Le test consiste en des questions aléatoires sur un sujet sélectionné.
How many rocket parachute flares are carried in each lifeboat?
The pyrotechnics used to transmit visual signals to other vessels, boats or aircrafts are of the following type
all of the above-mentioned
Which one of the listed requirements regarding rocket parachute flares do not correspond to present regulations? The rocket parachute flares shall:
be contained in a water-resistant casing
burn with a bright orange colour
have integral means of ignition
have brief instructions clearly illustrating the use of the flare
To maintain a fire, three conditions need to be met: Oxygen, combustible material and sufficient temperature for combustion. What subject must be removed to extinguish the fire?
Either of the mentioned alternatives.
Heat, Oxygen and combustible material.
*Which one of the following methods can be adopted for the internal divisional bulkheading of the accommodation and service spaces of a cargo ship?
All these methods can be adopted
Fitting of an automatic sprinkler extinguishing system, with no restriction on the type of all internal divisional bulkheading
Construction of all internal divisional bulkheading of "B" or "C" class divisions, without the installation of an automatic sprinkler extinguishing system
Fitting of a fixed fire detection system in all spaces in which a fire might be expected to originate, with no restriction on the type of internal bulkheading, except that in no case must the area of any space bounded by an "A" or "B" class division exceed 50 m2.
A cargo hold containing cargo such as nitrates,chlorates etc which produce oxygen under the influence of heat catches fire. How would you deal with this?
Close the hatches, apply boundary cooling and allow the fire to use up the oxygen and extinguish itself
Close the hatches and use the fixed CO2 system
With this type of material the hatches should not be battened down. The fire can only be extinguished by using large quantities of water.
*What is the minimum average distribution capacity of a fixed water-spraying fire-extinguishing system fitted in an engine room ?
*What is the minimum capacity of the portable tank of a portable foam applicator ?
Where shall shore side fire-fighting personnel find necessary information on the ship's fire control in an emergency situation? (SOLAS II-2/20.2)
The Captain of the ship is responsible for giving the necessary information of the ship's control plan
Copy of the fire control plans/folders to be stored in a watertight prominently marked container outside the deck house
Copy of fire control plans/folders to be posted in a prominently marked localisation on the navigating bridge
Information to be given by the ship's Owner through the nearest Rescue Coordination Centre
DSC uses for automatic identification the MMSI. The identification 002442000 is assigned to:
A coast-station or coast guard-station
Which of the following is a INMARSAT B Mobile Earth Station Identification Number (IMN)?
A satellite receives the transmissions of the 406 MHz Cospas-Sarsat EPIRB. The transmissions of the EPIRB will be:
always passed on to a LUT
exclusively passed on to a LUT only between 70 degrees N and 70 degrees S
exclusively passed on to a LUT if the satellite sees both the EPIRB and the LUT
One can check the functioning of the SART by:
activating the SART and checking the effect on the radarscreen
activating it by extracting the antenna
removing it from the holder and turning the SART upside down
How will you start a cancelling message after you send by mistake a distress call on your VHF DSC equipment
" All Stations - This is ""SAINT-ROMAIN"""
" MAYDAY - All Stations - This is ""SAINT-ROMAIN"""
" PAN PAN - All Stations - This is ""SAINT-ROMAIN"""
" SECURITE - All Stations - This is ""SAINT-ROMAIN"""
When a message is sent by the Inmarsat—C installation to an Internet e-mail address, the land charge is:
dependent on the ‘chargeband'
dependent on the destination
independent of the destination
What is the MARPOL definition of a "solidifying substance"?
A noxious liquid substance which, in the case of a substance with a melting point of less than 20°C which is at a temperature of less than 10°C above its melting point at the time of unloading, or in the case of a substance with a melting point equal to or greater than 20°C, is at a temperature of less than 15°C above its melting point at the time of unloading.
A noxious liquid which will crystallise and eventually bond into solid form at ambient, or less than ambient temperatures unless an external heat source is applied.
A noxious liquid substance which, in the case of a substance with a melting point of less than 15°C which is at a temperature of less than 5°C above its melting point at the time of unloading, or in the case of a substance with a melting point equal to or greater than 15°C which is at a temperature of less than 10°C above its melting point at the time of unloading.
A noxious liquid substance which will cystallise and eventually bond into solid form if exposed to an external heat source.
Which international organization is preparing conventions and rules for seafaring nations?
International Marine Association (IMA)
International Maritime Organization (IMO)
International Ocean Safety Organization (IOSO)
International Labor Organization (ILO)
Unfortunately an insect has become lodged in the ear. How to remove the insect?
By using a Q-tip and carefully try to get the insect out
Gently flood the casualty's ear with terpid water so that the insect will float out.
Hold one hand across your nose and blow hard. Since the nose-channel is closed, the air will escape through the ears instead. And so will the foreign body.
By using rubber vacuum pump and suck the foreign body out.
Why should water ballast not in general be carried in tanks intended for oil fuel in passenger ships?
Risk of ship stability problems
Risk of engine stop due to water in fuel oil
Risk of corroded fuel oil tanks
If you use chemicals for cleaning up an oil-spill on the water, what would the chemicals do?
Absorb the oil for easy removal
Remove the oil from the water
Contain the oil within a small area
Disperse or dissolve the oil into the water
In which areas is plastic material accepted for overboard disposal?
In specially designated areas (ref. MARPOL).
Not permissible any where.
100 n.m. from shore line.
MARPOL 73/78 - Annex IV. Prevention of Pollution by Sewage from ships. This annex is not yet in force, however, some Governments are practising these rules. What do you understand by the word "Sewage"?
Drainage/waste from toilets/urinals.
Mixture of sea water/oil.
Waste from synthetic materials.
What would be the stopping distance of a VLCC when proceeding at 8 knots in deep water and the engines are put 'Full Astern'?
Varies, but can be determined from trial data
Your vessel is moving in Panama Canal waters. When must a crew man capable of and ready to operate the anchors be on the forecastle?
When passing through the Gatun Lake
When passing through Gaillard cut
When anchoring in Gatun Lake only
When a Panama Canal pilot is onboard
Rigging of the Pilot Ladder and embarkation/disembarkation of a pilot should be supervised by:
The propagation of radio-signals in the VHF-band is:
dependent on the power emitted and the temperature of the atmosphere
dependent on the hour of transmission (day or night)
Define the class of emission H3E :
Radiotelex and DSC - Phase modulation
Radiotelephony - Single sideband full carrier
Radiotelephony - Phase modulation
Radiotelephony - Single sideband suppressed carrier
What is the Proper Shipping Name for: Caporit; CCH; Chloride of lime; Chlorinated lime; HTH; Lime chloride; or Calcium salt?
What is one of the dangerous states a survivor may suffer from?
A person wearing an anti-exposure suit shall be able to:
don and remove the suit in the water in no more than 5min. if it impairs ability to swim
dive into the water to the maximum draft of craft that the ship is provided with
jump from a height equal to that of the stowage of liferafts arranged to be thrown overboard
jump from a height of not less than 4.5m into the water without damaging the suit or being injured
Which item among those below is included in the normal equipment of every lifeboat ?
two buoyant smoke signals
sea-charts and navigating equipment
one life-jacket for each person
Which one of the listed requirements regarding the stowage of a survival craft do not correspond with present regulation? (SOLAS III/13.1) Each survival craft shall be stowed:
in a secure and sheltered position and protected from damage by fire or explosion
so that neither craft nor stowage arrangement interfere with the general operation of the ship
in a state of continuos readiness so that two crewmembers can prepare for embarkation and launching in less than 5 minutes
as near the water surface as is safe and practicable
How much water per person is provided in a lifeboat not equipped with a desalting apparatus?
Which one of the given requirements regarding survival craft muster and embarkation arrangements corresponds to the present SOLAS regulations?
Davit-launched survival craft muster and embarkation stations shall not be arranged to enable stretchers to be placed in survival craft
Muster and embarkation stations shall be readily accessible from accommodation and work areas
Searchlights to be provided at the launching station
Muster and embarkation stations are to be arranged separately to improve working conditions
*How much water per person is provided in a lifeboat not equipped with a desalting apparatus?
The Muster List shall show the duties assigned to members of the crew. Which of the following duties shall be included according to present regulations?
Preparation of immersion suits for passengers.
General preparation of life-saving appliances.
Operation of the vessel's propulsion system.
Preparation of survival crafts' Emergency Position Indicating Radio Beacons (EPIRRB).
The Training Manual shall contain instructions and information on the life-saving appliances and the best method of survival. The training manual shall contain detailed explanations of crew duties in relation to emergency situations. Which of the following tasks or duties shall be included in the manual according to present regulations?
The method and use of sea-anchors (drogues).
The use of oars and other propulsion equipment for survival crafts.
The use of on-board communication equipment.
Correct donning of fire protective clothing.
The training manual shall contain instructions and information in easily understood terms and illustrated wherever possible. Which of the following objects do not have to be explained in detail in the manual according to present regulations?
Means of escape - escape routes
Illumination in launching areas
The use of all survival equipment
The use of all detection equipment
During mooring operations which is the safe place to be in?
Outside the colored zone.
Where ever you feel safe.
Behind the "point of restraint" but inside the zone.
Between the "point of break" and the "point of restraint".
If your chemical tanker is equipped with high velocity venting valves, at what minimum height above the weather deck or catwalk should they be installed?
Part of the outer surface of a refrigeration compressor crankcase and the refrigerant return line near the compressor ice up heavily during normal operation. Which of the options given is the most likely cause of this problem?
The oil separator is not functioning correctly and is allowing lubricating oil to pass into the system.
The seawater flow control valve for the condenser is faulty allowing insufficient cooling water flow.
The superheat control setting for the thermostatic expansion valve is set too low.
The filter drier unit in the liquid line is partly blocked.
Temperature sensors may be marked PT100. What does this mean?
Your vessel is equipped with fixed rotating tank-cleaning machines in every tank. You have just finished cleaning, in preparation for loading a cargo which is water-sensitive. What should you do with the machines?
It is not necessary to do anything. The amount of moisture remaining in a tank-cleaning machine could not affect the quality of the cargo in any way.
Ensure they are thoroughly drained down and blown through, using de-humidified air or nitrogen as applicable.
The nozzles and drain holes should be plugged.
They should be removed from the tank.
What is the objective of the merchant navy?
To earn money for the shipowner
To provide employment for persons who wish to become seafarers
To safely transport goods by sea
To transport and deliver goods as quickly as possible
What is the most important treatment concerning a foreign body in the eye?
Wring the eye-lid to prevent blinking
Rinsing of the eye with water
On the figure 4 possible definitions of the term "FREEBOARD" are given. Which one is the correct one?
Freeboard is given by A on the figure
Freeboard is given by C on the figure
Freeboard is given by D on the figure
Freeboard is given by B on the figure
What should you observe when patrolling public areas on board?
If all the fire extinguishers are in place and that fire doors are open
All abnormalities that may affect the safety/ security of passengers, crew and the ship
Some gas carriers are designed to carry both LPG and LEG. What is the design temperature on the cargo containment system on a LPG/LEG carrier?
Design temperature of the cargo containment system for an LPG/LEG carrier is minus 103 degrees C
Design temperature of the cargo containment system for an LPG/LEG carrier is minus 48 degrees C
Design temperature of the cargo containment system for an LPG/LEG carrier is minus 89 degrees C
Design temperature of the cargo containment system for an LPG/LEG carrier is minus 162 degrees C.
Which of the following letter combinations represents a level indicating controller on a process and instrumentation diagramv
What is the definition of DEAD BAND?
The largest difference in the output signal for the same change in the input signal.
The change needed in the input signal to produce a change in the output signal.
The change in the output signal produced by a certain change in the input signal.
A missing electrical signal.
What is the most likely cause of the boiler exhaust gas being white in colour leaving the funnel?
Insufficient combustion air.
A faulty or dirty burner tip
Low water level in the boiler.
What is a likely cause of fishmeal fires?
A moisture content less than 6%
Ineffective antioxidant at the time of production
Too much antioxidant at the time of production
Fat content less than 10%
Which of the following is a staple part of the Scandinavian diet?
A cargo of chilled meat is being loaded into the cargo space of a reefer vessel and the stow will extend 3.5 metres upwards into the coaming in way of the hatch square. Select, from the options given, the best method to adopt to achieve satisfactory carriage of this cargo.
Construct a false deck out of plywood sheets to reduce the load on the lower tiers.
Lay plywood sheets at approximately mid-height of the stow to reduce the load on the lower tiers.
Construct a false deck made of pallets to reduce the load on the lower tiers.
Ensure a tight stow to resist crushing of the lower cartons.
From the options given, select the main reason why conventional mercury thermometers should not be used for taking pulp readings of a fruit cargo on a reefer vessel.
This type of thermometer is not sufficiently accurate.
This type of thermometer is difficult to calibrate.
This type of thermometer is not sufficiently portable.
The mercury may contaminate the fruit if the thermometer is broken while taking the readings.
You are to load a cargo of Cyclohexanol to tanks 2, 3 and 4 centre and 2 and 4 wing tanks. The lines to these tanks are all connected at the manifold with flexible hoses and are all capable of being isolated with the exception of 2 centre, which has therefore been designated as the last tank to load. What will you do with the other tanks as they complete loading?
Close only the tank loading valves, so that pressure remains constant around the pipeline system and flexible hoses. Continue to monitor the cargo levels in the finished tanks to ensure that the high-level alarms are not activated as the ship's trim changes.
Close only the corresponding manifold cross-over valves as the tanks finish, so that the pressure in the lines equalises with the pressures in the tanks. Re-check the ullages at the end of loading as they will have changed as the trim of the ship has changed.
Close the tank loading valves, then close the appropriate manifold cross-over valves. After a few minutes, re-open the tank loading valves and leave them like this until cargo operations are completed, to ensure they drain fully. Re-check the ullages at the end of loading and then close the tank loading valves.
Close the appropriate manifold cross-over valves and tank loading valves as each tank finishes. Continue to monitor the cargo levels in the finished tanks to ensure that the valves are not passing.
Many lamb product cargoes are carried at sea. Most of these are temperature sensitive. Which is the odd one out from the options given?
When loading steel coils, which is the ‘locking coil’?
The final coil loaded at the centre of the stow in second, third and fourth tiers
Any coil at the extremity of the stow
The picture shows the component parts of a fluorescent light (items 10 to 14) above a circuit diagram (items 1 to 9). Between which terminals of the circuit should the ballast (or choke) be connected?
The temperature control for a hot water system is very erratic with the temperature gradually rising and then suddenly falling and vice versa even though system demand is fairly constant. Which of the options given is the most likely cause of this problem?
Control air pressure supply is too low.
Control valve actuator diaphragm is ruptured.
Controller integral action reset time is too fast.
Control valve gland is over tightened.
You are assigned to accompany a cargo surveyor during tank inspection. A wall-wash is to take place in tank 3 centre. As the surveyor is preparing his equipment for this, you observe that a drop of sweat falls onto the funnel. What will you do?
Draw the surveyor's attention to it. Take note that he thoroughly cleans the funnel with the wall-wash solvent before collecting the laboratory sample. Report the matter to the Duty officer.
Ask the surveyor to wait in the tank alone while you take the funnel up to the accommodation and rinse it in clean, fresh water.
Immediately instruct the surveyor to leave the tank and collect a substitute set of equipment.
Nothing. The odd drop of sweat will not usually make any difference.
If a passenger asks you a question you cannot answer, what will you do?
Tell the passenger that you will confer your colleagues and revert with an answer, or you bring the passenger along to a colleague who can give an answer to the question. Never say I don't know!
Tell the passenger to approach the information desk/ reception on board
Tell the passenger to ask one of your colleagues who are more experienced than you are
Make up a story, the passenger doesn't really care
Which of the following statements is correct with regard to IMDG Class 4 (flammable solids) cargoes loaded on a General Cargo vessel?
The cargo is not covered by the requirements of the IMDG Code
The goods can only be carried in the forward part of the vessel
The cargo can be stowed anywhere on the vessel
The goods require protection against movement and can only be loaded if a cargo declaration is supplied by the shipper
Which of the given options is a common alternative name, or synonym, for Methane?
A steam generating tube in a boiler is found to be badly sagged but not ruptured. Select, from the options given, the most suitable action to be followed in order to operate the boiler.
Plug both ends of the tube and drill a hole in the body of the tube.
As long as the tube is not ruptured the boiler can be operated normally.
Plug both ends of the tube.
Heat the tube up with a gas torch and return it to its original shape and position.
On a RoRo vessel, what is a low-bed Ro-Ro unit that is towed onto a ship called?
When carrying out repair or maintenance tasks involving hot work a hot work permit must be issued. Select the correct option from those given which completes the following statement. 'The permit for hot work…
..is valid for completion of the specific hot work tasks irrespective of the time taken.'
..can cover any additional hot work that arises during the completion of the task during the specified time period.'
..should only cover specific hot work tasks and be valid for a specified time period.'
..should only cover specific hot work tasks, be valid for a specified time period and be issued by the person carrying out the work.'
Hydrogen sulphide is a component associated with crude oil cargoes. At which of the following concentrations will dizziness, headache, nausea, etc occur within 15 minutes, followed by loss of consciousness and possibly death, after 30-60 minutes exposure?
On a Container vessel, which of the following statements is incorrect with regard to IMDG Class 2 cargoes?
These goods require protection from heat
These goods require protection against the accumulation of dangerous vapours
These goods require protection against moisture
These goods need to be stowed in a protected location
When loaded to what depth can bulk carriers constructed after 1 July 1999 withstand flooding of any one cargo hold?
The Winter North Atlantic loadline
Training is required when new equipment is installed on board the ship. What kind of training should be provided and for whom?
Every crewmember is responsible for their own training. Safety Officer should be contacted if any questions.
No training is required for experienced seafarers
Theoretical and practical training should be provided for the head of department. Operation Manual for shall be available in crew mess room so that personnel involved in operation of the equipment can familiarise themselves with the new equipment.
Theoretical and practical training should be provided for all personell involved in operation of the new equipment
The coil of a 12V, 120mA dc relay must be connected across a 24V supply. What action should be taken?
Install a 100 ohm resistor in series with the coil
Install a 100 k ohm resistor in parallel with the coil
Install a 100 k ohm resistor in series with the coil
Install a 100 ohm resistor in parallel with the coil
The lubricating oil on the exhaust side of the turbine blower gets very dirty after only a few hours in service. What can the reason be?
Worn out bearing turbine side.
Exhaust gas leaking into the oil chamber.
Lubricating oil is mixed with salt water.
What is mayonnaise made from?
Egg yolks, oil and lemon juice or vinegar.
Eggs and olive oil, beaten together.
Fromage Frais and lemon juice.
Egg whites, sunflower oil, balsamic vinegar and flour.
Very roughly, the gas mixture from Crude Oil can be represented by the pure hydrocarbon gas Propane for analysis and comparison purposes. What then is the approximate Lower Flammable Limit of Crude Oil when measured as a percentage volume in air?
The design features of a container ship with pronounced bow flare, a wide flat transom stern and wall sided amidships section contribute to what occurrence?
The ability to shed water very quickly off the decks
Large angles of heel with a large GM
A draw card obtained from a cylinder of a large 2 stroke diesel engine shows that both cylinder compression and maximum pressures are low. Cards from other cylinders indicate normal operation. What is the likely cause of this problem?
Faulty cylinder component (piston rings, liner, etc.)
Excessive cooling of the charge air..
Faulty high pressure fuel pump.
For what purpose do we have booster pumps on the cargo discharge line onboard gas carriers?
On gas carriers we have booster pumps on the cargo discharge line to increase the discharge pressure and reduce the cargo temperature.
On gas carriers we have booster pumps on the cargo discharge line to increase the discharge line pressure above shore back pressure.
On gas carriers we have booster pumps on the cargo discharge line to easily reduce the flow and pressure to shore line.
On gas carriers we have booster pumps on the cargo discharge line to increase the discharge rate to shore.
What is static amplifying
Change in input signal divided by change in output signal
Change in output signal divided by change in input signal
Corresponding change in signals
Change in input signal times change in output signal
What English name is given to a sauce or relish made of chopped fruit and vegetables with spices and herbs, commonly used as a complement to cold meats?
Refrigeration plants using ammonia as the primary coolant have been fitted to some reefer vessels. When designing such a ship which aspect, from the options given, would be the most important consideration?
The temperature range that the plant would be expected to operate at.
Installing a suitable control system for the plant.
The overspeed shutdown is to be tested on a high speed four stroke diesel engine driving through a pneumatic clutch. The overspeed protection is provided by a solenoid operated dump valve in the governor servo system activated by an electrical signal from a small synchro motor. What is the preferred method of testing such a shutdown?
With the engine on a high or full load suddenly disengage the clutch.
Reduce the set point so the shutdown operates at normal engine speed.
With the engine off load manually increase the governor speed setting until the shutdown operates, reduce the shutdown set point if necessary.
Use a crowbar to lever the governor linkage to full fuel with the clutch disengaged and engine off load.
Large slow speed diesel engines are usually of the crosshead type and have various arrangements to deliver lubricating oil directly to the crosshead bearings and guides to ensure adequate lubrication. Why are the crosshead bearings considered differently to the other bearing in this type of engine in respect of lubrication requirements?
The lubricating oil has further to travel to the crosshead bearing and so a separate arrangement is necessary
The crosshead bearing is more heavily loaded than other bearings in the engine so requires more oil to keep it cool.
The crosshead bearing is closer to the engine cylinder and therefore runs hotter.
The running surfaces oscillate relative to each other during operation rather than rotate and therefore full film hydrodynamic lubrication is not possible.
LNG carriers often operate between two fixed ports. Why is there likely to be a significant difference in the amount of LNG onboard arriving at the discharge port compared to the amount onboard departing the loading port?
Part of the cargo is used as ship's fuel in the form of boil off gas.
Inefficient reliquefaction plant operation means only some of the vapours are recovered.
Normal leakage through the cargo containment system leads to loss of cargo.
The vapours are constantly vented to atmosphere.
The majority of large slow speed diesel engines used for main propulsion purposes are direct drive to a fixed pitch propeller? What is the main reason for this arrangement?
The amount of power that needs to be transmitted would overload a gearbox.
A fixed pitch propeller can operate with reasonable efficiency at the same sort of speed as the engine.
There is usually only one engine sin this arrangement and so clutches are not required.
Controllable pitch propellers cannot be used with large slow speed diesel engines which can be reversed.
One of the Main Engine cooling pumps is down for maintenance. The rest of the cooling pumps are operating near full capacity with minimum margins on the maximum temperature limit. What should be the correct action to take with regard to UMS operation?
Operate the engine room on manual mode until the maintenance is completed and the cooling pump is operational and switched to stand-by mode.
Arrange frequent checks of the condition during the night otherwise operate in normal UMS-mode
Arrange with a rating "on watch" in the engine room for the UMS period.
Hope that the alarm function and automatic temperature regulation will function correctly and switch to UMS-mode as normal
How do you express the accuracy of an instrument
In % of full scale and to least significant digit
In % of gauge readings and to least significant digit
In % of deviation and to least significant digit
In % of range and to least significant digit
What is to be considered when deciding the position of the accommodation on an oil tanker?
They must be at the after end of the vessel.
There are no restrictions to the position of the accommodation.
A single failure of deck or bulkhead shall not allow fumes into the accommodation spaces.
There must only be one accommodation block.
Having a CO2 alarm during normal working hours, what immediate action should be taken?
Get into the control room.
Get out of the engine room as soon as possible.
You have received the nine digit MMSI of a ship on your DSC equipment. In which publication will you find the name of the ship?
The ITU List of Callsigns and Numerical Identities of Stations used by the Maritime Mobile and Maritime Mobile-Satellite Services
The ITU List of Radiodetermination and Special Services
The ITU List of Ship Stations
The ITU List of Coast Stations