According to this module, how often should the refractory lining be checked? Select the ONE correct answer:
Every 6 months.
When in dry-dock.
At which chamber temperature can the sluice door be opened and feeding of garbage can start? Select the ONE correct answer:
750 °C.
600 °C.
200 °C.
1 200 °C.
How often should the combustion chamber be cleaned?
Once every week.
Twice every week.
The maximum suction height from the tank to the D. O. burner is:
12 m.
9 m.
6,5 m.
3,5 m.
The refractory lining of the combustion chamber can withstand a temperature of ___ °C.
1 500 °C.
900 °C.
750 °C.
170 °C.
The suction from the flue gas fan creates a ___ pressure in the combustion chamber.
What should the diesel oil pressure be at the diesel oil burner? Select the ONE correct answer:
16 bar.
60 bar.
0,4 bar.
1 bar.
When burning sludge, the sludge will be heated up to which temperature? Select the ONE correct answer:
85 °C.
45 °C.
145 °C.
As long as it is more than 0 °C it doesn’t matter.
Which key should be pressed if you want to see the history alarm log? Select the ONE correct answer:
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