Le test comprend 80 questions aléatoires.
Total de questions sur ce sujet : 84
Which ONE part of the oil is most toxic to plankton?
Atoms containing sulphur.
Select the ONE option that most accurately completes the following statement. The theory of Ballast Water Exchange in mid-ocean is based on:
The difference in living circumstances between open ocean and coastal seas.
The amount of clean water available in the open ocean.
The difference is turbulence between open oceans and coastal seas.
The difference in depth between open ocean and coastal seas.
Which TWO of the following options apply to the MARPOL Convention?
Which ONE of the following statements is true:
In general, lighter oils are more likely to mix in water and are toxic to marine life.
In general, lighter oils remain on the water surface and may smother birds.
In general, lighter oils do not mix in the water column.
In general, lighter oils cause no harm to the environment.
Which ONE group of chemicals are most likely to affect organisms living in water?
Select TWO options that complete the following statement. Chronic effects of HNS are often unknown:
Select THREE potential consequences of climate change for the marine environment:
Select ONE correct option that correctly describes problems caused by carbon dioxide emissions:
Acidification of freshwater lakes.
The mission of the IMO includes promoting environmentally sound and sustainable shipping. Which ONE of the following conventions has had the largest contribution to a significant decrease in pollution from international shipping?
Which ONE of these describes topics that are not part of MARPOL, but are captured in separate conventions?
Anti-fouling, alien species and ship recycling.
Air emissions, alien species and ship recycling.
Anti-fouling, alien species and garbage.
Anti-fouling, alien species and sewage.
Approximately how long does it take for a plastic bottle to break down in the marine environment?
List TWO pollutants from a ship that are NOT formed in the engine:
According to this module, which THREE negative effects for humans were caused by mercury poisoning in the Minamata Bay case study:
Which of the following TWO statements are true?
ONE of the processes that remove chemicals permanently from the environment is called:
Which THREE of the following statements are true?
Which ONE of the following combinations of emissions to air is especially due to the increased use of heavy fuel oil by ships?
Which ONE option is treated as an exception to the discharge of marine litter in the marine environment since 2013?
Which ONE of the following statements is NOT true?
Small particles (PM) are mainly a problem for humans because of their bad smell.
Air pollution can be a threat to human health.
Air pollution types that have most impact on human health are smog and particulate matter (PM).
Ozone is one of the main components of smog.
Select ONE option that most accurately completes the following statement: Sulphur oxides are formed:
When sulphur from the fuel reacts with oxygen in the air, in the engine.
When tank washings from oil tankers are discharged to the sea and evaporate.
When sulphur from the air reacts with oxygen from the air, in the engine.
When sulphur from the air reacts with hydrocarbons in the fuel, in the engine.
Which ONE of the following statements regarding the Anti-Fouling Convention is true?
The Convention prohibits the use of harmful organic compounds containing tin in anti-fouling paints.
The Convention prohibits the use of all toxic substances in anti-fouling paint.
The Convention prohibits the use of heavy metals in anti-fouling paints.
Which ONE of the following statements is NOT true?
Ship sounds cause brain damage in whales and dolphins.
Ships noise causes problems for marine life when the background noise under water becomes too loud.
Ship noise causes problems when sounds have the same frequency as the sounds made by marine mammals.
Noise levels under water have doubled every ten years since the 1950s.
The ONE goal of the Ship Energy Efficiency Management Plan (SEEMP) is:
To reduce fuel consumption and decrease CO2 emissions.
To label the energy performance of the ship.
To manage the sulphur emissions of the vessel.
To check the attitude of the ship’s crew.
Of the four chemical categories X, Y, Z, and OS in MARPOL Annex II which ONE category is the most dangerous?
Select the ONE option that describes what special areas with stricter regulations under MARPOL Annex VI are called:
Particularly Sensitive Sea Areas.
Emission Restriction Areas.
What percentage of the world’s trade is carried out over sea?
Select the ONE option that most accurately completes the following statement: Climate change can cause coral bleaching. This means that:
Corals release the algae that live within the coral tissues.
White corals grow better in higher temperature water.
Acidification caused by climate change turns the corals white.
Corals need to be painted white to protect them from higher temperatures.
Which THREE of the following statements are true?
Which TWO statements apply to the inventory of hazardous materials (IHM) on ships?
Which of the TWO answers below describe ecological impacts of chemicals for marine life?
Which ONE of the following statements best describes why animals eat plastics?
Because the plastic looks like food they normally eat.
Because plastic tastes good to them.
Because they do not have anything else to eat.
Which TWO of the following statements are true?
Which TWO of the following environmental problems are an outcome of emissions from a ship sailing in the middle of the open ocean?
In 2004, global economic losses caused by harmful invasive species were estimated to be:
7 billion euro’s per year.
500 million euro’s per year.
1 billion euro’s per year.
3 billion euro’s per year.
Which ONE key element of the Ship Recycling Convention will have consequences for all ship’s crews?
Every ship must have an Inventory of Hazardous Materials.
Ship recycling yards must operate on the basis of a ship recycling plan.
Ship’s crew must remove all hazardous materials before a ship is accepted by a ship recycling yard.
Ships are inspected before they are scrapped.
Select THREE long term effects of the Exxon Valdez spill:
Select TWO air emission problems that are caused by both sulphur oxides and nitrogen oxides:
Which oil weathering process is best described by the following statement. “Part of the oil slick will break up into fragments and droplets of varying sizes”.
Which ONE statement about the breaking down of plastics is true?
Plastics break down into ever smaller pieces.
Plastics dissolve in the water column when they break down.
Plastics are made of oil and some bacteria eat plastics.
Plastics are broken down by fish.
Which THREE of the following statements are true?
Select the ONE option that most accurately describes the process of acidification/acid rain:
Certain compounds in engine air emissions form acids and increase the acidity of the environment.
Cargo residues containing acids are released into the marine environment.
Factories discharge waste water with acids into rivers and lakes.
Cleaning fluids containing acids have an impact on the environment.
Which THREE processes determine the ecological effects of chemicals for the marine environment?
Select the ONE option that best describes the main ways in which shipping contributes to the introduction of marine invasive species:
Ballast water and biofouling.
Ballast water and food waste.
Biofouling and solid waste.
Food waste and solid waste.
The abbreviation HNS stands for:
Hazardous and Noxious Substances.
Hydrocarbons and Noxious Substances.
Which THREE of the following statements are true?
Select ONE option that best describes an immediate or short term ecological effect of oil spills:
Oil coated wildlife, death of seabirds.
Cancers in fish, oil coated wildlife.
Cancers in fish, smothered coastlines.
Breeding problems for marine mammals, death of seabirds.
Which THREE of the following statements is true?
Select THREE of the following statements which are true:
Which ONE process is best described by the following statement. “Chemicals are passed on in the food chain from prey to predator, and concentrations are highest in the top predator”.
Marine invasive species may cause ecological damage in many ways. Which THREE of the following statements are true?
Which ONE oil weathering process is best described by the following statement. “The oil slick on the water surface takes up sea water”.
According to the BWM Convention, Ballast Water Exchange will be phased out and replaced by Ballast Water Treatment; TWO reasons for this include:
Which ONE option describes the areas affected by harmful invasive species?
Fisheries, water supply systems and harbours.
Which ONE of the following statements best describes why the term “ship recycling” is accurate?
Up to 97 % of a ship can be reused.
The ships are dismantled and all materials used on new ships.
Most material from ships has to be thrown away.
10 % of a ship can be reused.
Select THREE effects of ingestion of plastics:
Which ONE invasive species is best described by the following statement: This species has nearly wiped out the anchovy population in the Black Sea and Caspian Sea, causing losses of around 500 million euro’s per year and causing fishermen to stop fishing.
Which THREE of the following statements apply to problems caused by microplastics?
According to the International Labour Organisation (ILO), working at a ship recycling facility where “beaching” takes place is one of the most dangerous jobs in the world. Which THREE statements below best explain why?
What is the ONE most relevant difference between the open seas and coastal seas with respect to sewage regulations?
Open oceans are nutrient-poor while coastal seas contain many nutrients.
Open oceans are deeper than coastal seas.
More whales live in the open oceans.
The coastal seas are more turbulent than open oceans.
Which THREE of the following conventions are designed to protect the marine environment?
Which THREE statements about sewage are true?
Which of the TWO options correctly describes what happens when zooplankton is exposed to dissolved oil compounds in the laboratory?
The ONE option that describes the toxicological principles of the categories in MARPOL Annex II are:
Bioaccumulation, biodegradation and toxicity.
Toxicity, molecule size and density.
Density, bioaccumulation and toxicity.
Bioaccumulation, biodegradation and density.
Which ONE of the following is NOT a potential consequence of climate change?
Depletion of the ozone layer.
Extreme weather conditions.
Global temperature rises.
Which statement about the effects of sewage is true?
Discharge of sewage in coastal areas may cause oxygen deficiency.
Sewage may bioaccumulate.
Sewage does not break down in the marine environment.
Sewage causes over fertilization in open ocean areas.
Select THREE statements that apply to acute toxic effects:
Which TWO of the following statements are true?
Which group of chemicals causes most concern for vessel crew health?
Which of the following THREE regarding the beaching of ships are correct?
Select ONE option that best identifies human health effects caused by harmful invasive species:
Shellfish poisoning and cholera.
Shellfish poisoning and flu.
Which ONE of the following methods contributes to the transport of large marine species to other sea areas by ships?
In ballast tanks – marine organisms are transported during their planktonic phase.
In ballast tanks – often filters don’t work.
In ballast tanks – they hide in the sediments.
By seafarers that keep aquaria on board.
Which ONE statement applies to the pools of garbage?
Ocean currents drive plastic wastes together and the pools of garbage are like a plastic soup.
The pools of garbage are like solid islands one could walk on.
The pools of garbage are located in busy shipping lanes.
Most waste in the pools of garbage floats on top of the water surface.
Which of the following TWO statements are true?
Select THREE of the following statements that apply to bioaccumulation:
When oil enters the sea, there are four main weathering processes that occur first, within a couple of days. These are best describes by which ONE option?
Spreading, evaporation, dispersion and emulsification.
Spreading, evaporation, sedimentation and emulsification.
Spreading, sedimentation, dissolution and emulsification.
Spreading, oxidation, dispersion and dissolution.
Which TWO of the following statements are true?
Select ONE correct option that describes a problem caused by Particulate Matter (PM) in air emissions:
Select the ONE option why shipping is often referred to as one of the least environmentally damaging forms of transport (in comparison to road and air)?
Because it is by far the most energy efficient.
Because a large part of shipping takes place in remote ocean areas.
Because road and air transport modes use fuel with much more sulphur.
Because ships have the most modern engines.
By 2020 the Global Sulphur Cap will be tightened to:
Select the TWO options that complete the following statement. Crude oil is a complicated mixture containing: