Comparing manual and automatic acquisition, which is most sensitive?
Manual acquisition.
Automatic acquisition.
Same sensitivity.
Not relevant.
Does current and drift affect the CPA/TCPA calculations on a true motion, true vector presentation?
Only a little bit.
Yes, very seriously.
Does incorrect speed input affect the true vectors on a ARPA display?
Only a little bit.
Only if the input is speed over ground.
How can the true course and speed of a target be found when the display is showing relative vectors?
By looking at the digital readout of target information.
By comparing target vector with own ships vector.
Can only be found by changing to true vectors.
By examining the vectors displayed.
How can true vectors be easily identified as the vectors on display?
Own ship has a vector.
Own ship has no vector.
CPA and TCPA limits are broken and alarm is activated.
The vectors are the same direction as history dots.
If the input gyro course is in error and fed to the ARPA, what can be expected?
Errors in other ships calculated course and speeds.
No problem.
Error in other ships speed only.
Error in other ships course only.
Ship A is navigating in an area of restricted visibility and has detected, by radar alone, a crossing ship B, on her port bow. Which ship is the “Stand-On” vessel?
Ship A.
Ship B.
Ship A, as long the ARPA clearly shows, that ship B is crossing from port.
The plotting process can be divided into four separate operations. Which?
Detection – Selection – Tracking – Plotting.
Detection – Selection – Observation – Tracking.
Selection – Observation – Plotting – Detection.
Observation – Plotting – Tracking – Cancellation.
To which condition of visibility does Rule no. 5 Lookout apply?
Good visibility at day-time.
Night-time only.
Restricted visibility only.
Any condition of visibility.
What do the sides in the relative plotting triangle represent?
Targets true course and speed – Own ship relative course and speed – Targets relative course and speed.