Der Test besteht aus 80 zufälligen Fragen.
Gesamtzahl der Fragen zu diesem Thema: 95
Select the option that most accurately completes the following statement. Dumping plastic at sea is:
Only allowed when sailing faster than 10 knots.
Only allowed after breaking it up into small pieces.
Only allowed in the open seas.
Select the option that most accurately completes the following statement. Oceans are important for humans, because:
They provide fish and regulate our climate.
They provide fish and enhance the greenhouse effect.
They provide fish and 80 % of the oil we use.
They regulate the climate and enhance the greenhouse effect.
Select the option that most accurately completes the following statement. Climate change is defined as:
Any change of climate over time which may be due to natural causes or as a result of human activity.
Any change in temperatures worldwide.
Any significant warming of the earth.
A change of climate over time caused only by human activity.
Select the option that most accurately completes the following statement. In relation to climate change, the scientific community agrees:
That the climate is changing and that humans play a role in this.
That sea levels will rise at least 0,5 meter this century.
That all of the glaciers will disappear this century.
That the temperature on earth will rise more than 4,0 °C.
Which one of the statements given in the options is NOT true in relation to the “pools of garbage” discovered by Captain Charles Moore?
In the pools of garbage, the amount of plastics can be six times greater than that of plankton.
The pools of garbage contain both large and small pieces of plastic.
Most animals that are entangled in plastics are found in the pools of garbage.
Rotating ocean currents drive the plastic waste together.
Select the option that most accurately completes the following statement. MARPOL first entered into force in:
Which one of the statements given in the options is NOT true?
Since 1979 the amount of oil entering the sea as a result of shipping operations has decreased.
More and more oil is transported by ships.
Oil is not toxic to zooplankton.
Natural and land-based sources also contribute oil to the marine environment.
Which of the combinations given in the options are the main components of diesel engine exhaust gas emissions that may cause health problems for humans?
A food chain has five levels and 1 000 000 kg of phytoplankton. The food chain consists of phytoplankton – small zooplankton – large zooplankton – small fish – predator fish. How much of the top predator will be produced according to the 10 % rule?
Select the option that most accurately completes the following statement. When a chemical evaporates:
It is dangerous to fish but it is not dangerous for the ship’s crew.
It is not normally dangerous to fish but it may be dangerous for the ship’s crew.
It is equally dangerous, both to fish and to the ship’s crew.
It is neither dangerous to fish nor to the ship’s crew.
Select the option that most accurately completes the following statement. The key role of bacteria in a food web is:
Which of the given options correctly orders the first three processes which happen when oil enters the sea?
Spreading on the surface, evaporation into the air and dissolving in the water column.
Spreading on the surface, evaporation into the air and oxidation in the air.
Spreading on the surface, evaporation into the air and sedimentation on the sea floor.
Spreading on the surface, oxidation in the air and dissolving in the water column.
Select the option that most accurately completes the following statement. Emissions of SOx and small particles (PM) from ships into the atmosphere are relatively high, because:
Heavy fuel oil contains high concentrations of sulphur.
SOx evaporates from cargo spaces.
Ships engines are not very efficient.
Leaking refrigerant gases contain high amounts of sulphur.
Select the option that most accurately completes the following statement. Antifouling paint containing tributyltin has been prohibited by IMO, because:
It caused toxic effects in marine organisms.
It killed invasive species.
It was not very effective as antifouling paint.
It kept the hull too smooth.
Which statement is NOT true in relation to transport of goods by sea?
Only 75 % of world trade is carried by sea.
Over 90 % of world trade is carried by sea.
Compared to other means of transport, shipping is the most energy efficient.
In 2005, shipping transported 6,6 billion tons of cargo.
Select the option that most accurately completes the following statement. The main ecological impacts of oil on the marine environment are:
Death of seabirds, fouling of coastal areas.
Ingestion by fish, fouling of coastal areas.
Ingestion by mammals, fouling of rocky shores.
Ingestion by mammals, death of seabirds.
Select the option that most accurately completes the following statement. A typical food chain in a kelp forest would consist of:
Kelp – sea urchins – sea otters.
Sea urchins – kelp – sea otters.
Sea urchins – turtles – humans.
Approximately how many people on earth live close to the sea as a percentage of the world population?
Select the option that most accurately completes the following statement. Sustainable development has three aspects, often represented by the three P’s, which are:
People, Planet and Profit.
Participation, Pride and Profit.
Promotion, Profit and Pride.
People, Planet and Pride.
Which one of the given options is accepted as the depth of water at which the coastal sea ends and the open ocean begins?
Which one of the statements given in the options is INCORRECT in relation to open oceans?
Open oceans have a richer sea life than coastal seas.
Open oceans have less nutrients than coastal seas.
Open oceans have longer food chains than coastal seas.
Open oceans are deeper than coastal seas.
Which one of the statements given in the options is NOT true in relation to sustainable development?
We try ensure that our children and grand-children will be able to live on this planet as well.
The aspects of planet, profit, and people all receive attention.
Business do not only focus on making more money.
Business pay more attention to preserving the environment than to making money.
Select the option that most accurately completes the following statement. Once microplastics are ingested by small animals at low levels in the food chain:
The chemicals contained in the plastic enters their body tissues and are passed on to organisms higher in the food chain.
Other animals do not eat them anymore because they taste like plastic.
They become instantly toxic.
The small animals excrete the plastics rapidly.
Select the option that most accurately completes the following statement. The People P in sustainable development relates to:
Acceptable working conditions for employees and societal acceptance.
Simply making a commercial profit.
Care for the natural world.
The number of people employed by an environmentally friendly company.
Select the option that most accurately completes the following statement. Research shows that the main reason for dumping solid waste from ships is:
The lack of storage space.
That the rules are not clear.
Why are coral reefs considered to be vulnerable?
Because they are slow growing animals and can be easily damaged.
Because they are often situated in shallow waters in coastal areas.
Because they are slow growing plants and can be easily damaged.
Because they are often situated in polluted regions.
Which one of the statements given in the options is NOT true in relation to invasive marine species?
Invasive toxic algae kill shellfish like mussels.
Invasive species have caused the collapse of fisheries.
Whole ecosystems are changed by the invasion of species.
Invasive species cause risks to human health.
Select the option that most accurately completes the following statement. The Planet P in sustainable development relates to:
Care for the natural world.
Making a business profit.
Acceptable working conditions for employees and societal acceptance.
Preventing invasive species from spreading around the planet.
Which one of the given options is a key-element of the natural greenhouse effect?
The Earth captures all of the heat radiated by the Sun.
Greenhouse gases prevent heat from the sun reaching the Earth.
Greenhouse gases prevent heat from the sun escaping from the Earth and keep the Earth warm.
Greenhouse gases prevent hazardous UV radiation from the Sun reaching the Earth.
Two “pools of garbage” were discovered by Captain Charles Moore. Where are they located?
Which of the given options defines microplastics in the marine environment?
Pieces of plastic smaller than 5 mm in size.
Pieces of plastic smaller than 10 mm in size.
Pieces of plastic smaller than 15 mm in size.
Pieces of plastic smaller than 20 mm in size.
Which organisms in the sea can perform photosynthesis?
Phytoplankton and zooplankton.
Sea weeds and zooplankton.
Phytoplankton and sea weeds.
Which one of the statements given in the options is NOT correct in relation to seafarers, shipping and the environment?
Seafarers have no influence on how things work on board; they should just follow orders.
Seafarers are essential to make regulation and procedures work.
Seafarers can make a difference in the environmental performance of shipping.
Seafarers are an important part of the shipping industry.
Which of the statements given in the options is NOT true?
Under the new IMO Ballast Water Convention, ships must exchange ballast water at sea or kill the organisms transported in the ballast water.
Fouling on the ship’s hull leads to increased fuel consumption.
TBT worked very well as antifouling but proved very toxic for marine life.
TBT is still used as antifouling in some paints.
Which of the given options are the components of ships diesel engine exhaust gas emissions that are the main contributors to acidification and acid rain formation?
Which IMO convention contains the main environmental regulations for shipping?
What percentage of the global man made CO2 emissions was international shipping estimated to be responsible for in 2007?
Which one of the given options is the most accurate in relation to how much oil enters the sea through operational spills compared to accidental spills?
Operational spills contribute ten times less oil than accidental spills.
Operational spills contribute three times less oil than accidental spills.
Operational spills contribute the same amount of oil as accidental spills.
Operational spills contribute three times more oil than accidental spills.
Which of the gases given in the options are not usually emitted by ships during normal operations?
Cargo emissions such as Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs).
Is it true that species that are too large to be taken up in a ballast water tank can be transported by ships?
No, only species that are small enough to be taken up in a ballast water tank can be transported by ships.
No, because large species do not survive the harsh conditions inside the ballast water tank.
Yes, because their eggs and larvae are small enough to be taken up in a ballast water tank.
Yes, because large species always have the ability to attach themselves to the ship’s hull.
Food chain has three levels and 1 000 000 kg of phytoplankton. The food chain consists of phytoplankton – large zooplankton – predator fish. How much of the top predator will be produced according to the 10 % rule?
Select the option that most accurately completes the following statement. Animals sometimes eat solid waste (and even feed it to their young), because:
Solid waste may look like their normal food.
Animals are not smart enough.
Solid waste always contains lots of nutrients.
Solid waste is colourful and is therefore always attractive to animals.
Which one of the statements given in the options is NOT true?
Marine mammals use sound only for communications.
Ship’s noise, military sonar and underwater construction are examples of human made sounds under water.
Marine mammals, fish and even coral reefs make sounds.
Background noise from ships makes it harder for animals to hear other sounds.
Which of the statements given in the options is true in relation to shipping and the environment?
Individuals do not have any personal responsibility in sustainable shipping.
Individuals cannot make a difference in minimizing the environmental impact of shipping.
Sustainable shipping is not only about regulations and technical innovations; it is also about people; it is about you.
MARPOL was adopted in 1988.
Select the option that most accurately completes the following statement. The Profit P in sustainable development relates to:
Making a business profit while recognizing sustainable demands.
Care for the natural world.
Acceptable working conditions for employees and societal acceptance.
Simply making a commercial profit regardless of the consequences.
In relation to the marine environment, what is the meaning of the word tainting?
The cleaning up of a chemical spill.
The process by which shellfish start tasting like chemicals (or oil).
It is another word for painting the hull of a ship.
It is another word for the occurrence of a chemical spill.
Chemicals may be grouped by the way that they behave when they enter the sea. Which one of the given options best describes the four different groupings for behaviour of chemicals entering the sea as defined in this module?
They may oxidize, float, dissolve or evaporate.
They may sink, spread, dissolve or evaporate.
They may spread, float, dissolve or evaporate.
They may sink, float, dissolve or evaporate.
Approximately how much of the world’s surface is covered by water?
Approximately how long does it take for a plastic bottle to break down in the marine environment?
Which of the given options is the main reason that some chemicals reach concentrations that are 100 000 times higher in animals, such as predatory fish, compared to concentrations locally in the sea water?
Because chemicals bio accumulate in the food chain.
Because chemicals dissolve in the food chain.
Because predatory fish ingest chemicals from the sea water.
Because predatory fish cannot break down the chemicals in their tissues.
Select the option that most accurately completes the following statement. Mangroves are important as they provide:
Nursery grounds for fish and natural flood barriers.
Nursery grounds for fish and shelter grounds for dolphins.
A wood supply for humans and shelter grounds for dolphins.
A home for turtles and natural flood barriers.
Select the option that most accurately completes the following statement. Salt marshes often occur together with:
Why does international shipping have to cut carbon dioxide emissions?
Because international shipping is responsible for 50 % of carbon dioxide emissions worldwide.
Because, if action is not taken, shipping’s contribution to global carbon dioxide emissions is expected to grow fast in the coming decades.
Because the engines used in ships produce huge amounts of carbon dioxide.
Which of the following statements is true in relation to waste dumped into the sea?
Albatrosses never eat plastics.
Most animals excrete the solid waste that enters the stomach.
Microplastics are not ingested by animals because they are so small.
Solid waste can often not be digested by marine animals and it remains in the intestines resulting in the animals starving to death.
Select the option that most accurately completes the following statement. The natural greenhouse effect is a good thing, because:
Without it the average world temperatures would be 18 °C.
It protects the ozone layer.
It produces the oxygen that humans need to exist.
Which one of the statements given in the options is NOT true in relation to plastics dumped into the sea?
When animals eat plastics they always pass them out with body waste.
Plastic cannot be digested and may clog the intestines.
Animals may eat plastic because it looks like their normal food.
When animals eat plastics they have a false sense of fullness so they stop eating and may die.
Which one of the statements given in the options is NOT true in relation to shipping and the environment?
Disasters with oil tankers are the only important environmental impact from shipping.
Environmental impacts from ships include emissions into the atmosphere and dumping of waste and oil into the sea.
Most of the harmful emissions from ship come from the daily operational release of substances.
Over 90 % of world trade is carried by sea.
Which one of the given options best describes the process of photosynthesis?
Plants use sunlight to produce sugars and oxygen.
Animals and plants use sunlight to produce sugars.
Plants use sunlight and oxygen to produce sugars.
Animals use sunlight and oxygen to produce sugars.
Select the option that most accurately completes the following statement. Three main biological differences between coastal seas and open oceans are:
Types of phytoplankton, levels of primary production and lengths of food chains.
Types of phytoplankton, levels of primary production and numbers of bacteria.
Numbers of bacteria, levels of primary production and lengths of food chains.
Types of phytoplankton, the 10 % rule and lengths of food chains.
What is considered to be the main effect and greatest environment risk of acidification?
Human drinking water becomes acid and undrinkable.
It damages trees, kills life in lakes and damages old building.
It affects human health, such as giving heart problems.
Select the option that most accurately completes the following statement. In coastal seas a typical food chain normally has:
Select the option that most accurately completes the following statement. Bioaccumulation can be defined as:
The process by which chemicals are broken down by organisms.
The process by which chemicals have toxic effects in animals.
The process by which chemicals tend to reach higher concentrations high in the food chain.
The process by which chemicals accumulate as sediment on the sea floor.
Which one of the statements given in the options is NOT true in relation to emissions from ships?
Small particles from shipping emissions are responsible for 60 000 deaths per year, worldwide.
Road traffic often emits more SOx and PM than shipping.
MARPOL Annex VI deals with emissions into the atmosphere.
Proper maintenance of an engine will minimize the emission of air pollutants.
Which one of the given options best represents the main constituents that make up the exhaust gas emissions from ship’s diesel engines?
A food chain has four levels and 1 000 000 kg of phytoplankton. The food chain consists of phytoplankton – large zooplankton – small fish – predator fish. How much of the top predator will be produced according to the 10 % rule?
Which one of the given options is the most accurate definition of the term “invasive species” in relation to the marine environment?
Alien species that become a pest in a new environment.
Alien species that eat other species.
Alien species that invade coastal areas.
Alien species found in open seas.
Which of the given options is NOT normally considered to be part of oil?
Which one of the marine environments given in the options is most vulnerable to oil pollution?
Approximately how many marine viruses can be found in 1 ml of sea water?
Why are deep sea organisms very often slow growing?
Because it is dark in deep waters.
Because pressures are enormous at greater depths.
Because of low temperatures and lack of food.
Because dense population in deep waters means there is too much competition.
When sewage enters the sea in a coastal area it adds extra nutrients and phytoplankton may grow “out of control”. What happens when bacteria break down the increased number of dead phytoplankton which will result from this situation?
Oxygen levels decrease because bacteria use up oxygen when decomposing algae.
Oxygen levels increase because bacteria produce oxygen when decomposing algae.
Oxygen levels decrease because bacteria use up oxygen when performing photosynthesis.
Oxygen levels increase because bacteria produce oxygen when performing photosynthesis.
Which one of the statements given in the options is NOT true in relation to the transfer of marine life through ballast water operations?
Faster ships make it harder for marine species to travel.
At least 10 000 different species travel in ship’s ballast tanks around the world.
Every year, 10 to 15 billion tons of ballast water is carried along by ships.
Most species do not survive inside ballast tanks.
Which one of the given options best describes mangrove trees?
Salt-tolerant trees in cool regions.
Salt-tolerant trees in tropical regions.
Salt-tolerant trees in polar regions.
Salt-tolerant trees that always occur together with seagrass beds.
Select the option that most accurately completes the following statement. Effects of invasive species being introduced into a marine environment can include:
The collapse of fisheries, an increase in the number of different species in an area and an increased risk of eating toxic shellfish.
The collapse of fisheries, drastic changes in marine food webs and an increased risk of eating toxic shellfish.
The collapse of fisheries, drastic changes in marine food webs and an increased in the number of different species in an area.
The collapse of fisheries, drastic changes in marine food web, and a decreased risk of eating toxic shellfish.
Which of the given options is the typical make up and order of a simple, marine food chain?
Phytoplankton – zooplankton – small fish – large fish.
Zooplankton – phytoplankton – small fish – large fish.
Zooplankton – small fish – large fish – humans.
Phytoplankton – large fish – humans.
Which one of the given options is the estimated operational discharge of oil into the sea in 2002?
24 % of oil entering the sea.
16 % of oil entering the sea.
8 % of oil entering the sea.
32 % of oil entering the sea.
Select the option that most accurately completes the following statement. Bacteria are an important element in the marine environment primarily because:
They break down the waste produced in the food chain.
They kill organisms and provide food for other animals.
They are eaten by zooplankton.
Which one of the given options is considered a chronic toxic effect of chemicals rather than an acute effect?
Problems with reproduction.
Which of the given options is the main reason why oil kills seabirds?
They eat the oil which is toxic to them.
The oil sticking to their feathers prevents them from flying.
The oil sticking to their feathers makes them drown or die from the cold.
The oil sticks to their beaks so that they cannot eat anymore.
Select the option that most accurately completes the following statement. Plankton in the open ocean are usually small, because:
Open oceans are nutrient-poor.
The small size allows them to hide from predators more easily.
The small size allows them to capture sunlight energy more efficiently.