Le test comprend 80 questions aléatoires.
Total de questions sur ce sujet : 770
Choose the correct word(s). This drill was ____ than the last one.
Choose the correct word(s). The excursion to the mountains ____ straight after breakfast.
Choose the correct word(s). How many gangs ____ in this shift?
Choose the correct word(s). The passengers are due to disembark ____ three hours.
What was the real nationality of the stowaway?
Choose the correct word(s). Why is the Master not satisfied ____ our work?
A 3rd Officer is calling his ship’s agent. Why can’t he get to Rotterdam by plane?
He’s left his passport in the taxi.
Because he missed his connecting flight.
Because his connecting flight was cancelled.
Listen and then choose the correct answer. You can only play the audio twice.
Because we’re in pirate waters.
I’m afraid not, but you can sit with another officer.
I think I’ll wait a few days.
That passenger sitting over there.
Choose the correct word(s). All this equipment should be maintained according ____ the manufacturer’s instructions.
Choose the correct word(s). The steward was wrongly accused ____ taking money from one of the cabins.
Choose the correct word(s). Guests are strongly advised to take out insurance ____ illness and theft.
Choose the correct word(s). ____ fresh water.
Listen and then type the numbers you hear.
Choose the correct word(s). ____ Maximo going to watch the film later?
Choose the correct word(s). The Panamax bulker sent out a distress message saying the holds were filling ____ water.
Listen and then type the numbers you hear.
Choose the correct word(s). How did you ____ your job as a company security officer?
Listen and then type the numbers you hear.
Choose the correct word(s). How can I ____ you next week?
Choose the correct word(s). We arrived exactly ___ time.
Listen and then choose the correct answer. You can only play the audio twice.
I think it’s a fishing vessel.
Choose the correct word(s). Can you get a brush and sweep ____ all the mess?
Choose the correct word(s). When ____ our food be ready?
Choose the correct word(s). How long ____ the vessel been under repair?
Choose the correct word(s). We don’t have ____ time to go on shore.
Choose the correct word(s). There is hardly ____ time to relax on board.
A receptionist is talking on the phone. What does the caller want?
Choose the correct word(s). We ____ sail when the bomb exploded in port.
The Master and Chief Officer are talking on the bridge. Which part of the world does the Master dislike sailing in?
The Master is briefing the crew. What needs to be organised correctly?
Listen and then type the numbers you hear. What is the date of birth?
Choose the correct word(s). He ____ to make a radio link call to inform us about this accident.
Choose the correct word(s). The process of loading and discharging ____ by the 2nd Officer yesterday.
Choose the correct word(s). The bartender ____ your cocktails now.
Listen and then choose the correct answer. You can only play the audio twice.
It’s showing a very low oxygen level.
Yes, I just need to sign it.
We had one at the end of March.
I know, I can’t believe they aren’t wearing safety harness.
Choose the correct word(s). ____ is keeping watch at the gangway at the moment?
Choose the correct sentence to describe the image.
The man in blue hasn’t got into the rescue boat yet.
The man in blue has just got into the rescue boat.
The man in blue is already in the rescue boat.
Choose the correct word(s). The boat fell ____ a height of about three metres whilst being hoisted out of the water.
Choose the word with a different sound.
The cook and the messman are talking. Why is the messman walking with a limp?
There wasn’t enough light coming downstairs.
He bumped into the freezer in the dark.
He slipped on an ice-cube coming downstairs.
Choose the correct word(s). Cabin 512 ____ like a wake up call at 6:00 am tomorrow.
Choose the correct word(s). Information about the muster station is posted ____ the passenger’s cabins.
Choose the correct word(s). How ____?
The Chief Engineer is asking about the status of a repair job. What condition is the clutch in now?
The clutch has now been repaired.
The clutch is still jumping out of gear.
They still need to fit some spare parts.
Choose the correct word(s). ____ did it take them to pick up the survivors?
Two crewmembers are talking about their day’s work. What made Kathy’s day difficult?
Choose the correct word(s). Could you give the manual back to me ____ you’ve finished with it?
Choose the correct word(s). ____ you ever been to Australia?
Choose the correct word(s). I’ve just ____ reading the latest SOLAS amendments.
Two seafarers are working on the stern. Why is the seafarer’s hand bleeding?
Because he cut himself on barbed wire.
Because he was using a bent screwdriver.
Because he cut himself shaving that mooring.
Choose the correct word(s). What repairs did you want him ____?
Choose the correct word(s). ____ did you last check the lifeboat inventory?
The Bosun is instructing the deckhands. What cargo is the vessel carrying on the upper deck?
Choose the correct word(s). I’ve ____ for 10 hours straight, and now I’m exhausted.
Choose the correct word(s). ____ sets the security levels?
Choose the correct word(s). Ro-ro vessels are designed ____ wheeled cargo such as cars and lorries.
Listen and then choose the correct answer. You can only play the audio twice.
There’s a problem with the ventilation.
To attract attention if we abandon ship.
I think the 3rd officer took them.
A guest is asking about an excursion. Why doesn’t her mother want to walk far?
She doesn’t like walking.
Choose the correct word(s). Who is responsible ____ the use of the communication equipment in an emergency?
Choose the correct word(s). You don’t ____ to wear a hard hat in the galley.
Choose the correct word(s). The ship ____ sail because of the bad weather.
A guest is making a complaint. What is the problem?
The cabin smells of cigarettes.
The cabin isn’t big enough.
Choose the correct word(s). The Maritime Academy was closed ____ the New Year.
Choose the correct word(s). My position has been obtained ____ celestial observation.
Choose the correct word(s). The security guards ____ with semi-automatic rifles onboard.
Listen and then type the numbers you hear. What percentage of marine pollution is from land?
Which act has the wife seen before?
The Captain is asking about Christmas dinner for the Russian crew. What problem does the cook have?
He doesn’t have the ingredients.
He doesn’t have enough staff.
Choose the correct sentence to describe the image.
Choose the correct word(s). What ports ____ during the voyage?
Listen and then type the numbers you hear. How hot is the engine room?
Listen and then choose the correct answer. You can only play the audio twice.
Yes, we’ll unlock them once we leave port.
Yes, it’s all correctly colour coded.
Because I can get more money working with another one.
I’m not sure, it could be a pirate skiff.
Listen and then choose the correct answer. You can play the audio twice.
It’s 3, as we’ve just entered pirate waters.
Yes, but please make it quick.
Because of the heavy weather.
I’m told it was the motorman.
Choose the correct word(s). Every seafarer ____ travel as light as possible – it’s a work trip and not a holiday!
Choose the correct word(s). When is he going ____ the piracy drill?
Choose the correct word(s). ____ how to use the fire blanket?
Choose the correct word(s). ____ you ready to sail?
Choose the correct sentence to describe the image.
Listen and then type the numbers you hear.
Choose the correct word(s). Who ____ to the purser now?