Le test consiste en des questions aléatoires sur un sujet sélectionné.
Which part of the float-free arrangement for inflatable liferafts is made to release the liferaft after being automatically inflated during the ship is sinking?
the hydrostatic release unit
Buoyant smoke signals shall be so designed as to burn or emit smoke:
continuously after having been immersed for a period of 1 minute under 1m of water
only when not in the water
continuously after having been immersed for a period of 10 seconds under 100mm of water
*Which of the following spaces may be protected by a fixed high expansion foam fire-extinguishing system?
Machinery spaces of category A-
Cargo pump room of tankers
Ro-ro cargo spaces capable of being sealed, if it is deemed that it gives an equivalent protection as the one that should be achieved by a fixed CO2 system
Halons are decomposed in toxic products when they are applied at temperatures near
What is the minimum number of fire control plans that should be permanently stored in a prominently marked weathertight enclosure outside the deckhouse for the assistance of shoreside fire fighting personnel?
Not required providing one set is available inside the accommodation
How often must a crew member participate in a fire drill?
As a fire fighter, what should you always consider when fighting a fire in a confined space?
The confined space can be considered to have one side only as heat always rises
The confined space has only five sides
The confined space has only four sides
The confined space always has six sides
In case a message, destined for a telex-subscriber a shore, sent via an Inmarsat-C installation on board:
there is always on-line connection with the shore-subscriber
there is never on-line connection with the shore-subscriber
depending on the type of message, there is on-line connection with the shore-subscriber
Notices to all vessels of a certain shipping-company are sent via the Inmarsat by an EGC-service. This EGC-service is called:
DSC-transmissions with the tele-command ’test’ can:
be sent by a VHF-installation on the DSC-distress channel
not be sent by VHF-installation
be sent by a VHF-installation or the SAR-channel
You want to send a DSC-call in connection with a shore telephone-call. You must choose:
When a coastguard-station wants to send a gale-warning by DSC it will happen in the category:
By a ‘geographical area call’ in the DSC system is meant:
a DSC message for all vessels within a certain area from a position in the DSC message, and the degrees are given in northerly and westerly direction
a DSC message for all ships heading towards a certain geographical area
a DSC-message for all vessels within certain area marked by areference position, given in the DSC message and the degrees are given in southerly and easterly direction
Dish aerials are used with:
Which of the following is a SART transponder frequency :
What is the emergency frequency on H.F. (High Frequency) Radio / Telegraphy?
A distress-alert call from an RCC or coast-station, preceding distress alert relay, begins with:
an alarm sign, followed by MAYDAY (3x)
Which type of call will be sent by a ship sighting another ship in distress which is not itself in position to transmit a distress alert ?
In the public radio-traffic a radio telephony collect call is:
On board they want to establish a telex connection by HF-set with the ship Apollogracht. In the guides you find for the Apollogracht the following ID’s:244320000, 424432010, 424432020, 1300210, 36715. What ID should be chosen:
What is the flash point of a Class 3.3 substance?
Lower than or equal to 61?C
Give the meaning of the following symbol
Portable fire extinguisher with halon
The main purpose of a mariphone onboard is:
to ask for clearance at bridges and locks
to maintain contact with shore subscribers
The call sign of a vessel is meant to:
provide the certificate holder with unique identification
be able to identify oneself
gain a quicker transit at bridges and locks
Define the class of emission F3E :
Radiotelex and DSC - Frequency shift keying of sub-carrier with error correction
Radiotelex and DSC - Phase modulation
Radiotelephony - Single sideband full carrier
Radiotelephony - Frequency modulation
What is the fundamental purpose of a coast radio station?
To automatically connect a vessel placing an INMARSAT call with the station being called.
To coordinate search and rescue communications.
To provide continuous digital selective calling coverage.
To provide a delivery service for ships with routine, safety, urgency, or distress message traffic.
*How much food per person is supplied on a liferaft marked SOLAS A PACK?
There are many types of pumps fitted onboard ship which an engine room rating may be required to assist with the maintenance of. Which type of pump is shown in the illustration?
Why should iron ore not be dropped from a great height into a cargo hold of a Bulk Carrier?
Because the shell plating can indirectly become damaged
Because cracks can develop around the hatch coamings
Because the tank top and double bottom internals can sustain damages
In order to maintain the ships stresses within acceptable levels
A moderate level of stress provides which useful function in an emergency?
To slow down the thought processes to ensure a thorough assessment of the threat
To slow down the heart rate to conserve energy
To immobilize the individual until he has decided upon the best course of action
To prepare for peak performance that will improve the chances of survival
What does this signal hoist mean?
I require immediate assistance.
Do you require assistance?
I require medical assistance.
Which plan shows the position of the vertical and longitudinal centres of gravity for each cargo compartment on a Bulk Carrier?
While on boiler watch on an automatically controlled steam boiler the rating notices that the burner has failed to light following a drop in steam pressure. What action should be taken?
Shut the steam stop valve to stop the steam pressure falling further.
Stop the feed water pump immediately in case the boiler overfills.
Try and light the boiler burner manually.
Call the duty engineer immediately using the engineers call alarm.
When cross-flooding arrangements to correct unsymmetrical flooding and excessive heel angels in damaged condition are installed in passenger ships, what is the maximum angle of heel after flooding but before equalization?
Car decks on board ro-ro passenger ships are nomally closed during sea passage. Why are passengers not allowed to be on the car-deck during sailing?
Vehicles and other cargo can shift when the ship is rolling. Persons may be trapped between vehicles or cargo.
f the car decks are empty, it will be easier for the crew to locate all passengers in case of an emergency
To prevent burglary and damage to cars
In case of an emergency situation it can be difficult for passengers to escape. Vehicles, lorries, trailers and other cargo are maybe lashed and it is a substantial chance for passengers to get injured. Vehicles and other cargo might also shift when the ship is rolling.
Under what regulations would steel bands remaining in the cargo holds have to be discharged?
MARPOL 73/78 (Annex IV - Regulations for the prevention of pollution by sewage from ships)
Port state regulations applicable at the port of destination
MARPOL 73/78 (Annex V – Regulations for the prevention of pollution by garbage from ships)
What type of dynamic forces may cause indent in plating on forecastle deck and main deck in way of pillars inside forecastle?
Forces created by waves on the forecastle
Pressure forces caused by green water on deck
Slamming in way of flat bottom forward of light draught
Impact pressure forces in way of abrupt or flared bow
On a Container vessel, what can cause large loads in lashings when containers are secured to a lashing bridge?
The lashing bridge is flexible but the hatch covers are fixed, causing the lashings to go alternately slack and tight
The lashing bridge is fixed but the hatch covers move when the ship rolls and pitches, causing the lashings to go alternately slack and tight
Due to flexibility of the hatch covers
Due to inflexibility of the lashing bridge
What does the term 'cold spotting' refer to in relation to LNG cargo carriage?
Using a sub cooled layer of LNG at the liquid surface to help minimise cargo losses.
Visually checking the inner hull during the loaded passage to detect leakage.
Using the low duty compressor to supply cold LNG to the secondary barrier.
Monitoring tank pressure carefully during loaded passage.
What is a low location lightning system?
A system displaying the escape route from all cabins by light points in the ceiling, powered by battery
A light system powered by battery or fluorescent signs mounted at deck level indicating the way to the nearest exit
An emergency illumination system that illuminates all deck areas to a minimum
An illumination system for all corridors in cabin areas
On a container vessel, what should be referred to when taking action to deal with a cargo spillage under-deck?
The ship's Contingency plan
The Dangerous Cargo Manifest
The ship's Safety Management System (SMS)
You have to choose one of the following instruments for measuring pressure in an air bottle in measuring range 0 - 35 BAR. Which instrument would you install?
The primary and secondary insulation spaces of each LNG cargo tank are provided with pressure relief valves. What is the normal set point of the relief valves for these spaces?
You are to load a cargo ofIsocyanate to tank 4 centre port and the cargo hose from shore is to be connected to a flange directly adjacent to the cargo pump, so that the manifold cross-over and deck cargo line are not used. What must you place underneath the connection?
A label stating "portable connection".
Some sawdust or other absorbant material.
Which of the 4 alternatives shows a NPN transistor?
A conventional reefer vessel operating a Controlled Atmosphere (CA) is approaching the port of discharge in Northern Europe. Which is the most suitable action to take from the options given?
Turn off the CA plant just prior to the start of discharge operations.
Continue to apply CA throughout the discharge to maintain the condition of the cargo.
Continue to apply CA until the hatches are opened to maintain the condition of the cargo.
Turn off the CA plant and thoroughly ventilate the cargo spaces under CA with fresh air just prior to arrival.
When carrying high sulphur coal which areas of a cargo hold are prone to corrosion?
Steelwork with which dry cargo is in contact
Air and sounding pipes passing through the hold
Steelwork with which wet cargo is in contact
Why is it important to issue “Note of Protest”?
To protect the interest of owners
To protect both owners and charterers
To protect the interest of the crew
To protect the charterers
The figure shows a cross section through a ship floating in water, with the hull in red and the seabed below the ship shaded. On the figure there are four (4) possible definitions of the term "FREEBOARD" given. Which one is the correct one?
Freeboard is given by B on the figure
Freeboard is given by C on the figure
Freeboard is given by A on the figure
Freeboard is given by D on the figure
A hazard is is a source of potential harm or damage or a situation with potential for harm or damage. Risk is determined based on evaluation of two elements. Which two elements?
The likelihood that a hazard may occur and the consequences of the hazardous event
The likelihood that a hazard may occur and the financial consequences for the Company
The likelihood that a hazard may occur and the available personal protective equipment we have onboard
The consequences of the hazardous event and the available personal protective equipment we have onboard
Many modern medium and high speed diesel engines operate at very high power ratings resulting in relatively high bearing loads. In order to accommodate these loads the bearings are required to have a high load carrying capacity. What kind of bearings are normally used for main and bottom end purposes to achieve this?
Thin steel shells with a thin white metal lining.
Thick white metal types with the white metal cast into the keeps to give extra fatigue strength.
Thin steel shells with a copper lead lining and a running in overlay.
Thin steel shells lined with aluminium tin alloys.
An indicator card from a cylinder of a slow speed diesel engine shows a high maximum pressure occuring earlier in the cycle than normal with a normal compression pressure. From the options given, which action is most likely to identify the cause of the problem?
Check if the fuel injection valve is partly blocked.
Check if the fuel injection pump timing is correct.
Check if the fuel viscosity and temperature are correct.
Check if the fuel filters are blocked.
Which of these tasks are performed as part of the SSA?
Implement measures to address weaknesses in ship security.
Train shipboard personnel in their security duties.
Assess the likelihood and potential consequences of security incidents.
Assign security duties to ship personnel.
The thermal conductance capability is expressed by a materials thermal conductance number and states the heat quantity. What is the denomination for heat quantity?
The sign on the image indicates:
Location of lifebuoy with self-igniting light and self-activated smoke signal
This is the location where you should operate pyrotechnic equipment (Buoyant smoke signal, hand flares and rocket parachute flares) In case of an emergency
Location where you should throw lifebuoys in case a man- over-board situation occurs.
From the options given, select the type of cleaner that is most suitable for washing down a refrigerated cargo space.
A cleaner which contains a powerful bleaching agent.
A cleaner which has a fresh smell such as the smell of pine.
A cleaner containing a powder scouring agent.
On a General Cargo Vessel the Tonnes per Centimetre (TPC) of a vessel is 30; the present mean draught of the vessel is 6.90 m and the maximum summer load draught is 7.00m; Calculate the amount of cargo that can still be loaded?
The amount of cargo that can still be loaded is 300 tonnes
The amount of cargo that can still be loaded is 3000 tonnes
The amount of cargo that can still be loaded is 30 tonnes
The amount of cargo that can still be loaded is 3 tonnes
Which electronic component is this graphical symbol illustrating:
Electric heater, 3.3 kilowatts
Inductive reactor, 3.3 kH
Which of the following is the minimum acceptable value of insulation resistance for High Voltage equipment?
If inspection or repair of the boiler is due, the plant has to be shut down, and the boiler emptied for water. If time is available, which of the following procedures is correct?
The feed water regulator should be bypassed and the boiler topped up with cold feed water immediately after shut down to help cool it down before draining.
The boiler should be allowed to cool down after shut down and then the water should be drained out.
The boiler should be blown down to sea immediately after shut down.
The safety valve easing gear be operated and all the pressure released immediately after shut down and then the remaining water is drained.
How often shall abandon ship- and fire drills take place on board passenger ships?
At least two abandon ship drills and one fire drill every month
Which mooring lines are visible in this image?
The forward headline and breast rope are visible in the image
The forward back springs are visible in the image
The forward breast lines are visible in the image
The forward head lines are visible in the image
To correctly interpret the readings on the printout from a reefer vessel’s cargo data logger it is essential to have some knowledge of the location of the temperature sensors. Where would the temperature sensor for the delivery air to a cargo hold be expected to be located?
Just above the cooling coils where the air returns from the cargo space.
In the air flow path from the cooling coils, about 3 metres from the coils.
In the air flow path from the cooling coils, but at the opposite end of the cargo space to the coils.
Near the centre of the cargo space.
Why is an automatic slow turning feature included in the start air system of many large 2 stroke diesel engines?
To avoid damage during start of the engine in case water or other liquid has gathered in the cylinders during an extended stop.
To fill the cylinders with sufficient fresh air to ensure a safe start of the engine.
To check that all indicator cocks are closed before staring the engine..
To reduce the start air consumption during start up of the engine.
A steam generating tube in a boiler is found to be badly sagged but not ruptured. Select, from the options given, the most suitable action to be followed in order to operate the boiler.
Plug both ends of the tube and drill a hole in the body of the tube.
As long as the tube is not ruptured the boiler can be operated normally.
Plug both ends of the tube.
Heat the tube up with a gas torch and return it to its original shape and position.
In what kind of atmosphere should tank washing be carried out onboard vessels with inert-gas system?
Steamed to a humidity of at least 75%
After an electric fan have been blowing fresh air into the tank for a minimum time of one hour.
After the bottom has been covered with salt water.
Inerted to less than 8% oxygen(IMO).
On a reefer vessel air is passed over the cooling coils before entering the cargo hatch via trunking to cool the cargo. It is important to ensure that the cooling coils are clear of any material such as plastic sheeting or bags. Why is this so important?
The plastic material may block scuppers and bilges.
The plastic sheeting may be picked up by and foul the cooling fans.
The plastic may interfere with the air flow over the cooling coils and subsequently the cooling of the cargo.
The plastic material may affect condensation forming on the cooling coils.
How should chemicals and harmful substances be stored on board?
In a gas-tight locker close to the bridge
In the central store or in the engine room
In a separate locker. The locker shall be clearly marked, locked and ventilated.
In a locker preferably on boat deck. The locker shall be clearly marked.
How should structural steel products be supported in a cargo hold?
Fore and aft dunnage spaced 3m apart provided in a vertically straight line at every tier
Athwartships dunnage spaced 1.5m apart provided in a vertically straight line at every tier
Athwartships dunnage spaced 3m apart provided in a vertically straight line at every tier
Fore and aft dunnage spaced 1.5m apart provided in a vertically straight line at every tier
A pressure gauge of the bourdon tube type is reading incorrectly and shows 2 bar when the pressure in the system is zero. There is no spare available. Which of the options would be the best temporary remedy for this situation?
Use a deadweight tester to mark a new scale on the gauge throughout the working range.
Remove the indicator needle and reposition it to read zero when the system is unpressurised.
Bend the bourdon tube so that a zero reading is obtained when the system is unpressurised.
Subtract 2 bar from the gauge reading when checking the pressure.
Before commencing ballasting for departure, the cargo tanks are surveyed. The small amounts of cargo left in the cargo tanks are referred to as "ROB". What does this abbreviation mean?
Remaining oil and ballast.
Why is it necessary to have routine testing of the cooling water?
To trace leakage in the cooling water system.
To detect the presence of contaminants in the water that may be injurious to the cooling system.
To ensure that the proper residuals of treatment chemicals, as specified, are maintained all time.
Which of the following statements is in compliance with international regulations?
The securing of cargoes must be completed before sailing
The securing of cargoes must be completed within two hours of leaving the berth
The securing of cargoes must be completed before the ship leaves the berth
The securing of cargoes may be completed at anchorage
What is the punishment for a master or any other person in authority on board a ship if he or she treats a person carried on the ship in an improper manner or fails to prevent his being so treated by other persons onboard?
Shall bi liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 9 months.
Shall bi liable to fines.
Shall bi liable to fines or imprisonment for a term not exceeding 6 months.
Shall bi liable to fines or imprisonment for a term not exceeding 12 months.
On a flue gas plant, the flue gas enters a washing tower where the gas is washed to remove soot, ashes and to separate undesired gases. What is the name of this «washing tower»?
Which of these statements is incorrect with regard to the loading of bagged fishmeal?
The antioxidant should not be less than 650ppm
The fat content should be less than 15%
The antioxidant should not be less than 100ppm
The moisture content should be between 6 and 12%
A road trailer is marked as follows: SWL 70t; Tare wt. 6t. What is the gross weight of the trailer when carrying it maximum payload?
Which of the given options is IMO's definition of liquefied gas as used in its Gas Codes?
Liquid with vapour pressure exceeding 2.8 bar absolute at a temperature of 73.8 C.
Liquid with vapour pressure exceeding 2.8 bar absolute at a temperature of 37.8 C.
Liquid with vapour pressure exceeding 1.8 bar absolute at a temperature of 38.7 C.
Liquid with vapour pressure exceeding 1.8 bar absolute at a temperature of 87.3 C.
What is the name by which the regulations which prevent and control pollution from ships are known?
The International Shipping Pollution Laws.
In a single side skin bulk carrier of 155m in length constructed in 2000 and carrying cargo of density 1010 kg/cu.m., which cargo hold can withstand flooding?
The Code of Safe Practice for Cargo Stowage and Securing was prepared to give guidance in which of the following cases.
Guidance for Port State Control Officers when carrying out ship inspections.
Guidance on securing of cargoes in hazardous ocean areas.
Preparation and content of the Cargo Securing Manual.
Ship specific guidance relating to securing of deck cargoes.
When is the parallel sweep search used?
When searching large area
When searching during night
When searching in rough weather
When searching over small area
The brine used to salting or curing meat contains nitrites. What effect do the nitrites have on the meat?
They increase the preservation time of the meat more than rolling in solid salt crystals
They add a more natural salt taste to the meat than obtained by seasoning after cooking
They make the meat take on a reddish colour after preparation
The ship is en route. When may passengers visit the bridge?
When the weather is nice and the sea is calm
During daytime if the traffic is smooth
Passengers are not allowed to visit the bridge while the ship is en route
Which of these factors does not contribute to oxygen depletion inside a cargo hold full of logs?
Restricting hold ventilation
Chemicals used to fumigate the hold
A second high pressure boiler is to be coupled to an online boiler supplying steam to the main turbine. How is the superheater section of the second boiler normally prevented from overheating during the period prior to coupling while raising the steam pressure?
The lift pressure of the superheater safety valve is lowered to allow the valve to lift and create a steam flow.
The superheater safety valve is manually opened to create a steam flow.
The superheater vent valve is kept open until the boilers are coupled to create a steam flow.
The superheater header drain valves are opened to create a steam flow.
Passenger ships shall either carry automatically self-righting liferafts or canopied reversible liferafts. What does it mean that a liferaft is automatically self-righting?
The liferaft will automatically turn back into an upright position when it is empty of people
One person can manage to turn the liferaft back into an upright position
The liferaft will automatically turn back into an upright position when it is fully loaded with people
It means the same as self-righting lifeboats
This device can detect a package of drugs inside a large delivery of ship’s stores. What is it?
Give the meaning of the following symbol
When are power-operated watertight sliding doors (class 3 doors) compulsory for all watertight doors aboard passenger ships?
Where one or more doors are situated below deepest loadline
Where the ship is fitted with through-going car decks
Where the ship has passenger spaces below the bulkhead deck
When the ship is certified for more than 150 passengers