Le test consiste en des questions aléatoires sur un sujet sélectionné.
*In addition to cargo and machinery spaces, which other space, if any, has to be fitted with an approved fixed fire-extinguishing system on a cargo ship where method of protection "I C" has been adopted ?
Emergency batteries store room
No fixed extinguishing systems are generally required for any other spaces protected according to this method
What kind of measure is the division of the vessel in upright areas by using thermic and structural separations?
It is neither a prevention nor a protection measure
It is a prevention measure
It is both a prevention and protection measure
It is a protection measure
What is the minimum number of "International shore connections" that should be provided on vessels of 500 GRT and above?
0- only have to be provided on vessels over 1000 GRT
In pumprooms and pipe tunnels "flameproof" electric light fittings are generally fitted. This means that:
Gas may enter, but even if an explosion takes place the fittings is so strong that the explosion will be contained within it and will not be blow out?
Even if fire occurs, it will not consume the fitting?
The electrical supply will disconnect automatically in cases of fire?
The fitting is completely gastight and no gas can enter into contact with the bulb and electric connections?
Which of the following types of fire extinguishers must be found in an engine room containing an internal combustion engine ?
All of the mentioned must be provided
At least one set of portable air-foam equipment
A sufficient number of foam type fire extinguisher of at least 45 litre capacity (or equivalent)
At least two portable foam extinguishers (or equivalent)
Which element must be removed to extinguish a fire?
Either of the mentioned elements
Fuel oil from a leaking fuel pipe has been collected in a drip tray under the boiler furnace. The oil is suddenly ignited by a backflash from the boiler burner. You are in the boiler room and you may chose among various extinguishers. Which one can you use?
Any of the mentioned extinguishers
The position that is determined by built in GPS-receiver in an Inmarsat-EPIRB has an accuracy of about:
If you discover serious technical deficiencies on your vessel, what would you do?
Report to and discuss with the Master.
Take contact with the manager.
What do we mean with a IOPP certificate?
With IOPP certificate we mean International Oil Pollution Prevention certificate and the ship is classed to prevent oil pollution
With IOPP certificate we mean International Oil Pollution Prevention certificate and it is to prevent oil pollution
There isn’t any IOPP certificate on gas carriers
With IOPP certificate we mean International Oil Pollution Prevention certificate and the certificate prevent oil pollution from the ship
Give the meaning of the following symbol
Secondary means of escape
The vessel has weighed the anchor and is heading for sea. The anchor is to be stowed in position. How?
The anchor to be as far inside hawsepipe as possible and secured by cable stopper
The anchor to be all way in the hawsepipe and secured by the brake
The anchor to be all way in the hawsepipe and secured by brake on winch and wire/chain stopper
The anchor to be all way in the hawsepipe and secured by wire lashings only
A vessel berths at two different jetties under the influence of a 1 knot beam current. At the first jetty the ship has an underkeel clearance of 5 times the draught and at the second the underkeel clearance is only 0.5 times the draught. If the current exerted a force of 50 tonnes on the ship at the first jetty, what would be the approximate force exerted at the second if the draught is the same?
Unchanged, remains at 50 tonnes
What are the advantages of having mooring wires stowed on self-stowing "split drum" winches?
Increased brake holding capacity due to the ability to keep the paid out wire in a single layer on the drum
Less chance of the wire becoming jammed on the reel
All the listed alternatives answers
The ship is in a sharp turn and the log shows sideways motion to port both forward and aft. Where is the "pivot point" located?
At 1/6 of the ship-s length aft of the bow, but in the center line
You are going to leave a crowded anchorage and make a 180 degrees turn. Your ship has a right-handed propeller and you can turn either way. How can you make the turn using as little space as possible?
Full ahead, rudder hard to starboard
Rudder hard to stb. , full ahead. Rudder hard to port, full astern. Repeating this manoeuvre until you have made the turn
Rudder hard to port, full astern. After you gain some sternway, rudder hard to starboard and full ahead
Full ahead, rudder hard to port
When Sen. Deck Off. of both vessels involved have decided which will be the last lines to be let go whilst unmooring, these lines should be made fast as follows on the ship accepting the lines.
By keeping the rope on the warping drum of a deck winch, fig. 3.
By turning up the rope on the bitts, fig. 1.
By putting the eye on the bitts, fig. 2.
By shackling the eye to a strongpoint, fig. 4.
SOLAS regulation requires that tankers of XXX ton dwt must be equipped with an emergency towing system?
What should not be found on the muster list ?
the name of each inoccupants (passengers included, if any)
indications about the substitutes for key persons, in case they become disabled
the duties assigned to the different members of the crew
details of the general emergency alarm signal
*Which one of the following requirements regarding lifebuoys corresponds to present SOLAS regulations ?
not less than half the total number of lifebuoys shall be provided with self-ignition lights.
all lifebuoys shall be placed in holders with quick-release arrangement
at least two lifebuoys on each side of the ship shall be fitted with a buoyant lifeline
at least one lifebuoy shall be placed in the vicinity of the bow
Give the meaning of the following symbol:
Which of the following fittings shall be provided to all lifeboats:
a remotely operated steering arrangement
one drain valve fitted near the lowest point in the hull, except for free-fall lifeboats
an electric power starting system for the propulsion engine with one rechargeable energy source
permanent boarding arrangements on both sides to enable persons in the water to board the lifeboat
Which item among those below is included in the normal equipment of every lifeboat ?
one copy of the prescribed life-saving signals
one immersion suit for each person
sea-charts and navigating equipment
Which item among those below is included in the normal equipment of every lifeboat ?
one immersion suit for each person
a manual pump for effective bailing
sea-charts and navigating equipment
Which one of the listed requirements regarding enclosures of totally enclosed lifeboats do not correspond to present regulations? The totally enclosed lifeboats shall:
automatically attain a position in damaged condition, providing an above water escape for its occupants
have safety belts to be designed to hold a person of 100 kg securely in place with the lifeboat in a capsized position
have self-bailing arrangements
have automatic self-righting abilities
Which one of the listed requirements regarding the stowage of a survival craft do not correspond with present regulation? (SOLAS III/13.1) Each survival craft shall be stowed:
in a secure and sheltered position and protected from damage by fire or explosion
so that neither craft nor stowage arrangement interfere with the general operation of the ship
in a state of continuos readiness so that two crewmembers can prepare for embarkation and launching in less than 5 minutes
as near the water surface as is safe and practicable
What is the meaning of this symbol ?
How many rocket parachute flares are carried in each liferaft?
What is the meaning of this symbol ?
The Training Manual shall contain instructions and information on the life-saving appliances and the best method of survival. Which of following detailed explanations of crew duties in relation to emergency situations shall be contained therein?
Correct donning of fire protective clothing
The use of oars and sails for survival crafts
The method of release from launching appliances
The use of navigational equipment for survival crafts
Which of the following detailed explanations should be mentioned in the Training Manual ?
The use of the ship's line throwing apparatus
The use of surface to air visual signals to be used by survivors
The use of escape routes and other escape methods
The use of navigational equipment for survival crafts
The muster list shall specify details of general alarm signal and also actions to be taken by crew and passengers when the alarm is sounded. Which of the following actions do not necessarily have to be included in the muster list? The muster list shall:
specify substitutes for key persons who may become disabled
specify how the order to abandon ship will be given
be prepared and approved by the Administration before the ship proceeds to sea
specify which officers are assigned to ensure that life-saving and fire-fighting appliances are maintained in good condition
What is minimum equipment needed for entering a tank or void space that is not gas free or does not contain sufficient oxygen?
Good quality face mask and a safety line.
Coverall and safety shoes.
Self contained breathing apparatus in addition to normal safety equipment.
The "inner bottom" is the :
Compartment between the tank top and shell of the vessel
Inner side of the vessel-s shell
Space between two transverse bottom frames
You are in an area of restricted visibility and hear this signal. It is repeated at two minute intervals. What does it indicate?
That there are two more vessels nearby.
That there is another vessel in the vicinity and that she has just altered course to port.
That there is another vessel nearby, that she is underway, but stopped and making no way through the water.
That there is another vessel nearby, but that she is at anchor.
When there is doubt about the freshness of the atmosphere in enclosed or confined spaces, what action should be taken?
Ro-ro decks are always ventilated in advance of an operation
Open both bow- and stern doors
Arrangements should be made for testing of the atmosphere to ensure maintenance of 21% oxygen and a carbon monoxide content below 50 ppm in the atmosphere of the space
Supply filter masks to all crew working on ro-ro deck
When carrying LNG cargoes it is useful to have information about its thermodynamic properties. What is a common source of information that can be used to obtain values for a wide range of these properties?
Material safety data sheet.
When we are using a diode to convert AC to DC, it is usually referred to as a
LNG carriers are fitted with a deck water spray system? In addition to providing protection against fire and protection for the crew and cooling in the event of a fire in the cargo area, what is the other main purpose of having this system?
To heat the cargo area in case of a cargo spill incident.
To make it easier for the crew to keep the decks clean.
To extinguish fires inside the cargo tanks.
To flush cargo spill overboard and protect crew in case of a cargo spill incident.
You are the Officer on Watch on an oil tanker during a discharging operation. An alarm on the Inert Gas Plant indicates that no inert gas is being supplied to replace the discharging cargo. What will you do?
Continue discharging with the cargo pumps running at minimum speed.
Slow down and relieve the vacuum by opening the tanks lids.
Immediately stop the discharging.
Activate the inert fans and blow fresh air into the cargo tanks.
You are burning garbage containing plastics. What shall you do with the ashes from the vessel's incinerator?
Discharge at sea providing you are not in any river or estuary
Discharge the ashes at sea providing you are more than 25 nautical miles offshore
Discharge the ashes to a shore facility
Nothing, ashes from any substance which is incinerated can be discharged over board
What is the name of the device used for supervising all the ballast water to be pumped over board?
Ballast Supervising Monitor. (BSM).
Oil Detection Monitoring Equipment.(ODME).
Ballast Handling Monitor.(BHM).
Why is it necessary to have an effective ballast water management plan which includes provision for changing out ballast in open water rather than discharging ballast in coastal waters?
To allow ballast tank inspections to be carried out during ballast passage.
To keep the ballast water fresh in the ballast tanks during long voyages.
To avoid the introduction of non-indigenous species of marine life from one area to another.
To ensure that ballast tanks are always pressed up during a ballast voyage to avoid free surface effects.
Many LPG carriers are designed to carry the cargo in a fully refrigerated condition. What is the normal maximum cargo tank pressure on a fully refrigerated LPG carrier?
Why is it important to keep the condensate pH value within the correct range when operating steam boilers?
To prevent corrosion in the feed system.
To minimise oxygen content in the feed waters.
To minimise dissolved gases in the feed water.
To prevent sludge forming in the feed tank.
The purpose of profiling is to?
Categorize people based on their nationality and ethnicity.
Make judgements about people based on heir appearance.
Identify different personality types.
Get beneath the outer shell of an individual to obtain a more complete picture.
Severe piston ring and liner wear are experienced in two cylinders of a medium speed diesel engine shortly after a complete overhaul of all of the cylinders of the engine. The engine is fitted throughout with chrome plated cylinder liners. Which of the given options is the most likely cause of the excessive wear in the two cylinders?
The oil control rings have been fitted upside down in the two cylinders.
Chrome plated piston rings have been mistakenly fitted to the two cylinders.
Cast iron piston rings have been mistakenly fitted to the two cylinders.
The running in period for the engine was too short.
On a Container vessel, what do you call the corners of a container which house the twistlocks?
What are the type of signal output is derived from a NiCr/Ni thermocouple?
Which part of the crankshaft of a modern large two stroke diesel engine is most likely to be the origin point for crack initiation during service and therefore needs the greatest attention during maintenance inspection?
The dowel pins and dowel holes
Which types of compressors are used as cargo compressors onboard gas carriers?
One, two and three stage piston compressors.
One, two and three stage screw compressors.
Oil free screw and piston compressors.
Piston, screw and centrifugal type compressors.
Is it required that the PA-system (Public Address) is connected to a back-up power sypply?
No, the crew will inform the passengers in case of any black out or power failure
Yes, only if the voyage is more than 12 hours
Yes, the public address system shall be connected to the emergency source of power
You are going to inspect a fresh water tank together with one of the Engineers. Is it safe enough to open the manhole and enter the tank (it is only fresh water) or do you have to take extra precautions before entering?
Use a breathing apparatus if the oxygen level is below 21%
Bring a flashlight and put on safety shoes
Make sure that the tank/ enclosed space is gas free, ventilated and the oxygen content is measured. O2 content shall be 21% before entering the tank/ enclosed space
Remember to have a colleague standing by to assist you if any problems
What extra precautions should be taken by the officers and crew if some of the passengers are disabled, i.e. using wheelchair, cane, blind etc.?
Locate them in large cabins to ease their stay.
Passenger with some form for disability must travel with accompany, and live in same cabin or next door.
They must be placed in cabins on the same level as the muster station.
All passengers that will require extra assistance, also in case of an emergency situation/ evacuation, must be registered in order to allocate crew to assist them if needed.
How frequently should the PA-system (Public Address) be tested?
On a Container vessel, when will a lashing plate crack or buckle?
When lashings lead vertically from the plate
When the lashings and plate are in the same plane
When the lashings and plate are not in the same plane
When more than one lashing is attached to a plate
To whom should you report when the bow port or stern ramp is closed and secured?
The bridge/ Officer on watch
How often shall drills for the operation of watertight doors, side scuttles, valves and closing mechanism of scuppers, ash-chutes and rubbish chutes take place in passenger ships?
When washing a cargo hold of a bulk carrier prior to loading a cargo of steel products, why is the space washed down with salt water and then fresh water?
To maintain safe access by hold ladders
To assisting in drying the hold space
To prevent damage to paint coatings
To remove all traces of salt that would possibly contaminate the cargo if water drops onto the cargo
What type of damage does a cargo of steel coils sustain when loaded on a General Cargo ship?
Chemical reactions between the steel banding and outer envelope
What should be done if a vessel is trimmed outside the limits of its trim correction tables during a draught survey?
Bring the vessel to within the trim limits imposed by the tank sounding tables prior to carrying out the survey
Ask the attending surveyors to extrapolate the tables for the excessive trim
Bring the vessel to within the trim limits imposed by the tank sounding tables prior to taking tank soundings
Consult the classification society concerned
Measurement of oil cargoes is often achieved with a "UTI" device. What do the letters "UTI" stand for?
Ullage Topping Instrument.
Ullage Temperature Interface.
Passenger ships have a normal requirement of 1 lifejacket per person + 10% for children. In addition to this, how many lifejackets have to be stowed in conspicuous places on deck or at the muster stations?
A range of dangerous goods are to be loaded on a General Cargo Vessel; the segregation requirements of the cargo are given in which publication?
The Cargo Securing manual
The IMO International Maritime Dangerous Goods Code
Which of these actions should crew take if a suspicious object that may be a bomb is located during a search?
Cover the suspicious object with a box or blanket.
Place the object in a desk drawer or file cabinet.
Throw the object overboard.
Confirm with their search partner that the object found is suspicious.
The majority of marine diesel engines operate with either a pulse or a constant pressure turbocharging system. What is the main difference between these two systems?
Pulse systems have all of the cylinder exhausts connected to a common large exhaust gas manifold
Pulse systems always have a turbocharger for each group of three cylinders.
Constant pressure systems have all engine cylinder exhausts connected to a common large exhaust gas manifold.
Constant pressure systems only ever have a single turbocharger irrespective of the number of cylinders on the engine.
What can be done to minimize the reduction of GM due to free surface?
Close all watertight doors.
Reduce the number of slack tanks.
Load liquids into only one tank at a time
Load fluids only into tanks with transverse subdivision bulkheads
How should structural steel products be supported in a cargo hold?
Fore and aft dunnage spaced 3m apart provided in a vertically straight line at every tier
Athwartships dunnage spaced 1.5m apart provided in a vertically straight line at every tier
Athwartships dunnage spaced 3m apart provided in a vertically straight line at every tier
Fore and aft dunnage spaced 1.5m apart provided in a vertically straight line at every tier
Cargo hoses intended for liquefied gas carriers have to be prototyped tested before being approved. When new hoses of an already approved type are received onboard they also need to be pressure tested before being put into service. What are the IMO Gas Code requirements for such hoses before they are put into service?
Not less than 1.5 times the specified maximum working pressure or more than two fifths of bursting pressure at the expected cargo carriage temperature.
5 times the specified maximum working pressure at ambient temperature.
5 times the specified maximum working pressure at expected cargo carriage temperature.
Not less than 1.5 times the specified maximum working pressure or more than two fifths of bursting pressure at ambient temperature.
What will immediately diminish the function of a dovetail fitting?
Signs of corrosion of the adjacent deck plating
Rust stains around the welded seam
Which of the following is an artificial sweetener?
What is the maximum design working pressure for an Independent Type A cargo tank as may be used for the cargo containment system of a fully refrigerated LPG/Ammonia carrier?
A general cargo is loaded in Brazil on a General Cargo Vessel bound for Europe in winter time; what are the ventilation requirements in the cargo spaces?
Ventilation would not usually be carried out as the vessel is moving from a cold area to a warmer area?
Ventilation would only be carried out just prior to discharge
Ventilation would be occasionally carried out as the vessel is moving from a cold area to a warmer area
Ventilation would normally be required as the vessel is moving from warm to colder areas
What would you do if you saw a stevedore starting to lash a container whilst other containers were being stowed above it?
Tell him to wait until overhead containers have been stowed
Inform the stevedoring foreman
What is the meaning of the term “Span” of a transducer
The length between the connecting flanges
Type of standard output signal according to ISO
The maximum output signal when you have a minimum process value
The difference between maximum and minimum measurement that gives a standard output signal
While getting tools ready and preparing for overhaul work on the main engine the engine room rating notices that the electrical extension is damaged. A small section of the cables outer insulation is split although the inner insulation appears ok. What action should the rating take?
Carry on using the extension after wrapping insulation tape over the damaged section as it is only minor damage.
Just use the extension as it is since the damage is only to the outer insulation and the inner insulation appears ok.
Cut off the end of the cable including the damaged section and refit the plug to the end of the remaining cable before using the extension.
Label the damaged extension as unfit for use and return it to the store for testing and get a replacement extension.
When a blackout occurs: what should be your first reaction?
Investigate the cause of the blackout
Inform the Chief Engineer
Inform the bridge about the reason for blackout, and expected time to restart.
A cargo of frozen tuna is being loaded onto a conventional reefer vessel. Without using a pulp thermometer, which of the given options would give an indication that the fish was in good condition.
The surface of the fish would feel hard to the touch.
The fish would sound solid and make a thump sound when dropped.
The surface of the fish would feel cold to the touch.
The fish would sound like wood when dropped or tapped with a hammer.
The circuit diagrams illustrate four different methods of wiring between a Pt 100 temperature sensor and its signal processing electronics. Which of the wiring methods gives the best measuring accuracy?
As part of the regular maintenance for a paramagnetic oxygen analyser used for measuring the oxygen content of exhaust gas it is important to keep the sample line filter as clean as possible. Why is this necessary with this type of instrument?
The filter may rupture due to the high pressures generated by the sample pump.
The pressure drop across the filter may damage the sampling pump.
A high flow rate is required in order to deflect the sensing element.
Pressure variations in the sample chamber can cause errors so restrictions must be kept to a minimum.
When selecting switchgear to work with High Voltage it is important to use an appropriate arcing medium. What is meant by arcing medium?
The way in which the contacts separate as the switchgear operates.
Equipment which communicates information about the arcing.
A material which assists a welding process.
The gas or vapour which will minimise creation of an electric arc as contacts open.
During inspection and calibration of one unit, you observe the situation shown. The conclusion is clover leafing. The main engine uses high grade TBN cylinder oil. What do you have to do in order to reduce wear?
Contact engine maker for advice.
Increase the jacket cooling water temperature to avoid the sulfur dew point
Decrease jacket cooling water temperature to avoid heat stress
Increase cylinder oil consumption to neutralize the sulfur
On the figure 4 possible definitions of the term "FORECASTLE" are given. Which one is the correct one?
Forecastle is given by C on the figure
Forecastle is given by B on the figure
Forecastle is given by A on the figure
Forecastle is given by D on the figure
How should a crew member on duty prevent scratching vehicles?
By removing his safety helmet when approaching a vehicle
By maintaining a safe distance from all vehicles
By wearing gloves at all times
By not wearing or carrying any external metal accessories
What is the optimum cargo lashing angle against sliding?
Where will you find instructions on how reduce or control an oil spill during bunker operations on a General Cargo vessel?
In the company's safety manual
In the Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plan (SOPEP)
What is common between a clover leaf and crinkle bar?
They are items of portable lashing equipment
They are parts of a loading ramp
They are tools used for tightening ro-ro lashings
They are items of fixed lashing equipment
What will a cadet find in the maintenance manual?
A Cadet will find machinery spare parts in the maintenance manual
A Cadet will find a lubricating chart in the maintenance manual
A Cadet will find grease nipples in the maintenance manual
A Cadet will find grease in the maintenance manual
What is the main reason for adding inhibitors to some liquefied gas cargoes such as ethylene oxide and vinyl chloride?
To reduce the boil-off rate of the cargo.
To prevent polymerisation of the cargo.
To control the temperature of the cargo.
To reduce the toxicity of the cargo.
Which of the following answers most suitably cover the standard duties of the bridge Officer of the Watch when the ship is at anchorage?
Display the anchor signal, patrol the ship frequently and check the anchor chain for dragging
Display anchor signal, check the ships position and keep a good lookout
Display the anchor signal and ensure the ship swings the same way at each change of tide
Display anchor signals and keep a good lookout of other ships in the area