Le test comprend 80 questions aléatoires.
Total de questions sur ce sujet : 110
What could be the possible cause of an engine knocking?
Faults in injection valves, injection too early.
Too big a piston clearance, worn cylinder liner.
The gudgeon pin or big end bearing having too big a clearance.
You are in charge of a night bunkering operation. The delivery rate from the supplier is high and you are filling six tanks simultaneously. You lose track of the progress of the operation and feel that you are losing control of the situation. What action should you take?
Prepare yourself and the crew for an overflow.
Open more tanks to slow down the filling rate of individual tanks.
Stop bunkering, and establish facts, before bunkering is resumed.
Request a reduction in the delivery rate to try and gain some time.
Give the meaning of the following symbol:
Rescue boat with waterproof canopy.
In the event of a diesel engine crankcase explosion which of the safety devices fitted to the engine is designed to minimise the risk of a secondary explosion?
Main bearing temperature monitoring equipment.
Crankcase extraction fan.
Crankcase oil mist detector.
Crankcase relief valves/doors.
Falls used in launching shall be turned end for end at an interval of not more than X months and to be renewed not later than every Y years, where the intervals are:
Prior to bunkering operations it is necessary to check the quantity of fuel remaining onboard and that there is sufficient room for the fuel that is to be loaded. What is the best method to use to establish this?
Use the latest figures from the fuel record book.
Do a complete sounding of all fuel bunker tanks.
Sound the tanks which you think might still contain some fuel.
Take a full set of readings from remote content gauges.
Some fuel oil and lubricating oil separators have a facility to control the back pressure of the clean oil outlet during start up and operation. What is the purpose of this control function?
To control the amount of fuel passing through the separator.
To help to maintain the oil/water interface at the correct position.
To assist in discharging the bowl contents during the sludge cycle.
To reduce the amount of sealing water required during operation.
What is the minimum furnace temperature that must be reached during start up before waste material can be introduced into an incinerator?
What do you understand by the term Maximum Continuous Rating, MCR, of a diesel engine?
The maximum speed that the engine can operate at continuously.
The maximum load that the engine can operate at continuously.
The maximum cylinder pressure that the engine can operate at continuously.
The maximum charge air pressure that the engine can operate at continuously.
This circuit consists of two capacitors, C(1) = 6 μF and C(2) = 12 μF, in series. Calculate the equivalent C(S) of the two capacitors.
The cold room temperature is almost at the cut out point in a vapour-compression refrigeration system. What should the refrigerant state be just after the evaporator if the system is correctly set up?
Sub-cooled liquid at low pressure.
Slightly superheated low pressure gas.
Cold liquid at high pressure.
Wet vapour at high pressure.
During mooring operations which is the safe place to be in?
Outside the colored zone.
Behind the “point of restraint” but inside the zone.
Between the “point of break” and the “point of restraint”.
Where ever you feel safe.
Which is the “Fairlead”, in the figure?
The Fairlead is indicated by C, in the figure.
The Fairlead is indicated by D, in the figure.
The Fairlead is indicated by B, in the figure.
The Fairlead is indicated by A, in the figure.
How is the prime mover load normally kept to a minimum when starting up an electric driven reciprocating type air compressor?
By using an unloading device to keep the compressor suction valves open until the machine is up to speed.
By using an unloading device to keep the compressor delivery valves open until the machine is up to speed.
By keeping the main discharge valve closed until the machine is up to speed.
By keeping the second stage drain valve open until the machine is up to speed.
What is understood by the term “take the helm”?
Take over the steering of the ship.
Take a message to another officer.
Take over heaving of a rope.
Change the place where the lookout is standing.
In which way may intake of poisonous material occur?
Skin penetration and skin absorption.
The water cooling space on a turbocharger is damaged and there is no spare casing. The cooling water must be shut off. Which option would you take to keep the risk of further damage to a minimum?
Dismantle the rotor and assemble the sealing plates.
Run the engine at a lower speed.
Make no modifications, but tell the duty engineer to pay special attention for abnormalities.
Cool the turbocharger by means of air.
Which one of the listed requirements regarding fire protected lifeboats do not correspond to present regulations? Water spray systems shall:
Have separate draining pumps of sufficient capacity.
Be arranged for flushing with fresh water and allowing complete draining.
Protect the occupants through a continuous oil fire for a period of not less than 8 minutes.
Have means for “turn on/turn off” the flow of water over the exterior of the lifeboat.
According to the rules of GMDSS vessels are equipped with certain radio-communication devices depending on:
The operation of a diesel engine is controlled by a mechanical-hydraulic, compensated speed sensing governor. How will the governor control be affected if the compensation needle valve is closed in and the engine load changes?
Engine speed control will be sluggish.
The governor will hunt resulting in erratic engine speed control.
A change in load will not affect a speed sensing governor.
The charge air pressure supplied to a diesel engine, which is normally 2,0 bar, is reduced to 1,5 bar. What will be the likely effect on the engine operation?
The cylinder cooling water flow will increase.
The performance of the engine will be reduced noticeably.
The performance of the engine will be similar to normal conditions.
The turbochargers cooling water flow will increase.
Most fuel oil separators working on the centrifuge principle have an automatic start up and sludging facility. Which of the following actions would you expect to occur first during the start up sequence?
Increase the scavenge air temperature to minimise the condensate from the charge air cooler.
Reduce the engine load to minimise condensate from the air cooler.
Ensure that condensate drains from the water separator are monitored and operating correctly.
Decrease the scavenge air temperature to minimise the condensate from the charge air cooler.
Prior to the lunch break, the Engineer on Duty observes that the operating generator set has an output of 90 %. With regard to operation of the generator, what is the – most important – assumption(s) for him to check before switching to UMS-mode?
Visually checking the auxiliary engine that there are no leaks or other obvious operating failures.
That a secondary auxiliary set is switched to automatic standby mode.
All parameters as listed under the other alternatives.
That all operating parameters of the generator set in operation are normal (e. g. exhaust temp, lube oil pressure, cooling water temperature etc).
How is the prime mover load normally kept to a minimum when starting up an electric driven reciprocating type air compressor?
By using an unloading device to keep the compressor suction valves open until the machine is up to speed.
By keeping the second stage drain valve open until the machine is up to speed.
By using an unloading device to keep the compressor delivery valves open until the machine is up speed.
By keeping the main discharge valve closed until the machine is up to speed.
How often should the lifeboat wire falls be turned and renewed?
Turned at intervals of not more than 30 months and renewed every 5 years.
Turned every 2 years and renewed every 4 years.
Turned every 30 months and needs only to be renewed if the wire is in poor condition.
The muster list shall show the duties assigned to the different members of the crew. Which of the given duties necessarily have to be included in the muster list?
Preparation and starting of emergency generator.
Preparation and launching of survival crafts.
Type of fires that can be encountered on board.
Some new maintenance routines are being planned and a risk assessment is necessary so that the required procedures can be entered into the ship’s Safety Management manual. Which of the following should be the first step in this risk assessment process?
Identify the hazards that may exist which may affect personnel involved with the maintenance routines.
Identify the safety precautions that may be necessary to prevent injury or harm to personnel carrying out the routines.
Identify who may be harmed or injured in carrying out the maintenance routines.
Identify how much it will cost to implement the necessary precautions to prevent injury to personnel.
Cargo gear/cranes should at regular intervals be thoroughly examined and load tested by a recognised company/yard. How often should such examination/load test take place?
According to the industry guidelines in the ISGOTT Guide and assuming terminal regulations do not require otherwise, what action should be taken to drain accumulated water from the deck during cargo handling operations in rainy conditions?
The accumulated water is to be drained periodically and the scupper plugs to be immediately closed once the water has been run off. Water containing oily residues is to be transferred to a slop tank or other suitable receptacle.
The scupper plugs are to be kept closed and sealed; any volume of water that is not contained should be allowed to flood over the fishplate.
During periods of heavy rain, it is considered prudent and safe to allow water to drain continuously; therefore scupper plugs should be removed in such conditions.
The accumulated water is to be transferred to a spare tank.
A vessel which normally operates with the engine room in UMS mode is unable to do so because of defects to some of the critical alarm functions. What are the main considerations that the Chief Engineer must take into account when planning alternative arrangements to cover the engine room requirements until the defects are cleared?
A work rota is established to ensure that the necessary repairs can be carried out as soon as possible.
A work rota is established to ensure full coverage of engine room watchkeeping duties and adequate rest periods for the engineering staff.
A work rota is established to ensure at least one person is in the engine room at all times while the defects exist.
To avoid overbunkering and oil spill, it is very important that we closely monitor the progress of the bunkering operation. What is the safest method to use to minimise the risk of overflow and spillage?
Use the predicted loading rate to calculate how much oil is being received.
Open all the bunker tank lids to manually watch them filling.
Continuously monitor remote gauge readings and confirm with regular sounding of the fuel tanks.
The remote gauge system will provide us with the necessary information.
To make a “call-request” one should:
Select the telex in on-line position.
Select the ID of the NCS.
Select the telex in off-line position.
A compressed air supply system has two automatically controlled air compressors. When demand is high both compressors are needed to meet the delivery requirements. What is the best method for controlling the compressors to meet a varying, but intermittent demand?
One compressor running continuously with the other on standby.
Start and stop of the compressors controlled by timer switches.
Continuous running of both compressors and the use of unloading devices.
Sequential start initiated by pressure switches set at different switching pressures.
When starting air is applied to a diesel engine the engine fails to turn over but is seen to oscillate back and forth. What is the most likely cause of this problem?
Starting air pressure is too low.
One or more cylinder air start valves are stuck open.
An interlock is blocking the air to the starting air distributor.
The automatic valve has failed to open.
This circuit consists of two resistances, R1 = 6 ohm and R2 = 12 ohm, connected in series. Calculate the equivalent resistance R(S) of the two resistances.
A water heating system with automatic temperature control uses steam as the heating medium and the temperature is controlled by a pneumatically operated valve? What would be an acceptable start up procedure of the system from cold state?
Start the system up in manual mode and gradually increase the controller output signal until the temperature reaches the required value before changing over to automatic control.
Start with the control valve in manual and use the hand jack to gradually increase the temperature by throttling the steam flow before changing to pneumatic control.
Start the system up in automatic mode with normal set point but with the steam supply to the control valve manually throttled in.
Which ideal heat engine cycle is the vapour-compression refrigeration system based on?
The reversed Carnot cycle.
Why is it necessary to have an effective ballast water management plan which includes provision for changing out ballast in open water rather than discharging ballast in coastal waters?
To allow ballast tank inspections to be carried out during ballast passage.
To keep the ballast water fresh in the ballast tanks during long voyages.
To ensure that ballast tanks are always pressed up during a ballast voyage to avoid free surface effects.
To avoid the introduction of non-indigenous species of marine life from one area to another.
What does the term “stoichiometric mixture” mean when used in relation to combustion of hydrocarbon fuels?
An ideal mixture of fuel and air in which all of the fuel and oxygen in the mixture are consumed during combustion.
A ideal mixture of fuel and air in which all of the fuel in the mixture is consumed during combustion.
An ideal mixture of fuel and air in which all of the fuel in the mixture is consumed during combustion with a minimum excess air.
An ideal mixture of fuel and air in which all of the oxygen in the air in the mixture is consumed during combustion.
When planning bunkering operations it is preferable to arrange for the new fuel to be bunkered into empty or nearly empty tanks whenever possible. What is the main reason for this?
So that the sulphur content of each fuel is known.
To minimise the risk of microbial contamination of the fuel.
To make it easier to calculate the quantity of fuel taken onboard.
To minimise the risk of incompatibility between different fuels.
The turbocharger on a diesel engine is surging. Which one of the following options would be the most likely cause?
The lubrication oil pump is malfunctioning.
Dirty rotor blades and nozzle ring.
Worn out bearings on the turbocharger.
Dirty scavenging air cooler on the air side.
Maintenance is to be carried out on a diesel engine. How long after stopping the engine should the cooling water and lubricating oil be kept circulating in order to avoid any undue thermal stress from residual heat?
10 minutes is sufficient.
In a smoke filled alleyway where will the cleanest air be found, and how should you proceed out?
Near to the deck, crawl out keeping your face as near to the deck as possible.
Sit and wait for the rescue party.
It will be the same in all parts, therefore I would just leave as quickly as possible.
Towards the upper part, stand as tall as possible and walk out.
Which one of the options given is the most likely cause of a diesel engine failing to turn on air when the start signal is initiated?
An interlock or blocking device in the remote starting system is operating.
Start air compressor has cut out due to sufficient pressure in system.
Slight leakage at the indicator cocks.
Auxiliary blower is operating.
What is a steering wheel?
A helm used to steer the ship.
A drum for heaving of ropes.
Another name for a lifebuoy.
Why is it important to reduce the diesel engine load during in service water washing of the turbocharger gas side?
To prevent damage to the turbine blades.
To reduce the air pressure to the water dosage pot.
To prevent overload of the turbocharger bearings.
To avoid cold corrosion of exhaust system.
A 3-phase cage rotor induction motor requires protection by a time delay overload trip. What is the reason for this?
It will tolerate fault conditions during start up.
It will allow for inrush current or motor specific faults.
Which one of the following items has to be included in an abandon ship drill according to SOLAS regulations?
Manoeuvring the lifeboat in the water.
Launching and recovery of a survival craft.
Starting and operating radio life-saving appliances.
Checking that life-jackets are correctly donned.
Consider a vessel with a 6 cylinder main diesel engine operating with one cylinder out of operation. What would you expect to be the approximate maximum reduced engine load to allow safe emergency operation in this condition?
Approximately 50 % of MCR.
Approximately 70 % of MCR.
Approximately 30 % of MCR.
Approximately 90 % of MCR.
What is the colour of the smoke signal used by life-saving stations or rescue units indicating that distress signals are observed in daylight?
Maintenance is to be carried out on a diesel engine. How long after stopping the engine should the cooling water and lubricating oil be kept circulating in order to avoid any undue thermal stress from residual heat?
10 minutes is sufficient.
Most fuel oil separators working on the centrifuge principle have an automatic start up and sludging facility. Which of the following actions would you expect to occur first during the start up sequence?
Operating water supplied to bowl to close it.
Sealing water supplied to bowl to prevent carry over.
Fuel oil supplied to bowl to fill it.
Operating water drained from bowl to open it.
Which of the following symptoms would indicate that the filter drier in a refrigeration circuit has become blocked?
A large temperature drop across the drier.
A pressure rise before the drier.
A hammering noise from the drier.
The image shows an indicator diagram taken from a diesel engine cylinder. Which of the following options is the action most likely to identify the fault?
Check that the fuel temperature and viscosity are correct.
Check if the fuel injection valve is partly blocked.
Check if the fuel pump injection is too early, or fuel pump lead is too great, for that cylinder.
One of the Main Engine cooling pumps is down for maintenance. The rest of the cooling pumps are operating near full capacity with minimum margins on the maximum temperature limit. What should be the correct action to take with regard to UMS operation?
Operate the engine room on manual mode until the maintenance is completed and the cooling pump is operational and switched to stand-by mode.
Arrange with a rating “on watch” in the engine room for the UMS period.
Arrange frequent checks of the condition during the night otherwise operate in normal UMS-mode.
There are many types of pumps fitted onboard ship which an engine room rating may be required to assist with the maintenance of. Which type of pump is shown in the illustration?
A vessel is scheduled to enter a SECA during a forthcoming voyage? What additional considerations must a Chief Engineer take into account when planning for this voyage?
That the incinerator is shut down for the duration of the time the vessel is in the SECA.
That there is sufficient room in the bilge holding tank to ensure no discharges of machinery space bilges takes place while the vessel is in the SECA.
The availability of low sulphur fuel and the change over time required to ensure the system is clear of normal fuel prior to entry into the SECA.
That all garbage is fully disposed of prior to entry into the SECA and suitable arrangements are made for retention while in the SECA.
What is polymerisation?
The process by which unsaturated chemical compounds are heated under pressure, causing the molecules to react with each other and form larger molecules.
The process by which the molecules in unsaturated chemical compounds react with each other during cooling, forming larger molecules.
The process by which saturated chemical compounds are heated under pressure, causing the molecules to react with each other and form smaller molecules.
The process by which saturated chemical compounds react as pressure is released during heating, causing the molecules to react with each other and form larger compounds.
During crude oil washing of No: 1C tank the duty deck officer reports that the oxygen reading in the tank is 9 %. What should you do?
Stop the washing process and not resume until the oxygen content in the tank below 8 %.
Carry on and ask the engineers to check the inert gas system.
Stop the washing process and not resume until the oxygen content in the tank is below 2 %.
Carry on with the washing as the reading is below 11 %.
What is the correct name of the tool shown in the sketch?
On a container vessel, where should a mid-bay guide be positioned?
On the tank top mid-way in 40′ guides to prevent transverse movement of 20′ containers.
On the tank top at the ends of 40′ container bays.
At the base of cell guides.
Between 20′ container bays on deck.
What should the expansion valve superheat setting be in order to get the best possible efficiency from a refrigerator evaporator?
A diesel engine is operating with retarded fuel timing resulting in increased exhaust gas temperatures. How would you expect this to affect the turbocharger?
Increased turbocharger revolutions.
Reduced air and gas temperature after turbocharger.
Decreased turbocharger revolutions.
The turbocharger would operate normally.
What is the purpose of the air distributor in a diesel engine air start system?
To ensure the cylinder air start valves operate in the correct sequence and for the correct period.
To ensure that the start air is distributed equally to the each of the engine cylinders.
To ensure the air consumption from each of the main air receivers is equally distributed.
To ensure that the automatic valve in the air start system opens and closes at the correct time.
What contributes most to rust formation on vehicles/Ro-Ro units?
Cargo hold ventilation systems and associated ducting.
Pipes passing through cargo holds.
Hydraulic units in cargo holds.
What effect would turbulent fluid flow through a heat exchanger have on the efficiency of the heat transfer?
Turbulent fluid flow generally increases heat transfer efficiency.
It cannot be determined since it is not possible to generate turbulent fluid flow through a heat exchanger.
Turbulent fluid flow generally reduces heat transfer efficiency.
Heat transfer efficiency is not affected by the type of fluid flow through the heat exchanger.
What types of fire extinguishers shall be used in the engine room?
Fire extinguishers equipped for powder or CO2 only.
Any fire extinguisher with a weight of less than 100 lbs.
Fire extinguishers filled with fresh water only.
Fire extinguishers of the handy-size types only.
On board a DSC-call is to be made in case of an OBS. Choose the category:
Which of the given options characterizes a 2-stroke diesel engine?
The piston always has a short skirt.
A 2-stroke engine always has 2 or more turbochargers.
A 2-stroke engine has an air inlet valve in the cylinder cover.
A 2-stroke engine completes a full cycle every revolution.
A High Breaking Capacity fuse found in a Main High Voltage Switchboard will typically have fault level rating of?
When trying to reverse a large slow speed diesel engine in the astern direction it cannot be turned on air even though it will start in the ahead direction. What is the likely cause of this problem?
The reversing servo for the fuel pumps has stuck in the ahead position.
One of the cylinder air start valves has stuck open.
The start is blocked because the air distributor has not moved to the astern position.
What is the main precaution to be taken prior to engaging the turning gear for a diesel engine?
Open the indicator cocks.
Open the crankcase doors.
Transfer main engine control from control room to emergency control console.
Isolate the starting air supply.
How many rescue boats should be provided on ro-ro passenger ships of 500 gross tons and above?
Two, and at least one of the rescue boats shall be a Fast Rescue Boat.
None providing the ship has lifeboats.
Two Fast Rescue Boats, one on each side of the ship.
When lashing general cargoes why are short lashings preferred to long ones?
Because they are more easily tightened and held in tension.
Because long lashings are more prone to vibration.
Because some of the ship’s lashing points may not be designed to hold long lashings.
Because the safe working load of lashing materials decrease with length.
When is it compulsory to use emergency wires/fire wires for mooring the vessel?
During loading/discharging of persistent/non-persistent oil.
At all terminals where tugs are available.
When requested by the terminal staff.
At the terminals in Canada and USA.
When starting up an aerobic type sewage unit for the first time, of after manual cleaning, how should the bacterial process be initiated?
By adding an activating agent to the inflowing sewage.
By bypassing the grey water inflow and operating only with black water.
By shutting off the air flow.
By filling the unit with sewage and bubbling air through it for 48 hours prior to starting the discharge pump.
Which of the following options would be a typical differential pressure setting for a main engine slow down in the event of jacket cooling water system low flow?
Which statement about the use of profiling onboard a ship is true?
A random selection process must be established.
Only visitors can be profiled.
Detection equipment can be used in place of profiling.
Profilers need at least half an hour to gather the information they need.
How does the maximum oil film pressure in a white metal journal bearing operating under full fluid film conditions compare with the pressure of the lubricating oil supply system?
The pressure is less than the pressure in the lubricating system and varies with the journal load.
The pressure is greater than the pressure in the lubricating system and varies with the journal load.
The pressure is the same in the lubricating system and is constant regardless of the journal load.
The pressure is greater than the pressure in the lubrication and is constant regardless of the journal load.
When starting three phase induction motors which of the following starting methods will immediately apply rated voltage to the machine?