Der Test besteht aus zufälligen Fragen zu einem ausgewählten Thema.
The button or switch “dimmer” of a mariphone serves:
To regulate the transmitting power
On board they want to send a telex message to the Apollogracht via Inmarsat. In the guides the following ID’s are found for the Apollogracht:24432000, 424432010, 424432020, 1300210, 36715. What ID should be chosen:
There are three levels of burning, namely:*Superficial *Intermediate*Deep burns (also called full-thickness burns) A large burn will almost certainly contain areas of all three grades. How many per cent of the body may be burned before the danger of lifethreatning shock occurs?
What should be observed concerning the vessel's stress?
The vessel's draft and trim?
Distribution of the containers?
Distribution and weight of the containers?
Weight of the containers?
You are transiting a narrow channel. What can happen in this situation?
The bow will be pushed away from the bank
The bow will be sucked towards the bank
The stern will be pushed away from the bank
None of the mentioned will happen
What transmitting equipment as a rule is not allowed for us in territorial waters:
*How much liferaft capacity should be provided on a conventional cargo ship of more than 85 meters in length.
75% of the complement on each side of the ship
100% of the complement if it can be readily launched on either side of the ship. If it cannot be readily launched on either side, 100% must be provided on each side
50% of the complement on each side of the ship
25% of the complement on each side of the ship
Which item among those below is included in the normal equipment of every lifeboat ?
one immersion suit for each person
sea-charts and navigating equipment
one set of fishing tackle
Which part of the human body out of the list given after is not considered to allow maximum heat exchange with the surrounding fluid (air/water)?
You are the Sen.Off.Deck of a vessel involved in a collision. All necessary actions to ensure safety of crew and vessel has been taken. What shall you then tell the Sen.Off.Deck on the other vessel?
Don-t talk to the Sen.Off.Deck on the other vessel at all.
Name and Port of registry of your vessel.
That you are sorry for the collision.
Check with the pilot, or any witnesses, about their consideration of whom to blame for the collision.
The fire control draft on board is called the safety plan and shall be posted onboard. In port, a copy of this plan shall in addition be available from somewhere else. Where must this copy be available?
In the engine control room.
Handed over to the surveyors.
What do you understand by the term ‘Terminal Representative’?
A cargo facility terminal agent
A person appointed by a cargo terminal for matters related to crew welfare under the International Labour Convention
A person appointed by a cargo terminal for operations conducted by that terminal with regard to a ship
A bulk cargo terminal agent
How will you calculate transverse accelerations?
Multiply the values taken from tables 2, 3 and 4 of the Cargo Stowage and Security (CSS) Code
Multiply the values taken from tables 3 and 4 of the Cargo Stowage and Security (CSS) Code
From formulae given in the Cargo Securing Manual (CSM)
Rule of thumb and past experience
What is the punishment for any shipmaster who in distress or other danger abandons the ship without this being necessary?
Shall be liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding three years.
Shall be liable to fines or imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months.
Shall be liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding one year.
Shall be liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years.
The continuity resistance of a 100m long X 25 sq. mm cable (rated at 100A) is to be checked. Which of the following results would you anticipate?
between 0.1 and 1.0 M ohm
between 0.1micro ohm and 1.0 micro ohm
During replacement of the main bearing shells on a medium speed diesel engine it is necessary to remove both the top and bottom half shells. From the options given select the method that is most commonly employed to remove the bottom half shells from the bearing pockets on an engine with a traditional bedplate?
Jack up the crankshaft and use a suitable punch to loosen the bottom half shell in the pocket so it can be lifted out with a pair of grips.
Fit a driver in the crankshaft oil hole which bears against the edge of the bottom half shell and turn the engine.
Turn the engine to a position where the crank webs are clear of the shell and knock the bottom half shell out axially using a suitable punch.
Remove the crankshaft so that all the bottom half shells can be removed at the same time.
With respect to earthing (grounding) of signal cables. Which of the 4 alternatives is correct for a cable for analogue signals?
When first using cleaning agent in the machinery space, the crew should:
Confirm that it won't form an emulsion
Confirm that it will form an emulsion
Under which of the following conditions would it be dangerous to load a cargo of bulk coal?
When the temperature of the coal to be loaded exceeds 55 degrees Celsius
When the temperature of the coal to be loaded exceeds 30 degrees Celsius
When loading is required from open stockpiles
When loading coal from an open stockpile and it is wet
Which of the following food types or food components listed below is considered to be dangerous to health if consumed on a regular basis?
Moderate volumes of fibre.
The purpose of the surface blow valve is to
Remove any oil or scum on water surface
Remove air from feed-water
Remove sludge and scale from boiler tubes
What type of Bill of Lading covers "door to door" shipment?
A Destination Bill of Lading.
A Through Bill of Lading.
A Multi-Phase Bill of Lading.
What will be the probably outcome if the amplification is set to high on the controller
The process response will be very slow
The process will oscillate and get out of control
The set-point will change
A 450 volt, 859 kW rated generator has not been in operation for several weeks. Prior to starting, insulation resistance readings are taken. The minimum acceptable insulation resistance reading on the main stator winding to allow you to proceed with running the generator is:
What is the correct definition of "boat deck"?
A deck of cards on board.
Deck and secure the boats.
The deck for the lifeboats.
Why should passenger ships be subdivided into main vertical zones?
To comply with company specific standards defined in the Safety Management System
To comply with passenger safety, cargo safety and hull integrity training defined in the STCW convention
To comply with specific provisions for fire integrity defined in SOLAS and to ensure safety of passengers and crew in case of a fire
To comply with specific provisions for fire integrity defined by the Classification Society
What do you understand by: Hydrographic vessel in position…….wide berth requested?
This means: the hydrographic vessel is providing a wide berth
This means: the hydrographic vessel wishes to go alongside a wide berth
This means: the hydrographic vessel is very wide
This means: keep well clear of the hydrographic vessel in position………
How many fast rescue boats are required to be carried by a passenger ship of 500 GRT and above?
One fast rescue boat on each side of the vessel
One fast rescue boat and one rescue boat on each side of the vessel
Fast rescue boat to accommodate 50 % of the passenger on each side
At least one of the rescue boats shall be a fast rescue boat
What is the purpose of a draught survey before and after loading on a Bulk Carrier?
The calculate the stability of the vessel
To calculate the deadweight of the vessel
To ascertain the actual weight of cargo loaded
To calculate light displacement of the vessel
The vessel is steaming off the coast when the engine room informs the bridge it must stop engines immediately. Shortly afterwards they informed the bridge they would need a least three hours to fix it. Which of the following actions would be the most suitable taken by the bridge?
Display the NUC signal, maintain the watch and determine how the ship is drifting and the probable position after three hours.
Display the NUC signal and keep a good lookout
Display the NUC signal, maintain the watch and ask the Engine room to be a quick as possible
Display the NUC signal, maintain the watch and wait for further developments.
An LNG carrier is equipped with membrane type tanks with a MARVS less than 0.7 bar. What additional cargo containment requirements, if any, are needed for this type of cargo tank arrangement?
Only a partial secondary barrier is required.
No secondary barrier is required as this is a self supporting arrangement.
Only a drip tray is required.
A full secondary barrier is required.
What hazard is associated with carrying ammonium nitrate?
It has several subsidiary risks
It is liable to spontaneous combustion
The figure shows a cross section through a ship floating in water, with the hull in red and the seabed below the ship shaded. On the figure there are four (4) possible definitions of the term "FREEBOARD" given. Which one is the correct one?
Freeboard is given by B on the figure
Freeboard is given by C on the figure
Freeboard is given by A on the figure
Freeboard is given by D on the figure
A 6-Volt relay is to be used with a 12-Volt power supply. The relay requires a current of 0.1 Amp. What is the series resistance required.
Ro-ro passenger ships shall either carry automatically self-righting liferafts or canopied reversible liferafts. What does it mean that a liferaft is automatically self-righting?
The liferaft will automatically turn back into an upright position when it is fully loaded with people
The liferaft will automatically turn back into an upright position when it is empty of people
It means the same as self-righting lifeboats
One person can manage to turn the liferaft back into an upright position
As ships get older which hatch covers need special attention when battening down for sea passage?
The aftermost hatch covers
The midships hatch covers
The foremost hatch covers
Hatch covers abaft the accommodation
What standing instruction should be given to prevent a possible blackout on board a ro-ro vessel?
To check with the duty engineer prior to switching on motors or other machinery that take a heavy load
To check with the duty engineer prior to taking steps in correcting the vessel’s list
To use minimum deck lighting at night
To switch off lights in idle cargo holds
A rating on boiler watch notices water coming from the safety valve chest drain while the boiler is in operation. What action should be taken by the rating?
Contact the engineer officer of the watch and inform him immediately.
Put a bucket under the drain to prevent the deck becoming wet and slippery.
Hit the safety valve with a hammer to try and get it to reseat tightly.
Operate the safety valve using the release gear to try and get it to reseat tightly.
During overhaul of some plate type compressor valves the engine room rating is asked to clean the valve plates and seat. Some of the valve plates are heavily marked. What action should be taken?
Skim the valve plates in the lathe to remove all of the marks.
Discard the defective valve plates and replace them with new spares.
Dress the valve plates up using a portable grinder.
Use coarse grinding paste to remove the marks from the valve plates as quickly as possible.
Are membrane tanks self supporting as the independent tanks?
Membrane tanks are self-supporting only when they are loaded
Only the inner membrane is self-supporting
Membrane tanks are not self-supporting
Membrane tanks are self-supporting as the independent tanks
What is another term for ‘Cargo Sweepings’?
In calculating the amount of an oil cargo, if you start with the Total Observed Volume (TOV), then deduct any measurable quantities in the tanks prior to loading and the volume of any free water found, what figure are you left with?
Gross Standard Volume (GSV)
Total Calculated Volume (TCV)
Gross Observed Volume (GOV)
Net Observed Volume (NOV)
You are to load a cargo of Cyclohexanol to tanks 2, 3 and 4 centre and 2 and 4 wing tanks. The lines to these tanks are all connected at the manifold with flexible hoses and are all capable of being isolated with the exception of 2 centre, which has therefore been designated as the last tank to load. What will you do with the other tanks as they complete loading?
Close only the tank loading valves, so that pressure remains constant around the pipeline system and flexible hoses. Continue to monitor the cargo levels in the finished tanks to ensure that the high-level alarms are not activated as the ship's trim changes.
Close only the corresponding manifold cross-over valves as the tanks finish, so that the pressure in the lines equalises with the pressures in the tanks. Re-check the ullages at the end of loading as they will have changed as the trim of the ship has changed.
Close the tank loading valves, then close the appropriate manifold cross-over valves. After a few minutes, re-open the tank loading valves and leave them like this until cargo operations are completed, to ensure they drain fully. Re-check the ullages at the end of loading and then close the tank loading valves.
Close the appropriate manifold cross-over valves and tank loading valves as each tank finishes. Continue to monitor the cargo levels in the finished tanks to ensure that the valves are not passing.
Some cargoes carried on liquefied gas carriers are toxic and are given a Threshold Limit Value (TLV) as a time weighted average (TWA). What does the TLV-TWA usually indicate?
It indicates the maximum vapour concentration that a person can be exposed to for 8 hours per day or 40 hours per week.
It indicates the maximum vapour concentration that a person can be exposed to for one hour.
It indicates the absolute maximum vapour concentration that a person may be exposed to at any time.
It indicates the maximum vapour concentration that a person can be exposed to before breathing apparatus is required.
In a fresh water tank we are using a pressure transmitter with a range of 0-0.5 bar / 4-20mA for level measurement. The transmitter is for different reasons installed 30 centimeters from the bottom of the tank, and the tank is 5 meters high. What will the output from the transmitter be when the tank is full? (Pending no calibration is made)
What is the minimum permissible distance measured horizontally between the ship's shell plating and the outer side bulkhead of the first cargo compartment on a type II chemical tanker?
Not less than moulded breadth / 5.
Not less than moulded breadth / 15.
What are flexitanks used for?
The carriage of liquid cargoes of a particular specific gravity
The carriage of liquid cargoes that do not have a Proper Shipping Name
The carriage of hazardous liquids, in bulk
The carriage of non-hazardous liquids, in bulk
In the formula 0.9LBD (tonnes) for the amount of high density bulk cargo that can safely be loaded in a cargo hold, what is the value of ‘D’?
The tropical load draught
Maximum depth of the cargo hold
Moulded depth of the cargo hold
What does ‘wedging’ achieve in side-rolling hatch covers?
It facilitates lowering of the panels for closing
It forces the compression bar on one panel to fit against the seal on the opposite panel
It facilitates the automatically wedging of hatch cover panels
It facilitates the automatic cleating of hatch cover panels
When unloading a generator, it is necessary to gradually decrease the load in order to avoid:
Undue overload on the switchboard.
The sign on the image indicates:
Location of boiler suit(s)
You should wear warm clothes in this area
Location of immersion suit(s)
You should wear immersion suit when working in this area
What term is applied to the arrangement by which liquid chemicals are stowed on board, so that potentially reactive chemicals are not placed in adjacent compartments?
What is the purpose of "Glycol Water Heating"?
The system heats glycol water which is pumped around cofferdam system to maintain the temperature inside those spaces, when loaded, at approximately - 5 C.
The system heats glycol water which is pumped around cofferdam system to maintain the temperature inside those spaces, when loaded, at approximately +25 C.
The system heats glycol water which is pumped around cofferdam system to maintain the temperature inside those spaces, when loaded, at approximately +15 C.
The system heats glycol water which is pumped around cofferdam system to maintain the temperature inside those spaces, when loaded, at approximately +5 C.
Which of the following can be considered to be two of the main requirements for a paint coating for a cargo space of a General Cargo Vessel?
Low odour and heat resistant
Easy to clean and dark in colour
Light reflective and compatible with edible cargoes
Corrosion resistant and heat resistant
What makes cargo holds weather tight?
The hatch coaming compression bar
Firm contact between the hatch cover rubber seals and the hatch coaming compression bar
Steel-to-steel contact between hatch covers and coaming
Hatch cover rubber packing
Which of the given statements is true in relation to the features and operation of a 4 stroke diesel engine ?
4 stroke engines are not required to have crankcase relief valves fitted.
The camshaft rotates with half the RPM of the crankshaft in a 4 stroke engine.
A 4 stroke engine always has scavenge ports near the bottom of the cylinder liner.
A 4 stroke engine has an ignition towards the end of every upward stroke of the piston.
Which of these emission control requirements is correct?
Incineration of PCB's is permitted
Equipment containing ozone-depleting substances may be dumped at sea 50 miles from land
Installation of an exhaust gas cleaning system reduces emission of nitrogen oxide
Low sulphur fuels reduce emissions of volatile organic compounds
What is a Declaration of Security?
A checklist jointly completed by the Ship Security Officer and the U.S. Coast Guard
A document stating the ship’s security level
A document between the port and the cargo owner stating security
A checklist jointly completed by the ship and shore security representatives
A vessel’s aft draught reading is 8.50m with a correction factor of 0.065m; the aft draught marks are painted forward of the after perpendicular. What is the corrected aft draught if the vessel is trimmed by the stern?
What will immediately diminish the function of a dovetail fitting?
Signs of corrosion of the adjacent deck plating
Rust stains around the welded seam
The sign on the image indicates:
Location of immersion suit(s)
Location of boiler suit(s)
You should wear warm clothes in this area
You should wear immersion suit when working in this area
The water cooling space on the turbocharger is damaged and you have no spares. The cooling water must be closed. Which steps would you take to ensure least possible damage?
Make no modifications, but tell the duty engineer to pay special attention for abnormalities
Run the engine at a lower speed
Cool the turbocharger by means of air.
Dismantle the rotor and assemble the sealing plate
When starting three phase induction motors there is sometimes a need to use a star-delta starter. A star-delta starter exhibits which of the following characteristics while connected in star.
Reduced current and increased voltage
Reduced current and reduced torque
Reduced current and reduced voltage
Increased current and power
The timing of the engine is delayed. The exhaust temperatures are high. How would you expect this to affect the turbocharger?
Higher air and gas temperature after turbocharger.
Surging of the turbocharger.
Decreased turbocharger revolutions.
Increased turbocharger revolutions.
An electric motor is to be aligned to a pump by insuring shims under the motor feet. Which of the tools given in the options would be used to check that the alignment is correct by measurement of the gap between the coupling faces?
An inside vernier calliper.
On a RoRo vessel, why are short lashings better than long lashings for ro-ro units?
Because ships' vibrations will not slacken short lashings
Because it is a cargo securing manual requirement
Because they're easily tightened and tensioned
In the diagram, which letter is pointing to the area of the ship known as the "STERN"?
The Stern area is indicated by A, in the figure
The Stern area is indicated by D, in the figure
The Stern area is indicated by C, in the figure
The Stern area is indicated by B, in the figure
How do we recognize a leaking fuel injection valve during testing?
Fuel oil leaks out of the joint between the nozzle and the injector body.
The injector does not open at the normal opening set pressure.
The pressure falls off on the pressure gauge when trying to hold the pressure in the injector below normal opening set pressure.
The injector opens before normal opening set pressure.
We say the centrifugal pump cavitates when:?
When the liquid accelerates from the suction side.
When the NPSH is variable.
We have negative pressure on the inlet side of the pump.
For what purpose do we have booster pumps on the cargo discharge line?
To increase discharge rate.
To reduce the flow and pressure to shore line.
To increase discharge pressure and reduce the cargo temperature.
To increase discharge discharge line pressure above shore back pressure.
What is the typical size of a LNG carrier?
How would a ship drifting onto a rocky shore, be communicated?
"My ship is drifting into danger"
"My ship requires tug assistance"
"My ship is not under command"
What is ‘Reserve Buoyancy’?
The buoyancy provided by all enclosed spaces above the waterline
The residual buoyancy at an angle of loll
The residual buoyancy at the maximum righting lever
The buoyancy provided by all spaces above the waterline
What action should be taken, in addition to isolating the leak, if the boiler water has become contaminated with a small amount of fuel oil due to a leaking heating coil?
Do nothing, a small amount of oil in the boiler is harmless..
Dose with coagulant and give the boiler a bottom blowdown.
Dose with coagulant and continue to operate the boiler as normal.
Dose with coagulant and surface blow the boiler.
What is the definition of "Mole"?
A substance capable of causing canser.
A graphic method of representing the heat quantities contained in air.
The volume occupied by one molecular mass in grams.
The mass that is numerically equal to to the molecular mass.
What is the procedure if a tank lorry containing dangerous goods is not clearly marked?
As long as the driver looks ok, load the cargo
Ask the driver to write a declaration of contents and load the vehicle
Load it, usually tank lorries are not clearly marked
Refuse to load the vehicle
What is a Jensen Sling used for?
Loading and discharging bales
Loading and discharging steel pipes
Loading and discharging paper reels
Loading and discharging packaged timber
In discussing the properties of oil cargoes, which of the following are examples of Aromatic Hydrocarbons?
Benzene, Toluene and Xylene.
Hydrogen Sulphide and Carbon Monoxide.
Carbon Dioxide and Hydrogen Peroxide.
Propane, Butane and Pentane.
On a Bulk Carrier, what should be done if the cargo loading rate exceeds the ballast discharge rate thereby affecting hull stresses?
Notify the port state authority with whom the loading plan has been lodged
Notify the stevedoring foreman
Notify the terminal representative
Lodge note of protest with the terminal
What will occur within the cargo tank if Crude Oil Washing is undertaken with oil containing a substantial amount of water?
It will be impossible to separate the oil and water at a later stage
Ther will be inadequate drainage due to emulsification
An electrically charged mist may be generated
It will assist in the cleaning of the tank
What additional requirement must be observed if a cargo tank on a chemical tanker is to be cleaned by recirculation with a low flash or static accumulator product?
The tank must be inerted to less than 8% oxygen content.
All lids and other penetrations must be securely closed before recirculation is commenced.
The tank must already have been cleaned to Water White Standard to ensure no hazardous reaction with cargo residues.
The product must be allowed settling time within the tank before recirculation is commenced.
What gas checks must be made to the atmosphere in a general cargo ship deep tank prior to cleaning and after discharge of a cargo of vegetable oil?
The atmosphere must be checked for oxygen, methane gas and carbon dioxide
The atmosphere must be checked for oxygen levels, flammable gas and toxic gas
The atmosphere must be checked for oxygen, hydrogen and acid gas
The atmosphere must be checked for hydrogen sulphide, carbon monoxide and hydrogen gas
Where on board can you find the different types of protection equipment, the placement, how much equipment etc?
When you join a new ship, how are you informed about safety rules, alarm instructions and your own duties in case of an emergency?
By muster lists exhibited in conspicuous places
By oral instructions by the Captain
By alarm instructions in all crew cabins
By folder distributed to each crewmember
How often shall each member of the crew participate in an "abandon ship"-drill?
How many hand held distress flares are carried in each liferaft?
What will you bring in a lifeboat if the ship is abondoned?
Warm clothes, blankets and lifevests.
All pets that will most likely not be able to enter the boat by themselves.
All valuables like money, jewelry etc.
As much biscuit and canned food as possible.
Which position is the best to stop bleeding from the nose?
Holding the nose above steamed water.
Laying on the back, leaning the head as much back as possible.
Laying on the back, holding a wet, cold towel on the top of the nose.
Sitting on a chair, leaning forward, with two fingers pressing the nose together.
All fuel oil tanks are vented through a
Check vent to transfer pump
Check vent to settling tanks
Gooseneck vent on main deck
In case of fire in the switch board, what kind of extinguisant to be preferred?