Der Test besteht aus zufälligen Fragen zu einem ausgewählten Thema.
Where on board would you find out which fire sections are enclosed by "A" or "B" class divisions?
On the general arrangement plan
*In addition to cargo and machinery spaces, which other space, if any, has to be fitted with an approved fixed fire-extinguishing system on a cargo ship where method of protection "I C" has been adopted ?
Emergency batteries store room
No fixed extinguishing systems are generally required for any other spaces protected according to this method
A self contained Breathing Apparatus should contain at least 1200 litres of air. How long should this last a normal person who is not carrying out hard work?
The engine room is equipped with regular fire hoses and nozzles. What is important to observe when using water as an extinguisant in the engine room?
Water may short circuit electrical installation and may be a threat to the personnel operating the firehose as well as to electrical equipment itself.
Water has a clear limitation in fighting an oil fire.
All the mentioned alternatives.
To reduce the negative effect of water in an engine room, the spraying function to be used.The spray function will also give the personnel operating the fire hose good shelter against heat.
You are carrying out a search in a smoke filled room wearing BA. How would you conduct this search?
Proceed straight ahead to the far bulkhead and then carry out a left or right hand search as appropriate
Proceed to the approximate centre of the room and then carry out the search on a circular pattern.
Carry out a right or left hand search and proceed carefully feeling the area in front with the foot and using the back of the free hand to check the area in front.
As soon as you enter carry out a right or left hand search by placing the appropriate hand onto the bulhead and then follow the bulkhead round as quickly as possible.
What alarm signal must be sounded by the alarm bells in case of fire?
The signal which is stated in the muster list
One long blast followed by seven short blasts
*The engine room is equipped with regular fire hoses and nozzles. What is important to observe when using water as an extinguishing agent in the engine room?
Water may short circuit electrical installation and may be a threat to the personnel operating the fire hose as well as to electrical equipment itself
All the mentioned alternatives
Water has a clear limitation in fighting an oil fire
To reduce the negative effect of water in an engine room, the spraying function to be used. The spray function will also give the personnel operating the fire hose good shelter against heat
The analyses of the smoke produced by a fire, may give an interpretation of that fire. Which are the factors we should take into account?
Opacity, amount and colour
There is no possible interpretation of a fire according to the smoke
To guarantee optimal reception of VHF-DSC-calls as every:
DSC-report is sent twice, at least every second call is compared with the earlier received call
DSC-symbol is checked on the right amount of 10, and then checked on the correct relation by Error Checked Character
DSC-symbol is sent twice and checked extra by Error Check Character
When a message is sent by the Inmarsat—C installation to an Internet e-mail address, the land charge is:
dependent on the ‘chargeband'
dependent on the destination
independent of the destination
To what purpose is safety meetings held prior to surveys?
To account for all personnel involved and divide individuals into groups. Ref. IMO Chapter 12.
To check out if the rules of ISGOTT Chapter 10 is followed.
No particular reasons for holding a safety meeting.
To meet all participants and distribute equipment.
Name three international conventions that cover the international shipping trades?
The three international conventions that cover the shipping trade is SOLAS 74/78, STCW 78/95 and MARPOL 73/78
The three international conventions that cover the shipping trade is SOLAS 74, STCW 78 and MARPOL 73
The three international conventions that cover the shipping trade is SOLAS 74, SOLAS 78 and STCW 78
There isn’t any international conventions that cover the shipping trade
You are on a vessel 10 nautical miles off the coast of Nigeria, West Africa. Are you allowed to dump empty glass bottles overboard ?
Yes, glass bottles can be dumped overboard
Yes, the bottles can be dumped if they are ground so that the resulting particles can pass through a screen with 25 mm openings
No, glass bottles can not be dumped overboard
Yes, the bottles can be dumped if they are ground so that the resulting particles can pass through a screen with 50 mm openings
The ship has a single fixed pitch right-handed propeller and is going astern as illustrated. What is the most likely way the ship will react in these circumstances?
The bow will "seek" the wind and the ship will swing to port
The stern will "back" into the wind and the ship's heading will swing to starboard.
The stern will fall off to starboard, making the heading swing to port.
The ship will go straight astern and the heading will remain approximately the same
Where can a ship expect piracy to take place?
At the south end of the Red Sea
*How much lifeboat capacity should be provided on a conventional cargo ship of more than 85 meters in length ?
125% of the ship-s complement on each side
150% of the ship-s complement on each side
100% of the ship-s complement on each side
50% of the ship-s complement on each side
*On board a ship, how many lifebuoys is required to be fitted with a buoyant lifeline ?
At least one lifebouy with buoyant lifeline on each side of the ship
Half of the total number of lifebuoys provided on board
Only the two lifebuoys of the quick-release system
The total number of lifebuoys provided on board
Which of the following features is required for an anti-exposure suit ?
is marked with the name of the vessel to which the appliance belongs
does not sustain burning or continue melting after being totally enveloped in a fire for a period of 2seconds
is made of such a material that it cannot be torn
can be continously worn without impeding every duties to be performed by the wearer when in normal watch on the bridge
Which one of the listed requirements regarding service and maintenance of life-saving appliances correspond to present regulations?
Maintenance and repair of all life saving equipments shall be carried out by the certified ship staff only
Instructions for onboard maintenance of life-saving appliances in accordance with the regulations shall be provided
Maintenance and repair of all the life-saving equipments will be carried out ashore in work shop only
At least one member of the crew shall hold a repairman certificate for life-saving equipment
Which one among the following information shall be marked on the container of an inflatable liferaft:
the number of persons the liferaft is permitted to carry
the name of the ship to which the liferaft belongs
the number of the liferaft
the port of registry of the ship to which the liferaft belongs
Which of the following fittings shall be provided to all lifeboats:
a remotely operated steering arrangement
one drain valve fitted near the lowest point in the hull, except for free-fall lifeboats
an electric power starting system for the propulsion engine with one rechargeable energy source
permanent boarding arrangements on both sides to enable persons in the water to board the lifeboat
How many two-way VHFs is required for ships over 500 brutto?
One per lifeboat and one spare
On board passenger ships an abandon ship drill must be performed:
An abandon ship drill must take place 24 hours after the ship leaving a port with new crew members
if they are more than 10% of the total crew
if the total crew has been replaced
if they are more than 50% of the total crew
if they are more than 25% of the total crew
Diodes are widely used in rectification, or the conversion of alternating current to direct current. The sinusoidal input voltage V(in) is applied to the circuit shown. Which of the output voltages is correct ?
When lashing general cargoes why are short lashings preferred to long ones?
Because long lashings are more prone to vibration
Because they are more easily tightened and held in tension
Because some of the ship’s lashing points may not be designed to hold long lashings
Because the safe working load of lashing materials decrease with length
In a large, 2 stroke, main diesel engine cylinder lubricating oil is supplied directly through lubrication points cut into the cylinder liner. At what point during the cycle should the supply normally occur.
At mid-stroke of the piston.
As the piston rings pass the lubrication points.
What would be a typical set point for emergency shut down of a large slow speed diesel engine due to "lubricating oil inlet to camshaft" low pressure?
Under the IMDG code what class is assigned to a Fumigated Container?
What is the safe time for operating the crankcase door when oil mist alarm is activated and the engine has been stopped?
This circuit consists of a voltage source V, a change-over switch S, a resistor R and a capacitor C. The voltage/time figures 1 to 4 show changes in the voltage V(C) when the switch S is suddenly shifted from position 1 to 2 at time t = 0. Only one of the diagrams is correct. Which?
When cross-flooding arrangements to correct unsymmetrical flooding and excessive heel angels in damaged condition are installed in passenger ships, what is the maximum angle of heel after flooding but before equalization?
When work must be done on High Voltage equipment, it is vital that the equipment is earthed (grounded) after isolation procedures have been carried out. Why is this?
To provide a reference point, and so ensure accuracy of any test results.
To ensure that the equipment does not overheat due to currents circulating through earth (ground).
To ensure that no energy remains in the system and that it cannot be recharged by external influences.
To ensure that it is dead, even if there was a flaw in the isolation procedure.
An earth fault exists on the blue line of a 100 A bilge pump circuit. A second earth fault occurs on the yellow line of a 10 A ventilation fan circuit. Both systems are supplied from the ship's 440V supply. The likely outcome is that:
An open circuit occurs between earth fault and both motors trip out
A short circuit occurs between earth faults and the ventilation fan fuse blows
Both motors trip out on overload
A short circuit occurs between earth fault and the bilge pump fuse blows
What is the main information we get from a Mollier diagram?
We get information about enthalpy, specific volume of vapour, liquid/vapour mixture, temperature of vapour when pressure is known and pressure in the cargo tank when liquid temperature is know.
We get information about enthalpy, specific volume of vapour, liquid/vapour mixture, temperature of vapour when pressure is known.
We get information about enthalpy, specific volume of the liquid and latent heat.
We get information about specific volume of vapour, liquid/vapour mixture, temperature.
What height of water above the inner bottom will activate the cargo hold high level alarm
What is "UNDER KEEL CLEARANCE", in the figure?
Under Keel Clearance is indicated by C, in the figure
Under Keel Clearance is indicated by A, in the figure
Under Keel Clearance is indicated by D, in the figure
Under Keel Clearance is indicated by B, in the figure
The fuel injection timing of a diesel engine is delayed causing high cylinder exhaust gas temperatures. What is the likely effect of this condition on turbocharger operation?
Continuous surging of the turbocharger
Vibration of the turbocharger.
Decreased turbocharger revolutions
Increased turbocharger revolutions
Why are hypochlorite based treatments used on some sea water cooling systems?
To prevent biological growth in the system.
To reduce sediment build up in the system.
To prevent corrosion of the system
To increase the heat transfer capacity of the system.
What is the purpose of the flame scanner or 'magic eye' fitted to the burner unit of oil or gas fired steam boilers?
To check the colour of the flame.
To control the combustion air supply to the boiler.
To check that the flame is present during start up or normal operation of the burner; if not then fuel is shut off automatically.
To check the colour of the exhaust gas from the furnace.
Apart from the shipboard emergency plan where will you find more detailed procedures for fighting container fires?
In the EmS Guide of the IMDG Code
During overhaul of some plate type compressor valves the engine room rating is asked to clean the valve plates and seat. Some of the valve plates are heavily marked. What action should be taken?
Skim the valve plates in the lathe to remove all of the marks.
Discard the defective valve plates and replace them with new spares.
Dress the valve plates up using a portable grinder.
Use coarse grinding paste to remove the marks from the valve plates as quickly as possible.
Why is it important to make weekly/routine rounds in the accomodation areas?
To search for any contraband goods hidden on board
To check for alcohol in cabins
It is a requirement as per flag state
To ensure that cabins and common spaces are maintained in a clean, safe and hygienic condition
Anyone who makes or permits a false entry to be made in the logbook shall be punished by imprisonment of up to 1 year according to:
The International Maritime Organization's Act of Maritime Activities
The Ship Safety and Security Act - Section 65.
Commissions of Inquiry of Maritime Activities
When checking the closed butt gap clearance of new piston rings prior to fitting onto the piston it is normal to try the rings in the liner so that the gap can be measured. From the options given select the best part of the liner to use to carry out these checks.
Near mid-height of the liner.
Near the bottom of the liner.
Near the top of the liner.
Just above the scavenge ports.
In calculating the amount of an oil cargo, if you start with the Total Observed Volume (TOV), then deduct any measurable quantities in the tanks prior to loading and the volume of any free water found, what figure are you left with?
Gross Standard Volume (GSV)
Total Calculated Volume (TCV)
Gross Observed Volume (GOV)
Net Observed Volume (NOV)
What do you understand by: Let go the port anchor?
Let go the port anchor means: slacken the port anchor cable
Let go the port anchor means: put the port windlass brake in gear
Let go the port anchor means: open the port windlass brake
Let go the port anchor means: put the port windlass brake in gear and lower the anchor
When loading a General Cargo ship, what do logs, fishmeal, scrap metal and bales of cotton have in common?
They are all capable of causing oxygen depletion in the cargo holds
They are all liable to spontaneous combustion
Fires caused by these cargoes cannot be extinguished using carbon dioxide gas
They contribute to ship's sweat
On a General Cargo Vessel, under what regulations would steel bands remaining in the cargo holds have to be discharged?
MARPOL 73/78 (Annex IV - Regulations for the prevention of pollution by sewage from ships)
MARPOL 73/78 (Annex V ? Regulations for the prevention of pollution by garbage from ships)
No specific regulations apply
Drip trays are provided in way of the cargo manifold on the vast majority of LNG carriers. What is the main purpose of having this drip tray?
To minimise cargo losses during disconnection of hard arms at completion of loading and discharging.
To allow blanking plates and fastenings to be stored ready for fitting after disconnection of hard arms.
To minimise the risk of pollution in the event of a minor spillage during disconnection of hard arms.
To minimise the risk of extremely cold cargo from spilling onto the deck, which may damage the ship's structure, when disconnecting hard arms.
On capesize bulk carriers what problems are associated with welding of the corrugated bulkheads during construction?
Stress concentrations at the corners of the bulkheads
Cracking of cross-deck plating
A reduction in shear forces
Several areas of the bulkheads being 'out of tolerance'
Which of these items of container lashing equipment is prone to sudden failure?
Fully automatic twistlocks
Semi automatic twistlocks
A reefer vessel is loading a cargo of fruit alongside in a South African port. During loading another vessel arrives at an adjacent berth to have its cargo discharged after having been towed in following a fire onboard which had resulted in abandonment. What should concern the Master of the reefer vessel most about the situation?
That the cargo may be contaminated by the smell of smoke and the products of combustion from the damaged vessel.
The damaged vessel is unmanned and may not be cared for properly.
The speed of cargo operations may be hindered due to the discharge of cargo from the damaged vessel.
The cargo being discharged from the damaged vessel may be in poor condition and may contaminate the loading vessel's cargo.
You are going to enter a tank to clean up some dust. What kind of permits is required to be issued before entering?
Enclosed Space Entry Permit
Hot Work Permit and Cold Work Permit.
Enclosed Space Entry Permit and Hot Work Permit.
Enclosed Space Entry Permit and Cold Work Permit
When cargo has shifted at sea what could help in reducing acceleration forces?
Putting into a port of refuge
A. Operating anti-heeling devices
What would the Chief Officer require prior to the vessel's departure from the berth?
Prior to the vessel's departure from the berth, the Chief Officer would require the anchor to be thoroughly secured
Prior to the vessel's departure from the berth, the Chief Officer would require the crew to prepare for the voyage
Prior to the vessel's departure from the berth, the Chief Officer would require the Bo's'un to oil the moving parts of the windlass
Prior to the vessel's departure from the berth, the Chief Officer would require the windlass to be covered
A High Breaking Capacity fuse found in a Main High Voltage Switchboard will have fault level rating of ?
What is the purpose of "Glycol Water Heating"?
The system heats glycol water which is pumped around cofferdam system to maintain the temperature inside those spaces, when loaded, at approximately - 5 C.
The system heats glycol water which is pumped around cofferdam system to maintain the temperature inside those spaces, when loaded, at approximately +25 C.
The system heats glycol water which is pumped around cofferdam system to maintain the temperature inside those spaces, when loaded, at approximately +15 C.
The system heats glycol water which is pumped around cofferdam system to maintain the temperature inside those spaces, when loaded, at approximately +5 C.
"Part way through a profiling interview with a supplier, the package the individual is carrying arouses your suspicion. What do you do?"
Confront the individual and demand that he open the package.
Discreetly inform someone of your suspicions so he or she can get assistance.
Call for help on the radio.
Take the package and open it.
What is the denomination for API?
Long tons at 60 degrees Fahrenheit.
Metric tonnes at 60 degrees Fahrenheit.
An abbreviation of American Petroleum Institute.
Cubic metre pr. volume unit.
A U tube manometer is used to measure the pressure delivered by a ventilation fan. Following replacement of the fan by a larger unit with a higher delivery rate and pressure the liquid is blown out of the open end of the manometer. Which of the options given will allow the manometer to be used to measure the delivery pressure of the larger fan?
Connect the open end to the inlet trunking of the fan to measure the differential pressure rather than the delivery pressure.
Refill the manometer with a reduced the amount of liquid.
Refill the manometer with liquid with a higher density.
Refill the manometer with liquid with a higher viscosity
What is silica gel normally used for on board liquefied gas carriers?
It is used as a treatment for frostbite.
It is used as an insulating material for the cargo tanks.
It is used as a fire fighting medium for cargo fires.
It is used as a drying agent for the inert gas.
What is the delivery pressure of a centrifugal pump dependent on?
The liquid-s density and delivery head.
The NPSH (Net positive suction head).
After a couple of hours of operation the failure alarm sounds for a heavy fuel oil purifier which is operating on a timed automatic sludge cycle. Upon investigation the purifier is found to be running slowly and when opened up the casing and sludge outlet is heavily fouled with sludge in contact with the bowl. From the options given what is the most likely cause of this problem?
The heavy fuel is unstable leading to excessive high viscosity sludge formation.
The dirty oil throughput is excessive.
The purifier bowl has not closed properly.
The clutch for the drive shaft is worn and slipping.
A vapour compression refrigeration system is usually fitted with a number of devices to give protection and control of the system. Which of the methods given in the options should be used to test the high pressure cut out during routine maintenance and checking of the system?
Manually close each of the evaporator coils by switching off the electrical supply to the liquid line solenoid shut off valves and monitor the condenser pressure.
Close the condenser outlet valve and closely monitor the condenser pressure.
Gradually shut in the condenser cooling water valve or the condenser refrigerant inlet valve while closely monitoring the compressor discharge pressure.
Charge the system with refrigerant until the high pressure cut out operates.
Which of the following statements is true with respect to the Great Lakes area?
Cargo sweepings can be discharged anywhere
Cargo sweepings cannot be discharged in sensitive and/or protected areas
Cargo sweepings cannot be discharged within 5 nautical miles of any coastline
The discharge of cargo sweepings is prohibited
What is the Chief Officer worried about?
The Chief Officer is worried that that oil will leak out before the ship is moored
The Chief Officer is worried that oil will run through the overboard valves, into the sea
The Chief Officer is worried that oil will be pumped into the sea
The Chief Officer is worried that that the cadet will not adjust the moorings properly
The electric motor on one of your centrifugal pumps has for a period of time gradually been running at lower and lower Amp-load. The pump is still supplying water, but the pressure is reduced. Which of the below alternatives is probably the reason?
The pump is running at lower speed due to short circuit in the electric motor.
Inner diameter of impeller is bigger due to cavitations, or outer diameter reduced by erosion.
The pump has been more effective because the suction strainer has been removed.
The pump has suction from many places at the same time.
What action should be taken if the boiler water tests show that the pH-value in the boiler water is slightly over 11.5?
Blowdown the boiler and Increase the dosage of boiler water treatment chemicals.
No action is required this is the normal level.
Raise the boiler water level above normal to dilute the contents.
Blowdown the boiler and decrease the dosage of boiler water treatment chemicals.
What is the advantage of a transmitter with a narrow measurement range?
Do not need any calibration
Better linearity and increased accuracy
Why are all passenger ships divided into vertical ’zones’?
Vertical zones are separated with fire doors which will be closed automatically when the fire alarm start.
All vertical zones are separated with watertight doors, which will be closed in the case of a grounding, etc.
Vertical zones are fire zones which can be divided from each other with fire doors. In case of fire, all fire doors in front and aft of the fire will be closed to prevent spreading of smoke/fire.
There is one fire team in each zone.
The effective stability of a tug, when assisting a vessel to manoeuvre, can be decreased by hydrodynamic interaction with the ship it is assisting. Where is the most dangerous position of the tug relative to the ship, for this adverse affect to be found?
The most dangerous position is when the tug is alongside the amidships section of the larger vessel.
The most dangerous position is where the tug has made fast the towing spring and is then moving ahead of the larger vessel.
The most dangerous position is where the tug approaches the stern of the larger vessel and enters into its associated positive pressure field.
The most dangerous position is where the tug approaches the bow rounding the forward shoulder of the larger vessel.
Debriefing of an emergency drill:
focuses attention on the debriefer's feedback
expands the experience of all personnel
encourages crewmembers to focus on their duties
is most effective when held at a safety meeting
What could be the cause of a refrigeration compressor running continuously even though normal temperatures for the cold rooms have been reached?
Low-pressure cut-out is stuck in closed position.
High-pressure cut-out is stuck in open position.
The differential pressure switch for the lubricating oil pressure cut-out is stuck in the closed position.
Solenoid valve before the expansion valve stuck in closed position.
Which of these covers the rules and regulations for General Average?
What section of the Crew Agreement contains the “Contractual clauses”?
A reefer vessel is to load a cargo of plantains and bananas. Due to space restrictions both have to be loaded into a common space. The usual delivery temperature for bananas is about 13 degrees Celsius and for plantains it is 7 degree Celsius. What would be the best delivery temperature for the mixture of these two fruits?
Adjust the set point of the delivery temperature to 7 C for 12 hour periods and 13 C for the intervening 12 hour periods.
7 C as plantains are more sensitive to the higher delivery temperature of the bananas.
10 C as this is the mean temperature of the two cargoes and they would both carry satisfactorily at this temperature.
13 C as plantains are less sensitive to the consequences of a higher delivery temperature.
Where can the information be found as to what actual cargoes a liquefied gas carrier can carry?
Safety Construction Certificate.
Safety Equipment Certificate.
Bananas form the largest proportion of fruit transported by sea. There are many varieties of banana. Which of the types given in the options is the most common type of banana that is transported by sea?
Why do we insulate cargo tanks and other components?
To protect the crewmembers.
To prevent heat flow in the cargo, and to protect the ship's bunker tanks.
To prevent heat flow into the cargo, and to protect the ships structure.
During UMS rounds, a duty engineer notices that the fuel oil overflow observation glass is full of oil. Should he:
Stop all F.O. transfers immediately, and inform the CE.
None of the listed alternatives.
Make a sounding of the F.O. overflow tank and decide if there is enough capacity to leave it until the following morning.
Call a motorman and have him sound the FO overflow tank periodically during the night.
Ro-ro passenger ships shall either carry automatically self-righting liferafts or canopied reversible liferafts. What does it mean that a liferaft is automatically self-righting?
The liferaft will automatically turn back into an upright position when it is empty of people
It means the same as self-righting lifeboats
One person can manage to turn the liferaft back into an upright position
The liferaft will automatically turn back into an upright position when it is fully loaded with people
Some liquefied gas carriers are fitted with nitrogen generating equipment, often of the membrane module design. What would be the expected purity of the nitrogen produced by such equipment?
What would be the effect of a faulty steam trap on a fuel oil heater causing condensate to build up in the heater exchanger?
An increase in fuel oil temperature.
Low water level in the boiler.
Reduced heating capacity of the heater.
Excess pressure on the shell of the heat exchanger.
Many chemical tankers are fitted with deepwell centrifugal cargo pumps. What is the process by which any leakage of cargo or hydraulic oil into the pump cofferdam is detected?
What basic information do we get from the pump's flow-head curve?
We get information about the NPSH.
We get information about the pump's suction head.
We get information about the pump's back pressure.
We get information about the pump's lifting height and liquid flow.
A second high pressure boiler is to be coupled to an online boiler supplying steam to the main turbine. How is the superheater section of the second boiler normally prevented from overheating during the period prior to coupling while raising the steam pressure?
The lift pressure of the superheater safety valve is lowered to allow the valve to lift and create a steam flow.
The superheater safety valve is manually opened to create a steam flow.
The superheater vent valve is kept open until the boilers are coupled to create a steam flow.
The superheater header drain valves are opened to create a steam flow.
A vessel's main propulsion system consists of a pair of medium speed diesel engines driving a single controllable pitch propeller through clutches and coupled through a reduction gearbox. What is the preferred sequence to follow when going from two engine to single engine operation? Assume engine A is to be stopped and engine B is to continue running
Stop engine A and check that clutch automatically disengages and governors for both engines operate correctly for testing purposes.
Pitch to zero thrust, disengage clutch of engine A, increase speed of engine B and propeller pitch as required. Stop engine A after a suitable cooling period.
Disengage clutch of engine A. Stop engine A after a suitable cooling period.
Pitch to zero thrust, reduce speed to idling speed, disengage clutch of engine A, increase speed of engine B and propeller pitch as required. Stop engine A after suitable cooling period.
The wooden hatch gratings (Warkhaus boards) use on the deck of some conventional reefer vessels can become badly damaged during cargo operations, particularly when forklift trucks are being used. Which one of the actions given in the options is the most appropriate to take when considering repairs to these gratings?
Cut a new board into small pieces to repair as many damaged boards as possible.
Use heavy plywood or strong timber to make the repairs.
Use a whole new board whenever possible to achieve the greatest strength.
Use boards that have been previously removed and repaired.
What is the colour of the smoke signal used by life-saving stations or rescue units indicating that distress signals are observed in daylight?