Where will be the alarm sound if the UMS is in control but there is an issue with engine room machinery?
The duty engineer’s cabin.
The duty officer’s cabin.
The captain’s cabin.
Engine room watchkeeping is integral to the marine engineer’s duties on board a ship. It should be carried out efficiently to ensure the safety of the crew and the vessel.
The number of engineers appointed to a ship will depend on which of the following factors?
Which of the following pieces of information should be passed on to the relieving officer when handling over the watch?
There may be more than one engine room on some ships, for example, at the forward and the aft, or only one, at the port or starboard side.
All members of the engine room watch should have knowledge of which of the following?
Which of the following hazards might be found in the engine room?
Which of the following additional actions can an engineer do to ensure a safe watch?
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