Le test comprend 80 questions aléatoires.
Total de questions sur ce sujet : 132
Which is the “Windlass”, in the figure?
The Windlass is indicated by “B”, in the figure.
The Windlass is indicated by “C”, in the figure.
The Windlass is indicated by “D”, in the figure.
The Windlass is indicated by “A”, in the figure.
When securing cars on a RoRo vessel, what is the preferred lashing angle in any direction from the lashing point?
When keeping a lookout, what would be the correct understanding of the question “What is the aspect of the other ship”?
The question is requesting some indication of what lights or part of the vessel is seen.
The question is requesting where on the horizon the other ship was sighted.
The question is requesting some idea of how far away the other ship is from your own ship.
The question wants to know what type of ship has been sighted.
On a RoRo vessel, what should be used to secure cars with aluminium tyre rims?
Wooden wheel chocks only.
8 mm diameter steel wire rope.
What should the gangway watchman always ensure is available for visitors at the top of the gangway?
Safety and security information.
Notice board giving name of ship and company.
Notice board stating the sailing time of the ship.
The location of useful places to visit ashore.
What is the correct action if the OOW (officer on watch) gives the helmsman the order to: Change over from Automatic pilot to Hand steering?
Start following the order from the OOW using the manual control.
Report to the OOW that manual steering is active.
Check that the wheel or tiller is amidships, then switch over the control to “manual”.
All of the answer options are correct.
What is the normal term used for the regular training of how to launch the lifeboat?
Port State Control Officers are authorised to:
Sign oil record book entries.
Regularly inspect ships known to meet the requirement.
Detain ships that are not meeting the requirements for a minimum of 30 days.
Inspect and detain ship that are not meeting the requirements until they are able to demonstrate compliance with the regulations.
What is the flash point of an oil or liquefied gas?
The flash point for an oil or liquefied gas is the temperature at which it is possible to ignite the vapour above the liquid.
The flash point is the temperature needed to have a oil or liquefied gas pumpable.
The flash point is the temperature the oil or liquefied gas need for self ignition.
The flash point is the mixture of oxygen and hydro carbons needed to have an oil or liquefied gas to burn.
Under what circumstances should gangway nets be rigged under the gangway?
Whenever the gangway is rigged between ship and shore.
A gangway net is only required to be rigged when required by the port regulations.
When instructed by the Master or the Chief Officer.
Whenever the ship is moving slightly back and forth along the quay due to wind and current.
What does the cargo capacity of a RoRo car carrier depend upon?
The size of vehicles for which it is designed.
The volume of vehicles to be loaded.
The weight of vehicles it can carry.
The number of vehicles it can carry.
If you detect a fire on board the ship, dependent on the situation, which of the following actions is the first to be taken?
Try to kill the fire immediately by use of fire-extinguishers or other adequate appliances.
Call the officer on duty.
Check all nearby compartments for survivors.
On a RoRo vessel carrying no more than 36 passengers, what is the minimum capacity of the ventilation system protecting standard cargo spaces intended for carriage of motor vehicles with fuel in their tanks for their own propulsion.
Mention some important thoughts for what you have to do when you recognise that fire break out onboard:
Report to bridge or duty officer, actuate the fire alarm, call the persons around the fire and join the fire squad.
Report to bridge or duty officer, actuate the fire alarm, organise and commence fighting the fire.
Go to the lifeboat start the motor then call the duty officer and commence fight the fire.
Commence fighting the fire, call the persons around the fire and join the fire squad.
If you have to carry out hot work close to a smoke detector in the engine room, what precautions should be taken?
No special precautions except for having a watch man and a fire extinguisher available.
Disconnect the smoke detector.
Notify Master, Deck officer and Engineer in charge.The loop for this special sensor to be switched off and take normal precautions for hot work.
Notify the deck officer in charge that a fire alarm may occur.
On RoRo passenger ferries, the passengers are not normally allowed to be on the car-deck during sailing. What is the reason for this rule?
In case of an emergency situation, the car deck can be difficulty to find the way around, and cars can shift position caused by ships movement.
The ships movement can make the cars slide/move and a person can be trapped between two cars.
If the car deck are empty, it will be easier for the crew to locate all passengers in case of an emergency.
To prevent damage and burglary to the cars.
A lifebuoy is constructed to withstand a drop into the water from a height of:
On a RoRo vessel, what should be done if the surface of the loading ramp is oily?
Immediately clean the oil-affected area(s).
Wash the oil-affected area(s) using a fire hose.
Allow cargo operations to continue in the usual manner.
To what should you pay very close attention, when inspecting portable car decks?
Cracks in way of deck supports.
Abrasions over the deck surface.
General condition of the portable deck.
Safety markings on the portable deck.
The wearer of a lifejacket can jump into the water without injury and without damaging the jacket from a height of at least:
Before extinction of an electric fire we need:
To know the voltage and wear rubber gloves.
To confine the area involved in the fire.
To disconnect the power source.
To put out the fire without taking any special measures.
On a RoRo vessel, what danger is associated with loaded container tractors passing over large fittings on the loading ramp on the vessel’s decks?
The container jumping the trailer.
Damage to the container cargo.
Damage to the trailer tyres.
Damage to the ship’s fittings.
On a RoRo vessel, which of the following can cause an unplanned list at sea?
When mustered to an abandon ship drill, what is the first thing you do when entering the muster station?
Wait for the order to put on your life jacket.
On a RoRo vessel, why is it necessary to maintain safety markings/luminous paint on pillars in ro-ro decks?
Because it is a port state control requirement.
To comply with the ship’s Planned Maintenance Schedule.
To comply with the company’s standing instructions.
To prevent damage during cargo operations.
Normally ventilation fans in enclosed RoRo spaces must be run continuously whenever vehicles are on board. Why?
An increased number of air changes may be required when vehicles are being loaded or unloaded, or where flammable gases or liquids are stowed in closed RoRo spaces.
It is better to run the fans continuously instead of testing the atmosphere.
The manufacturer of the fans recommends continuous operation to reduce maintenance cost.
It is easier for the crew, they don’t have to think about starting and stopping of fans.
What is a mooring line used for?
A mooring line is a thick wire or synthetic rope used to moor the ship.
A mooring line is a small diameter line attached to a large diameter rope.
A mooring line is a line that is passed through a block ashore.
A mooring line is a line thrown ashore when a vessel ties up.
On a RoRo vessel, which of the following is not designed to hold chain lashings?
Clover leaf lashing sockets.
On a RoRo vessel, what should be used to secure cars with aluminium tyre rims?
Wooden wheel chocks only.
8 mm diameter steel wire rope.
An inflatable lifejacket will inflate:
Either automatically on immersion or by a single manual motion.
Automatically on immersion.
Either automatically on immersion or by mouth.
Either automatically on immersion or by a single manual motion or by mouth.
In the fire fighting of fires of a type C with dry chemical powder extinguishers, the application is performed:
In a continuous way so that the powder spray is in the same direction as the one of the flame.
As soon as possible, to any point of the fire and in intermittent manner.
The chemical powder doesn’t extinguish type C fires.
Across the flame, sweeping it.
Which of the following is false when a casualty is bleeding?
Cover the wound with a cloth.
Encourage patient to lie quite and re-assure.
Noise level called “the injurious area” starts at:
What is the main characteristic of the weak link in a float-free arrangement for inflatable liferafts?
Be of sufficient strength to permit to pull the painter from the container and the inflation of the liferaft.
Be of sufficient strength to break at a depth of at least 4 m and release the liferaft from its berth.
Be of such a strength to be cut by any person with a jack-knife.
Be of sufficient strength to keep the liferaft alongside the ship when dragged at a maximum speed of 3 knots.
What do you call the wide rung on a pilot ladder that prevents the ladder from twisting?
The wide rung on a pilot ladder that prevents it from twisting is called a “Spreader”.
The wide rung on a pilot ladder that prevents it from twisting is called a “Long rung”.
The wide rung on a pilot ladder that prevents it from twisting is called a “Ani-twist rung”.
The wide rung on a pilot ladder that prevents it from twisting is called a “Wide step”.
On a RoRo vessel, what is a low-bed RoRo unit that is towed onto a ship called?
When first using cleaning agent in the machinery space, the crew should:
Confirm that it will form an emulsion.
Confirm that it won’t form an emulsion.
What is important to wear for all officers and crew when working on the RoRo deck during loading and discharging?
In case of an emergency situation it can be difficult for passengers to escape. Vehicles, lorries, trailers and other cargo are maybe lashed and it is a substantial chance for passengers to get injured. Vehicles and other cargo might also shift when the ship is rolling.
If the car decks are empty, it will be easier for the crew to locate all passengers in case of an emergency.
To prevent burglary and damage to cars.
Vehicles and other cargo can shift when the ship is rolling. Persons may be trapped between vehicles or cargo.
Give the meaning of the following symbol:
On the figure there are four (4) possible definitions of the term “BREADTH” given. Which one is the correct one?
Breadth is defined as “A” on the figure.
Breadth is defined as “B” on the figure.
Breadth is defined as “C” on the figure.
Breadth is defined as “D” on the figure.
What is the main duty of the “Standby Watch keeper” when they are not on the bridge?
Remain available and in contact with the bridge team.
Return to the cabin and catch up with some sleep.
Tidy up the accommodation and clear the mess room.
Patrol the ship and report anything unusual to the bridge.
In order to extinguish a flammable liquid of the same kind as alcohol, we can use:
On a RoRo vessel, why should there be no more than two lashings secured to any one point on a ro-ro unit?
Because the vehicle securing point is likely to break in heavy weather.
Because the securing forces will not be evenly distributed.
Because the vehicle itself is likely to tip over during heavy weather.
Because the securing forces will not be evenly distributed.
What is understood by the word “Bollard”, when mooring a ship?
A Bollard is a loop in a rope.
A Bollard is a rope made up of several strands.
A Bollard is a very heavy rope.
A Bollard is a thick steel post to which mooring lines are secured.
Welding and flame cutting are among the factors which give the highest risk of fire on board ships. Precaution has to be taken to avoid this risk. Which of the following safety rules may be regarded as the most important?
Electric welding plants shall be controlled by a responsible engineer before use.
The welder shall have been instructed in the use of the ships welding plant.
Only holders of welding certificates shall be allowed to carry out welding on board ships.
Only use electrodes from a well-known manufacturer.
What are the main duties of a gangway watchman in port?
To maintain security and check people boarding a vessel.
To check that the mooring ropes are tight.
To maintain the port radio watch.
To record when the dock workers board and leave the vessel.
What is the meaning of the term “Steady as she goes” when acting as helmsman?
It means the helmsman has to try and keep the vessel heading as it is.
Keep the applied rudder constant until the next helm order.
Reduce the number of helm movements used when steering a set course.
It means keep the rudder amidships until another order is given.
What does the term “Hard a Starboard” or “Hard to Starboard” mean?
Put the wheel fully over to starboard.
The wheel is difficult to turn to starboard.
Do not allow the vessel to swing to starboard.
Start the ship swinging to starboard.
Give the meaning of the following symbol:
C class fire door self closing.
A class fire door self closing.
B class fire door self closing.
D class fire door self closing.
How many buoyant smoke signals are carried in each liferaft with SOLAS A pack?
Why are all RoRo passenger ships divided into vertical “zones”?
Vertical zones are fire zones which can be divided from each other with fire doors. In case of fire, all fire doors in front and aft of the fire will be closed to prevent spreading of smoke/fire.
Vertical zones are separated with fire doors which will be closed automatically when the fire alarm start.
All vertical zones are separated with watertight doors, which will be closed in the case of a grounding, etc.
There is one fire team in each zone.
For which of the following groups of substances or materials is the use of water as an extinguishing agent dangerous?
Sodium hydrosulphite, potassium hydroxide, magnesium.
Gas-oil, oily rags, synthetic textiles.
How will you act if you are helmsman and the OOW (officer on watch) gives you the order: “Nothing to port”?
Let the ship turn to starboard.
Don’t let the ship turn to port.
Alter course to starboard.
What is the meaning of the abbreviation “SWL” as stamped on lifting gear around the ship?
An evacuation-slide must be capable:
Of being deployed by one person.
Of being deployed by one person or remotely controlled from the bridge.
Of being deployed by two persons.
Which is the “Windlass”, in the figure?
The Windlass is indicated by “B”, in the figure.
The Windlass is indicated by “C”, in the figure.
The Windlass is indicated by “D”, in the figure.
The Windlass is indicated by “A”, in the figure.
For what could a ro-ro vessel be held responsible by a port authority?
Ramp damage to the jetty.
Stevedore damages to vehicles.
Visitors not wearing appropriate identification.
On a RoRo vessel, why are short lashings better than long lashings for ro-ro units?
Because they’re easily tightened and tensioned.
Because it is a cargo securing manual requirement.
Because ship’s vibrations will not slacken short lashings.
On a RoRo vessel, what is the common factor between a clover leaf and crinkle bar?
They are tools used for tightening RoRo lashings.
They are items of fixed lashing equipment.
They are items of portable lashing equipment.
They are parts of a loading ramp.
What is the normal name of the waterproof suit shown in the picture?
On a RoRo vessel, which of these stowage situations produces high friction that does not allow movemement of the cargo?
Vehicles in direct contact with steel decks.
Two tiers of dunnage placed between vehicles and steel decks.
A single tier of dunnage placed between vehicles and steel decks.
Steel plates placed between vehicles and steel decks.
What is the main fixed fire-fighting system on a car deck?
When acting as helmsman, what should be the method of responding to an order?
When receiving an order, the order should be repeated back to the person who gave it.
The order needs to be acted upon and this will indicate you understood what was said.
When acting as wheelman and given a helm order you should always say “Yes sir”.
The response to an order should be to acknowledge that order and then carry out what you were told to do.
What will you do when all the fresh water in the survival craft is finished or about to finish?
Start collecting rain water.
Drink only 1 liter of sea water per day.
Use sea water to keep your body wet.
On a RoRo vessel, what additional securing arrangements should be used when loading a vehicle on an incline or fixed ramp.
The vehicle should also be chocking under its wheels.
Double the normal lashings should be used.
Double the normal lashings should be used.
During RoRo cargo operations, what must be monitored at all times where the ramps are concerned to prevent damage to the cargo.
The controls are left unsecured at all times.
The ramp is correctly painted.
The angle of the loading ramp is not to steep and that the ramp has not lifted of the jetty.
With regard to the characteristics of a mafi trailer what must be ensured prior to unfastening this unit on board?
That after unfastening it will not move.
That cargo on the trailer is not damaged.
That the cargo details have been checked.
That there is sufficient room for it to be driven away.
Normally ventilation fans in enclosed RoRo spaces must be run continuously whenever vehicles are on board. Why?
An increased number of air changes may be required when vehicles are being loaded or unloaded, or where flammable gases or liquids are stowed in closed RoRo spaces.
The manufacturer of the fans recommends continuous operation to reduce maintenance cost.
It is better to run the fans continuously instead of testing the atmosphere.
It is easier for the crew, they don’t have to think about starting and stopping of fans.
Which of the following are frequent causes of fires in accommodation?
Covering of electric equipment with blankets.
Overloading electric plugs.
On a RoRo vessel, to what should a heavy vehicle be secured on a car deck?
What is a deck lift vehicle?
As detailed in the instructions provided by the manufacturer or shipper.
Pass lashings over the body of the vehicles.
Pass lashings over the body of the vehicles.
Secure the front and rear bumpers.
The emergency oil pollution equipment locker must be:
Prominently marked and easily accessible.
Just off the main engine room.
A store room in the forward part of the ship.
A store room close to the pump room.
Prior to entering a cargo hold to check the cargo condition stowed in it, you must ensure that:
The necessary permits, based on valid atmospheric and other applicable tests, are issued and valid for entry.
Emergency equipment at the after end of the main deck is in place.
A list of the items stowed in the applicable hold, extracted from the Cargo manifest, must be available for reference during the checks.
Written instructions from the Chief Officer on what to check in the holdare signed by all persons entering the space.
If conditions permit, which is the best way to board a liferaft which is floating close to the ship?
Use a rope ladder close to the raft to climb down and board.
Wearing a lifejacket, jump into the water close to the raft and then swim to it.
Jump onto the raft itself.
Jump into the water close to the raft, without lifejacket, as this will make it easier to swim and board the liferaft.
On a RoRo vessel, what danger is associated with loaded container tractors passing over large fittings on the loading ramp or on the vessel’s decks?
The container jumping the trailer.
Damage to the trailer tyres.
Damage to the container cargo.
Damage to the ship’s fittings.
On a RoRo vessel, when loading Double Stacked containers on Maffi trailers how many twist locks should have used between the 2 containers?
One at each end 2 in total.
One on every corner 4 in total.
Three in total 2 at the door end 1 at the opposite end.
On a RoRo vessel, to what should a heavy vehicle be secured on a car deck?
On a RoRo vessel, how often should a dangerous goods stowage plan be produced?
Every time you load a dangerous cargo.
Every time you load any cargo.
You only ever produce one.
What material should boiler suits be made of?
When fighting fire, why shall you never pour water into hot fat?
The water will explode into steam causing hot fat to be thrown far away thus possibly causing severe burns or fire.
The fat will not be edible any more.
The water will turn into steam and cause the fat to explode.
The fat will stiffen immediately and need reheating.