Le test consiste en des questions aléatoires sur un sujet sélectionné.
Which one of the listed requirements regarding lifeboat fittings do not correspond to present regulations? All lifeboats shall be fitted with:
a buoyant lifeline bucketed around the outside of the lifeboat
effective means for bailing or have self-bailing arrangement
a remotely operated steering arrangement
release device to enable forward painter to be released under tension
The extinguishing agent which can be applied on any fires of class A, B, or C is:
*As far as human factor is concerned, which of the following actions should be considered as an efficient one?
To establish inner rules to perform works of a special risk
To train the fire brigade
To equip them with better communication systems
*What maximum suction head can be expected from a fire pump?
Any height, provided the pump has enough power
*May an engine room be only protected by a fixed low expansion foam fire-extinguishing system?
Yes, if the "engine room" is considered as a machinery space of category A
It depends on the type of vessel
"B" Class divisions in ships are constructed so that they are capable of preventing the passage of smoke and flame to the end of a standard fire test held for how many minutes?
Which of the following extinguishers should NOT be used on an electrical fire?
Unconscious casualties who are breathing and whose hearts are beating should be placed in the Recovery Position. Why is this position so important?
The position ensures that an open airway is maintained.
Because it keeps the heart beating.
The recovery position makes it easy to maintain any kind of bleeding.
The position prevents the patient from falling asleep.
If a person is in a state of shock, what of the following is the correct thing of you to do?
Apply hot-water bottles to keep the pasient warm.
Move the casualty as much as possible.
Treat and reassure the casualty and stay with the person at all times.
Be kind to the casualty and give anything to eat or drink at first opportunity.
You are planning the discharge of a crude oil tanker with segregated ballast tanks, SBT. Which of the cargo tanks should be crude oil washed if you are expecting heavy weather?
All the cargo tanks that were not COW'ed in the last discharge port
At least 30% of the cargo tanks
The dedicated heavy weather ballast tank
Both sloptanks, and 30% of the remaining cargo tanks
When using a buoy as an aid to navigation, which of the following should always be considered?
That if the light is showing its correct characteristic it is in its right position
The buoy may not be in its charted position
If no radio navigation warnings have been issued concerning the buoy it can be assumed to be in its correct position
The buoy is nearly always well anchored and can be considered to be in its charted position providing there has not been any recent storms in the area
A Decca chain consists of:
2 masterstations and 4 slavestations.
1masterstation and 3 slavestations.
How many, minimum lines of positions are needed to decide a position using the decca system?
When no RU (Rescue Unit), but a number of merchant vessels are participating in a search and rescue operation, one of the vessels should be designated as CSS ( Co- ordinator Surface Search), Which practice should be followed in designation of the CSS? CSS to be appointed by:
First vessel arriving on the scene.
RCC (Rescue Co-ordination Centre).
Mutual agreement between participating vessels.
You are towing a vessel. The total length of the tow is 190 meters. What daylight signals are to be used?
Whilst unmooring after a ship to ship transfer operation, experience shows that, for the manoeuvring vessel, casting off the forward moorings first and letting the bow swing out before casting off the final after moorings, and then steaming away is a satisfactory procedure. It is recommended however that the angle of disengagement when steaming away should initially be kept at:
During a stay in port, a towing wire is to be put out forward and aft. What is important to take care of regarding this wire?
That the wires are just above the water line at all times
The wires are just stand-by on deck
What is the status and function of a Panama canal pilot?
He is an advisor to the vessel's master
He shall have control of the navigation and ship handling.
He will take over all the responsibilities of the master on embarkation
He will be responsible for canal crew mooring gangs and use of locomotives during lock transits
Your vessel is moving in Panama Canal waters. When must a regular engineer be on watch in the engine room?
When the chief engineer is attending the engine room.
When requested by the pilot.
Not necessary to be in the engine room if the unmanned engine room status is practiced and alarms have been checked.
Which of the following duties shall be included in the "muster list" as being assigned to crewmembers in relation to passengers ?
ensuring that every passenger is provided with an immersion suit or a thermal protective aid
clearing the escape routes
controlling the movements of passengers.
ensuring that extra food and water is taken to the survival craft
*What is the minimum length of the buoyant lifeline that is fitted to a lifebuoy which is stowed at a distance of 10 metres above the waterline (light condition)?
Which one of the listed requirements regarding the general emergency alarm system do not correspond to present regulations? The general emergency alarm system shall:
be capable of operation from fire stations aboard the ship
be able of sounding the emergency alarm signal by the ships whistle or siren, and additionally on electrically operated bells or claxons
be audible through all accommodation and crew working spaces
have electric alarm bells (or claxons) powered from the ship-s main and emergency sources of electric power
*Which among the following list is particularly required for a totally enclosed lifeboat ?
windows on both sides can be closed watertight and opened for ventilation
handrails inside for persons moving to their seats
hatches positioned so as to allow launching and recovery operations to be performed without any occupant having to leave the enclosure
self-bailing arrangements
Which item among those below is included in the normal equipment of every rescue boat ?
watertight receptacles containing water for each person
one buoyant line, not less than 50m in length, of sufficient strength to tow a liferaft
one set of fishing tackle
Which item among those below is included in the normal equipment of every lifeboat ?
one life-jacket for each person
sea-charts and navigating equipment
Which of the following actions should be done before throwing this type of inflatable liferaft over the side?
Inflate it on deck and then launch it if clear below
Check that the painter is made fast to a secure point and that the sea below is clear
Take the top off the container to enable raft to inflate once in the water. If all clear, throw raft over side
Disconnect the painter and launch it, checking that all is clear below
What is the meaning of this symbol ?
The Training Manual shall contain instructions and information on the life-saving appliances and the best method of survival. Which of following detailed explanations of crew duties in relation to emergency situations shall be contained therein?
The use of oars and sails for survival crafts
The method of revival of casualties by MTM-method (mouth-to-mouth)
Boarding, launching and clearing of survival crafts (lifeboat/liferafts) and rescue boats
Correct donning of fire protective clothing
*Which one of the following items has to be included in an abandon ship drill?
Starting and operating radio life-saving appliances
Launching and recovery of a survival craft
Manoeuvring the lifeboat in the water
Checking that life-jackets are correctly donned
One of the checks during the annual Class survey of the UMS functions is focusing on cleanliness of the engine room. What is the reason for such a check ?
To reduce the general risk of fire in an unmanned engine room.
To have the engine room looking tidy.
To prevent risk of pollution.
To avoid frequent alarms.
The responsibility for safety and security rests with everybody on board the vessel. General house-keeping rules should be followed. Which of the listed rules is the most important?
Always use gloves when using grinding machines.
Do not use loose garments, belts, ties or scarfs near winches and moving machinery.
Always use protective working shoes when working outdoors.
Always use gloves when handling nylon ropes.
What is the weather associated with being in the centre of an Anticyclone (a region of High Pressure)?
Persistent rain and very humid weather
Strong winds and heavy rain
Strong winds but with very little rain
Light winds and fair weather, sometimes fog.
Part of the outer surface of a refrigeration compressor crankcase and the refrigerant return line near the compressor ice up heavily during normal operation. Which of the options given is the most likely cause of this problem?
The oil separator is not functioning correctly and is allowing lubricating oil to pass into the system.
The seawater flow control valve for the condenser is faulty allowing insufficient cooling water flow.
The superheat control setting for the thermostatic expansion valve is set too low.
The filter drier unit in the liquid line is partly blocked.
What is a digital signal?
A signal indicating Revolutions per minute (RPM)
A signal used by multimeters to measure resistance.
The reading of a multimeter when indicating voltage, current or resistance.
A signal with discrete levels such as 0 = "low" and 1 = "High"
What is the most important reason for separating a panicking passenger from the group?
It is easier to calm the person down in private.
You want to protect the panicking person as much as possible.
You don't want other passengers to hear if you have to become very strict with the panicking person.
Panic can spread and affect other passengers.
What are the main elements in a damage control plan?
A damage control plan is the same as an emergency plan
Arrangements for correction of list due to flooding within 15 minutes
Boundaries of the watertight compartments for decks and holds. Position of controls for opening and closing of watertight compartments. Arrangement for correction of list due to flooding.
Instructions and procedures for reporting damage to the Company
An earth fault exists on the blue line of a 100 A bilge pump circuit. A second earth fault occurs on the yellow line of a 10 A ventilation fan circuit. Both systems are supplied from the ship's 440V supply. The likely outcome is that:
An open circuit occurs between earth fault and both motors trip out
A short circuit occurs between earth faults and the ventilation fan fuse blows
Both motors trip out on overload
A short circuit occurs between earth fault and the bilge pump fuse blows
When discussing oil tanker design, what do the letters "VLCC" stand for?
Variable Level Cargo Container
Virtual Loss (of) Cargo Capacity
Very Large Combination Carrier
What should be the healthy continuity resistance of a 220V, 2.2kW heating element, when checked near to it's rated operating temperature?
On the figure 4 possible definitions of the term "ASTERN" are shown. Which one is the correct one?
Astern is defined as C on the figure
Astern is defined as D on the figure
Astern is defined as A on the figure
Astern is defined as B on the figure
What would result from contact with liquid ammonia?
Apart from temperature there are few differences between carrying cargoes of chilled meat, minus 1 degree Celsius, and frozen meat, minus 18 degrees Celsius. A key difference is that for frozen meat the cooling fans are operated at half speed or some are switched off whereas for chilled meat the fans are run constantly at full speed. Select, from the options given, the main reason for this difference in fan operation.
It is an energy saving measure since chilled meat cargoes do not require as much cold air.
The chilled meat is more sensitive to damage and therefore tighter temperature control is necessary.
The fans may be damaged if they were run at full speed delivering very cold air to the frozen cargo.
Running the fans at full speed would generate too much heat which may affect the frozen meat.
You have just started to load Dicyclopentadiene to 5 port and starboard cargo tanks, but no cargo seems to be coming into the tanks. What will you do?
Stop cargo - notify the Duty Officer and / or the terminal dependng on the agreed communication procedure. Re-check the lines, valves and connections carefully, bearing in mind that there might be a build-up of pressure. Advise as appropriate.
Open the main lid on the tank and use a flashlight to try and see if there is a problem with the pump or line inside.
Carefully slack the bolts back on the connections, working initially on the off-shore mainifold, to determine how far the pressure extends in the ship's pipeline system, to determine which valve is giving the problem.
Re-check all valves. Just say nothing and open it, if one is found closed.
Which of the following hazard risks generally apply to the carriage and handling of LNG and its vapours?
Flammable, Toxic and Frostbite
Flammable, Toxic and Corrosive.
Flammable, Corrosive and Frostbite.
Flammable, Asphyxia and Frostbite
A death of one of the ship’s crew occurs on board whilst the vessel is at sea, what actions must you legally take?
Confirm death. Have body moved to a freezer compartment. Contact local agent and British Consul as appropriate. Complete Births and Deaths section of Official log book. Sign seaman off in his absence. Make an entry in the deck log book detailing actions
Confirm death. Notify next-of-kin. Make an entry in the narrative section of the Official log book, sign seaman off in his absence Notify agent and British Consul when abroad. Have belongings collected and packed by two crew members, and making three copi
Confirm death. Contact local agent and arrange to have body medi-vacced from vessel. Notify company. Complete births and deaths section of official log book. Arrange for relief at next port . Sign seaman off in his absence.
First aspect confirm death. Notify company, and make arrangements for notification of next-of-kin. Arrange to have body moved to freezer area. Notify local agents and British Consul when abroad. Complete Births and Deaths section of Official Log book. Ma
As well as hazards due to flammability, toxicity and frostbite some liquefied gas cargoes may cause chemical burns in the event of skin contact? Which of the commonly carried cargoes given in the options is most likely to result in chemical burns due to skin contact?
What is the definition of an "independent" cargo tank?
One which can be loaded with hazardous liquid chemicals that can not be carried in integral cargo tanks.
One which is not subject to the requirements of the IBC Code in respect of the loading and carriage of hazardous liquid cargoes.
One which is not contiguous with, or part of the hull structure.
One which forms part of the ship's hull and structure and which is normally essential to the structural completeness of the ship's hull.
The cargo tanks for liquefied gas carriers are grouped into 4 types depending on the survival capability requirements. Which of tank types is suited for the carriage of all cargoes listed in chapter 19 of the IMO IGC Code from a survival capability aspect?
SOLAS reg II-2 and IMO MSC.1/Circ 1321 requires that cargo pump rooms on oil tankers shall be mechanically ventilated, using non-sparking suction type fans. What is the minimum number of changes of air per hour that a ventilation system must deliver?
As understood within the IMDG Code, what is an "article"?
Something that is packed within a freight container.
A device that is responsible for initiating a dangerous reaction.
A device that contains a dangerous substance or mixture of substances.
A form that contains important information about a hazardous substance.
Why should boiler sootblowers normally only be operated in the correct sequence?
To minimise loss of steam pressure
To ensure soot is cleared progressively from the bottom tubes to the top and toward the boiler uptakes.
To avoid excess stress in the boiler.
So that the operator does not forget which sootblowers have been used.
This block diagram illustrates an elementary control system. What is the common name for this type of system?
Open loop feed back system
Closed loop feed back system
What collective culinary term is given to the internal organs of a butchered animal, such as the heart, kidneys, liver, tripe, etc?
Four similar ship-types experience beam sea conditions. Which of them will first experience resonant rolling?
The ship with the widest beam
The ship with the smallest GM
The ship with the highest freeboard
The ship with the smallest beam
A large 2 stroke engine is normally controlled from the bridge during manoeuvring. In this type of automated control for the starting system what would normally cause the 'Engine Failed to Start' alarm to be activated and to lockout starting from the bridge?
A single failed start attempt.
Low start air pressure irrespective of the number of failed start attempts.
3 failed start attempts if the start air pressure had fallen to less than a set value.
A high pressure, oil fired steam boiler operates with an automatic combustion control system for start, stop and modulation of the burners. Which feature of the combustion control system is intended to minimise the risk of blowback during normal operation?
Pre-purge of the furnace prior to burner ignition.
Automatic retraction of the burner after shut off.
Post-purge of the furnace following burner shut off.
Burner shut down in the event of flame failure.
It is noticed that some of the items that were to be used to lift some machinery components during a maintenance routine had not been tested for over 5 years. Which of the options given is the correct action to be taken in a situation like this?
Return them to the lifting gear locker and make a note in the Register of Lifting Gear that they need to be tested.
Mark the items as not to be used and store them securely until they can be tested by a competent person.
Have them inspected immediately by a competent person so that they can be used for the task.
Scrap the items immediately as they are unusable once they have not been tested for 5 years.
A vessel such as a parcel chemical tanker, with an high inbuilt level of subdivision will typically not have a problem with which particular feature of stability which will need to be accounted for on other tankers that have large, unrestricted tanks?
Ability to maintain an effective trim throughout loading and discharge operations.
Expansion of cargo within tanks, due to cargo heating, with a consequent movement of overall Centre of Gravity.
What must be accessible at all times whilst loading and stowing ro-ro cargoes?
Fixed cargo lashing points
The vessel's bracket connections to ro-ro decks
During loading of bananas the fruit should be visually inspected frequently to check the quality and for any indications as to its physiological development. Which one of the options given would indicate that the fruit is in suitable condition for shipment?
The bananas are green with a yellow hue. They are not really hard and do not break cleanly.
The bananas are green in colour with patches on the shoulder from the effects of sunshine and have relatively sharp ridges along the length. They can be snapped with sap clinging to the broken parts.
The bananas are yellow with small black spots on the skin. They cannot be snapped but the skin can be peeled off.
The bananas have a uniform green colour with relatively sharp ridges along the length. They can be snapped or broken with sap clinging between the broken parts.
Why is it important to have an efficient fire patrol system on board passenger ships?
To ensure that an outbreak of fire may be prompltly detected
To control that passengers adhere to smoking regulations on board
To verify that the automatic fire-detection system is working properly
To show passengers in public areas we are on duty 24 hrs
In RoRo Cargo Planning What should be considered for the location of stowage of a heavy loads such as transformer, locomotive or work boats?
The discharge port rotation
Requests from the stevedore
The stability of the vessel, access to the location and the SWL of the stowage location
The refrigeration system for the ships provisions consists of a number of cold rooms served by a central refrigeration system. The evaporator coils for the vegetable room are found to be frosting up even though the room is down to temperature and the liquid line valve has closed. Select, from the options given, the automatic control component which is likely to be malfunctioning and so cause this condition.
The low pressure cut out for the compressor.
Thermostatic expansion valve for the meat room.
Back pressure control valve.
The liquid line valve for the flour room.
What is Breaking Stress with regard to cargo lashings?
The maximum stress that can be applied to a cargo lashing
The maximum load that can safely be applied to a cargo lashing
The safe working load of a cargo lashing plus 10 percent
The load beyond which a cargo lashing will deform
The reporting of incidents involving harmful substances and / or marine pollutants is regulated under which international guidelines?
Protocol I of MARPOL 73/78.
The UN Convention on the Reporting of Accidents and Incidents which Present a Hazard to the Marine Environment 2004.
Appendix B of the Supplement to the IMDG Code.
What does ODME mean?
Oil Detecting - Master Evaluating.
Oil Discover Measure Equipment.
Over board Detecting Measure Equipment.
Oil Discharge Monitoring Equipment.
What are the requirements for heat exchangers that are used for heating the cargo during cargo handling operations on an LPG carrier?
The only requirement is that they must be designed and tested to tolerate minus 48 degrees C
They must be designed to withstand temperatures of minus 162 degrees C.
The only requirement is that they must be able to raise the cargo temperature to above 10 degrees C for transfer to shore storage tanks.
They must be designed to withstand the expected operating conditions with respect to pressure and temperature and the materials must be compatible with the cargo.
What is the recommended maximum salt intake per person per day?
2,300 milligrams (0.08 ounce).
635 milligrams (0.02 ounce)
4,600 milligrams (0.16 ounces)
In terms of food temperature, what is considered to be the "danger zone" at which bacteria can flourish?
Above 63 degrees Celsius.
Between 15.6 and 37.8 degrees Celsius.
Between 5 and 63 degrees Celsius.
Why do we use nickel-alloyed steel, stainless steel or aluminium in cargo tank construction on gas carriers designed for LNG and LEG?
Because these metals have a very low thermal expantion coefficient and do not burst of extreme low temperatures
Because these metals cost less than other metal
Because these metals have a high thermal expansion coefficient and do not burst of extream low temperatures
Because the weight on this metals are not so high than other metals
Which statement is correct for a fire door class "A-60"?
It is a requirement to keep class "A-60" fire doors closed for minimum 60 minutes
Class "A-60" fire doors shall be capable of preventing the passage of flame for minimum 60 minutes
Class "A-60" fire doors shall prevent the passage of smoke and flame and the average temperature of the unexposed side shall not rise more than 180
Class "A-60" fire doors must be closed within 60 seconds
What is the SOLAS definition of deadweight?
Deadweight is the difference in tonnes between the displacement of a ship in water of specific gravity 1.025 and the load waterline corresponding to the assigned winter freeboard and the lightweight of the ship
Deadweight is the difference in tonnes between the displacement of a ship in water of specific gravity 1.000 and the load waterline corresponding to the assigned summer freeboard and the lightweight of the ship
Deadweight is the difference, in tonnes, between the displacement of a ship in water of specific gravity 1.025 and the load waterline corresponding to the assigned summer freeboard and the lightweight of the ship
Deadweight is the difference in tonnes between the displacement of a ship at its light and sea-going freeboards
Which one of the listed requirements for passenger ships regarding personal life-saving appliances do not correspond to present regulations?
The 5% extra lifejackets carried on board have to be stowed in conspicuous places on deck or at the muster stations?
Ro-ro passenger ships shall carry at least 2 lifebuoys provided with self-igniting lights an self-activating smoke signals
All lifejackets shall be fitted with reflex, a whistle and a light
All lifejackets shall be fitted with a whistle, a light and a smoke signal
The peak pressure (maximum cylinder pressure) is often taken as an indicator of medium speed engine performance along with other parameters. What would be a typical peak pressure for a modern, highly rated, medium speed diesel engine?
If properly secured what benefits do car carriers have over other ship types regarding seaworthiness?
They are not easily damaged in heavy weather
They can pitch to very large angles without taking in water viathe ramp doors
They can roll to very large angles without taking in water
Their large reserve buoyancy prevents capsizing
Which is the "CAPSTAN", in the figure?
The Capstan is indicated by A, in the figure
The Capstan is indicated by D, in the figure
The Capstan is indicated by C, in the figure
The Capstan is indicated by B, in the figure
All cargo hatch covers on a bulk carrier are to be hose tested in the presence of a surveyor, prior to loading a cargo of steel coils; what should be done to the hatch covers before the test?
Hatch covers in open position
Hatch cover to be lowered by jacks onto seals but not secured
Hatch cover in normal port condition ready to open
Fully secured to a sea- going condition with all side cleats ( if any) fitted
A resistor has three red bands. What is the resistance?
Where is a load-equalising device used?
With parallel lashing rods
With upper and lower crossed lashings
A galley hot plate uses a Nichrome / Magnesium Oxide heating element and is to be tested before being put into service for the first time. An insulation resistance test yields a reading of 0.3 M Ohm. Which action should be taken?
Wash the element in a degreasing agent. Then retest and if ok put it into service.
Put the element into service.
Apply reduced voltage to the element for a few minutes. Then retest and if ok put into service.
As per SOLAS every fast rescue boat shall be provided with:
Thermal protective aids for the number of persons the boat is permitted to accommodate
Emersion suits for each person the boat is permitted to accommodate
3 Thermal protective aids
Thermal protective aids for at least 10% of the persons the boat is permitted to accommodate or two, which ever is greater
On the figure 4 possible definitions of the term "CENTRE LINE" are given. Which one is the correct one?
Centre line is given by B on the figure
Centre line is given by C on the figure
Centre line is given by A on the figure
Centre line is given by D on the figure
In which publication do we find information about the most common liquefied gases?
In ICS Tanker safety guide
In the vessels deck log book
In the International certificate of fitness
What special requirements applies to fire alarm signalling systems in passenger ships
Remote control of fire doors and reactivation of ventilation
Same requirements for Fire alarm systems applies to all ships
Centralized in a continuously manned control station with remote control of fire doors, Indication of open or closed fire doors
Fail safe, Centralized in a continuously manned control station, Remote control of fire doors, Indication of open or closed fire doors, Reactivation of ventilation, Detector status, Back up powered
When a crew member maintains a good standard of individual cleanliness and avoids contact with sources of contamination, which of the following is he said to observing?
Which is the correct method of securing a lashing belt to a vehicle?
By means of a hook facing away from the deck
By means of a hook facing the deck
What is the colour and characteristic of a "towing light", as defined in the International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea?
Amber, all-round, flashing, where it can best be seen.
One of two all-round amber, alternate flashing lights, displayed where they can best be seen.
Yellow, fixed, seen over an arc of 135 degrees and so arranged as to display 67.5 degrees from right aft on each side of the vessel.
White, fixed, displayed as an additional light on the foremast over an arc of 225 degrees, from right ahead to 22.5 degrees abaft the beam on each side of the vessel.
Why is it impossible to have a lifeboat drill at present?
Because the crew will be busy heaving the anchor
Because the ship is leaving after sunset the following day
Because the lifeboats are defected
Because the anchor is damaged, and the ship is drifting away from its anchor zone
What is the meaning of this flag in the International code of signals?
I am in distress and need immediate assistance.
You are running into danger.
You should stop your engines and watch for my signals.
Keep clear of me, I am manoeuvring with difficulty.
Automatic shutdown of the inert gas blowers and gas regulating valve shall be arranged in case of faulty condition in the inert gas system. Which of the following conditions has not correct value (high/low) in relation to automatic stop according to present regulations?
Low water pressure or low water flow rate to the flue gas scrubber
High water level in the flue gas scrubber
High water level in the water seal
Low water level in the water seal