Тест состоит из случайных вопросов по выбранной теме.
On a RoRo vessel, if the Manufacturer and shipper of a vehicle have not provided instructions and the vehicle does not have fixed lasing points what can be used to secure the lashings
The wheel apertures, or other suitable fixed point on the vehicle
*How many fire hoses are required for general cargo ships of 1000 gross tonnage and upwards (not including hoses in any engine or boiler room) ?
At least one hose for each fire hydrant
At least one hose for every two fire hydrants
At least one hose for each 30 meter length of ship plus one spare
At least two hoses for each vertical fire zone
Messages sent via INMARSAT C are charged
on the number of kilobits of information transmitted per block of 1024 bits
on the basis of a three minute minimum charge with one minute incremental steps
on the basis of a six second minimum charge with six second incremental steps
on the number of kilobits of information transmitted per block of 256 bits
Once a ship (equipped with self-stowing auto-tension winches) is moored alongside a loading or discharging berth, it is recommended that:
All winches to be left with the manual brake on and out of gear.
All mooring winches be left in 'auto-tension' mode
The 'spring' winches be left in the auto-tension mode and all other winches with the manual brake on
The 'breastline' and 'headline' winches be left in the auto-tension mode and spring winches with manual brake on
When a ship is steaming along a course line, what is the importance of determining the set and rate of drift due to wind and current?
All of the suggested answers
To appreciate the possible extent of drift and dangers in the event of engine failure
To determine the time required to reach the next alteration of course point.
To determine the correction required to the course steered to maintain the planned passage.
In the situation illustrated, what should be the distribution of the power requirements from the tugs, if the ship is to be moved sideways without changing the heading? Both tugs have similar bollard pull and are of conventional propulsion.
Much greater power on the forward tug than on the after tug while monitoring the gyro heading
Equal power required by both tugs, but monitor the gyro heading to ensure sideward movement only
It would be very difficult to predict the power requirements in this circumstance and it could only be found by observation.
Much greater power on the aft tug than on the forward tug while monitoring the gyro heading.
The training manual shall contain instructions and information in easily understood terms and illustrated wherever possible. Which of the following objects do not have to be explained in detail in the manual according to present regulations?
Muster of assigned stations
Donning of lifejackets and immersion suits
Boarding, launching and clearing of the survival crafts and rescue boats
Donning of fire protection clothing
You are the Sen.Off.Deck of a vessel involved in a collision. All necessary actions to ensure safety of crew and vessel has been taken. What shall you then tell the Sen.Off.Deck on the other vessel?
Don-t talk to the Sen.Off.Deck on the other vessel at all.
Name and Port of registry of your vessel.
That you are sorry for the collision.
Check with the pilot, or any witnesses, about their consideration of whom to blame for the collision.
You are in an area of restricted visibility and hear this signal. It is repeated at two minute intervals. What does it indicate?
That there are two more vessels nearby.
That there is another vessel in the vicinity and that she has just altered course to port.
That there is another vessel nearby, that she is underway, but stopped and making no way through the water.
That there is another vessel nearby, but that she is at anchor.
What do you understand by the term ‘Terminal Representative’?
A cargo facility terminal agent
A person appointed by a cargo terminal for matters related to crew welfare under the International Labour Convention
A person appointed by a cargo terminal for operations conducted by that terminal with regard to a ship
A bulk cargo terminal agent
Part of the outer surface of a refrigeration compressor crankcase and the refrigerant return line near the compressor ice up heavily during normal operation. Which of the options given is the most likely cause of this problem?
The oil separator is not functioning correctly and is allowing lubricating oil to pass into the system.
The seawater flow control valve for the condenser is faulty allowing insufficient cooling water flow.
The superheat control setting for the thermostatic expansion valve is set too low.
The filter drier unit in the liquid line is partly blocked.
You are burning garbage containing plastics. What shall you do with the ashes from the vessel's incinerator?
Discharge at sea providing you are not in any river or estuary
Discharge the ashes at sea providing you are more than 25 nautical miles offshore
Discharge the ashes to a shore facility
Nothing, ashes from any substance which is incinerated can be discharged over board
Basic manual dew point measurement devices are commonly used by surveyors when monitoring the dryness of a cargo tank prior to loading a liquid chemical product. Which of the descriptions below is a summary of how the measurement is carried out?
A small quantity of Methanol is placed into the device and dry-ice is progressively added to it to steadily reduce the temperature. A sample of the atmosphere in the tank is continuously drawn through the device, passing over the surface of the Methanol. When the first signs of evaporation are observed (smoke rising from the surface), the temperature of the Methanol is noted. Reference may be required to tables to correct the reading for calculation purposes.
A quantity of Acetone is placed into the device and dry-ice is progressively added to it to steadily reduce the temperature. A sample of the atmosphere in the tank is continuously pumped through the liquid. Bubbles will be seen to reach the surface of the bath until the dew point is reached. When the flow of bubbles ceases, the temperature of the Acetone is noted. Reference may be required to tables to correct the reading for desired parameters.
A small quantity of Acetone is placed into the device and dry-ice is progressively added to it to steadily reduce the temperature. A sample of the atmosphere in the tank is continuously drawn through the device, passing over the polished or mirrored surface of the container. When the first drop of mositure (dew) is observed to form on the polished surface, the temperature of the Acetone bath is noted. Reference may be required to tables to correct the reading for desired parameters.
A small quantity of dry-ice is placed into the device, submerged in deionized water. A sample of the atmosphere in the tank is continuously drawn through the device, passing across a reagent filter. When the dew point is reached, this reagent filter will change colour from white to green, indicating saturation. The temperature of the deionized water is noted at this time and corresponds to the dew point. Reference to correction tables is required to correct the reading for barometric pressure.
What requires close attention during portable car deck inspections?
Abrasions over the decks' surfaces
Signs of cracks in way of deck supports
On a bulk carrier at the completion of loading and before closing hatch covers what must be done to track ways?
Track ways swept and checked clear of obstructions
On the figure there are four possible definitions of the term "STARBOARD BOW" given. Which one is the correct one?
Starboard bow is given by D on the figure
Starboard bow is given by C on the figure
Starboard bow is given by B on the figure
Starboard bow is given by A on the figure
A bulk carrier is to carry a full deck cargo of packaged timber; to what regulations must the vessel comply?
International Code for the carriage of Dangerous Goods
IMO Code of Practice for the carriage of Timber Deck cargoes
Marine Pollution Regulations
The muster list shall show the duties assigned to the different members of the crew. Which of the given duties do not necessarily have to be included in the muster list?
Manning of fire parties assigned to deal with fires
Preparation and launching of survival crafts
The stowage factor of a consignment of car parts is given by shippers as 3.00 cubic metres/metric tonne; what space will be required to load 100 tonnes of this type of cargo on a General Cargo Vessel?
Before leaving the machinery spaces of a UMS vessel whose engine room is protected by a fixed CO2 installation, should the duty engineer:
Ensure all doors are in closed position.
Lock all of the entry exit doors to prevent entry by unauthorised personnel.
Hook the main entry/exit doors in the open position to speed up entry in the event of an alarm.
Leave the doors in whatever position they are in.
What is the purpose of the air distributor in a diesel engine air start system?
To ensure the air consumption from each of the main air receivers is equally distributed.
To ensure that the automatic valve in the air start system opens and closes at the correct time.
To ensure that the start air is distributed equally to the each of the engine cylinders.
To ensure the cylinder air start valves operate in the correct sequence and for the correct period.
Before leaving the machinery spaces of a UMS vessel after routine watchkeeping rounds in the evening, the duty engineer inspects the doors to Fuel Oil Treatment rooms which are covered by a fixed fire fighting installation. For what purpose does he do this?
Remove the auto closing device so they remain in whatever position they were.
To tie them open with a rope to prevent the heat from building up inside, and making it uncomfortable to work.
To make sure that they are properly closed with the self closing device so that any fire is contained and the extinguishing medium can be released without delay.
Wedge them open with an arrangement which allows them to be closed quickly in the event of a fire.quickly.
Who is responsible for maintaining the vessel's structural strenght?
The Shipping Company and the Classification Society
The Flag State Administration
A record is to be made of the functions of an operational refrigerated container. Select, from the options given, the most likely method that would be used to make such a record.
The record would be made on a 'Partlow Chart'.
The record would be made on a paper printout.
The record would be made from manual checks made throughout the time onboard.
The record would be made on an electronic data logger.
How is the size of a reefer vessel normally referenced?
By the Suez Canal tonnage.
By the cubic foot capacity.
Once a hatch is sealed, what prevents sparks from entering the hold of a Bulk Carrier?
Is it required that the PA-system (Public Address) is connected to a back-up power sypply?
No, the crew will inform the passengers in case of any black out or power failure
Yes, only if the voyage is more than 12 hours
Yes, the public address system shall be connected to the emergency source of power
Which of the following could be the possible cause of too high cargo condenser pressure?
Incondensible vapour in the cargo and shortage of refrigeration.
Incondensible vapour in the cargo.
Broken discharge valve plate.
Shortage of refrigeration.
Why is an inertgas system required when COW is undertaken?
Improved outturn of cargo?
Less bildup of sediment in tanks?
The figure shows a cross section through a ship floating in water, with the hull in red and the seabed below the ship shaded. On the figure there are four (4) possible definitions of the term "FREEBOARD" given. Which one is the correct one?
Freeboard is given by B on the figure
Freeboard is given by C on the figure
Freeboard is given by A on the figure
Freeboard is given by D on the figure
Select the option which best completes the following statement. "When carrying out repairs to damaged hatch gratings it is best to use…
…galvanised crosshead screws."
If the high PPM alarm is actuated on an automatic O.W.S. What should happen?
Overboard discharge is stopped.
Overboard discharge continues.
The oil outlet valve opens.
How frequently should the PA-system (Public Address) be tested?
A cargo space is being prepared to load a refrigerated cargo. An inspection of the space has revealed some dark areas of mould on the bulkheads. Which of the given options is the best action to take in such circumstances?
Since the mould will be odourless it can be left in place.
The mould should be scraped off with a steel goose necked scraper.
The mould should be removed by scrubbing the area with clean water containing the correct concentration of an approved fungicide.
The mould should be painted over with an appropriate marine paint.
What is another term for ‘Cargo Sweepings’?
What do Tonnes per Centimeter immersion (TPC), Moment to Change Trim by one Centimeter (MCTC) and Longitudinal Centre of Floatation (LCF) have in common?
They vary with changes in displacement
They vary with small angles of heel
They vary with changes in the shape of the waterplane
They remain unaffected by changes in displacement
In an inert gas system audible and visible alarms shall be provided to indicate faulty conditions in the installation. Which of the following conditions do not activate the alarms? (SOLAS II-2/62.19.1)
High air pressure in water seal
High water level in the flue gas scrubber
Why is it important that all the system valves are closed after completing bilge or ballast pumping operations?
It isn't important how the valves are left after pumping operations are completed.
To make sure the valves do not seize in the open position.
To keep the pump housing full of fluid.
To avoid accidental intake of water into the engine room in case of valve or pipeline failure.
What would be the likely cause if the shaft of a centrifugal pump shows excessive wear in way of the stuffing box?
The discharge pressure of the pump is too high.
Wrong direction of rotation of the pump.
Over tightening of the gland packing.
Incorrect material used in construction of the shaft.
If your ship is in the tropics and you are going to be working out on deck during the day, what is the recommended daily intake of water for you to avoid the effects of dehydration?
Drinking water is not the solution. I must consume at least 250 mg of salt per day to retain body fluid.
Your ship is loading at a Single Point Mooring. You are the rating on duty. Which of the following areas will you monitor continuously throughout your watch?
Forcastle head / manifolds / maindeck
Pump room / engine room / Cargo Control Room
Accommodation ladder / Radio Station / Poopdeck
Bridge / Cargo Control Room / Poopdeck
What is meant by the term 'feel over sequence' as applied to diesel engine operation following replacement of a crankshaft bearing?
Using the hand to feel for any loose fastenings or sharp edges before starting the engine.
Stop the engine after 2 hours running to check the bearing temperature by running the hand over it.
Stopping the engine to check the bearing temperature after a short period of operation and repeating this procedure at increasing running intervals.
Running the engine at low load and gradually increasing the load over a period of 12 hours.
Who is responsible for supervising stevedores during cargo operations?
You are going to enter a tank to clean up some dust. What kind of permits is required to be issued before entering?
Enclosed Space Entry Permit
Hot Work Permit and Cold Work Permit.
Enclosed Space Entry Permit and Hot Work Permit.
Enclosed Space Entry Permit and Cold Work Permit
The range of a transducer is 0-200 bar. The standard output signal is 4-20 mA. What is the output signal when the process value is 100 bar.
Why do we use stabilisers on passenger ships?
To adjust the trim of the vessel
To decrease the rolling angle of the vessel
To increase the intact stability
To decrease the dynamic stability
How is damage to the piston rod stuffing box rings avoided when removing and replacing the piston during overhaul of the piston of a large two stroke diesel engine?
A tapered guide sleeve should be fitted over the threaded end of the piston rod.
The piston rod gland should always be removed from the engine before the piston is lifted out to avoid damage to the rings.
The lower part of the piston rod is wrapped in rags.
The piston rod nut is put on during removal and refitting of the piston through the gland.
Thermocouples are often used for measuring temperatures. Which of the following descriptions are valid for a thermocouple?
A junction between two dissimilar metals generates a small voltage.
A semi-conductor device that exhibits a negative coefficient of resistance with temperature.
A resistance device that exhibits a positive coefficient of resistance with temperature.
A quartz crystal that changes its resonant frequency with temperature.
How is the pressure in the cargo containment system of a conventional LNG carrier controlled during normal operation?
By using the boil-off gas as fuel for the ships propulsion plant.
The gas vapour is evacuated to the atmosphere via the vent-line.
The gas vapour is taken from the vapour header and passed through the demister and into the LD Compressor and evacuated to the atmosphere via the vent mast.
The IMO IGC code details the requirements for cargo piping systems on gas carriers? Which one of the options given is part of these requirements?
Cargo pipelines must resist at least 1.25 times maximum vapour pressure.
Cargo pipelines must resist horizontal displacement from cargo surge pressure.
All cargo pipelines must be made of high tensile steel.
Cargo pipelines are not allowed beneath deck level on gas carriers.
The majority of marine diesel engines operate with either a pulse or a constant pressure turbocharging system. What is the main difference between these two systems?
Pulse systems have all of the cylinder exhausts connected to a common large exhaust gas manifold
Pulse systems always have a turbocharger for each group of three cylinders.
Constant pressure systems have all engine cylinder exhausts connected to a common large exhaust gas manifold.
Constant pressure systems only ever have a single turbocharger irrespective of the number of cylinders on the engine.
When shall the engineer officer in charge of a watch be readily capable for operating the propulsion equipment?
When a hurricane may be expected.
When there are needs for changes in the ship's course.
When men are working aloft.
When the machinery spaces are in the manned condition.
There is an "industry standard" book, found on oil tankers, which explains all about oil cargo and cleaning operations and their associated hazards. What is it called?
The International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL).
The International Safety Management Code (ISM).
The International Safety Guide for Oil Tankers and Terminals (ISGOTT).
The United Nations Guidelines on Safe Ship Management (UNSSM).
If a boiler is smoking “white smoke” a possible cause can be
Too high fuel oil pressure
Too little combustion air
What will happen if a centrifugal pump is not fitted without a non-return valve on the delivery side?
The pressure above the pump will be extremely high.
The capacity will be reduced.
It will give full back flow at the time the pump stops.
Nothing special will happen.
What do you call the wide rung on a pilot ladder that prevents the ladder from twisting?
The wide rung on a pilot ladder that prevents it from twisting is called a 'Wide step'
The wide rung on a pilot ladder that prevents it from twisting is called an 'Ani-twist rung'
The wide rung on a pilot ladder that prevents it from twisting is called a 'Long rung'
The wide rung on a pilot ladder that prevents it from twisting is called a 'Spreader'
One cylinder of a diesel engine has to be cut out to allow continued operation of the engine. Which of the following options may be the cause of the problem?
Camshaft timing incorrect.
Gas side of turbocharger fouled.
A general cargo ship is discharging and smoke is reported coming from a hold which is not being worked at present; what action must be taken ?
Sound general alarm, call shore fire services and check number of persons on board
Enter space to access problem
Boundary cool adjacent spaces
Open hatch cover and attack with fire hoses
Once a vessel has discharged a fruit cargo it is important to check that all cargo residues have been removed, particularly if the next cargo is to be a sensitive fruit cargo. From the options given, select the most important reason for this requirement.
The cargo residue is unsightly.
The cargo residue can produce large amounts of ethylene.
The cargo residue may become smelly.
The cargo residue may attract the attention of the loading surveyor.
Which type of material is normally used in the construction of a cargo tank designed for transporting LPG at atmospheric pressure?
What governs the disposal of dry bulk cargo residues at sea?
The Code of Safe Practice for Solid Bulk Cargoes
What would you do if you saw a stevedore starting to lash a container whilst other containers were being stowed above it?
Tell him to wait until overhead containers have been stowed
Inform the stevedoring foreman
What is the Chief Officer worried about?
The Chief Officer is worried that that oil will leak out before the ship is moored
The Chief Officer is worried that oil will run through the overboard valves, into the sea
The Chief Officer is worried that oil will be pumped into the sea
The Chief Officer is worried that that the cadet will not adjust the moorings properly
Which approved publication should be used by a seafarer to help overcome any misunderstanding in communications?
The Oxford Concise Dictionary
The (ICS) Bridge Procedures Guide
Standard Marine Navigational Vocabulary
The (IMO) Standard Marine Communication Phrases (SMCP) booklet
Proper and accurate inventory of stores should be maintained inorder to:
Order the required stores
Control the ship's budget
Show to the port authorities
What is the purpose of the "Spray Line" as fitted in the cargo system of an LNG carrier?
It is used for cooling down the cargo lines and cargo tanks prior to cargo operation.
It is used for cooling down the inter-barrier spaces.
It is used for cooling down the void spaces and cofferdams.
It is used to flush the deck in case of cargo overflow.
The ship is to berth alongside a quay in calm conditions of no wind or current. The ship has a single fixed pitch right handed propeller. Which angle of approach would be considered the most favourable?
The decision should be left to the pilot who is in charge of the manoeuvre.
What is the difference between a "VLCC" and a "ULCC"?
Tankers between 125,000 tonnes and 250,000 tonnes deadweight are classified as "VLCC"s while those above 250,000 tonnes are classified as "ULCC"s.
Tankers between 200,000 and 300,000 tonnes deadweight are classified as "VLCC"s while those above 300,000 tonnes are classified as "ULCC"s.
Tankers with a loaded draught of between 17.8 and 23.1 metres are classified as "ULCC"s, while those with a draught in excess of 23 metres are classified as "ULCC"s.
Large tankers that are able to pass through the Suez Canal are classified as "VLCC"s. Those which are too deep to transit the Canal are classified as "ULCC"s.
What will you do if you are helmsman and the OOW (officer on watch) gives you the order: ”Starboard ten”
Repeat the command back and then change course 10 degrees to starboard of present course
Repeat the command back and then put the wheel over sufficiently for the ship to swing at a rate of 10 degrees per minute to starboard.
Repeat the command back and then turn the wheel to make the rudder turn 10 degrees to starboard of amidships
Repeat the command back and then allow the vessel to drift 10 degrees to starboard of original course
The timing of the engine is delayed. The exhaust temperatures are high. How would you expect this to affect the turbocharger?
Higher air and gas temperature after turbocharger.
Surging of the turbocharger.
Decreased turbocharger revolutions.
Increased turbocharger revolutions.
What is the meaning of the term purification?
Separation of solid contaminants from a liquid.
Separation of two insoluble liquids with different densities, and at the same time removing of solids.
Operation as the 2.nd separator in a serial system.
Gases, including methane, cannot normally be liquefied using pressure alone once they are at or above a certain temperature. What is the term used for this temperature?
Liquid temperature limit.
What could be the cause of a refrigeration compressor running continuously even though normal temperatures for the cold rooms have been reached?
Low-pressure cut-out is stuck in closed position.
High-pressure cut-out is stuck in open position.
The differential pressure switch for the lubricating oil pressure cut-out is stuck in the closed position.
Solenoid valve before the expansion valve stuck in closed position.
What must be ensured prior to opening side-rolling hatch covers of a bulk carrier?
Hatch rollers are turning freely
Cross wedges have been removed
The wheels should have been raised up to the wheel track
Which of the following options may be used as a brief summary of how to safely make high voltage equipment accessible?
Shed load, Earth (ground), disconnect, isolate
Disconect, isolate, earth (ground)
Shed load, isolate. Earth (ground)
Disconnect, earth (ground), isolate
To which of the following are the Hague-Visby rules applicable?
Carriage of animals/livestock
Charter parties incorporating a Clause Paramount
Cargoes stated as being carried on deck
Contracts of carriage not evidenced by a bill of lading
What would be understood by the message "A yacht has capsized in heavy seas"??
The message means the vessel is taking in water.
The message means the yacht has been overturned in heavy seas
The message means the yacht has lost its Captain in heavy seas
The message means the vessel is experiencing heavy seas and may need assistance
Why should you wear your catering uniform and not your ordinary clothes in the galley?
Catering clothing will absorb body odour more effectively than other clothing.
If you do wear your ordinary clothes in the galley, food odours will be transferred to your cabin and germs may be transferred into the galley from less hygenic areas.
If you do wear your ordinary clothing in the galley, it will be difficult for visitors or new crewmembers to identify the cook.
Clothing worn in the galley cannot be washed with any other clothing.
On the air compressor's crankcase there is a small valve that lets off overpressure. What do we have to do if this valve is letting off pressure and oil moisture ?
Check the clearance in the bearings.
Increase the flow of cooling water.
Overhaul the compressor unit.
Block the valve because it pollutes the engine room (block off the valve).
What is the most negative side of using a centrifugal cargo pump?
Displacing the liquid by reducing the volume inside the pump.
High purchase and installation cost.
Mechanically displaces the liquid in the pump.
The lack of self priming.
What are the immediate duties of the bridge Officer of the Watch when the ship suddenly runs into a fog bank?
Commence sounding the fog signal and reduce speed to Slow Ahead
Commence sounding the fog signal and call the Master and wait for him to arrive before taking any further actions
Commence sounding the fog signal and if the radar indicates no echoes in the vicinity, proceed at the normal speed until ships are detected on the radar or until the fog lifts
Commence sounding the fog signal, engines on standby, call the Master and lookout, if not already on duty
What kind of cargo pumps is most common on LNG carriers?
Single stage deepwell pumps.
Multistage deepwell pumps.
According to the IAMSAR Manual, what is the expected survival time for a person in water of 4-10 degrees Celsius, without special protective clothing?
Which of these can be loaded in the same hold of a General Cargo Vessel, as steel coils?
Cargo compressors are fitted on LPG carriers as part of the cargo and vapour handling system. Why is it important to 'bar over' a piston type LPG compressor before starting it up?
To prove the oil pump is working.
To avoid low suction pressure during start up.
To reduce the electrical start up load..
To make sure there is no liquid in the cylinders.
Tank top in engine room has a high quantity of oil residues floating around. When discovered, what action should be taken?
Apply foam to the tank top to minimise the risk of fire.
Notify Ch.Eng., find cause of leakage, remedy the leakage and then immediately start cleaning of the tank top.
Open the overboard valve and start the bilge pump.
On a conventional reefer vessel fitted with wooden hatch boards (gratings) which of the operations given in the options is the most likely to cause the greatest damage to the hatch gratings?
Loading or discharging break bulk fruit in cartons.
Loading or discharging palletised fruit using pallet jacks.
Loading or discharging break bulk (loose) frozen lamb carcasses.
Loading or discharging motor cars.
To which of the following are the Hague-Visby rules applicable?
Contracts of carriage evidenced by a bill of lading
On the figure 4 possible definitions of the term "STARBOARD QUARTER" are given. Which one is the correct one?
Starboard quarter is given by D on the figure
Starboard quarter is given by C on the figure
Starboard quarter is given by B on the figure
Starboard quarter is given by A on the figure
What is the absolutely main purpose with fighting a fire on board?