Le test consiste en des questions aléatoires sur un sujet sélectionné.
When a satellite receives a “distress alert” from a Cospas-Sarsat EPIRB, the relay of the “distress alert” can be delayed because the satellite cannot immediately contact a:
LES before the satellite is actually seen by this ground station
LUT before the satellite is actually seen by this ground station
NCS before the satellite is actually seen by this ground station
What is false regarding the function :” Transmission and reception of signals for locating ”
On area A2 this function is based on the use of SART transponders
On all areas this function is based on the use of S band radars
On area A3 and A4 this function is based on the use of SARSAT COSPAS Epirb
On area A1 this function is based on the use of SART transponders
In the situation illustrated, what should be the distribution of the power requirements from the tugs, if the ship is to be moved sideways without changing the heading? Both tugs have similar bollard pull and are of conventional propulsion.
Much greater power on the forward tug than on the after tug while monitoring the gyro heading
Equal power required by both tugs, but monitor the gyro heading to ensure sideward movement only
It would be very difficult to predict the power requirements in this circumstance and it could only be found by observation.
Much greater power on the aft tug than on the forward tug while monitoring the gyro heading.
LNG carriers are fitted with a deck water spray system? In addition to providing protection against fire and protection for the crew and cooling in the event of a fire in the cargo area, what is the other main purpose of having this system?
To heat the cargo area in case of a cargo spill incident.
To make it easier for the crew to keep the decks clean.
To extinguish fires inside the cargo tanks.
To flush cargo spill overboard and protect crew in case of a cargo spill incident.
A bulk cargo vessel is found to be 4.0 centimetres over her maximum loadline draft after loading; what should be the actions of the master?
Record a lower draught and sail
There is not a problem as over loading is permitted
Order the pumping out of fresh water or ballast until the maximum allowed loadline is achieved.
Inform the port authorities and sail
To conform with "best practise", can you drive a crane and stand-by for a colleague who has entered a cargo tank at the same time?
Normally no, but if we are in a hurry to get lots of jobs done before entering port and the Chief Mate know about it, then it is alright to do so.
Yes, if I have radio contact with the man inside the tank.
In the event of a diesel engine crankcase explosion which of the safety devices fitted to the engine is designed to minimise the risk of a secondary explosion?
Crankcase relief valves/doors
Main bearing temperature monitoring equipment.
Crankcase extraction fan.
Crankcase oil mist detector.
The responsible person for maintaining budget on board normally is:
What hazards are associated with the carriage of wood pellets in bulk?
Spontaneous combustion and self-heating
Possible dust explosion due to excessive ventilation
Oxygen depletion and generation of carbon monoxide in cargo and communicating spaces
Possible liquefaction of cargo, en route
Temperatures are often measured by using platinum resistance thermometers. The characteristics shown are all calibration curves for such devices. Which of them is a calibration curve for a P T100 sensor?
In which cases shall side scuttles in passenger ships be so constructed that they cannot be opened without the consent of the master of the ship?
Where the sills of the side scuttles are below the margin line
Where the sills are mounted below the bulkhead deck
Where the sills of the side scuttles are less than 500 mm above the deepest load line
Where the height of the side scuttles go through more than two decks
On a Container vessel, what must be done as soon as reefer containers have been loaded?
Their setting temperatures must be verified
They must be connected to the ship's power supply and their setting temperatures verified
Their stowage positions must be reported to the duty officer
They must be connected to the ship's power supply
How can you monitor the liquid level in the vapour line?
By use of a float switch or differential pressure in the liquid receiver
By monitoring the atmosphere in the vapour line with a fixed gas detector
There isn't any possibilities to monitor liquid in the vapour line
By monitoring the temperature in the vapour line on the compressors suction side
What is the purpose of refractory linings in an oil fired steam boiler furnace?
To support the steam drum.
To ignite the burner during automatic operation.
To prevent excessive furnace heat losses and protect tubes and other fittings from overheating.
To give added strength to the furnace.
The temperature of the feed water for an auxiliary boiler is automatically controlled by a pneumatically actuated steam valve at the inlet to the pre-heater. It is noticed that during high demand the temperature falls by an unacceptable amount and takes a long time to return to the set temperature even though the steam supply pressure remains constant. Select from the options given the most likely cause of this.
The controller proportional band is set too wide.
The controller proportional band is set too wide and the reset time is set too long.
The controller reset time is set too long.
The control air pressure regulator is set too low.
How many rescue boats should be provided on ro-ro passenger ships of 500 gross tons and above?
Two Fast Rescue Boats, one on each side of the ship
Two, and at least one of the rescue boats shall be a Fast Rescue Boat
None providing the ship has lifeboats
What is the purpose of the girders in the tank?
They transfer all the cargo forces acting on the plating.
They transfer all sea forces acting on plating.
They support the stiffeners.
They support the stiffeners and also take up some of the sea force.
On the figure 4 possible definitions of the term "BOLLARD" are given. Which one is the correct one?
Bollard is given by C on the figure
Bollard is given by D on the figure
Bollard is given by A on the figure
Bollard is given by B on the figure
What type of dynamic forces may cause indent in plating on forecastle deck and main deck in way of pillars inside forecastle?
Forces created by waves on the forecastle
Pressure forces caused by green water on deck
Slamming in way of flat bottom forward of light draught
Impact pressure forces in way of abrupt or flared bow
What is the main information we get from a Mollier diagram?
We get information about enthalpy, specific volume of vapour, liquid/vapour mixture, temperature of vapour when pressure is known and pressure in the cargo tank when liquid temperature is know.
We get information about enthalpy, specific volume of vapour, liquid/vapour mixture, temperature of vapour when pressure is known.
We get information about enthalpy, specific volume of the liquid and latent heat.
We get information about specific volume of vapour, liquid/vapour mixture, temperature.
On a RoRo vessel, what must be considered when planning the loading of ro-ro cargoes on ramps?
SWL and loading limit of the ramp and Minimum clearances for the operation of ramp doors
The extent of lashings due to the ramp slope
Which group of containerised dangerous goods is considered the most hazardous for marine transportation, due to possible decomposition at normal temperatures?
Which of these statements is correct?
On certain routes cargoes must always be lashed in a standard manner irrespective of season
Under the Hague and Hague-Visby rules a shipowner must make a vessel seaworthy
Seaworthiness implies cargoworthiness
A vessel must be seaworthy at the commencement of a voyage
Read the text in the picture before answering the question. What is the fundamental requirement relating to the older ships, which are still in service?
The older ships should be scrapped to make way for the new builds.
The older ships must be in good condition.
The older ship must be cheaper to run than the new builds.
As a result of the new building activities, older ships are no longer required.
You are going to overhaul a centrifugal pump in accordance with the PMS. The pump is running under optimal conditions and normally operated. Which of the following parts are expected to deteriorate during normal operation and thereby be due for renewal?
The impeller and the impeller fastening nut.
Ball bearings on the pump shaft, and wear rings on pump housing or impeller.
On a Container vessel, who is responsible for the safe lashing and securing of containers?
A routine inspection of a hold space on a liquefied gas carrier is necessary. Checks of the atmosphere indicate that there is only 19.5% oxygen content. Which of the following actions is recommended?
Postpone the inspection and continue ventilating until an oxygen reading of 21% is achieved.
Carry on with the inspection as normal since 19.5% oxygen content is sufficient for breathing.
Ensure all persons entering the space for the inspection wear self contained breathing apparatus.
Ensure the inspection is carried out quickly in case the oxygen content reduces any further.
Which function is this circuit performing?
Which of the following will be reported to a company on the emergency phone?
All arrival and departure time from port
All cases concerning cargo shortages
All accidents where crew are injured or killed
Which of the following alternatives are recommended when decanting water overboard from the sloptank?
Maintain a speed of at least 12 knots when pumping overboard
Leave a "cushion"of water in the sloptank, to minimize the risk of polluting the sea
Using dispersing chemicals in the sloptank
Discharge under the waterline to avoid any sheen on the surface
It has been shown that the controlled release of oil is effective in reducing the effects of the sea, making it possible for a rescue craft to approach survivors in the water. How many square metres does the IAMSAR Manual suggest may be calmed by releasing 200 litres of lubricating oil slowly through a rubber hose with the outlet maintained just above the surface while the ship proceeds at slow speed?
Approx 50,000 square metres.
Approx 5,000 square metres.
Approx 500 square metres.
What is the requirement with regard to Familiarisation on board?
During the first tenure, seafarers are responsible for asking at least a 100 questions to the Safety Officer.
Seafarers, on being assigned to any ship, shall be familiarized with their specific duties and with all ship arrangements, installations, equipment, procedures and ship characteristics that are relevant to their routine or emergency duties.
Seafarers on board passenger vessels must as soon as possible learn the names of all persons working in the same department in order to ensure efficient daily operation.
Seafarers shall be familiarized with all life saving appliances and emergency exits in case any emergency situation occurs. It takes normally an hour to complete the Safety Familiarisation. The safety Officer is responsible.
Some vessels have a central hydraulic system consisting of a number of hydraulic power packs for driving cargo pumps, deck machinery, ship's cranes, etc. Which parameter is normally used to automatically bring the power packs on and off line to match operational demand?
Percentage of available flow.
Percentage of maximum pressure being used.
Temperature of hydraulic fluid.
Number of consumers running (pumps, etc.)
In what format will an On-Scene Co-ordinator report such information as on-scene weather and operation progress to other parties?
A general cargo vessel is loading to summer loadline marks; where should be the final level of water ?
The top of the winter mark
The mid point between the summer and the tropical mark
The bottom of the summer loadline mark
The top of the summer loadline mark
When loading a General Cargo ship, what do logs, fishmeal, scrap metal and bales of cotton have in common?
They are all capable of causing oxygen depletion in the cargo holds
They are all liable to spontaneous combustion
Fires caused by these cargoes cannot be extinguished using carbon dioxide gas
They contribute to ship's sweat
When a Classification Society surveyor identifies corrosion, structural defects or damage to the hull of a vessel, machinery and / or any piece of equipment which, based on the society's rules and in the opinion of the surveyor affects the ship's class, which of the following is that surveyor likely to issue?
A Notification of Deficiency.
A revised Class Notation.
A Notification of Detention.
What should be the breaking stress of lashing belts used to secure light vehicles, on board a ro-ro vessel?
How is damage to the piston rod stuffing box rings avoided when removing and replacing the piston during overhaul of the piston of a large two stroke diesel engine?
A tapered guide sleeve should be fitted over the threaded end of the piston rod.
The piston rod gland should always be removed from the engine before the piston is lifted out to avoid damage to the rings.
The lower part of the piston rod is wrapped in rags.
The piston rod nut is put on during removal and refitting of the piston through the gland.
Which of the following is the correct English spelling?
What is the main purpose of having a deaerator in a boiler feed water system?
To remove oxygen and other dissolved gases from the feed water.
To provide a dosage point for feed water treatment.
To reduce the total dissolved solids in the feed water.
Toact as the primary feed heater.
How is body language generally communicated?
looking at someone directly in the eyes
the way you stand, gesture, and walk
What kinds of checks must be carried out on slings, wires and other items of lifting equipment before they are used in routine operations?
They must be tested under load, to ensure they can bear the planned weight.
They must be visually inspected to ensure that the ID and SWL marks are clearly legible.
They do not need to be checked. They are checked under the vessel's planned maintenance system every 12 months.
They must be visually inspected and ascertained, so far as is possible, as being in good working order and fit for purpose.
How many lifejackets are required in a passenger cabin?
Twice the number of beds in the cabin
None, they will be handed out at the muster station
Same number as beds in the cabin
Which ideal heat engine cycle is the vapour-compression refrigeration system based on?
The reversed Carnot cycle.
You are having a blow-by on the main engine, but due to the circumstances, it is impossible to stop and do a piston overhaul. What is the correct action to take?
Reduce speed temporarily and increase cylinder oil consumption.
Increase cylinder oil consumption.
You are about to commence tank-cleaning after discharging a cargo of Olefins. What should happen with "ball" type valves in the pipeline system during cleaning?
They should be operated (opened and closed) to ensure all surfaces are flushed and drain plugs should be temporarily removed.
They should remain fully open throughout to ensure washing water does not back up against the valve.
The bolts in the flanges either side of such valves should be slackened off to ensure residues are flushed clear of the surfaces of the valve casing.
They should only be opened when it is necessary to discharge washing water.
Why are zinc anodes sometimes fitted to heat exchangers in seawater cooling systems?
To prevent fouling of the system.
To prevent scale formation in the system.
To prevent marine growth in the system.
To prevent corrosion of the metals used in the system.
Where should a mid-bay guide be positioned?
At the base of cell guides
On the tank top between two 20’ container bays
Between 20’ container bays on deck
On the tank top at the ends of 40’ container bays
Shortly after entering the cargo hold of a General Cargo ship to discharge logs, two dockers are seen to collapse; what is the immediate action to be taken by the OOW ?
Assume injuries are due to illness; stevedore and docker foreman to deal with situation
Enter space immediately to administer first aid
Sound general alarm, call emergency services ashore and prepare rescue team with self-contained breathing apparatus
Muster emergency rescue team and prepare to rescue casualties
It is the Masters responsibility to ensure that
All information reagrding the onboard training is given to the ship manager
safety equipment is not used during the training
All personnel participate in the training at the same time
concerned personnel carry out the on-board traing progamme effectively
What must duty crew members ensure so that ro-ro units are not damaged on board?
Units must be driven at a safe speed
Units must not be driven in poor lighting conditions
Units must not be driven over ‘D’ rings
All on-board safety signs must be intact
What dangers are associated with using a steep loading ramp?
The ramp's hoisting wires can be damaged
The ends of ro-ro units can be damaged
It will not be possible to drive vehicles off the ramp
The ramp may slide off the pier
Besides the Jensen Sling, what other method is used to load and discharge paper reels from a general cargo vessel?
When loaded to what depth can bulk carriers constructed after 1 July 1999 withstand flooding of any one cargo hold?
The Winter North Atlantic loadline
To prevent inadvertent leaks, bunker manifold not in use should:
Have blank flanges fitted and tightened with some bolts in place
Have blank flanges fitted with gaskets and tightened with all bolts in place
Have blank flanges fitted with gaskets and tightened with some bolts in place
Have blank flanges fitted and tightened with all bolts in place
Who is responsible for implementation of working environment work on board?
Both master and shipping company.
What should be done when flammable vapours are detected in a cargo hold?
Stop the hold ventilation and close all ventilator covers
Stop the hold ventilation
Run the hold ventilation in ‘supply’ mode
Run the hold ventilation in ‘exhaust’ mode
On a Container vessel, where should containers containing marine pollutants be stowed?
In the foremost container bay on deck
Anywhere on deck at the extremity of a container stow
In the last container bay on deck
What is a proportional band
Any part of the total amplification
What should you know about the emergency stops on deck?
Where they are located and how to operate them.
How to disconnect or over-ride them for routine work.
I do not need to know anything about the emergency stops. It's only the officers who operate them.
Where the re-sets are and how to re-set them.
The coil of a 12V, 120mA dc relay must be connected across a 24V supply. What action should be taken?
Install a 100 ohm resistor in series with the coil
Install a 100 k ohm resistor in parallel with the coil
Install a 100 k ohm resistor in series with the coil
Install a 100 ohm resistor in parallel with the coil
At what time should lashings be released?
As soon as the weather conditions are favourable, lashings can be released.
Lashings should not be released for unloading before the ship is secured at the berth, without the Master's express permission.
The crew can release lashings prior to arrival to avoid any delays.
Lashings should be released when the ship enters enclosed waters.
A medium speed diesel engine is used to drive a controllable pitch propeller through a suitable clutch and reduction gearbox. What should the blade attitude normally be after the engine is started and before the clutch is engaged?
The blades should be in the full ahead position.
The blades should be in the zero pitch position.
The blades should be in the full astern position.
The blades should be in the zero thrust position.
On a RoRo vessel, where will escaping gasoline vapours settle in a cargo hold? If the forced ventilation system is shut down
Cargo Gear/Cranes should at regular intervals be thoroughly examined and load tested by a recognised company/yard. How often should such examination/load test take place?
Which of the given options is IMO's definition of liquefied gas as used in its Gas Codes?
Liquid with vapour pressure exceeding 2.8 bar absolute at a temperature of 73.8 C.
Liquid with vapour pressure exceeding 2.8 bar absolute at a temperature of 37.8 C.
Liquid with vapour pressure exceeding 1.8 bar absolute at a temperature of 38.7 C.
Liquid with vapour pressure exceeding 1.8 bar absolute at a temperature of 87.3 C.
What Class notation denotes an oil tanker, combination carrier, chemical tanker, bulk carrier or ore carrier considered suitable for sea-going service, built or accepted into class in accordance with the society's rules and regulations, maintained in good and efficient condition, having on board anchoring and mooring equipment in accordance with the rules and subject to an enhanced survey programme?
What is the Centre of Floatation of a General cargo Vessel?
The centroid of the ship's waterplane area
The amidships section at any given waterplane
The centroid of the ship's underwater volume
The centroid of the ship's half waterplane area
Which of the following could cause a blowback from a steam boiler oil fired furnace?
Trying to ignite burner from hot brickwork
Having the fuel oil temperature too high
Having the fuel oil pressure too high
Opening air registers too quickly
These circuits are all active filters. Which of the circuits is a high-pass filter?
On a conventional reefer vessel is possible to ventilate the cargo spaces with fresh air using fans and trunkings. One of the reasons for using fresh air ventilation is to control the relative humidity within the cargo space. Select the option which best completes the following statement. "It is beneficial to be able to control the relative humidity within the cargo space because fruit cargoes should be kept…
…relatively moist to avoid the cargo dehydrating during the passage."
… relatively dry to avoid the formation of fungus in the vent trunkings during the passage."
…relatively dry to avoid deterioration of the packaging during the passage."
... as dry as possible to avoid build up of mould during the passage."
What is most important for visual search purposes?
Use of standard search pattern
Design of special search pattern
Start a search immediately
Design of individual search pattern
After successful synchronising the kW and kVar loading are respectively transferred by the following controls:
Current regulator and voltage regulator
Speed governor and load power factor
Voltage regulator and synchroscope
Speed governor and voltage regulator
Why is it important to have an efficient fire patrol system on board passenger ships?
To show passengers in public areas we are on duty 24 hrs
To control that passengers adhere to smoking regulations on board
To ensure that an outbreak of fire may be prompltly detected
To verify that the automatic fire-detection system is working properly
What is a Fantainer used for?
Carrying dangerous goods prone to condensation
Carrying reefer cargoes prone to condensation
Carrying dry cargoes prone to condensation
What is the correct definition of: -fair lead?
Where the mooring lines lead.
A remedy leading to fairway.
A lead to test the bottom.
A remedy to close the holds.
Why is it necessary to use the vacuum pump after major overhaul of the reefer system?
In order to reduce the pressure in the system before start-up.
To evacuate air and water out of the system in order to prevent problem during operation.
To make underpressure in the reefer system in order to get the freon liquid easy back to the system.
What is one reason for repeating a command to passengers in an emergency?
You can establish your presence.
You won't have to say the command more than twice.
You don't have to be as clear in what you say.
More people will have a chance of hearing the command.
What could cause engine oil to get a "Milky" colour?
How is the bilge pump protected from cargo debris being sucked in from the bilges?
Filter in the bilge suction pipeline
Keeping the bilge space clean at all times
What is the benefit of prismatic Type "B" tanks?
The tanks do not form part of the ship's hull structure.
The ship's hull may act as the secondary barrier.
The tanks are completely self-supporting.
The benefit of maximising ship hull volumetric efficiency.
The circuit consists of two capacitors, C(1) = 6 µF and C(2) = 12 µF, in parallel. Calculate the equivalent C(S) of the two capacitors.
Where is a load-equalising device used?
With parallel lashing rods
With upper and lower crossed lashings
What would be the effect of a faulty steam trap on a fuel oil heater causing condensate to build up in the heater exchanger?
An increase in fuel oil temperature.
Low water level in the boiler.
Reduced heating capacity of the heater.
Excess pressure on the shell of the heat exchanger.
What precautions should you take when washing down the galley area at the end of the working day?
All power to the galley range and other electrical equipment should be switched off and isolated; ensure you are suitably and safely dressed to avoid electrical, slipping and other hazards.
All electrical equipment should be switched on, to ensure it dries out quickly if it gets wet; remove your catering clothing, so that it does not get dirty and wet.
Wash only the deck, to avoid any risk of shock from electrical items, such as the range; wear shorts and rubber sandals ("flip-flops") to avoid transferring contaminants from your work clothes.
Cover all equipment and work benches with plastic sheeting; wash the galley deckhead, then work down the bulkheads and finally the deck, with fresh water above 65 degrees Celsius; wear heavy duty work clothes.
You will be at sea for 45 days with a crew of 30 men. How many tomatoes would you buy?
On the figure 4 possible definitions of the term "BRIDGE" are given. Which one is the correct one?
Bridge is given by B on the figure
Bridge is given by C on the figure
Bridge is given by D on the figure
Bridge is given by A on the figure
According to the IMO Gas Codes, what are the maximum time intervals for sampling and analysing samples from the permanent installed gas detection system?
At what latest time shall doors, side scuttles, gangway doors, cargo- and coaling ports and other openings which are to be kept closed watertight at sea be closed at the start of the voyage?
Before entering open waters
Before leaving the pilot station