Тест состоит из случайных вопросов по выбранной теме.
Give the command after ga+ for the transmission of a ‘store and forward’ –message withradio-telex:
What is important to check when transferring a position from GPS to a chart?
Reading the position correct
Plotting the position correct
Make sure that the chart and the GPS use same datum
Make sure the map is updated
You have just joined a chemical tanker. Where would you find a description of the ship's cargo handling equipment and details of procedures for cargo unloading, tank stripping, tank cleaning, discharge of residues and ballasting and deballasting?
The Cargo Handling Logbook.
The applicable equipment manufacturer's maintenance and operation manuals.
The Annex II Procedures and Arrangements Manual
How many rescue boats should be provided on ro-ro passenger ships of 500 gross tons and above?
Two Fast Rescue Boats, one on each side of the ship
None providing the ship has lifeboats
Two, and at least one of the rescue boats shall be a Fast Rescue Boat
What effect would turbulent fluid flow through a heat exchanger have on the efficiency of the heat transfer?
Turbulent fluid flow generally reduces heat transfer efficiency
Heat transfer efficiency is not affected by the type of fluid flow through the heat exchanger.
Turbulent fluid flow generally increases heat transfer efficiency.
It cannot be determined since it is not possible to generate turbulent fluid flow through a heat exchanger?
The crane on a General Cargo Ship is designed for Grab Service with a hoisting load of 16 tonnes including grab weight. Grab weight: 8 tons, Grab cubic: 10 m3. You are going to discharge a cargo of dry minerals having a stowage factor of between 0.7 - 0
Metal particles are found on the magnetic element of the main turbine lubricating oil filter. Which of the options is the most likely source of these particles?
Damaged reduction gearing.
Damaged blades on turbine rotor.
Damaged rotor bearing shell.
What hazards are associated with the carriage of wood pellets in bulk?
Spontaneous combustion and self-heating
Possible dust explosion due to excessive ventilation
Oxygen depletion and generation of carbon monoxide in cargo and communicating spaces
Possible liquefaction of cargo, en route
What could result from carrying coal with a high sulphur content on a Bulk Carrier?
Evolution of methane gases
A possible shift of cargo
Corrosion of steelwork in the cargo holds if the cargo becomes wet
What is the relative liquid density of Methane?
After washing cargo holds why are cargo residues often found on the tank top when hatches are opened at the load port?
Because the washing of cargo holds was not thorough
Because of poor drainage into the bilges
Because of cargo residues falling down due to ship’s vibrations during the ballast passage
Due to failure of the bilge eductors
For transporting a casualty with a fracture; If a Neil-Robertson stretcher is not available:
Wait for the Neil-Robertson strecher to arrive
A wide wooden board may be used
One person should lift the casualty using Fire-mans lift
Two persons should lift the casualty with great care
How are the membrane cargo containment systems that are frequently used on LNG carriers supported?
The membrane system is fully self supporting.
The membrane system is supported directly by the inner hull through support brackets.
The membrane system is supported by the inner hull through the insulation.
The membrane system is formed with corrugations which gives sufficient support.
A bulk carrier is to carry a full deck cargo of packaged timber; to what regulations must the vessel comply?
International Code for the carriage of Dangerous Goods
IMO Code of Practice for the carriage of Timber Deck cargoes
Marine Pollution Regulations
What arrangement may be installed in passenger ships to reduce unsymmetrical flooding in damaged condition?
Self acting ballast trimming arrangement
Cross flooding arrangement
What is important to prepare prior to a helicopter operation?
To stop the vessel completely
Make sure all loose deck equipment at helicopter deck is stowed away and secured.
To increase the speed of the vessel
To light up the area for pick-up
What is the meaning of the abbreviation "SWL" as stamped on lifting gear around the ship?
What is a low location lightning system?
A system displaying the escape route from all cabins by light points in the ceiling, powered by battery
A light system powered by battery or fluorescent signs mounted at deck level indicating the way to the nearest exit
An emergency illumination system that illuminates all deck areas to a minimum
An illumination system for all corridors in cabin areas
Why is it considered good practice to have a duty crew member stand by the loading ramp?
To guide ro-ro units onto the vessel
To supervise the stevedores
o record the nature and extent of any pre-loading damages to cargo
To supervise the rate of loading
When ballasting operations are about to start on a bulk carrier, what important checks must be made?
That all air pipes are open and that the pipeline and valve system is correctly set up
That the vessel is even keel and upright
That the cargo operations are completed
That the hold bilge system has been cleaned and the access ladders checked
Why do we use stabilisers on passenger ships?
To decrease the dynamic stability
To adjust the trim of the vessel
To increase the intact stability
To decrease the rolling angle of the vessel
A ship moving through heavy seas is affected by the water pressure at the bows causing an effect known as "Panting". What structure in the forward region of the ship combats the effects of Panting?
Double bottom tanks and floors
Collision bulkhead and deck
Panting beams and stringers
Mention three ways of adjusting a centrifugal pump’s delivery capacity.
Throttling the delivery valve, throttling the suction valve, reduce the steam consumption.
Only throttling the suction valve.
Throttling the delivery valve, adjust the RPM, by-pass.
Throttling the suction valve, reduce the steam consumption, by-pass.
It has been shown that the controlled release of oil is effective in reducing the effects of the sea, making it possible for a rescue craft to approach survivors in the water. How many square metres does the IAMSAR Manual suggest may be calmed by releasing 200 litres of lubricating oil slowly through a rubber hose with the outlet maintained just above the surface while the ship proceeds at slow speed?
Approx 50,000 square metres.
Approx 5,000 square metres.
Approx 500 square metres.
What is the most likely cause of black smoke at the boiler exhaust during normal operation of a steam boiler?
Insufficient combustion air.
Fuel oil temperature too high.
Which of the following detectors will you use for sensing if a watertight steel door is closed or open?
Methane/air mixtures in the range of 5.3 - 14% are flammable and have an auto ignition temperature of approximately 595 degrees C. What is meant by the term 'auto ignition temperature'?
It is the lowest temperature at which flammable gases are given off by the mixture.
It is the lowest temperature at which the mixture will ignite when a flame is applied to it.
It is the lowest temperature of the source of ignition required to ignite a flammable mixture.
It is the temperature at which the mixture will spontaneously ignite and continue to burn without an external source of ignition.
What is the first line of defence against ingress of water into a bulk carrier?
The use of steam driven ejectors for ventilation of cargo tanks having flammable vapours in them is not recommended now-a-days due to:
Steam at high velocities may generate static electricity which might cause incentive sparks?
It being not a very effective system for tank ventilation?
It is rather expensive to waste steam?
It might cause burns to unwary personnel?
Some centrifugal cargo oil pumps are designed with an automatic stripping system, which allows the cargo oil tank to fully discharge its contents. By what principle does such a stripping system operate?
On the basis that, if cargo vapour can be stopped from entering the cargo pump suction inlet, the flow will continue without cavitation.
By automatically reducing the rate at which oil cargo enters the cargo pump, such that any vapour lifted along with the liquid does not cause a loss of suction.
By the optimum size and positioning of the suction inlet that feeds the automatic stripping system, which ensures that the cargo oil tank is discharged to the maximum possible extent.
On the principle that if the suction is fitted low enough in the cargo oil tank and a specified minimum trim is maintained, suction will be available until the tank is completely discharged.
What is the meaning of "stand by"?
That you shall stand very close to the engineer officer.
That you shall keep on with your work.
That the watch keeping personnel shall be ready for starting or manoeuvring the main engine.
That you are properly relieved from your duties.
What is the difference between the protection supervisor's and the protection and environment committee's area of activity?
The supervisor's duties relate to the ratings, the commitee's to all seafarers
The commitee is supervised by the protection supervisor
The supervisor's field is the work situation, the commitee's the total environment, also spare time
In what format will an On-Scene Co-ordinator report such information as on-scene weather and operation progress to other parties?
Emergency instructions in appropriate languages shall be posted in passenger cabins. What information shall as a minimum be included in the emergency instructions?
Where to find thermal protective aids
The method of donning life-jackets, escape routes and alarm signals
Escape routes and alarm signals
What are the limitations of Cargo Securing Manuals?
They are developed whilst ships are still under construction and may therefore be unsuitable under certain operational conditions
They are not always approved by a classification society
Some Cargo Securing Manuals cover a full range of sister ships
Cargo securing arrangements in the manuals may be unsuitable for heavy weather conditions
Why do the cargo holds of a self-unloading bulk carrier have a ‘W’ shaped cross section?
So that during discharge the cargo will automatically fall onto the underlying conveyor belts
To make it easier for cargo to be discharged by grabs
To reduce the extent of tank top damages when discharging cargo
So that cargoes are self-trimming during loading
On a General Cargo Vessel, under what regulations would steel bands remaining in the cargo holds have to be discharged?
MARPOL 73/78 (Annex IV - Regulations for the prevention of pollution by sewage from ships)
MARPOL 73/78 (Annex V ? Regulations for the prevention of pollution by garbage from ships)
No specific regulations apply
The abbreviation "COW" applies to a phase of oil tanker operations. What does it stand for?
Computer Operated Washing
Callibration (of) Oil / Water (interface)
Why are pure RoRo car carriers considered as being high risk design vessels where their stability is concerned.
Because they have few internal bulkheads
Because of the relatively small clearance between waterline and stern ramp sill when fully loaded
Because they can easily capsize if there is ingress of water or ballast operations are not handled correctly
A centrifugal pump is to be reassembled following overhaul and it is discovered that there are no spare gaskets for the pump housing. From the options given select the best alternative material to make a gasket from.
Reinforced pilot packing.
Thick paper (chart paper).
Which regulations require supervising the embarkation of persons on board ro-ro vessels?
The Safety Of Life At Sea (SOLAS) Convention
International Labour Organization (ILO) standards
Standards of Training Certification and Watch-keeping (STCW) Code
The International Ship and Port Facility Security (ISPS) Code
A non-reversing medium speed diesel engine is used to drive a controllable pitch propeller through a pneumatic clutch and reduction gearbox. The engine has been tested and brought up to operating temperatures on engine control. Which of the options given would be the preferred status of the engine and associated equipment when it is handed over to bridge control?
Engine stopped with clutch disengaged and propeller in zero thrust position.
Engine running, clutch disengaged, propeller at zero thrust.
Engine running with clutch engaged and propeller in ahead position.
Engine stopped with clutch disengaged and propeller at zero thrust.
What is a "colander" used for?
To drain the water off food.
To stir foods during cooking.
To hold different foods together during barbequeing.
To test the temperature of food during cooking.
What does ‘wedging’ achieve in side-rolling hatch covers?
It facilitates lowering of the panels for closing
It forces the compression bar on one panel to fit against the seal on the opposite panel
It facilitates the automatically wedging of hatch cover panels
It facilitates the automatic cleating of hatch cover panels
Some large slow speed diesel engines have jack bolt arrangements for retaining the main bearing top keep in place rather than the more conventional stud bolts. How does this arrangement affect the maintenance and checking procedures for the tie rods on the engine?
It has no effect since the tie rods and jacking bolts have completely separate functions.
The tie rods should be fully tensioned before the jacking bolts are loaded to avoid overload of the bearing caps and frame structure.
The tie rods and jacking bolts must be tightened simultaneously to avoid excess load on either component.
The jacking bolts should be fully loaded before the tie rods are tensioned to avoid excess loads on the tie rods.
Who is responsible for the safe keeping of the ship's documents?
What are we calling materials with same molecule formula, but the properties are different because the atom structure is different?
A steam generating tube in a boiler is found to be badly sagged but not ruptured. Select, from the options given, the most suitable action to be followed in order to operate the boiler.
Plug both ends of the tube and drill a hole in the body of the tube.
As long as the tube is not ruptured the boiler can be operated normally.
Plug both ends of the tube.
Heat the tube up with a gas torch and return it to its original shape and position.
Which of these actions should crew take if a suspicious object that may be a bomb is located during a search?
Cover the suspicious object with a box or blanket.
Place the object in a desk drawer or file cabinet.
Throw the object overboard.
Confirm with their search partner that the object found is suspicious.
What is the meaning of "make fast"
Why is is especially necessary to continue to ventilate the tank and to continuously monitor the atmosphere when working inside a cargo compartment which still contains vegetable oil residues?
For a tank which has contained vegetable oils, if it is continuously ventilated an Enclosed Space Entry Permit is not required. However, for anyone entering the compartment without a permit in place, they must carry an oxygen meter which continuously monitors the atmosphere.
Forced ventilation will create a hard "skin" on the residues, making them safer to stand on. Testing the atmosphere will indicate when this skin has formed, as no further vapours will be released.
Vegetable oils are commonly washed using very hot water. Forced ventilation will make the temperature inside the compartment better to work in. Monitoring the atmosphere will indicate if the humidity is increasing.
Because the decomposing residues continue to release hazardous gases, reducing the levels of oxygen in the tank and making the atmosphere potentially dangerous.
How do container ships without hatch covers comply with the International Convention on Load line Rules?
An International Load Line Exemption certificate will be issued in accordance to Article 6.
A special movable deck is provided to ensure watertight integrity
There will always be hatch covers on ships to comply with the International Load line Rules
This type of container ship does not need to comply with the Load line Rules
What strength of lashing belts should be used to secure light motor vehicles on a RoRo vessel?
Breaking stress 1.5 to 1.8 tonnes
Breaking stress 2.0 to 2.3 tonnes
Breaking stress 1.2 to 1.5 tonnes
Breaking stress 4.5 to 5.0 tonnes
Maintenance of lifeboats and davit arrangements is routine work onboard. Why should you not carry out this type of work alone?
It is boring to work alone and you should be able to chat with colleagues while working
If you need something to drink, the second person can get it for you
If the person working on the lifeboat falls over board, the second person can lower the lifeboat and prepare pick-up immediately
There might be a risk of falling even though harness and lifeline is used. A second person should always stand by to assist with tools etc. and other practical arrangements.
On a Container vessel, what will happen if an unsafe stevedore working practice in the United States is not corrected by ship's personnel?
The port will lodge a protest against the ship
The ship will be detained by the port state control authority
The ship will be prosecuted
The ship's personnel involved with cargo operations will be arrested
Which of these situations will cause undue delay to a vessel at her port of discharge?
Slow operation of hatch covers
Carrying out an off-hire survey
Carrying out an open-hatch condition survey
Asbestos mixed with the cargo
Which of these weapons are widely available and commonly used by criminals and terrorists to further their aims?
Select the three main checks that must be made to ensure that a hold of a General Cargo Vessel is fully weathertight before sailing ?
Hatch cover fully secured, hold access battened down and ballast tanks checked dry
Hatch cover fully secured, hold access battened down and bilge sounding pipe caps on
Hatch cover fully secured, ballast tank ventilators closed down and ballast tank sounding pipe caps on
Hatch ventilators closed, cranes secured and bilges pumped out
What is the maximum design working pressure for an Independent Type A cargo tank as may be used for the cargo containment system of a fully refrigerated LPG/Ammonia carrier?
The vast majority of electrical instrumentation and testing equipment used onboard liquefied gas carriers is classes as intrinsically safe. What is the IMO Gas Codes' definition of intrinsically safe equipment?
Equipment which cannot become filled with a flammable mixture because the casing is completely gas tight.
Equipment which is filled with an inert gas which will prevent any internal ignition when in use.
Equipment which is incapable of releasing sufficient energy, during use or in specified fault condition, to cause ignition of a hazardous atmosphere.
Equipment which is designed to contain any flame which may develop due to internal ignition within the enclosure of the equipment.
An auxiliary engine is fitted with a duplex type lubricating oil filter. The in-use element requires changing. What procedure should be used to fit the new element?
With the engine running, position the changeover cock so that both filters are in use to reduce the pressure before.
With the engine running, change over to the other filter after priming it and replace the dirty element after checking there is no pressure on dirty filter housing.
With the engine running, shut off the filter inlet and quickly fit the new element.
The engine must be stopped to fit a clean filter element..
According to ISGOTT, which of the following indicates the approximate density ratio of undiluted gas, in relation to air, from a typical crude oil?
0.8 times that of the air (assuming atmospheric pressure above 1000 mb).
1.8 times that of the air.
1.5 times that of the air.
What should be done immediately after discharging is completed?
Switch off the lights and close all fire doors
Inspect ro-ro decks. Wipe up spill such as oil or water from the deck and clear up lashing equipment
Which of the following options may be used as a brief summary of how to safely make high voltage equipment accessible?
Shed load, Earth (ground), disconnect, isolate
Disconect, isolate, earth (ground)
Shed load, isolate. Earth (ground)
Disconnect, earth (ground), isolate
When loading chemical cargoes in the United States, temperatures are often supplied in degrees Fahreheit. What does 60 degrees Fahreheit equate to on the Celsius scale?
A number of standard 20 foot containers are to be loaded on the deck of a General Cargo ship by No 3 hatch; what are the main checks to be made ?
Containers weight recorded and secured with chains
Containers stowed with doors forward, customs and security seals checked intact
Containers stowed with doors aft, customs and security seals checked intact and clear access to lashings
Containers stowed with doors forward, customs and security seals checked intact; access to lashings unimportant
The economizer is used for
Desuperheating of the steam
Heating of the feed-water
Lower the superheater temperature
What can cause crewmembers to abdicate their safety roles?
Inadequate fire-fighting training
No lifeboat drills for passengers
Inadequate fire-fighting provisions
In a two stage compressor you will find pistons with different diameters (one is bigger than the other).Which one of the following statements is correct ?
The smallest diameter piston is the stage two piston
A big piston will give less oil content in the air.
A big piston will deliver dryer air into stage one.
The biggest diameter piston is the stage two piston.
These circuits are all active filters. Which of the circuits is a high-pass filter?
What should you ensure prior to battening down hatches for sea passage?
That cargo hold bilges are empty
That cargo clusters have been removed from all cargo spaces
That cargoes have been stowed according to the stowage plan
That hatch ventilators have been closed
What is important to wear for all officers and crew when working on the ro-ro deck during loading and discharging?
Fluorescent vest/ working clothes
How should mild steel slabs be loaded in a bulk carrier?
Interlocked across the entire cargo hold with the longitudinal axes athwartships
Interlocked up to the hopper tank plating with the longitudinal axes athwartships
Interlocked across the entire cargo hold with the longitudinal axes fore and aft
Interlocked up to the hopper tank plating with the longitudinal axes fore and aft
What does this flag mean?
My vessel is stopped and making no way through the water.
I wish to communicate with you.
I have a diver down; keep well clear at slow speed.
During cargo operations, involving perishable cargoes, deck officers should be aware that the cargo is subject to the effects of the weather and ambient conditions. From the options given, select the one which is likely to cause the most rapid temperature change in a refrigerated commodity.
Which of the following is false when a casualty is bleeding?
Encourage patient to lie quite and re-assure
Cover the wound with a cloth
A galley hot plate uses a Nichrome / Magnesium Oxide heating element and is to be tested before being put into service for the first time. An insulation resistance test yields a reading of 0.3 M Ohm. Which action should be taken?
Wash the element in a degreasing agent. Then retest and if ok put it into service.
Put the element into service.
Apply reduced voltage to the element for a few minutes. Then retest and if ok put into service.
Some new maintenance routines are being planned and a risk assessment is necessary so that the required procedures can be entered into the ship's Safety Management manual. Which of the following should be the first step in this risk assessment process?
Identify the safety precautions that may be necessary to prevent injury or harm to personnel carrying out the routines.
Identify who may be harmed or injured in carrying out the maintenance routines.
Identify the hazards that may exist which may affect personnel involved with the maintenance routines.
Identify how much it will cost to implement the necessary precautions to prevent injury to personnel.
The majority of large slow speed diesel engines used for main propulsion purposes are direct drive to a fixed pitch propeller? What is the main reason for this arrangement?
The amount of power that needs to be transmitted would overload a gearbox.
A fixed pitch propeller can operate with reasonable efficiency at the same sort of speed as the engine.
There is usually only one engine sin this arrangement and so clutches are not required.
Controllable pitch propellers cannot be used with large slow speed diesel engines which can be reversed.
Many water tube boilers feature so called screen tubes. What is the purpose of these screen tubes?
To protect the superheater from direct exposure to the furnace.
To help remove any contaminants from the combustion gas that may foul other parts of the boiler.
To protect the boiler insulation from direct exposure to the furnace.
To provide a gas tight chamber for the furnace.
Which of the cargoes given in the options would you expect to be most suited for loading onto a conventional reefer vessel designed with side loading doors?
What is likely to happen if a randomly hose is used for gas measurement?
The hose will most likely absorb hydrocarbon gases.
The hose won't fit the indicator inlet ports.
The indicator will malfunction.
On a conventional reefer vessel fitted with wooden hatch boards (gratings) which of the operations given in the options is the most likely to cause the greatest damage to the hatch gratings?
Loading or discharging break bulk fruit in cartons.
Loading or discharging palletised fruit using pallet jacks.
Loading or discharging break bulk (loose) frozen lamb carcasses.
Loading or discharging motor cars.
How do you express the accuracy of an instrument
In % of full scale and to least significant digit
In % of gauge readings and to least significant digit
In % of deviation and to least significant digit
In % of range and to least significant digit
What is the main reason for sometimes having a separate forced lubrication system for the camshaft on large cross head engines?
To prevent the camshaft system being contaminated with any water leaking into the main lubrication system from faulty cylinder liner seals.
Because the camshaft lubrication system has a lower pressure than the main lubrication system.
To prevent any fuel leakage from the high pressure fuel pumps contaminating the oil in the main lubrication system.
Because the camshaft system uses a different grade oil from that used in the main lubrication system.
How many two-way VHF radiotelephone apparatus shall be provided on board a ro-ro passenger ship of 500 gross tonnage and upwards?
It is required to have a fixed two-way VHF fitted in a survival craft
One for each survival craft
Which of the options given is the main reason for using a ring spanner to tighten the brass nuts on the cover studs of a pump casing?
The nuts can be tightened more with this type of spanner.
It will allow the nuts to be tightened correctly.
It will minimise the risk of slipping off the nut or damaging the nuts.
It can be adjusted to the exact size of the nut.
On the figure there are four (4) possible definitions of the term "MIDSHIPS" given. Which one is the correct one?
Midships is given by C on the figure
Midships is given by A on the figure
Midships is given by B on the figure
Midships is given by D on the figure
What is the correct definition of: -let go?
Tight the slack in a rope.
Let the seafarers go ashore.
What is the correct lifting technique?
Legs straight, back bent and twisted to the right or to the left while lifting
Legs straight, back bent, using back muscles to lift
Legs bent, back straight, using leg muscles to lift
Legs bent, back bent, using both back and leg muscles to lift