Le test consiste en des questions aléatoires sur un sujet sélectionné.
*In which one of the following an oil, the flash point of which only needs to be over 43°C, may be used?
What should be applicable to tank cleaning operations by means of circulation products with low flash products (below 60° C) ?
It can be done without problems.
It can be done on stainless steel tanks only and if the tank cleaning hoses are grounded.
It can be done if the tankcleaning hoses are grounded.
It should be avoided, unless the tank atmosphere is inerted.
The bridge wheelman has not reported for duty and there is a suspected "Man Overboard" situation on your vessel. The ship has been searched and there is one seaman missing? The vessel turns round and retraces the course back, calling for assistance from other vessels in the vicinity. What should be the focal point for any search pattern to be established?
The focus of the search should be from the present position as he probably went overboard when proceeding to the bridge for his watch.
Determine when the seaman was last sighted and concentrate the search round the course line between the last sighting and present position, taking into account any prevailing current.
The last sighted position should be the focal point of any search pattern and all ships should keep a good lookout in that vicinity, moving outwards to the present position.
Determine the drift and leeway of own ship and take this deviation from track into account on the return course. The search should focus around this return track back to the last sighted position
Who is responsible for the number and the position of any tugs to be used during a mooring operation?
The Master, with consideration of the advice of the pilot
It will be only the wind speed that will determine the required number of tugs and how they are used.
The Port Authority will dictate the tug requirements and their use within the port limits
The Pilot is fully responsible for the number and use of tugs within the port area
What is the crucial aspect in executing a voyage in a safe and efficient way?
The bridge equipment includes ARPA radar, GPS and ECDIS in full and effective operation
An effective detailed passage plan fully understood and followed by a competent bridge team.
All navigational equipment fully functional.
Bridge equipment effectively operating and being used efficiently
One water fog applicator is required for each pair of breathing apparatus on board which type of ship?
Passenger ships fitted with car decks
Passenger ships carrying more than 36 passengers
On a bulk carrier which is to load sugar, which of the following situations would result in the cargo holds failing inspection?
Hardened rust spots on the lower bulkhead stool and hopper tank plating
Rust-stained tank top plating
Traces of insect infestation in the bilges
Hardened rust spots on shell plating
Which equipment is utilised to control the liquid level in the cargo tanks?
In the cargo tanks we use deep stick to control the liquid level
In the cargo tanks we use sounding tape to control the liquid level
In the cargo tanks we use either float or radar type gauge to control the liquid level
In the cargo tanks we use float type gauge to control the liquid level
On a General Cargo vessel, to what Proof Load would a 16T SWL derrick be tested?
To conform with "best practise", can you drive a crane and stand-by for a colleague who has entered a cargo tank at the same time?
Normally no, but if we are in a hurry to get lots of jobs done before entering port and the Chief Mate know about it, then it is alright to do so.
Yes, if I have radio contact with the man inside the tank.
Cross-flooding fittings shall be operable from:
The section where the unsymmetrical flooding occurs
Which of the following parameters will result in oscillation
The continuity resistance of a 100m long X 25 sq. mm cable (rated at 100A) is to be checked. Which of the following results would you anticipate?
between 0.1 and 1.0 M ohm
between 0.1micro ohm and 1.0 micro ohm
UFL and LFL are commonly used expressions. What do they signify?
Expressions have no meaning.
Unstable Flash Level / Lower Flash Level?
Upper Fixed Level / Lower Fixed Level?
Upper Flammable Level / Lower Flammable Level of explosive atmosphere?
How do You want to operate the purifier to obtain the best separation result?
By high flow and low temperature.
Flow and temperature have no influence on the result.
By high flow and high temperature.
Separation with correct temperature and low flow rate.
In a series installation of a purifier and a clarifier, what is the purpose of the clarifier
As a safety net, for improved cleaning of the fuel oil
You will probably have less alarms
In case the gravity disc is too small
To get round the problem of fluctuating temperature
What is the definition of "vapour"?
It is the weight per unit volume in vacuum
A gas which the molecules escaping from the free surface.
A gas which vapours of different ingredients will exist independently.
A gas which can be liquefied at the temperature concerned.
Where do ships encounter pirates?
Ships encounter pirates off the Indian coastline
Ships encounter pirates off West Africa
Ships encounter pirates in the North Pacific ocean
Ships encounter pirates in the South Atlantic ocean
Which ships shall apply to the amended version of the IGC Code?
Ships constructed on or after 30th June 1986.
Ships constructed on or after 15th July 1998.
Ships constructed on or after 5th June 1996.
Ships constructed on or after 1st July 1994.
What is enthalpy?
Enthalpy is the sum of the external energy of a substance plus the product of the substance volume multiplied by the pressure exerted on the substance by it’s surroundings.
Enthalpy is the difference between the compressor suction temperature and the condensate return temperature.
Enthalpy is the sum of the internal energy of a substance plus the product of the substance volume multiplied by the pressure exerted on the substance by it’s surroundings.
Enthalpy is the sum of the internal and external energy of a substance plus the product of the substance volume multiplied by the pressure exerted on the substance by it’s surroundings.
The Company should ensure that the ship's personnel are able to communicate effectively in the execution of their duties related to the Safety Managment System. What does it really mean?
English language should be the working language on board the ship
All personnel on board shall be familiar with the Safety Management System. The individual seafarer shall know procedures specifically related to their rank and duties onboard.
The officers and crew should read the entire Safety Management System and memorize the content.
Everyone should know the name of the Designated Person in the Company
Which IMO convention takes care of the human safety at sea?
It is the MARPOL that takes care of the human safety at sea.
There are not any conventions that take care of the human safety at sea.
It is the STCW that takes care of the human safety at sea.
It is the BCH Code that takes care of the human safety at sea.
What name is given to the process of discharging water from a designated slop tank whiler minimising the disturbance of the oil layer on top, with the objective of removing as much water as possible?
Why is it necessary to control the rate at which iron ore is loaded on a Bulk Carrier?
So that any moisture within the cargo is removed
So that the vessels draughts are kept within the limits imposed by the stability booklet
So that the vessel can manage with de-ballasting operations
So that the athwartship hatch coaming structure is not stressed
A Bulk Vessel is to load a cargo of grain; pre loading calculations show that IMO stability criteria cannot be achieved; the vessel should do which of the following?
The grain surfaces in some or all of the cargo spaces must be secured
The cargo can still be loaded
An exemption certificate must be applied for
The vessel will be unable to load the cargo
Before each cargo tank is crude oil washed (COW) the oxygen content must be determined at?
A point 1 metre below the deck and at a point 2 metres above the bottom..
A point 1 metre below the deck and at the middle level of the ullage space.
A point 2 metres below the deck and at the middle level of the ullage space.
A routine inspection of a hold space on a liquefied gas carrier is necessary. Checks of the atmosphere indicate that there is only 19.5% oxygen content. Which of the following actions is recommended?
Postpone the inspection and continue ventilating until an oxygen reading of 21% is achieved.
Carry on with the inspection as normal since 19.5% oxygen content is sufficient for breathing.
Ensure all persons entering the space for the inspection wear self contained breathing apparatus.
Ensure the inspection is carried out quickly in case the oxygen content reduces any further.
All liquefied gas carriers, including LNG carriers, must follow the requirements of the IMO IGC code. What are the main areas covered by the IGC code for gas carriers?
Gas carrier navigational and operational procedures.
Gas carrier design and equipment.
Liquefied gas handling principles for ships and terminals.
Gas carrier cargo loading and discharge procedures.
Which types of compressors are used as cargo compressors onboard gas carriers?
One, two and three stage piston compressors.
One, two and three stage screw compressors.
Oil free screw and piston compressors.
Piston, screw and centrifugal type compressors.
What is the meaning of the term "Steady as she goes" when acting as helmsman?
Reduce the number of helm movements used when steeriing a set course
Try to reduce the continuous swinging either side of the course when steering a compass course.
Keep the applied rudder constant until the next helm order.
While altering the ships head, the instruction "steady as she goes" means reduce the ships swing as rapidly as possible and steady on present course
What is a low location lighting system?
A system displaying the escape route from all cabins by light points in the ceiling, powered by battery
An illumination system for all corridors in cabin areas
A light system powered by battery or fluorescent signs mounted at deck level indicating the way to the nearest exit
An emergency illumination system that illuminates all deck areas to a minimum
The purpose of the “flame scanner” on the boiler is
check the colour of the flame
controlling the combustion air supply to the boiler
shut off the oil flow if the flames goes out
What is a likely cause of fishmeal fires?
A moisture content less than 6%
Ineffective antioxidant at the time of production
Too much antioxidant at the time of production
Fat content less than 10%
What does the word "condiments" refer to?
A sauce or seasoning, such as mustard or pepper.
Persons suffering from food poisoning.
What gives the condenser pressure in a 1 stage direct cooling plant?
It is the seawater temperature that gives the condenser pressure in a 1 stage direct cooling plant.
It is the cargo temperature in the cargo tank that gives the condenser pressure in a 1 stage direct cooling plant.
It is the seawater flow in the condenser that gives the condenser pressure in a 1 stage direct cooling plant.
It is the cargo vapour temperature that gives the condenser pressure in a 1 stage direct cooling plant.
How will you act if you are helmsman and the OOW (officer on watch) gives you the order: ”Nothing to port”
Let the ship turn to starboard
Don’t let the ship turn to port
Alter course to starboard
How many lifejackets are required in a passenger cabin?
Twice the number of beds in the cabin
Same number as beds in the cabin
Non, they will be handed out at the muster station
Perishable cargo is usually stowed on wooden pallets. The pallets are designed for either two-way or four-way fork lift entry. From the point of view of use on a refrigerated vessel, choose the option which highlights the most important difference between these two types of pallet.
The four-way pallet uses less material.
The two-way pallet is more robust.
The two way pallet is easier to construct.
It does not matter which way around the four-way pallet is stowed.
During maintenance of a piston rod stuffing box on a large, slow speed diesel engine it is usual to measure the butt gaps between the sealing ring and scraper ring segments. What would be the effect of these gaps being too small?
If the gaps are too small they could close due to the radial wear of the rings before the next scheduled overhaul preventing the rings from contacting the piston rod and sealing it.
If the gaps were too small then no oil could pass up the piston rod to lubricate the sealing rings.
If the gaps are too small the rings could score the piston rod.
If the gaps are too small then the flow of scavenge air through the gland would be reduced and the gland would overheat.
The temperature control for the central cooling system low temperature circuit has failed and a new 3 term controller is to be fitted. Which of the given options would be the correct method of setting up the controller?
Set the derivative action first.
All three actions should be set simultaneously.
Set the proportional action first.
Set the integral action first.
In what format will an On-Scene Co-ordinator report such information as on-scene weather and operation progress to other parties?
When should carbon dioxide gas be injected into a cargo hold containing bagged fishmeal?
When temperatures taken around the cargo hold exceed 35?C
When ambient temperatures exceed 38?C
When cargo temperatures exceed 55?C and heating continues
When smoke starts issuing from a cargo hold
What would you do if you saw a container being damaged during loading operations?
Note the date and time of occurrence, container number and if possible take photographs
Inform the relieveing watchkeeper
"Passivation" is a restorative process periodically applied to stainless steel tanks on a chemical tanker. What effect does this process have on the steel surface?
It causes a chemical reaction, which produces a new inert Chromium Oxide layer on the surface of the steel.
It restores and reforms the passive Chromium Hydroxide surface layer.
It restores the surface steel to an even and smooth finish, thereby encouraging drainage during discharge.
It restricts active corrosion on the surface steel.
If your ship is in the tropics and you are going to be working out on deck during the day, what is the recommended daily intake of water for you to avoid the effects of dehydration?
Drinking water is not the solution. I must consume at least 250 mg of salt per day to retain body fluid.
What must be ensured when using ship’s cargo gear in hot climates?
That all cargo gear is appropriately marked
That grease from wire falls does not fall onto cargoes being loaded or discharged
That the cargo gear register in up to date
That stevedores handle cargo gear in the proper manner
Why is a vessel entering dry dock normally slightly trimmed by stern?
To minimise the loss of stability.
To position the vessel easily over the blocks.
To allow drainage of water off the docks.
To allow better manoeuvring when entering into the dry-dock.
What is the definition of "pour point"?
The lowest temperature at which petroleum oil will remain fluid.
The unrestricted fall of liquid into a tank.
The time it takes for tank contents to stop moving.
The highest temperature at which a petroleum oil will remain fluid.
The maximum current that a 15 Volt, 3 Watt Zenerdiode can handle without damage is
Why is it important to check the ullages of the cargo tanks and sound double-bottom tanks at regular and frequent intervals during an oil tanker's loaded passage?
Such a procedure will indicate if there are any internal or hull leakages
Such a procedure will indicate if there is a build-up of pressure and the failure of any part of the venting system.
Because it is a requirement and the vessel can demonstrate complaince during an audit.
Such a procedure will confirm the correct function of the cargo calculator by referencing volume against temperature.
What is the main reason for crewmembers to practice search and rescue operations on ships in an emergency?
Passengers may not hear the alarm bells, and they may not know that they should proceed to mustering stations.
Passengers seek safety in mustering stations, or other common areas, where they think they can escape danger.
Passengers seek safety in their cabins, or in other places onboard, where they think they can escape danger.
Passengers may not hear the public address system, and they may not know that they should proceed to mustering stations.
From which locations is it normally possible to close watertight doors?
A watertight door can only be closed by a control adjacent to the door
Watertight doors can be closed locally and also a remote control station within the accommodation
Watertight doors can be closed adjacent to the door and remotely from bridge and also one emergency remote control station
Watertight doors can be closed from the bridge and an alarm sounds at the door
What will the cadet find in the engine store?
He will find The Bosun in the engine store
He won't find anything in the engine store
He will find the port anchor winch in the engine store
He will find new brake bands in the engine store
The sign on the image indicates:
Location of boiler suit(s)
You should wear warm clothes in this area
Location of immersion suit(s)
You should wear immersion suit when working in this area
Indicate the correct name for the part marked on the sketch:
The cold room temperature is almost at the cut out point in a vapour-compression refrigeration system. What should the refrigerant state be just after the evaporator if the system is correctly set up?
Slightly superheated low pressure gas.
Sub-cooled liquid at low pressure.
Wet vapour at high pressure.
Is there a longitudal bulkhead in membrane tanks?
There is always transverse bulkheads in membrane tanks to reduce free surface of the cargo
There is steel frames instead of bulkheads in membrane tanks
There is always longtitudal bulkhead in membrane tanks
There isn't longtitudal bulkhead in membrane tanks
What dangers are associated with the carriage of empty tank containers?
They may not declared as being empty when in fact they are not
They could easily collapse due to being empty
They may contain flammable cargo residue
They could explode if their vents are closed
A U tube manometer is used to measure the pressure delivered by a ventilation fan. Following replacement of the fan by a larger unit with a higher delivery rate and pressure the liquid is blown out of the open end of the manometer. Which of the options given will allow the manometer to be used to measure the delivery pressure of the larger fan?
Connect the open end to the inlet trunking of the fan to measure the differential pressure rather than the delivery pressure.
Refill the manometer with a reduced the amount of liquid.
Refill the manometer with liquid with a higher density.
Refill the manometer with liquid with a higher viscosity
What is the recommended method of identifying galley utensils, such as knives, chopping boards and containers, that are dedicated to the preparation of specific types of food?
All galley utensils can be used for the preparation of any foodstuffs, so there is no need to dedicate or identify them in any way.
By making only one person responsible for issuing all utensils and tools in the galley.
A standard colour coding system.
By storing them in individual drawers or lockers.
There is an "industry standard" book, found on oil tankers, which explains all about oil cargo and cleaning operations and their associated hazards. What is it called?
The International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships (MARPOL).
The International Safety Management Code (ISM).
The International Safety Guide for Oil Tankers and Terminals (ISGOTT).
The United Nations Guidelines on Safe Ship Management (UNSSM).
You are in charge of discharging and crude oil washing a crude oil carrier.What is the maximum allowed oxygen level in the Inert Gas supply to a tank being crude oil washed (IMO)?
Modern conventional reefer vessels are designed to carry containers on deck which are usually 40 foot units weighing more than 20 tonnes when stuffed (filled with cargo). For a vessel fitted with deck cranes having a SWL of 19 tonnes which of the options given is the most appropriate method of handling such containers?
Temporarily override the crane's cut outs when handling such containers.
Arrange for a floating crane to be alongside when handling the containers.
Arrange for a mobile crane to be available when handling the containers.
Use an equalising beam with two of the ship's cranes operating in tandem.
When it is required that a mandatory prewash is to be witnessed, who is to make and sign the applicable entries in the Cargo Record Book?
A government-authorized surveyor.
A bulk carrier is about to commence loading steel coils using ships cranes, what three important checks must be made?
Cabs cleaned and lighted, drivers regularly rested
Crane windows cleaned,cab heater on and no- smoking rule enforced
Crane controls tested, limit switches correctly set and SWL never to be exceeded
Planned maintenance completed, all paintwork in good condition and lighting checked
In the diagram below we want to verify the resistance of the PT100 sensor fitted with compensation. What is the correct calculation?
What type of cargo tanks are normally used for the cargo containment system for fully pressurised and semi-pressurised liquefied gas carriers?
Which statement about the garbage record book is true?
Each entry is to be written in the language of the ship's flag state
It is required by all ships on International voyage
Each entry is to be signed by the Master
It is used to record all operational and accidental garbage discharges
What must be done before dock workers and stevedores are allowed on board a General Cargo vessel?
Number of persons on board noted
Security checks are the responsibility of stevedores
Identification and passes must checked and number of persons on board recorded
Only no smoking rule to be enforced
The buoyancy forces upwards act at what part of the hull?
All over the underwater volume.
At the centre of gravity (G)
At the centre of buoyancy (B)
Which of the given options characterizes a 2-stroke diesel engine ?
The piston always has a short skirt.
A 2 stroke engine always has 2 or more turbochargers.
A 2 stroke engine completes a full cycle every revolution.
A 2 stroke engine has an air inlet valve in the cylinder cover.
In which part of the oceans and in what season is Parametric Rolling likely to be experienced?
Around South Africa at any time of year
A vessel is scheduled to enter a SECA during a forthcoming voyage? What additional considerations must a Chief Engineer take into account when planning for this voyage?
That all garbage is fully disposed of prior to entry into the SECA and suitable arrangements are made for retention while in the SECA.
That there is sufficient room in the bilge holding tank to ensure no discharges of machinery space bilges takes place while the vessel is in the SECA.
That the incinerator is shut down for the duration of the time the vessel is in the SECA.
The availability of low sulphur fuel and the change over time required to ensure the system is clear of normal fuel prior to entry into the SECA.
How often shall drills for the operation of watertight doors, side scuttles, valves and closing mechanism of scuppers, ash-chutes and rubbish chutes take place in passenger ships?
If left-over cooked meat is to be re-used in another meal, which of the following precautions must be taken?
The meat must be fine chopped to ensure it re-heats to at least 70 degrees Celsius as quickly as possible; it must not be mixed with newly preared raw meat; the dish in which it is used must only be heated once.
The meat can be directly added to another dish and musdt be re-heated to the temperature required by the new recipe; it can then be re-heated for further servings provided it is refrigerated in between.
The cooked meat must have been refrigerated until required; it can be taken out, chopped and mixed thoroughly with newly cooked ingredients, to ensure it is adequately re-heated. If it cools before serving, it can be warmed through on a hot plate or under a heat lamp.
The meat must be sliced to a thickness of less than 5 mm to ensure it re-heats to at least 50 degrees Celsius during cooking; it can only be layered with other previously cooked ingredients; the dish in which it is used can be re-heated again, provided it is refrigerated between each serving.
Which group of dangerous goods is generally considered as being the most hazardous for marine transportation on a General Cargo Vessel?
One of the tubes in a seawater cooled condenser is leaking due to being holed half way along its length. What is the most appropriate onboard repair method to be used from the options given?
Roll both ends of the leaking tube using a tube expanding tool.
Blank off the leaking tube at both ends with steel screw plugs after cutting an internal thread using a suitable tap.
Blank off the leaking tube at both ends using suitably tapered brass plugs.
Blank off the leaking tube by brazing a cap to each end of the tube.
Does OPA90 apply to vessels engaged in carrying liquefied gas?
OPA90 applies only to oil tankers.
OPA90 applies only to non-American flag vessels.
Only if the vessel carry HC-products.
OPA90 applies to all ships.
What makes a container vessel's cargo holds effective in containing under-deck fires?
A fixed fire-fighting system
Intact hatch and ventilator seals
An effective bilge pumping systems
Liquefied gas is, by IMO, divided in to different groups. What is the criterion for this division?
The boiling point, chemical bindings, toxicity and flammability.
The nitrogen and other hydrocarbon containment.
Many chemical tankers are fitted with deepwell centrifugal cargo pumps. What is the process by which any leakage of cargo or hydraulic oil into the pump cofferdam is detected?
Why are accommodation spaces separated from the remainder of the ship by thermal and structural boundaries?
To increase effectiveness of the air-conditioning in the accommodation
To provide means of escape for the passenger and crew
So that passengers can stay in the accommodation in case of fire in the engine room
What kind of fixed extinguishing plant is installed to use on an oil tanker’s engine room and pump room?
When cross-flooding arrangements to correct unsymmetrical flooding and excessive heel angels in damaged condition are installed in passenger ships, what is the maximum angle of heel after flooding but before equalization?
On a Container vessel, why should a vessel not carry left and right-handed twistlocks?
Because containers cannot be locked using both types of twistlock
Because there will be confusion as to whether or not containers are locked
Because international regulations do not permit it
Because the two types of twistlock have different strength ratings
Many LNG vessels have spherical cargo tanks. Which of the statements given in the options is the most accurate?
Using spherical tanks means double hulls are not required.
Using spherical tanks means that the cargo can be carried at pressures well above atmospheric.
Using spherical tanks allows more cargo to be carried as the tank is positioned above the deck.
Using spherical tanks means only a partial secondary barrier is required.
What do we call the heat given to or given up from a substance?
The heat given to or given up from a substance is called heat energy
The heat given to or given up from a substance is called change heat
The heat given to or given up from a substance is called latent heat
The heat given to or given up from a substance is called fusion heat
When it is midsummer in northern Europe, what time of the year is it in South Africa?
A reefer vessel, which is about to carry a palletised cargo, has to have available sufficient cargo equipment including air bags (dunnage bags), air lines and valves, cargo slings, wooden dunnage, nails, etc. These items are required to ensure a quick loading operation and a successful passage. Complete the following statement from the options given. "Air bags are particularly important in that ….
… they are quick and easy to deploy."
… they secure the pallets against movement during the passage."
… they protect the pillars and the vent trunking against damage during heavy weather."
… they reduce the movement of the pallets and prevent short circuiting of the air flow."
What would be considered to be the normal service life for rolling contact bearings fitted to a large turbocharger for a diesel engine?