A Voyage Plan is considered essential for the safe navigation of the ship by many authorities and IMO provide guidelines to assist vessels with this task. Which of the statements given in the options is the most accurate in relation to the requirement to construct a Voyage Plan?
Only Merchant vessels are required to construct voyage plans; pleasure craft do not need to plan a voyage.
Fishing vessels are exempt from having to construct a voyage plan.
All vessels must construct a Voyage Plan.
It is a voluntary procedure for ships to construct a voyage plan but strongly recommended by IMO and most Flag States.
At the Appraisal stage when Planning a Voyage and collecting suitable data, which, if any, specific document is more important than others?
Routeing charts are the most important contributor to an effective Voyage Plan.
All documents containing significant data contribute information to an effective voyage plan so no one document is any more important than any other.
The large scale charts are the most important contributor to an effective Voyage Plan.
The ship’s manoeuvring particulars are the most important contributor to an effective Voyage Plan.
In addition to close and continuous monitoring of the ships progress and position which one of the given options best describes the primary objectives of a Voyage Plan?
Safe and effective navigation of the ship, the protection of the environment and the safety of crew and passengers.
Safe and effective navigation of the ship, minimising running costs and ensuring the shortest route.
The protection of the environment, the safety of the crew and passengers and ensuring the shortest route.
Protection of the environment, ensuring the shortest route and the safety of the crew and passengers.
Should the speed of a vessel and engine status form part of a Voyage Plan?
Yes, reference should be made to required changes in engine status and speed.
No, it is not necessary as changes in engine status and speed are responses to the present situation and cannot always be planned.
Yes, but the only reference on the Voyage Plan to the vessel’s speed should be the intended ETA at all the waypoints.
No, references to engine status should not be included on the chart as they will clutter the details, just comments in the Bridge Note Book should be made.
What are the four stages of Voyage Planning as specified by IMO guidelines?
Appraisal, Planning, Execution and Monitoring.
Fact gathering, Planning, Monitoring, and Passage run.
Appraisal, Planning, Monitoring and Contingencies.
Planning, Passage run, Execution and Monitoring.
What are the primary objectives of a Voyage Plan?
The primary purpose of a Voyage Plan is to provide the track to follow from one port to another.
The primary purpose of the Voyage Plan is to provide the necessary information to keep the vessel on track between two ports.
The primary purpose of a Voyage Plan is to follow the statutory requirements imposed by IMO.
The primary purpose of a Voyage Plan is to provide information for the safe and effective navigation of the ship.
What is considered as the “range of requirements” or the “coverage” of a Voyage Plan?
From appraising relevant information, planning, executing and monitoring of the voyage until arrival at the berth in the final port.
From gathering the relevant Voyage information to producing the final plan, showing courses on the chart and all the required navigation data.
From assessment of all relevant information to producing the charts with courses and navigation data marked on them.
Providing all the relevant navigation information required by the Bridge Team to sail safely from the departure port berth to the arrival port berth.
What is fundamental to the safety of navigation?
Keeping a good lookout.
Constant monitoring of other ships.
Monitoring of navigational instruments.
Frequent position fixing.
What is the Master’s responsibility regarding the production of Voyage Plan?
The Master must ensure the Bridge team is suitably qualified, competent and well rested prior to the start of the voyage.
The Master must personally research and plan the Voyage Plan and then discuss the plan with the Bridge Team.
The Master should ensure the Voyage Plan in safe and effective from leaving the departure port to arrival at the destination port.
The Master’s only role in Voyage Planning is to ensure the Navigation Officer has produced a plan which is safe for the ship, crew and environment.
When Planning a passage into an anchorage, what type of information, if any, should be marked on the approach line indicated on the chart?
Suggested final anchorage position.
“Distance run” with suggested speeds at various points along the approach line.
The approach line should indicate any influencing currents and tidal heights.
There is no need to mark anything other than just the approach course to make good.
When Voyage Planning how are significant dangers to navigation highlighted on the chart to bring it to the attention of the Officer of the Watch?
Hatch shading.
Danger areas are not always marked on the chart, but recorded in the Bridge Note Book.
By colour shading the significant area.
Shading with soft 2B pencil.
When Voyage Planning there may be a temptation to use a Voyage plan from a previous voyage. Which of the statements given in this options are most accurate?
A previous voyage plan will always be acceptable and avoid lengthy research and development of another Voyage plan.
A previous Voyage plan should never be used in any circumstances.
A previous voyage plan could be for a different time of the year and will therefore not necessarily be suitable.
A previously prepared Voyage plan can be used successfully by other ships.
When Voyage Planning, what reference should be examined to determine any seasonal restrictions and geographical areas which a vessel may not enter due to the draught at which the vessel is loaded?
The International Load Line Certificate on board the vessel.
The International Load Line Zones, Areas and Seasonal Periods Map.
The Weather Routeing map.
The marks on the side of the vessel.
When Voyage Planning, would the fact that the vessel had two fully operational ARPA radars allow the “Safe Speed” to be faster than for a vessel with only one ARPA?
It may be sometimes slower or sometimes faster, dependant on the individual circumstances.
It should always be possible to proceed faster with two operational ARPA radars, than with only one.
Two ARPA radars would provide more information and indications of danger and normally make the vessel progress slower than with only one radar and limited information.
When executing a Voyage Plan, what information should been known by the Officer of the Watch (OOW) at the start of his/her watch?
All alterations of course and all of the navigational hazards, navigational marks and the lights likely to be encountered during their watch.
Only the main alterations of course and navigational hazards likely to be encountered during their watch.
Only the main navigational hazards likely to be encountered during their watch.
Only navigational hazards and the lights and navigational marks likely to be encountered during their watch.
When involved in Planning a Voyage, is every vessel obliged to comply with the International Regulations for the Prevention of Collision at Sea?
Yes, all vessels must comply with the Collision Regulations.
Yes, all vessels except military navy vessels must comply with the Collision Regulations.
No, small boats are exempted from complying with the Collision Regulations.
No, vessels engaged in dredging are exempted from complying with the Collision Regulations.
When planning a Voyage is it necessary to mark estimated times of arrival (ETA) at different places on the voyage?
Yes, always.
No, never.
Occasionally, but only when significant.
When planning a voyage, all charts to be used should be up to date with the latest chart corrections. Should any other data be implemented on the chart?
Only VHF channels used by VTS stations need to be implemented on the chart.
No, other data should only be entered into the Bridge Note Book and not on the chart as it will clutter the chart details.
No, only the latest chart corrections entered on the chart are necessary as they should contain all the relevant navigational information.
Yes, navigational warnings and notices, including T&Ps, should be implemented on the chart.
When planning a voyage, can all the relevant information be found on the ship, or is there some important data required from external sources?
All relevant data is found on board.
There are important sources outside the vessel.
It depends on the type of ship whether outside sources are required.
It depends on destination to which the voyage is planned.
When planning a voyage, why is it necessary to mark the wheel over position at a waypoint?
The effective use of a wheel over position allows the Officer of the Watch to be prepared for the alteration of course.
Wheel over positions is not necessary unless the vessel is extremely large.
The effective use of a wheel over position allows the vessel to stay on the planned track.
Wheel over positions is not necessary unless the vessel is steaming at high speeds over 30 knots.
When should a Voyage Plan be produced, if possible?
The Voyage Plan should be prepared by the Officer of the Watch ready for the Sailing Briefing by the Master.
The Voyage Plan can be developed in stages during the actual Voyage as long as there are several days ready ahead of them being required.
The Voyage Plan should be completed and approved by the Master prior to preparing to sail from the departure port.
The Shipping Company should deliver the Voyage Plan to the ship before it prepares to leave the departure port.
When Voyage planning, what should be indicated on the final approach line to an anchorage area?
Distance to run.
Wheel-over position.
ETA at the waypoint.
Pilot boarding area.
Who has the authority to examine the Voyage Plan developed by the Navigation Officer?
The Master, Bridge Team and the Port State Control.
The Master and Bridge Team only.
Only the Master.
Only the Bridge Team, who have to execute the plan.
Will the type of cargo on board affect the selection of route to follow when planning a Voyage?
No, the route is selected for the safety of the navigation and will not be affected by the cargo on board.
Yes, the cargo may impose restriction when the vessel enters environmental sensitive areas.
No, the type of cargo will only affect the ports to which the vessel will trade to load or discharge cargo.
No, all environmental sensitive areas must be avoided irrespective of the cargo on board.
With reference to Voyage Planning, has a Shipping Company the authority to dictate to the Master exactly how the Voyage Plan should be planned and executed?
No, the final details must ultimately be decided by the Master.
Yes, the company may provide the voyage plan to the exact detail and compel the Master to comply with this plan.
It depends on the circumstances of that particular voyage.
Yes, the company has the responsibility to decide on the exact Voyage Plan for the ship.
With regard to Voyage Planning, who is responsible for radical deviations from the planned route?
The Master.
The Officer of the Watch.
The designated Navigation Officer.
Any of those mentioned.
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