicals if there is any wind
It is difficult to apply the chemicals if the oil drifts away from the ship's side
The chemicals make it difficult to remove the oil from the water
New MARPOL regulations came into effect from July 93 stating that the previous instantaneous rate of discharge of oil content (60 litters per nautical mile) was changed to:
30 litters per nautical mile
20 litters per nautical mile
25 litters per nautical mile
10 litters per nautical mile
Ships of 10.000 tons gross tonnage and more, may be fitted with oil fitting equipment, complying with Reg.16 (7) of MARPOL 73/78 for the control of machinery space bilges. What would be the maximum "Ppm" of oily-water mixture to pass through the filter?
Give the meaning of the following symbol
Portable fire extinguisher
Whilst unmooring after a ship to ship transfer operation, experience shows that, for the manoeuvring vessel, casting off the forward moorings first and letting the bow swing out before casting off the final after moorings, and then steaming away is a satisfactory procedure. It is recommended however that the angle of disengagement when steaming away should initially be kept at:
When ship to ship operations are being carried out at anchor, anchor watch duties are as follows irrespective of which ships anchor is down:
Anchor watch responsibility rests with the offtake vessel.
Anchor watch responsibility rests with the discharging vessel (which, we shall assume, has its anchor down).
Anchor watch responsibility rests with both vessels, each with its own watch.
Anchor watch not kept as duty officer will be on deck.
According to the rules of GMDSS the required radio-equipment depends mainly on:
the tonnage of the vessel
the sea area of the vessel
The frequency 156,8 MHz is used for :
Give the meaning of this symbol:
lifebuoy with light and smoke
*On board a ship, how many lifebuoys is required to be fitted with a buoyant lifeline ?
At least one lifebouy with buoyant lifeline on each side of the ship
Half of the total number of lifebuoys provided on board
Only the two lifebuoys of the quick-release system
The total number of lifebuoys provided on board
Which one of the listed radio distress frequencies is reserved for survival crafts?
How would you know how many people a lifeboat is supposed to hold?
Fill the boat up until no more space is left.
Ask one of the deck officers
No fixed number as it depends on the people's size
The number of persons should be clearly stated on the outside of the boats bow.
How many rocket parachute flares are carried in each liferaft?
*How much water per person is provided in a lifeboat not equipped with a desalting apparatus?
You have abandoned ship in a liferaft. In most cases, which of the following actions should you generally take?
Organise a lookout system. Join up with other survival craft if possible. Stream the sea anchor
Join up with any other survival craft and stream the sea anchor
Start paddling in the direction of the nearest land
Organise a lookout system
Referring to the SOLAS convention, how often should a crew member on a cargo ship participate in one abandon ship drill and one fire drill?
This is only required when he joins the ship
Who is the leader of the lifeboat drill (abandon ship drill)?
The appointed lifeboat commander
The first member of the crew arriving at the survival craft
What is the approximate content of oxygen in air?
What should be carried out before entering the pump room?
Run the ventilation for at least 15 minutes
Notify the Chief Officer or officer on duty
Always carry a walkie talkie with you into the pump room and call for help immediately if you start feeling dizzy
Notify the Chief Officer or officer on duty and run the ventilation for at least 15 minutes.
The responsibility for safety and security rests with everybody on board the vessel. General house-keeping rules should be followed. Which of the listed rules is the most important?
Do not walk ladders without using handrails.
Do not sleep on open deck.
Do not use dangerous liquid detergents in closed spaces.
Do not wear work clothes in messrooms, recreation rooms or cabins.
What determines how containers should be lashed?
Advice from shore planners
The cargo securing manual
Most fruit cargoes carried under refrigeration require introduction of fresh air into the cargo space to remove any excess carbon dioxide and ethylene produced by respiration of the cargo and sensors are fitted to detect these gases. Shipper's instructions will often indicate 'constant air change' as a requirement for a cargo. Why, even though this is a crude method for controlling the cargo space atmosphere, is this type of instruction given?
Some cargoes are very sensitive to ethylene levels and it may be difficult to accurately measure the low levels that would affect a cargo.
It is the standard method and it is always done that way for simplicity.
Fresh air helps to acclimatise the cargo to the prevailing ambient conditions.
As much fresh air as possible should always be introduced into the cargo space throughout the voyage to maintain cargo quality.
What is the purpose of a "Strum Box" on a General Cargo Vessel?
To prevent solids from entering the cargo hold via the bilges
To prevent water from entering the cargo hold
To prevent all solids from entering the bilge system
To prevent solids of certain size from entering the bilge system
A diode is in good condition when the following test results are obtained using a Digital Multi-Meter.
With + to A a reading of about 0.6V, and with probes reversed a reading of O/L.
With + to K a reading of about 0.6V and with probes reversed a reading of O/L.
With + to A good continuity ( low ohms) and with the probes reversed a reading of infinity.
With + to K good contiuity ( low ohms) and with the probes reversed a reading of infinty.
Your vessel is a tanker, discharging to a facility where the storage tanks are up on a hill behind the quay. You have a problem with your hydraulic plant and the system shuts down. What must be done with the manifold and why?
The valve must be checked as still open, so that once power is restored, discharge will resume and there will be no opressure build-up in the ship's pipelines.
The valve must be checked for free and proper operation, as it may have been damaged by a pressure shock when the system stopped.
The valve must be shut to avoid backflow due to the head of pressure from shore.
A watchman must be detailed to stand by it, to receive instructions from shore.
What should not be done when a container of liquid ammonia is on fire?
Cool the container with water
Use a dry chemical fire extinguisher or carbon dioxide gas
Use self-contained breathing apparatus
In preparing a reefer vessel for loading the next cargo a careful inspection of the cargo spaces should be carried out. All required maintenance and the repair of any damage identified during the inspection should be completed prior to loading. Select, from the options given, the most appropriate action to be taken when the maintenance and any repairs are completed.
Keep a record of the hours worked as a basis for a claim against the previous charterers.
Make a detailed record of all maintenance and repairs carried out for presentation to the supervisor at the loading port as proof that the vessel is in an acceptable condition for loading the cargo.
Don't bother recording anything as this type of work is considered routine.
Keep a record of all the repairs in the planned maintenance schedule.
Why is cotton the most suitable material for galley work clothes?
It is odour resistant, loose fitting and does not shrink or discolour when washed reasonably regularly.
It is more easily made into fashionable catering uniforms than synthetic fibres and is cheaper.
It is absorbant, hard-wearing, comfortable and can withstand frequent laundering at high temperatures.
It is effective at masking body odour and containing perspiration.
Anyone of the crew who is assigned to watch duties in port has a number of important tasks to carry out. Which one of the listed tasks should be included in the watchman's duties?
Check the number of persons joining and leaving the vessel.
Check the safe and secure handling of cargo.
Check the moorings for correct tightness and ensure the gangway remains safe and secure.
Check there is always a shore watchman on the jetty.
Insulating materials used on liquefied gas carriers are required to have certain properties including a good vapour diffusion resistance. Which of the insulating materials has the highest vapour diffusion resistance?
Following replacement of a diesel alternator governor the machine is test run on load. It is found that as the load is gradually increased the voltage and the frequency gradually fall to an unacceptable level. The governor is a mechanical hydraulic type. Select from the options given the correct adjustment to make to correct the situation.
The governor load limit should be increased.
The governor droop should be increased.
The governor droop should be reduced.
The governor load limit should be reduced.
What is the main disadvantage of using oil free, screw type compressors for the reliquefaction plant of an LPG carrier?
The compressor has to run at very high speeds to compensate for internal leakage.
The compressors quickly overheat.
The compressor bearings wear out very quickly.
The compressor rotor elements wear quickly as they have no lubrication.
What is one way to try to overcome people's fears about loved ones?
Inform them about the nature of the emergency.
Prevent them from looking for their loved ones.
Assure them that the crew is sweeping the entire ship for passengers.
Give them a lifejacket to put on.
In a closed loop control system the error signal is derived from which of the following?
The tolerance of the feedback sensor
The process and the feeedback sensor
The demand and the feedback signal
The process and the demand
What is often done prior to loading grain in cargo holds which are sweating?
Portable fans are used to dry the holds
Steelwork within the holds is covered with kraft paper
Steelwork within the hold is covered with plastic
Grain dust is blown into all parts of the hold via the grain elevator
What is the meaning of the term "Steady as she goes" when acting as helmsman?
Reduce the number of helm movements used when steeriing a set course
Try to reduce the continuous swinging either side of the course when steering a compass course.
Keep the applied rudder constant until the next helm order.
While altering the ships head, the instruction "steady as she goes" means reduce the ships swing as rapidly as possible and steady on present course
The primary and secondary insulation spaces of each LNG cargo tank are provided with pressure relief valves. What is the normal set point of the relief valves for these spaces?
When measuring level of liquids with a differential pressure meter, the name of the sensing device is:
Positive displacement tube
Can a ZENER BARRIER be installed in a hazardous area?
Yes, that's what the zener barrier is made for.
Only in equipment operating on very low voltage.
No, as only the output from the barrier is intrinsically safe this is not allowed.
Only if properly marked for such installation.
Your ship has its main entry door from the maindeck on the starboard side, a few metres back from the front of the accommodation. It is also the closest emergency exit from the ship's offices and the crew mess-room in the event of an emergency. You are about to commence loading several grades of chemicals. There are no significant security concerns. What should happen to the door?
It can be open, provided the wind is blowing away from the accommodation.
It should be closed and locked.
It should be open in case an emergency occurs.
It should be closed, but not locked.
The cargo tanks for liquefied gas carriers are grouped into 4 types depending on the survival capability requirements. Which of tank types is suited for the carriage of all cargoes listed in chapter 19 of the IMO IGC Code from a survival capability aspect?
You must not attempt to move a casualty carelessly, if you suspect patient with:
What is the meaning of "stand by"?
That you shall keep on with your work.
That you are properly relieved from your duties.
That you shall stand very close to the engineer officer.
That the watch keeping personnel shall be ready for starting or manoeuvring the main engine.
Your vessel is entering a tropical area and high humidity is expected. To avoid condensation in the main engine's air cooler, it is recommended to:
Decrease the air temperature so proper draining can be achieved from the air cooler
Increase scavenging air temperature to above dew point
Operate the engine with slightly open drain cocks, scavenging to get rid of the water
How will continuous low load operation influence the time between overhauls, tbo, for the cylinder covers and associated valves of a 4-stroke diesel engine?
Reduce the time between overhauls due to increased fouling.
Increase the time between overhauls since fuel injectors work better at low load so combustion will be improved and the maintenance will be reduced.
Increase the time between overhauls since the engine is not working as hard.
No influence at all, the required overhauls are unaffected by operating load.
What is the name of this unit?
A hydrostatic release unit
An antistatic release unit
What is the result of a large metacentric height?
The ship will roll violently.
The ship will have a long roll period.
Bending moment will increase.
The center of gravity will move upwards.
What do you understand by: Rig the accommodation ladder in combination with the pilot ladder?
Rig the accommodation ladder in combination with the pilot ladder means: lower the gangway and rig the pilot ladder from the gangway
Rig the accommodation ladder in combination with the pilot ladder means: lower the accommodation ladder and rig the pilot ladder right next to it
Rig the accommodation ladder in combination with the pilot ladder means: lower the gangway
Rig the accommodation ladder in combination with the pilot ladder means: lower the gangway and rig the pilot ladder forward of the accommodation
Found in a commonly-used piece of equipment aboard an oil tanker, what does a "pellistor" do?
It is the common term applied to the metal, ceramic or other heat-resisting material which can cool even an intense flame below the temperature required for ignition, as utilised in a flame arrester
It is the reactive element in an oil / water interface detector
It is an electrical sensor unit fitted in a flammable gas detector for measuring hydrocarbon vapours and air mixtures to determine whether the mixture is within the flammable range
It is the electrical sensor which detects low pressure in an Inert Gas generating control system
In the event of an accidental or other exceptional discharge into the sea of a Noxious Liquid Substance or mixture containing such a substance, an entry shall be made in the Cargo record Book. What details must be recorded?
Position at start of accidental discharge; Position at stop of accidental discharge; time at start of accidental discharge; time at stop of accidental discharge; reason for accidental discharge; name of Person in Charge of operation at time of accidental discharge.
Date of occurrence; position (latitute and longitude); estimated quantity; Category (ies); extract from Log Book detailing the incident.
Time of occurrence; Approximate quantity, substance(s) and Category(ies); Circumstances of discharge or escape and general remarks.
Date of occurrence; Time of Occurrence; Name of Responsible Person; Name of Master; Statement of Responsible Person; Statement of Master; Approximate quantity of product discharged; Category of product discharged; identity of nearest sovereign State and Authority of that State contacted with applicable report reference.
Which of these foods, when consumed in high quantities, will increase the cholesterol level over time?
A mechanical seal, consisting of carbon and ceramic seal rings, is to be fitted to a cetrifugal pump shaft. What is the most likely result of not being extremely carefull when fitting this type of seal?
The spring and bellows for the seal can be easily damaged.
The rubber O rings for the seal can be easily damaged.
The seal rings are brittle and can be easily chipped or damaged.
The seal rings are hard and may score the pump shaft.
A cable carries a current of 1500A at 660 Volts and has a voltage drop along it's length of 30volts. Assuming the cable insulation is good enough to work at High Voltage, what would be the voltage drop when supplying the same amount of power at 6600 Volts.
When the temperature of the air increases with height it is known as a "Temperature Inversion" and may influence the performance of some instruments on the ship. What should the bridge Officer of the Watch be prepared to happen?
The GPS may give errors of position because of interference of incoming signals from the satellites
The bearings obtained from the Directional Finder (DF) will not be as accurate as normal
Abnormal ranges of VHF RT and Second Trace Returns on the radar
The radar will be show abnormal sea clutter as the pulse is trapped by the inversion.
Where on a ship is the deck known as the "Boat Deck"?
The Boat Deck is the name of the main deck of the ship or boat.
The Boat Deck is the deck where access would be made from any boats alongside.
The Boat Deck is the deck from which persons embark into the lifeboats
The Boat Deck is the deck of a life boat
At what angle should a cargo lashing meet an eye plate?
Which of the following is a warning sign of a faulty hydraulic hatch cover system?
The presence of dust and cargo particles around the piston gland
A fall in the hydraulic header tank level
Noisy hatch cover operations
During the cycle of a four stroke diesel engine there is a load reversal on the bottom end bearing when the load transfers from the upper part of the bearing to the lower part. What is the main cause of this load reversal on a modern, turbocharged, medium speed diesel engine?
The light alloy materials used for the piston skirt.
The lack of gas load to oppose the inertial forces generated during the exhaust stroke.
The inertial forces generated during the upward strokes of the piston (compression and exhaust strokes).
The suction effect on the piston during the air intake (induction) stroke.
A draw card obtained from a cylinder of a large 2 stroke diesel engine shows that both cylinder compression and maximum pressures are low. Cards from other cylinders indicate normal operation. What is the likely cause of this problem?
Faulty cylinder component (piston rings, liner, etc.)
Excessive cooling of the charge air..
Faulty high pressure fuel pump.
What is the optimum cargo lashing angle against sliding?
What is a "closed discharge" operation on an oil tanker?
A discharge operation which is commenced with all manifold and tank valves on the vessel initially set in the closed position
A discharge operation carried out without opening any lids or sighting ports and where gauging is performed either by a fixed system or by a portable system gaining access through a vapour-lock.
A cargo discharge which is performed to a shore tank directly adjacent to the berthed vessel and which is wholly controlled by a terminal operator
The pumping of tank washings, conducted through underwater discharge outlets only
Why should ro-ro passenger ships be subdivided into main vertical zones?
To comply with passenger safety, cargo safety and hull integrity training defined in the STCW convention
To comply with specific provisions for fire integrity defined by the Classification Society
To comply with specific provisions for fire integrity defined in SOLAS and to ensure safety of passengers and crew in case of a fire
To comply with company specific standards defined in the Safety Management System
During cargo operations, involving perishable cargoes, deck officers should be aware that the cargo is subject to the effects of the weather and ambient conditions. From the options given, select the one which is likely to cause the most rapid temperature change in a refrigerated commodity.
By what means can we monitor and control the integrity of the hull?
The chief officer is responsible for monitoring the integrity of the hull and superstructure at all times
Let experienced personnel close and secure doors and ramps
Automatic detection systems, television surveillance and patrolling of ro-ro cargo spaces
Documented operating procedures
What do you understand by the term "luffing"?
The raising or lowering of a crane jib, moving the head of the crane and therefore a suspended load horizontally towards or away from the crane.
The combined movement of hoisting a load and slewing the crane, employed when lifting a load from a dockside over and into a ship's hold, or vica versa.
The initial phase of hoisting a load, where the crane wire and structure takes the weight of a suspended load.
The rotating of a ship's jib in a circular movement about the crane.
Why may wearing sweat rags slung round your neck when working in the machinery spaces be hazardous?
The rags may cause sweat rash.
The rags may cause you to get too hot and faint.
The rags may be caught by running machinery or power tools.
The rags may be soaked with oil and catch fire.
In conjunction with which two sets of international regulations should the IMDG Code be read for security purposes?
Part B of the ISPS Code and Chapter II of the Maritime Transport and Offshore Facilties Act.
IMO NVIC 24 and 46 CFR 2.05
Chapter V of SOLAS and Annex II of MARPOL.
Chapter XI-2 of SOLAS and Part A of the ISPS Code.
Which of the cargoes given in the options would you expect to be most suited for loading onto a conventional reefer vessel designed with side loading doors?
When cross-flooding arrangements to correct unsymmetrical flooding and excessive heel angels in damaged condition are installed in passenger ships, what is the maximum angle of heel after flooding but before equalization?
What is the meaning of the abbreviation PCB
What is the most suitable type of packing for a shaft gland of a pump used for seawater duties?
Mica impregnated cotton packing.
Lead covered hemp packing.
Which of these are indications that a parcel is suspicious?
The parcel came from Joe in the safety department and arrived quicker than expected.
"The parcel is wrapped in clean, brown paper and is addressed to a crewmember from his wife."
"The parcel is addressed to no one in particular, arrives unexpectedly and seems heavy for its size."
The parcel smells like chocolate.
When must side scuttles in passenger ships where the sills are below the margin line be kept closed and watertight?
When not necessary to be kept open due to work being carried out aboard
During navigation between ports
During mooring operations; which is the safe position to be in?
Between the "point of break" and the "fairlead".
Behind the point of restraint, but inside the zone.
Outside the colored zone.
Behind the fairlead, but inside the zone.