Тест состоит из 80 случайных вопросов.
Всего вопросов по данной теме: 301
What are the three volumes of the IAMSAR Manual?
I – Organization and Management; II – Mission Co-ordination; III – Mobile Facilities.
I – Planning and Preparation; II – Rescue Control; III – Reference.
A – Command and Control; B – Communications; C – Rescue Procedures.
I – Organization; II – Communications; III – Rescue Procedures.
You have been assigned to enter a hold and check the general cargo stowed in it, as part of an on-passage monitoring procedure. What must be in place before you can do that?
The necessary permits, based on valid atmospheric and other applicable tests.
Written instructions from the Chief Officer on what to check in the hold.
A list of the items stowed in the applicable hold, extracted from the Cargo Manifest, must be available for reference during the check.
Emergency equipment at the after end of the maindeck.
“Passivation” is a restorative process periodically applied to stainless steel tanks on a chemical tanker. What effect does this process have on the steel surface?
It restricts active corrosion on the surface steel.
It restores the surface steel to an even and smooth finish, thereby encouraging drainage during discharge.
It restores and reforms the passive Chromium Hydroxide surface layer.
The Explosimeter is an instrument to measure:
The composition of hydrocarbon gas/air mixtures in a tank atmosphere.
The amount of H2S gas in a tank atmosphere.
The level of oxygen present within a tank.
The relative amounts of nitrogen and combustible gases within a tank.
Onboard training should be organised in such a way that:
Each crew member is trained individually.
It does not contravene with the rest hours of the crew.
It is an integral part of the overall training plan.
What is the meaning of this symbol?
How many thermal protective aids are carried in each liferaft?
10 % of the number of persons the liferaft is designed to carry, or two, whichever is more.
The number of persons the liferaft is permitted to accommodate.
On the figure there are four (4) possible definitions of the term “BREADTH” given. Which one is the correct one?
Breadth is given by A on the figure.
Breadth is given by B on the figure.
Breadth is given by C on the figure.
Breadth is given by D on the figure.
A vessel has been in involved in a collision. Which procedure should happen immediately?
There is assessment of the damage stability.
Determine is there is any evidence of pollution.
Communicate with the other ship.
Determine any injuries of persons on board.
Measuring the ullage at a cargo tank would mean:
Measuring the distance from the bottom of the tank to the ullage reference point.
Measuring the distance from the surface of the cargo to the ullage reference point.
Measuring the distance from the bottom of the tank to the surface of cargo.
Measuring the distance from the surface of the cargo to the underside of the maindeck.
The oil product particularly associated with the danger of contracting leukaemia through exposure to its vapours is:
How many annexes do we find in MARPOL and what is the content of Annex 1?
We find 6 annexes in MARPOL and Annex 1 is the regulations for the prevention of pollution by oil.
We find 4 annexes in MARPOL and Annex 1 regulations for the prevention of pollution by garbage.
We find 1 annexes in MARPOL and Annex 1 regulations for the prevention of pollution by chemicals.
We find 5 annexes in MARPOL and Annex 1 is the regulations for the prevention of pollution by sewage.
When in-service testing a hose used for cargo transfer on an oil tanker (and for which the elongation of the hose assembly when new was greater than 2,5 %), the maximum permitted elongation before the hose must be withdrawn from service should be:
Not more than 1,5 times the temporary elongation measured when the hose assembly was new, as documented in the manufacturer’s certificate.
Not more than 1,25 times the temporary elongation measured when the hose assembly was last tested, as documented in the appropriate certificate.
Not more than 1,5 times the temporary elongation measured when the hose assembly was last tested, as documented in the appropriate certificate.
Not more than 1,5 times the temporary elongation measured at the previous in-service test, as documented in the ship’s annual test record.
What is the MARPOL definition of a “high-viscosity substance”?
A noxious liquid substance in category “Y” with a viscosity equal to or greater than 100 mPa·s at 37,8 °C.
A noxious liquid substance of any category with a pour point of greater than 37,8 °C.
A noxious liquid substance in category “X” or “Y” with a viscosity equal to or greater than 50 mPa·s at the unloading temperature.
The prescribed test of EPIRB, SART and portable VHF radio set must be entered in:
A DSC distress alert is received. The message states that communication by radiotelex is preferred. One preferably uses:
What allowances should be applied to an echo sounder reading, to compare the depth of water with the depth shown on a chart?
Position of trasducer below the water surface and the height of tide.
Shallow water effects causing ground interaction.
A correction that should be applied to the charted depth value shown on the chart.
The distance between the pulse Transmitter and Receiver, if different.
The battery of a SART:
Must be replaced before the expiry date is exceeded.
No – because a Mercator course is more efficient, less distance and easier to follow.
Yes – because it is the easiest sailing to compute and then follow.
Yes – because an ECDIS in track control will do the computation and steer the route.
What does ISM stand for?
The International Management Code for the Safe Operation of Ships and for Pollution Prevention.
Internal Ship Safety Management.
International Safe Manning Certification.
International Ship Measurement and Pollution Control.
What significant change to the requirements for the carriage of Vegetable Oils in tankers was introduced by the amendments to MARPOL and the IBC Code on 1st January 2007?
They must now be carried in type II tanks.
They must now be carried in double-hull tankers.
During the anchoring procedure, what would the 2nd Officer understand by the following request from the bridge, “How is the chain”?
The bridge would like to know the direction of the anchor cable from the hawse pipe.
The Master is requesting the Chief Officer to inform the bridge of whether he can determine which way the ship is moving in the water.
The Master is asking the Chief Officer whether the ship needs to be moved forward and take the weight off the anchor cable.
The Master is asking the Chief Officer whether the vessel is dragging anchor.
Which option best describes how an operator establishes what an isolated danger symbol represents, when seen on the chart display of an ECDIS?
Check the chart symbols catalogue to ascertain the meaning.
Interrogate it and ask for a pick or information report.
A Cargo Ship Equipment Certificate will be issued for:
5 years with control every 12 months.
2 years with control every 6 months.
In which way shall a survivor be hauled out of the sea?
What is understood by the term “take the helm”?
Take over the steering of the ship.
Change the place where the lookout is standing.
Take over heaving of a rope.
Take a message to another officer.
You are carrying out a search in a smoke filled compartment wearing a breathing apparatus. At what stage should you start to make your way out of the compartment?
Regularly check your pressure gauge and note how much air you used to reach your work area. Start to return when you have this amount left plus a reasonable reserve.
Wait until the breathing apparatus warning whistle sounds.
Wait for the appropriate signal on your safety line as the personnel outside will be keeping a track of the time you have spent inside.
15 minutes after starting to use the set as this leaves you with 5 minutes air left.
The compensation payment by the charterer that is due when a vessel is unable to load/discharge her cargo within the allowed and contracted time is referred to as:
Contractual penalty discount.
On area A4 the function “Transmission and reception of on scene communications” is mainly based on:
The use of HF DSC and/or Inmarsat-C.
The use of MF and/or VHF R/T.
What is to be considered when deciding the position of the accommodation on an oil tanker?
A single failure of deck or bulkhead shall not allow fumes into the accommodation spaces.
There must only be one accommodation block.
They must be at the after end of the vessel.
There are no restrictions to the position of the accommodation.
Is it always possible to use the word “ship” instead of the word “boat”?
A boat can only be used for vessels under 50 metres in length.
Normally a small vessel is called a “boat” rather than a “ship”, otherwise it is not important.
Either can be used anytime.
A large vessel is always called a “ship” and never a “boat”.
Under ISM, what is a “non-conformity”?
An observed situation where objective evidence indicates the non-fulfilment of a specified requirement.
The wearing of non-standard Personal protective equipment.
Official log book entries not being completed correctly.
A safety officer not being nominated for the vessel.
Which personnel must undergo familiarization training on board?
With an Inmarsat-C terminal the option “PSTN” for addressing is available. This option:
Is to deliver a message by telephone via a modem on the computer of the suscriber.
To have the operator read the message by phone.
Delivers a message as a telegram.
Which of the following two digits codes is used to obtain medical advice?
MARPOL – Annex V. Disposal of garbage. Your vessel is in the Red Sea (Special Area) and the Chief Cook is requesting to have some food waste burned in the incinerator. Due to problems with incinerator, you decide to have the waste ground in the Grinder (Lump size max. 25 mm) and disposed off into the sea. Is this prohibited, if not, how far from nearest land is this legal?
By a “geographical area call” in the DSC-system is meant:
A DSC-message for all vessels within a certain area marked by a reference position, given in the DSC-message and the degrees are given in southerly and easterly direction.
A DSC-message for all ships heading towards a certain geographical area.
A DSC-message for all vessels within a certain area from a position in the DSC-message, and the degrees are given in northerly and westerly direction.
A “Pellistor” is:
It is a sensor that can be used in a combustible gas indicators to detect and measure flammable gas concentration as a percentage of its lower flammable limit.
It is a sensor used in an oxygen analyser that contains a chemical that are very sensitive to changes in the oxygen content of air.
It is a sensor used in a hydrocarbon measuring instrument that undergoes a chemical change in the resence of a hydrocarbon and air mixture.
If drugs are discovered onboard your ship:
Write a report a few days after the event and describe everything that occurred.
Disembark crew and passengers as quickly as possible at the next port of call so the authorities can conduct their investigation.
Ensure the witness to the discovery signs your incident report.
Notify the authorities after you arrive at the next port of call.
Why should Ground Stabilised True Motion display mode be avoided when using the ARPA for anti-collision purposes?
The collision regulations are based on ship courses through the water.
The Relative Motion display and relative vectors is the only display to use for anti-collision purposes.
The true vector can never give an indication of collision risk with another ship.
True motion does not provide the collision risk of other ships.
What kind of warning signs should be placed on manholes into void spaces?
Warning signs that indicate lack of oxygen inside.
Breathing apparatus mandatory sign.
Danger of explosion signs.
How many rocket parachute flares are carried in each liferaft with SOLAS B pack?
MARPOL – Annex IV. Prevention of Pollution by Sewage from ships. What do you understand by the word “Sewage”?
Drainage/waste from toilets/urinals.
Mixture of sea water/oil.
Waste from synthetic materials.
When during transmitting the display of a radiotelephone-installation shows a decrease intransmitting power it is:
An indication of aerial problem.
An automatic adjustment of the chosen transmitting mode.
An indication of choosing a wrong channel.
An adjustment of the semi-duplex transmitting power.
In area A1 the function “Transmission of ship to shore distress alerts” is mainly based on:
The use of SART transponders.
If your chemical tanker is equipped with high velocity venting valves, at what minimum height above the weather deck or catwalk should they be installed?
According to Rule 35 of the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions what sound signal is made by a vessel not under command when in or near an area of restricted visibility?
One prolonged blast, followed by two short blasts, at intervals of not more than two minutes.
One prolonged blast, followed by two short blasts, at intervals of not more than one minute.
One prolonged blast at intervals at not more than two minutes.
Two prolonged blasts, followed by one short blast, at intervals of not more than two minutes.
To maintain good relationship among the crew on board a vessel, one must be:
Understanding, Co-operative, and have respect from both sides.
Give authority to others.
Polite and diplomatic while talking to crew members.
Strict and authoritative while giving orders.
What can be used to reduce the effect of the state of sea-waves?
What is the probable cause of an error in the position shown on a GPS receiver set into “2D” fixing?
Incorrect height of the antenna set into the receiver.
The limit set on the VDOP figure is too small.
The receiver has defaulted to “3D” fixing and there is no overhead satellite.
The limit set on the HDOP figure is too great.
When describing the characteristics of oil cargoes or oil/water slops, a “mercaptan” is:
A colourless, odorous gas, with a smell similar to rotting cabbage and which is generated naturally by the degredation of natural organisms, as may be found where water has remained under oil for a long time.
The component of hydrocarbon-based cargoes which is formed from Merolion Carbonized Tannin.
A chemical additive blended with crude oil to inhibit the natural “rotten egg” smell associated with certain grades.
A device fitted to a cargo pump which automatically alerts the operator once traces of water start to be detected during discharge.
The word SATCOM is spelled conform the international phonetic alphabet:
Sierra, Alfa, Tango, Charlie, Oscar, Mike.
Sierra, Able, Tango, Cornelies, Oslo, Man.
Sierra, Anna, Tango, Cornelies, Oslo, Mike.
Sierra, Able, Tripoli, Charlie, Oscar, Mike.
In open water, you see a collision between two other ships. What immediate action should you take?
Slow down and standby to see if any assistance is required.
Nothing, proceed on passage unless they are in distress.
Mention some important thoughts for what you have to do when you recognise that fire break out onboard:
Go to the lifeboat start the motor then call the duty officer and commence fight the fire.
Report to bridge or duty officer, actuate the fire alarm, call the persons around the fire and join the fire squad.
Report to bridge or duty officer, actuate the fire alarm, organise and commence fighting the fire.
Commence fighting the fire, call the persons around the fire and join the fire squad.
The receipt of a distress alert is to be pronounced as followed:
Mayday (1x), call-sign of ship in distress (3x) / this is / own call-sign (3x) / received mayday.
Mayday (3x) / this is / own call-sign (1x) / received mayday / call-sign of ship in distress (1x).
Mayday (1x) / this is / own call-sign (3x) received mayday.
Mayday (1x) / distress alert / own ship call sign.
Prior to discharging cargo from an oil tanker, “line displacement” is usually conducted to:
Verify the pipeline contents with previous grade have been replaced.
The calibration of the ship’s flow meter.
Testing of the automatic shut-down arrangements in the shore line system.
Balancing of a rigid cargo arm.
Cargo residues of certain chemical substances are permitted to be removed by ventilation. What criteria is applied in determining if a cargo can be cleaned in this way? (Always accepting that local port authorities may have over-riding regulations on ventilation).
That the cargo discharged has a vapour expansion coefficient of at least 1,025.
That the vessel’s ventilation system is capable of delivering a minimum of 20 changes of atmosphere per hour within the compartment.
That the cargo discharged has a vapour pressure greater than 5 KPa at 20 °C.
Which of these statements about drug smuggling is true?
The risks to ships are not restricted to specific areas or trading routes.
Drugs are difficult to conceal onboard a ship.
Drug smuggling is only a problem in certain ports, so only ships sailing in those ports need to implement preventative measures.
The preventative measures you incorporate into your ship’s security plan should be exhaustive, regardless of the level of threat identified by your ship’s security assessment.
The calibration of the ODME is carried with the use of:
The product being carried on that voyage.
Approved bio-degradable light oil.
Within the Oil Discharge Monitoring and Control System, an “overboard discharge control” is defined as:
A device which automatically initiates the sequence to stop the overboard discharge of the effluent in alarm conditions and prevents the discharge throughout the period the alarm prevail.
A system which receives automatic signals of oil content, flow rate, ship’s speed, ship’s position, date and time.
On a ship involved in a collision, what should happen immediately after the accident has taken place?
Crew should follow an emergency procedure.
The master should be called.
The other ship should be contacted.
The bridge team should devise a plan of action.
At least, how often shall life boats be launched with their assigned operating crew aboard and manoeuvred in the water according to SOLAS?
This device can detect a package of drugs inside a large delivery of ship’s stores. What is it?
A class “D” fire involves what type of material?
Wood or other carbonaceous material.
A person wearing an anti-exposure suit shall be able to:
Dive into the water to the maximum draft of craft that the ship is provided with.
Don and remove the suit in the water in no more than 5 min if it impairs ability to swim.
Jump from a height equal to that of the stowage of liferafts arranged to be thrown overboard.
Perform all duties associated with abandonment, assist others and operate a rescue boat.
When an inhibitor is added to an oil cargo, the items mentioned on the accompanying certificate include:
Inhibitor name; amount added; date added; period of efficiency; precautions if voyage length exceeds that period; eventual temperature limitation.
Inhibitor class; percentage blended; date added; maximum period of efficiency and applicable temperature limits; maximum storage period on board; contact number of manufacturer.
The portable walkie talkies required to be carried by GMDSS regulations should have which channels as a minimum?
During cargo or bunker operations, oil response equipment is to be:
Used elsewhere in the ship.
What is the disadvantage of using chemicals on an oil-spill on the water?
It is difficult to apply the chemicals if the oil drifts away from the ship’s side.
It is difficult to apply chemicals if there is any wind.
The water gets a white colour, which makes it easy to detect the oil-spill.
The chemicals make it difficult to remove the oil from the water.
The mandatory color of a hand flare is:
How should you, as helmsman, give feedback to the OOW (officer on watch) that his orders are understood?
You don’t have to give any feedback.
The calibration of the ODME is carried with the use of:
What immediate action should be taken if a ship unexpectedly runs aground and stops?
According to the IAMSAR Manual, what is the expected survival time for a person in water of 4-10 °C, without special protective clothing?
By what formula is the displacement calculated? W = Displacement; L = length; B = Breadth; D = depth of vessel; Cb = Block Coefficient; Cw = Coefficient of waterplane; RD = relative density.
The MF/HF-transceiver on board is tuned to the assigned frequency of a station. To make this connection the following mode is used:
What is the period of validity of the Safety Management Certificate?
What is the correct understanding of the term “Bottlescrew”?
A bottlescrew is the connection ring on the ships deck used to connect lashings and rigging.
A bottlescrew is the threaded screw used to open large bottles.
A bottlescrew is a metal threaded sleeve which adjusts the length and tension on rigging or stays.
A bottlescrew is the special wire rope used to lash containers.
The purpose of expansion couplings to be fitted on the longitudinal pipelines of oil tankers is:
To allow the pipeline to contract when the cargo passing through it is cold.
To allow the pipeline to expand when loading a hot cargo through the pipeline.
To allow the pipelines to follow the ships flexing movement when pitching.
To prevent the pipeline from cracking when the ship suffers from Racking stresses.
… a ship … intended to transport products with appreciably severe environmental and safety hazards which require significant preventative measures to preclude escape of such cargo. Usually the ship is of double-hull construction, with a variety of tank sizes/capacities. What is this the definition of?
A type I chemical tanker as per the IBC Code.
A chemical tanker for the purposes of the 1996 IMO directive MEPC/2.12 circ. on “Mandatory Reporting Requirements for Ships Carrying Dangerous or Polluting Goods”.
A type II chemical tanker, as per the IBC Code.
Which of the following requirements to ships stability for normal operation corresponds to present regulations? (NSCL 4/12.2).
The ship is loaded in such a manner that adequate stability is achieved in all loading condition.
Unless otherwise stated in the approved stability calculation, the total weight of the deck cargo shall not exceed 50 metric tons.
In waters with the danger of icing, loading of deck cargo must be approved by competent authority.
Centre of gravity shall be calculated with an accuracy better than 5 %.