Le test consiste en des questions aléatoires sur un sujet sélectionné.
Fire protected lifeboats when waterborne should be capable of protecting its full complement when subjected to a continuous oil fire that envelops the boat for a period of not less than how many minutes?
Give the meaning of the following symbol
Survival craft distress pyrotechnic signals
Buoy fitted with line throwing appliance
To maintain a fire, three conditions need to be met: Oxygen, combustible material and sufficient temperature for combustion. What subject must be removed to extinguish the fire?
Either of the mentioned alternatives.
Heat, Oxygen and combustible material.
A class D fire involves what type of material?
Wood or other carbonaceous material
In accommodation spaces, where must manually operated call points be located?
In messrooms, public lounges and other public rooms
In all crew and passenger cabins
In stairways and escape routes
At exits and in corridors
*May liquid fuel, lubricating oil or other flammable oils be carried in a forepeak tank?
It depends on the flash point
It depends on the type of trade of the vessel
Water is the extinguishing agent which is the most widely employed and its action as an extinguishing agent is due to a combination of the following phenomena:
Cooling, inhibition and dispersion
Smothering and inhibition
Cooling, smothering and dispersion
Smothering and dispersion
*In case each hydrant is not fitted with hose and nozzles, what is the requirement ?
Hoses with fixed nozzles must be kept ready for use in conspicuous positions near the hydrants
There must be a complete interchangeability of hose couplings and nozzles
Hoses and nozzles for each hydrant must be available at the fire stations
At each fire station, sufficient number of hoses with nozzles for the hydrants in the area shall be available
What has to be done before the central gas extinguishing system is used on a fire in engine rooms, cargo holds or other confined spaces?
All openings to the compartment must be closed
Make sure that the compartment has been evacuated
*The smoke detector (fire indicator) indicates a fire in a cargo hold loaded with general cargo; this is immediately followed by a heavy smell of fire. What action should be taken first?
Inspect the scene before deciding the method to be used for fire-fighting
Start the fire pumps, open the hatches and start fighting the fire with fire hoses
Use the ship's central gas-extinguishing system to put out the fire
Close the ventilation system and other openings to the hold in order to choke the fire
*You are carrying out a search in a smoke filled compartment wearing a breathing apparatus. At what stage should you start to make your way out of the compartment?
Wait for the appropriate signal on your safety line as the personnel outside will be keeping a track of the time you have spent inside
Wait until the breathing apparatus warning whistle sounds.
Regularly check your pressure gauge and note how much air you used to reach your work area. Start to return when you have this amount left plus a reasonable reserve
15 minutes after starting to use the set as this leaves you with five minutes air left
Automatically connected telephone calls via INMARSAT A are charged
on the basis of a one minimum charge with one minute incremental steps
on the basis of a six second minimum charge with six second incremental steps
on the basis of a three minute minimum charge with one minute incremental steps
on the basis of a six second minimum charge with one second incremental steps
The maximum working pressure of a cargo hose should normally not be less than :
A strain occurs when a muscle or group of muscles is over- stretched and possibly torn, by violent or sudden movement. Strain can be caused by lifting heavy weights incorrectly. The treatment of strain may be remembered as the word RICE.What is RICE an abbreviation for?
Right Internal Cooperative Ending.
Rubber, Internal, Careful, Estimation.
Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation.
Rest, Injury, Care, Evaluation.
Why should water ballast not in general be carried in tanks intended for oil fuel in passenger ships?
Risk of ship stability problems
Risk of engine stop due to water in fuel oil
Risk of corroded fuel oil tanks
You are duty officer on board a vessel in open sea. The look out is doing work and you are alone on the bridge, presently checking the position in the chartroom. Suddenly you are colliding with a fishing vessel. You will be most to blame for the collision, because of:
You should ask over VHF if there is any vessels in the surronding waters before going to the chart room.
You shall always give the "keep away" signal when doing chart work.
The fishing vessel should have kept away and you will not be blamed.
You did not maintain a proper look - out by all available means.
What is CSS an abbreviation for?
Co-ordinator Surface Search
Co-ordination Ship Search
Control Center of Survivors
The vessel has anchored. You are to secure the anchor. How do you do it?
By use of the brake on the winch with the motor in gear.
By use of the brake on the winch.
By use of securing wires and brake.
By use of cable stopper backed up by brake with chain slightly slack between stopper and winch.
When handing over the con of a vessel to a pilot, should the Master insist in discussing the passage plan with the pilot while he is there to use his local knowledge and advice on the navigation of the ship?
The passage is well established and known by the pilot and a plan is therefore not necessary
The pilot would probably consider it unnecessary, be more interested in knowing the ship's characteristics and resist any passage planning discussions with the Master.
A pilot is responsible for the navigation whilst on board and will be very familiar with what is required, therefore discussing the passage plan is not necessary
A passage plan should be discussed between the Master and pilot, when under pilotage in the same way as discussed with the bridge team when deep sea
Which of the following answers would best define the term "risk"?
Risk is the possibility that a dangerous situation is likely to occur
Risk means something more dangerous than normal is likely to occur
Risk is a situation involving exposure to danger and includes both identification of the occurrence and the likelihood that it will happen.
Risk is the term to identify a dangerous situation which will affect the ship
Give the meaning of this symbol:
lifebuoy with light and smoke
Give the meaning of this symbol:
lifebuoy with light and smoke
The minimum number of lifebuoys required for a cargo ship cannot be less than:
the minimum number of lifebuoys required on a cargo ship depends on:
the number of persons on board
the sea area in which the ship is allowed to sail.
Give the meaning of the following symbol:
Which one of the listed requirements regarding immersion suits do not correspond to present regulations? The immersion suit shall be made of waterproof materials and constructed such that:
it will cover the whole body with the exception of the face
it can be unpacked and donned without assistance within 2 minutes
it will have sufficient built in buoyancy to avoid the use of a lifejacket
it is provided with arrangements to reduce free air in the legs of the suit
What is the meaning of this symbol ?
What is the meaning of this symbol ?
Survival craft pyrotechnic distress signals
Which of the following detailed explanations should be mentioned in the Training Manual ?
How to use escape routes and other escape methods
How to use navigational equipment for survival crafts
How to don lifejackets, immersion suits and anti-exposure suits, as appropriate
How to use surface to air visual signals to be used by survivors
What kind of safety equipment must be worn during mooring operations?
Safety helmet, safety shoes.
Boiler suit, working gloves.
All of the mentioned equipment.
Dress according to the climate.
What is the purpose of explosimeters?
Measure the amount of explosive gases in % of LEL.
Measure electric charging in the atmosphere.
Check how much time you have before an explosion.
Check the power of the explosions in a combustion engine.
What action would you take if confirmed boiler water test results showed that the pH of the water in the boiler was below 7?
Blow the boiler and top up again with untreated feed water.
Retest the water after increasing the treatment chemical dosage.
Nothing, this is an acceptable value for the pH of boiler water.
Retest the water after decreasing the treatment chemical dosage.
What is the most important reason for separating a panicking passenger from the group?
It is easier to calm the person down in private.
You want to protect the panicking person as much as possible.
You don't want other passengers to hear if you have to become very strict with the panicking person.
Panic can spread and affect other passengers.
What is the meaning of instrument calibration
Comparing input and output values against a documented standard
Comparing two instruments of the same type
Turning gauge too an easy reading position
Adjusting size to fit process connection
Which of these is correct?
What is the substance added to a dough mixture to make it rise, during the baking of bread?
On a Container vessel, what is the function of a lashing plate?
As tie down point for turnbuckles on deck or hatch cover
A means of securing buttresses under-deck
A means of securing the hatch covers
A means of securing lashing chains
Semi-pressurised liquefied gas carriers are often fitted with direct, single stage reliquefaction plants for cooling the cargo and dealing with boil off vapours. What cooling medium is usually used in the condenser to condense the cargo vapours for this type of system?
The correct time to synchronise is usually taken to be when the synchroscope reaches the "5 to 12" position and is rotating slowly clockwise. This to allow for:
Generator phase difference error
Circuit breaker operating time
Synchroscope pointer time lag
What is the two letter signal, to be used by flags, radiotelephony or radiotelegraphy, meaning "Calling All Ships".
Approximately how many days will fresh cucumbers usually last in cold storage?
Which of the following detectors will you choose for detecting smoke from fire?
At what time should lashings be released?
The crew can release lashings prior to arrival to avoid any delays.
As soon as the weather conditions are favourable, lashings can be released.
Lashings should be released when the ship enters enclosed waters.
Lashings should not be released for unloading before the ship is secured at the berth, without the Master's express permission.
A crosshead pin for a large bore 2-stroke diesel engine has to be refurbished following bearing failure. The surface finish required is measured as a centre line average, CLA. Select, from the options given, the standard of finish that should be achieved during the refurbishment.
A deadweight tester is used to check and calibrate a pressure gauge. The tester consists of a hydraulic pump and a hydraulic chamber and balance weight system. After completing the calibration of the pressure gauge the hydraulic pressure should be relieved before removing the weights. Select, from the options given, the main reason for this requirement.
To protect the pressure gauge from a surge in pressure as the weights are removed.
To protect the hydraulic balance system from a pressure surge as the weights are removed.
To protect the piston in the hydraulic system from possible impact damage as it may reach the end of its stroke.
To protect the hydraulic pump from a pressure surge as the weights are removed.
You are on a power-driven vessel underway in open water. You sight these lights on the port bow, on a steady bearing. The distance is closing. What are you looking at and what action will you take in compliance with the International Regulations for Preventing Collision at Sea?
This is a power-driven vessel, more than 50 metres in length or less than 50 metres in length and showing a second masthead light, restricted in her ability to manoeuvre. The sidelight of a second vessel can be seen beyond her. Under rule 18, I am obliged to keep clear of the first vessel and will therefore take appropriate avoiding action.
This is a power-driven vessel engaged in towing, less than 50 metres in length, length of tow under 200 metres and the tow, both being restricted in their ability to manoeuvre, seen from the starboard side. Under rule 18, I am required to keep clear and will take appropriate avoiding action.
This is a power-driven vessel engaged in towing, more than 50 metres in length or less than 50 metres in length and showing a second masthead light, length of tow 200 metres or more, not under command. I will keep clear under rule 27.
This is a power-driven vessel engaged in towing, more than 50 metres in length or less than 50 metres in length and showing a second masthead light and the tow, the combined length of which is under 200 metres. The towing vessel is restricted in her ability to manoeuvre. I am seeing their starboard sides. The bearing is steady and risk of collision therefore exists. I will maintain my course and speed under rule 17.
Which of the options represents the best action to take when an item of machinery, which normally operates in automatic mode, is operated in 'manual' mode?
Have someone permanently stationed at the machine in case of an operational problem.
Keep the Chief Engineer informed of machines performance on an hourly basis.
Change over all other machinery to manual mode of operation.
Monitor the operation of the machinery on a frequent basis.
Which of the following should be available alongside the hand-washing facilities in the galley?
A bacterial liquid soap dispenser.
A light with a waterproof switch or pull chord.
A re-usable cotton towel on a rack.
In discussing segregation, the IMDG Code defines what it means by the term "separated from". Which of the following is that definition?
Either in a vertical or horizontal separation: if the intervening decks are not resistant to fire and liquid, then only in a longitudinal separation is acceptable. For "on deck" stowage, this means a distance of at least 12 metres. This distance also applies to one package stowed "on deck" and another in an upper compartment.
With an intervening compartment, being both a vertical and horizontal separation. Provided an intervening deck is resistant to liquid and fire, a vertical separation of 6 metres is acceptable. For "on deck" stowage, this segregation means a distance of at least 12 metres irrespective of compartment divisions.
Effectively segregated so that the incompatible goods cannot interact dangerously in the event of an accident, but may be transported in the same compartment or hold or on deck, provided a horizontal separation, projected vertically, of 3 metres is obtained.
In different compartments or holds when stowed "under deck". Provided an intervening deck is resistent to fire and liquid, a vertical separation may be accepted as equivalent. For "on deck" stowage, this segregation means a distance of at least 6 metres.
The figure shows the cross section of a ship floating in water with the hull coloured in red and the seabed below the vessel shaded. On this figure there are four (4) possible definitions of the term "UNDERKEEL CLEARANCE" given. Which one is the correct one?
Underkeel clearance is given by B on the figure
Underkeel clearance is given by D on the figure
Underkeel clearance is given by A on the figure
Underkeel clearance is given by C on the figure
Which of the following would normally only be found in cargo holds which can also be used for ballast on a Bulk Carrier?
Permanently fitted dunnage
Light reflective paint coatings and fixed lighting systems
Bilges systems fitted with two way valves
Sacrificial anodes and water resistant expoxy paint coatings
Emergency instructions in appropriate languages shall be posted in passenger cabins. What information shall as a minimum be included in the emergency instructions?
Where to find thermal protective aids
The method of donning life-jackets, escape routes and alarm signals
Escape routes and alarm signals
What is the purpose of fixed stacking cones?
To prevent the horizontal movement of 20’containers at tank top level
To prevent the horizontal movement of 40’containers at tank top level
To lock 20’containers in 40’ cell guides
To prevent movement of 20’and 40’ containers at deck level
Which of the 4 alternatives shows the symbol for a PNP transistor?
In the context of ship design, what does the abbreviation "OBO" stand for?
On a RoRo vessel, what should be done when cargoes that transmit stack loads are to be loaded onto the vessel's decks or hatch covers?
Weld additional steel plates to the deck and/or hatch covers where stack loads are transmitted
Load the cargo under-deck instead
Stow the cargo on timbers of sufficient thickness so as to distribute the stack load
On a Container vessel, why are twistlocks preferred as a means of securing containers compared to cone-based lashing systems?
Because cargo securing manuals do not allow for cone-based lashing systems
Because cone-based lashing systems are not type-approved by classification societies
Because cone-based lashing systems are more prone to failure than twistlocks
Because twistlocks provide uplift resistance as well as horizontal restraint, helping to prevent containers from falling overboard in heavy weather
What kind of information do we get from a Mollier diagram?
We get information about enthalpy, specific volume of liquid, liquid/ vapour mixture, temperature of vapour when pressure is known, pressure in cargo tank when the liquid temperature is known etc.
We get information about enthalpy, liquid/ vapour mixture, temperature of vapour when pressure is known etc.
We get information about enthalpy, specific volume of vapour, liquid/ vapour mixture, temperature of vapour when pressure is known etc.
The majority of marine diesel engines operate with either a pulse or a constant pressure turbocharging system. What is the main difference between these two systems?
Pulse systems have all of the cylinder exhausts connected to a common large exhaust gas manifold
Pulse systems always have a turbocharger for each group of three cylinders.
Constant pressure systems have all engine cylinder exhausts connected to a common large exhaust gas manifold.
Constant pressure systems only ever have a single turbocharger irrespective of the number of cylinders on the engine.
"What do crew, visitors and contractors all have in common?"
They’re all employees of the ship.
They’re all onboard the ship for the duration of its voyage.
They all have opportunity to smuggle drugs.
They’re all trained in ship emergency procedures.
During maintenance work on a main diesel engine the fuel injection valve is found to be jammed in the pocket in the cylinder cover. Which of the procedures given in the options should be followed in order to complete the work?
With the fuel injection valve retaining nuts removed admit compressed air into the engine cylinder to try and blow the injection valve out of the pocket.
Replace the complete cylinder cover with a spare unit and land the cover with the jammed valve ashore for repair in a specialist workshop.
Remove the cylinder cover and try and drive the injection valve out of the pocket from the underside with a hammer and punch.
Wedge a bar between the piston top and the bottom of the injector and use the turning gear to force the injection valve out.
You are going to inspect a fresh water tank together with one of the Engineers. Is it safe enough to open the manhole and enter the tank (it is only fresh water) or do you have to take extra precautions before entering?
Make sure that the tank/ enclosed space is gas free, ventilated and the oxygen content is measured. O2 content shall be 21% before entering the tank/ enclosed space
Bring a flashlight and put on safety shoes
Use a breathing apparatus if the oxygen level is below 21%
Remember to have a colleague standing by to assist you if any problems
How can the ship’s master prove that a vessel is British?
By showing survey certificates issued by Lloyds Register in London
By showing the ship-s register
By showing a Certificate of Equivalent Competency issued by the MCA
Some main propulsion medium speed engine installations operate with a hydraulic oil type fluid coupling between the engine and the reduction gearbox instead of a mechanical clutch. With this type of installation a separate flexible coupling is not normally fitted. Why is a separate flexible coupling usually omitted from this type of installation?
There is insufficient room to fit a flexible coupling between the engine and gearbox when a fluid coupling is fitted.
There are no engine torque variations in the drive when a fluid coupling is used so a flexible coupling is not required.
The hydraulic fluid in the coupling isolates the gearbox from the engine vibrations.
There is natural slippage between the drive and driven parts of the fluid coupling and a flexible coupling would prevent this slippage.
On a General Cargo vessel, what action should be taken when the discharge equipment such as chain slings to be used by stevedores, are considered unsuitable by ships staff?
Provide ships equipment to discharge
Inform stevedores of concern and protest by letter
Continue discharge as planned and inform Designated Person Ashore(DPA)
What paint coating should be used in a cargo hold of a bulk carrier, when the hold may be used for the carriage of grains?
Any paint type can used in these spaces
Paint must be epoxy based
Approved for use in cargo spaces that may carry edible cargoes
Cargo spaces must not be painted
What type of cargo shall always be secured?
The driver must ask the crew to secure the vehicle and its cargo
Tank lorries should always be secured.
Freight vehicles carrying dangerous goods and adjacent vehicles should always be secured.
No cargo or vehicles have to be secured if the weather conditions are favourable.
Before entering the cargo tank of an LNG carrier it will be necessary to inert and then aerate and gas free the tank. What is the atmospheric content of oxygen that is required before tank entry is allowed?
Who is responsible for implementation of working environment work on board?
Both master and shipping company.
What is the correct understanding of the tem "Angle of Loll" when applied to ships stability?
The angle the ship will lie when the ship has a negative GM
The maximum angle to which the ship rolls when rolling in a seaway.
The angle the ship will lie when it has suffered a shift of cargo.
The angle of heel which the ship must reach before suffering progressive flooding through deck ventilators.
What information is required on passengers prior to departure?
All persons on board shall be counted and details of persons who have declared a need for special care or assistance in emergency situations shall be recorded and communicated to the Master
The safety officer shall count the number of passengers
It is sufficient to count the number of passengers prior to departure
Details and number of persons who have declared a need for special care or assistance in emergency situations shall be recorded and communicated to the Master
In a PID controller we have possibility to change the setting of the Proportional band (P), the Reset time (1) and the Rate time (D). Please indicate which curve shows the typical response to a change in input, if the setting of the proportional band is too wide.
On a RoRo vessel, which of these stowage situations produces high friction that does not allow movement of the cargo?
A single tier of dunnage placed between vehicles and steel decks
Steel plates placed between vehicles and steel decks
Vehicles in direct contact with steel decks
Two tiers of dunnage placed between vehicles and steel decks
On a RoRo vessel, what is the Maximum Securing Load of single use wire ropes?
65% of the breaking strength
80% of the breaking strength
75% of the breaking strength
Is it permitted to load fully refrigerated propane directly onto a fully pressurised LPG carrier without additional conditioning of the cargo or cargo spaces?
Only if the loading rate is kept below 100m3/h.
Only if the cargo containment system is designed for temperatures of minus 48 degrees C or less.
Fully refrigerated propane can be loaded directly onto this type of vessel under any circumstances
Only if the vessel is equipped with cargo cooling plant
A high speed diesel engine has been subject to a major overspeed incident due to governor failure. During checks for damage it is found that some of the bottom end bolts have slackened off slightly. There appears to be no other damage to any of the bearings, the running gear or to the crankshaft. From the options given select the action to be taken before bringing the engine back into service.
Renew all of the bottom end bolts.
Retighten the bottom end bolts that were slack back to the recommended torque.
Renew all of the running gear for the engine including the crankshaft and bearings.
Renew all of the bottom end bolts that were found slack.
What would be understood by the message "A yacht has capsized in heavy seas"??
The message means the vessel is taking in water.
The message means the yacht has been overturned in heavy seas
The message means the yacht has lost its Captain in heavy seas
The message means the vessel is experiencing heavy seas and may need assistance
What is the purpose of a draught survey on a bulk carrier?
To calculate the vessels lightship displacement
To calculate the vessels constant
To calculate shear forces at the bulkheads
To calculate the quantity of bulk cargo loaded or discharged
What would be a typical value for the set point for shut down of a large 2-stroke diesel engine due to thrust bearing high temperature?
What letter is represented by this flag and what is it's meaning when displayed by a vessel in port?
P - All persons should report on board as the vessel is about to proceed to sea.
W - All persons should report on board as the vessel is about to proceed to sea.
S - I am operating astern propulsion.
The bottom end bolts employed in 4 stroke diesel engines are usually given a finite life and must be replaced periodically. What would be the normal failure mode that would affect these bolts if they were not replaced as required?
Failure due to torsional stresses
Failure due to bending stresses
Failure due to fatigue stresses
Failure due to tensile stresses
What will a cadet find in the maintenance manual?
A Cadet will find machinery spare parts in the maintenance manual
A Cadet will find a lubricating chart in the maintenance manual
A Cadet will find grease nipples in the maintenance manual
A Cadet will find grease in the maintenance manual
What happens to green vegetables when exposed to the presence of ethylene gas?
They develop aslightly salty taste
They develop a deeper green colour
They become resistant to mould and may be kept for longer
Which of the below structures of bulk carriers are considered critical?
Upper and lower connection of main side frames
Longitudinal deck plating outside hatches
When starting three phase induction motors which of the following starting methods will immediately apply rated voltage to the machine?
With the set point at the actual desired value, a temperature control system is giving an unacceptably large offset (difference between set point and measured value) on high load resulting in a low system temperature. Which of the actions given in the options should be taken to reduce this effect and therefore achieve closer control of the temperature?
Increase the set point to a value above the actual desired value
Crack open the manual bypass valve for the control valve.
Increase the width of the proportional band for the controller.
Reduce the width of the proportional band for the controller.
What does the Captain think about the Chief Mate's question?
He thinks, it is not a bad idea to sail in open waters because the traffic is sparse
He does not want to train the OS as helmsman because there is too much traffic in the area
He does not want the OS to go on watchkeeping duties next week because they are sailing in open waters
He wants the OS to train as helmsman today, because they are sailing in open waters and there is not much traffic in the area
Read this text and answer why pre-sea training is recommended?
This will greatly enhance the possibilities for a seafarer to look after himself in an emergency situation
This is the only way of avoiding serious accidents at sea
All the pre-sea training institutions need a lot of trainees in order to meet their challenges
It is the obligation of every nation to ensure that every seafarer has passed through an approved course
What is the correct definition of "a bollard"?
A rope made of several strands
A remedy to which the mooring lines are made fast
How does low expansion foam act as an extinguishing agent when dealing with oil fires?
The heat from the fire causes the foam to produce an inert gas which gradually extinguishes the fire.
By smothering and also providing some cooling