Can DENIS be used together with controlled pitch propeller?
Can the main engine be operated with a malfunctioning governor?
Yes, from the bridge.
Yes, from the engine control room.
Yes, from the engine local manoeuvring stand.
No, the main engine cannot be operated with a malfunctioning governor.
Can the main engine be operated with faulty rpm sensors?
Yes, from the bridge.
Yes, from the engine control room.
Yes, from the engine local manoeuvring stand.
Is it possible to cancel a shutdown from bridge?
Is it possible to cancel a shutdown function?
Yes, all shutdown functions can be cancelled.
Yes, but not the over speed shutdown function.
No shutdown functions can be cancelled.
Is it possible to cancel a slowdown from the bridge?
Yes, always.
Yes, but only when on bridge control.
The safety cut-out device must immediately stop the engine when:
Emergency stop actuated, Engine over speed, High exhaust temp.
Engine over speed, Emergency stop actuated, pressure drop in the air spring of the exhaust valves.
High exhaust temp., Fuel leak, Low cooling water temp.
There are two types of processor cards, what is the difference between them?
One is 12 V DC, the other is 24 V DC.
One is 5 MHz, the other is 8 MHz.
There is no difference.
What happens if both rpm systems have failed?
Start block.
What is DENIS?
The governor.
The emergency system.
An interface between the engine and the remote control system.
What is an adaptor card?
Interface card for input/output signals.
The same as a processor card.
It is used to simulate input/output signals.
What is reading the rpm signals in the AC4 and SSU?
The units have rpm cards for this purpose.
One adaptor card in each unit.
There are no rpm signals to the AC4 and SSU.
What is the input voltage to the AC4 and SSU units?
24 V.
220 V.
440 V.
12 V.
What is the main purpose of the load program?
Preventing the engine from over speeding.
Preventing the engine from thermal overload.
Rapid increase of rpm in order to reach charter service speed.
What is the purpose of the safety system?
Monitor shutdowns and slowdown functions.
Prevent the engine from over speeding.
Prevent the engine from overheating.
What voltages are generated by the power supply?
5 V AC and 15 V AC.
110 V AC and 220 V AC.
5 V DC, +15 V DC and -15 V DC.
Where is the safety cut-out device mounted?
Fuel pump.
Which of the following triggers the 3 start Attempts Failed indicator?
Fourth start attempt begins.
Only active when shutdown.
It is always activated until engine starts.
Third and last start attempt has finished unsuccessfully.
Which of the following triggers the Start Failure alarm?
Low start air pressure.
3 start attempts failed.
Low control air pressure.
Turning gear engaged.
Which of the following triggers the Start Interlock alarm?
Turning gear engaged.
Low-level lub oil.
Low fuel temp.
Scavenging press. high.
Which of the following will trigger the Crash Astern command?
The function is automatic and will be activated if the manoeuvre lever on the bridge is moved to astern when the engine speed is above brake air limit.
Call the duty engineer.
Push the “Crash Astern” button.
Этот тест предназначен для оценки знаний и навыков, связанных с эксплуатацией и диагностикой системы управления движением AC4 DENIS, что важно для обеспечения безопасной и эффективной работы судовых движительных установок.
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