Der Test besteht aus zufälligen Fragen zu einem ausgewählten Thema.
*Where detectors of a fixed fire detection system are grouped in sections, each of these sections:
May cover more than one deck within accommodation spaces
May cover more than one main vertical zone in a passenger ship
May cover a machinery space of category A together with a control station
None of the answers is correct
*Which of the following is an haloganated hydrocarbon that can be found onboard existing ships as an extinguishing agent for a fixed system?
Which of the named ships are not subject to SOLAS regulations?
Cargo ships of less than 500 tons gross
Fish carriers/fish factories
A Cargo Ship Equipment Certificate will be issued for :
A period not exceeding 24 months
A period not exceeding 48 months
A period not exceeding 6 months
A period not exceeding 12 months
Notification logging procedures .(OPA-90)
Only communication with USCG
Only verbal reports for documentation
Every report or message must be logged including time and date
Only initial reports to be logged
A severe blow to or a heavy fall on the upper part of the abdomen (solar plexus) can upset the regularity of breathing. What is the symptoms and signs?
The casualty may start sweating profusely and develops a fever.
Difficulty in breathing in and the casualty may be unable to speak.
The casualty feel very hungry.
The casualty is speaking in a very load manner.
Chemical burns in eyes or on the skin can cause severe damage. Some chemicals may be absorbed through the skin and cause widespread and sometimes fatal damage within the body. What is the first main treatment if someone is a victim of chemical burns?
Break possible blisters around the eye and mouth.
Apply lotions, ointments to the affected area ASAP.
The casualty may be free to both rub the eye and the affected area.
Remove any contaminated clothing and flood the affected area with slowly running water. Make sure that the contaminated water drains away freely and safely.
You are drifting in open sea with a loaded VLCC, and you observe that the drift is SSE. Will the drift direction be the same for ballast condition?
In ballast condition the drift will be more to the east
No, drifting in ballast condition may be quite different
Loaded or ballast conditions have no effect on the drift
What is the correct understanding of the term "a ship with good Directional Stability"?
A ship which when the rudder is left amidships, it will continue on approximately a straight course
A ship where the amount of positive transverse stability (GM) will vary with the direction of the ship's head.
A ship which will maintain its course unless large rudder angles are applied.
A ship which when a rudder angle is applied and the ship starts to swing, will continue to swing even after the rudder is returned to amidships
Can voyage planning be executed on ECDIS?
Only if approved by the owner
Only if approved by the Flag State
Give the meaning of the following symbole:
lifebuoy with light and smoke
life buoy with hand flare
If a distress signal is received, what would you do?
Contact SAR Authorities via nearest coastal Radio station.
All of the alternatives together.
Try to make contact with the vessel in distress.
Which item among those below is included in the normal equipment of every liferaft ?
one searchlight which can work continuously for not less than 3 hours
two painters of a length equal to not less than the distance from the stowage position of the liferaft to the waterline
Which one of the listed requirements regarding liferaft equipment do not correspond to present regulations? The normal equipment of every liferaft shall consist of:
instructions for immediate action
one set of fishing tackle
instructions on how to survive
thermal protective aids for the number of persons the liferaft is permitted to accommodate
How often should an inflatable liferaft be serviced at an approved service station?
Give the meaning of the following symbol
Survival craft portable radio
Survival craft distress pyrotechnic signals
What are the characteristics of CO2?
It is in itself not dangerous (not poisonous)
All the mentioned alternatives.
It is heavier than oxygen.
Which one of the listed requirements for passenger ships regarding personal life-saving appliances do not correspond to present regulations?
All lifejackets shall be fitted with a whistle, a light and a smoke signal
Ro-ro passenger ships shall carry at least 2 lifebuoys provided with self-igniting lights an self-activating smoke signals
All lifejackets shall be fitted with reflex, a whistle and a light
The 5% extra lifejackets carried on board have to be stowed in conspicuous places on deck or at the muster stations?
How is the cargo tank pressure controlled when loading an LNG carrier?
By varying the amount of boil-off to the boiler.
By using a vapour return to shore system and controlling the loading rate.
By opening the tank vents to atmosphere.
By adjusting the relief valve settings to the required tank pressure.
What does this signal hoist mean?
I require immediate assistance.
Do you require assistance?
I require medical assistance.
Which of the following can cause an unprecedented list at sea?
Some 4-stroke engines are fitted with a rotorcap on the cylinder head valves. For what reason?
Rotate the inlet valve during operation.
To prevent the valve spindel to stick..
Distribute the exhaust gas or the air inlet better to improve combustion.
Improve the scaling surface function, increase the service time of the exhaust valve in the engine.
What is the purpose of the decanting line between two slop tanks on an oil tanker that is using water for the washing of the cargo tanks?
To enable the filling of the secondary slop tank via the primary slop tank.
To enable most of the recovered oil to be retained in the primary slop tank, while the cleaner part of the water will flow into the secondary slop tank, where it can be re-used as wash-water.
To enable both the primary and secondary slop tank to be filled without using the main cargo lines.
To avoid a build-up of static electricity during water washing, caused by air being drawn in as the primary slop tank empties.
Where do ships encounter pirates?
Ships encounter pirates off the Indian coastline
Ships encounter pirates off West Africa
Ships encounter pirates in the North Pacific ocean
Ships encounter pirates in the South Atlantic ocean
After cooking, at what minimum temperature must rice be maintained during service?
Between 10 and 12 degrees Celsius.
What is often done prior to loading grain in cargo holds which are sweating?
Portable fans are used to dry the holds
Steelwork within the holds is covered with kraft paper
Steelwork within the hold is covered with plastic
Grain dust is blown into all parts of the hold via the grain elevator
LPG carriers rely heavily on the compressors fitted as part of the reliquefaction plant. Screw and reciprocating types are widely used. Which type of reciprocating compressor is most common as a cargo compressor?
Double acting, single stage, oil free compressor.
Double acting, single stage, oil lubricated piston compressor.
Double acting, two stage, oil free compressor.
Single acting, single stage, oil free piston compressor.
What is the value of GZ at angles of heel greater than 5 degrees?
KM - KG x Sin angle of list
KM - Corrected KG x Sin angle of list
KN - Corrected KG x Sin angle of list
KN - KG x Sin angle of list
When refitting the bolts into a flange on a steam line how should the bolts be prepared so that they can be easily removed next time maintenance is required?
Coat the threads in graphite based grease.
Fit the bolts dry with a spring washer.
Apply thread tape to the bolt threads.
Coat the threads in general purpose grease.
What has the cadet been ordered to do?
The Cadet has been ordered to to dismantle the evaporator
The Cadet has been ordered to test the steering gear
The Cadet has been ordered to help the Bo's'un sandblast the poop deck
The Cadet has been ordered to paint the evaporator using a paint brush
Which certificate is issued to LPG and other liquefied gas carriers in accordance with the IGC code?
The Certificate of Fitness is issued in accordance with the IGC code
The International Load Line Certificate is issued in accordance with the IGC code
The Cargo Ship Safety Construction Certificate is issued in accordance with the IGC code
The Cargo Ship Safety Equipment Certificate is issued in accordance with the IGC code.
Where should a Ro-Ro unit that requires protection from heat and large temperature variations be stowed?
On deck away from the accommodation
Anywhere along the side of the main deck
Under-deck away from bulkheads, fuel tanks, heating coils and uninsulated machinery
Modern medium speed diesel engines normally have relatively short crankshafts with large diameter pins. How do these design features affect the reliability of crankshaft deflection readings?
The design of the crankshaft has very little effect on the readings when compared to the inaccuracies that arise due to human error.
Very short, stiff crankshafts do not deflect even when the engine is running so the readings are unaffected.
They increase the risk of inaccurate readings due to the 'stiff' shaft having very small natural sag which may therefore result in 'floating journals' in the static condition.
They reduce the risk of inaccurate readings as the large diameter pins result in a relatively heavy shaft which will reduce the risk of 'floating journals'.
An LNG carrier is equipped with membrane type tanks with a MARVS less than 0.7 bar. What additional cargo containment requirements, if any, are needed for this type of cargo tank arrangement?
Only a partial secondary barrier is required.
No secondary barrier is required as this is a self supporting arrangement.
Only a drip tray is required.
A full secondary barrier is required.
On a RoRo vessel, what additional securing arrangements should be used when loading a vehicle on an incline or fixed Ramp
Double the normal lashings should be used
The Vehicle should also be chocked under its wheels
A high speed diesel engine operates with a monobloc inline high pressure fuel pump consisting of a number of helical type pump units contained in a single housing. From the options given select the method which is the most common one available for adjusting the fuel timing onboard where no specialist setting up equipment is available.
Adjustment of the HP fuel block by adding or removing shims between the pump and the engine block.
Adjustment of the height of the individual fuel pump elements within the pump block
Adjustment of the drive coupling to the driven coupling for the HP fuel pump using reference marks to No 1 cylinder TDC.
Adjustment of the fuel rack position for the complete HP pump unit.
During bilge pumping operations the pump suction gauge indicates a high vacuum. What is the most likely cause of the high vacuum reading?
A glogged bilge strainer.
A hole in the suction line.
Which one of the following international regulations is normally used when handling dangerous goods?
When carrying high sulphur coal which areas of a cargo hold are prone to corrosion?
Steelwork with which dry cargo is in contact
Air and sounding pipes passing through the hold
Steelwork with which wet cargo is in contact
A producer is attempting to reduce costs by packing his fruit in cheap, poor quality cardboard cartons. Which of the given options would be the most likely outcome of using inferior quality cartons for packaging of perishable cargo for carriage in a refrigerated vessel?
The cartons may tear when being handled by the stevedores.
The cartons are more likely to be water damaged by a rain shower.
The lower rows of cartons in the stow will collapse and cause crush damage to the cargo.
The cartons will be a poor advert for the producer.
Polymerisation may be a problem with some liquefied gas cargoes such as vinyl chloride and ethylene oxide. What is the definition of polymerisation?
Polymerisation is when liquids cool down and become more viscous.
Polymerisation is when single molecules of the same compound join together to form a new compound usually with a higher viscosity.
Polymerisation is when the molecules of a compound split and form a new compound.
Polymerisation is when molecules of two or more different compounds join together to form a new compound.
Which of these are indicators that an individual may be a drug smuggler?
The individual wears bulky or out of season clothing.
The individual is disinterested in the ship’s cargo.
The individual spends his or her free time hanging out with others.
The individual makes small local purchases.
How will you act if you are helmsman and the OOW (officer on watch) gives you the order: ”Nothing to port”
Let the ship turn to starboard
Don’t let the ship turn to port
Alter course to starboard
Passenger ships have a normal requirement of 1 lifejacket per person + 10% for children. In addition to this, how many lifejackets have to be stowed in conspicuous places on deck or at the muster stations?
What are the requirements for the number of portable gas measurement instrument(s) on tankers?
At least one instrument for measuring %LEL and one instrument for measuring volume %
Sufficient number of instruments.
At least 2 portable instruments for measuring flammable vapours.
At least 1 portable instrument for measuring flammable vapours.
Apart from the shipboard emergency plan where will you find more detailed procedures for fighting container fires?
In the EmS Guide of the IMDG Code
At what temperature should Intermediate Fuel Oil (IFO) 380 be maintained so as not to damage a bulk cargo of grain?
What is the difference between the protection supervisor's and the protection and environment committee's area of activity?
The supervisor's duties relate to the ratings, the commitee's to all seafarers
The commitee is supervised by the protection supervisor
The supervisor's field is the work situation, the commitee's the total environment, also spare time
Which of the following is a staple part of the Scandinavian diet?
Are membrane tanks self supporting as the independent tanks?
Membrane tanks are self-supporting only when they are loaded
Only the inner membrane is self-supporting
Membrane tanks are not self-supporting
Membrane tanks are self-supporting as the independent tanks
What should be the breaking stress of lashing belts used to secure light vehicles, on board a ro-ro vessel?
What does the term liquefaction mean with respect to some heavy metal concentrate cargoes on a Bulk Carrier?
The cargo is very dry and will not reach a flow state
The cargo may suffer moisture migration and become semi-liquid near the top of the stow
The cargo may self-heat on voyage
The cargo pile will always be stable
What is important to prepare prior to a helicopter operation?
To stop the vessel completely
To increase the speed of the vessel
To light up the area for pick-up
Make sure all loose deck equipment at helicopter deck is stowed away and secured.
Why is it necessary to cool down LNG cargo tanks slowly prior to loading cargo?
To minimise the risk of creating a vacuum in the tank.
To minimise thermal stresses in the cargo tank.
To prevent ice forming in the cargo tank.
To minimise thermal stresses in the hull.
This graphical symbol is a logic gate. Which gate?
How many crews are required to be trained and regularly drilled in all aspects of fast rescue boats in various conditions, including righting after capsizing?
The holding down arrangement for a large 2-stroke diesel engine consists of steel chocks and hydraulically tightened holding down bolts. When carrying out routine maintenance of the arrangement which method, from those given in the options, should be adopted to check that it is in good order.
Measure the length of the holding down bolts to make sure they have the correct extension for the recommended tension.
Tap the holding down bolts with a hammer to see if they 'ring'.
Tap the steel chocks with a hammer to see if they move.
Check the hydraulic release pressure for the holding down bolts.
What hazards are associated with the carriage of a bulk carriage of coal slurry?
This cargo is a low fire risk under normal conditions
This cargo may be liable to sweat and create excessive moisture
This cargo is liable to self heat and spontaneous combustion
This cargo may have a dangerous angle of repose
Cross-flooding fittings shall be operable from:
The section where the unsymmetrical flooding occurs
Can unrestricted tank cleaning operations take place from a chemical tanker in any sea area? Read all the following statements carefully and consider the reasons behind the answers as shown.
No. The type of previous cargo, the amount of residues, the ship's speed, the distance from the nearest land, the depth of water and whether the ship is in a "special" sea area are all factors that will need to be considered before tank cleaning is permitted.
No. Certain countries have exercised territorial rights over extended sea areas and control all marine activity within them, including the disposal of tank washings from tankers.
Yes. The tank cleaning equipment typically fitted on modern chemical tankers guarantees that legal dilution rates are achieved and that there is no threat to the marine environment in any location.
Yes, but only if the ship has undergone a special opetrational survey and is certified for unrestricted tank cleaning operations by the IMO.
Some refrigerated cargoes can be more easily damaged than others due to rough handling. From the options given, select the cargo which is most likely to be damaged due to the use of poor handling techniques.
Chilled plums in cartons.
As per SOLAS requirement fast rescue boats shall be constructed in such a way that:
They are self righting or capable of being readily righted by its crew
They can be righted by 5 persons
What is important to keep in mind about U-profiles that are used on pipes supports?
They should only allow movement on the lateral axis.
They must not be fastened against the pipe.
They must be made of flexible material to protect against stress.
That they should be fastened tightly around the pipe.
What is a Declaration of Security?
A checklist jointly completed by the Ship Security Officer and the U.S. Coast Guard
A document stating the ship’s security level
A document between the port and the cargo owner stating security
A checklist jointly completed by the ship and shore security representatives
Which of the following fresh fruits should be used first?
If a boiler is smoking “white smoke” a possible cause can be
Too high fuel oil pressure
Too little combustion air
Where should a sample for boiler water test purposes be taken from?
From the boiler feed system.
From the boiler steam space.
From the boiler water space.
You are going to do deballasting of a double bottom tank. The pump is of centrifugal type and mounted above tank level. You are having problems getting the pump to take suction. What can you do to solve the problem?
Repeat start and stop of the pump until it gets suction.
Feed the pump from the sea water inlet pipe.
Get somebody to do the job for you.
Disconect the manometer pipe to get rid of an air pocket .
Clay slurry, coal slurry, dextrose solution and molasses. In which MARPOL product category are these substances classified under the revision that came into effect on 1st January 2007?
In the circuit diagram shown the starter connects between which terminals?
On a Container vessel, why must duty crew members supervise the lashing of containers?
Because stevedores often apply container lashings haphazardly or place twistlocks incorrectly
Because of local port regulations
Because of time constraints on the vessel towards the end of cargo operations
Because it is an international requirement under the ISM Code
The water cooling space on the turbocharger is damaged and you have no spares. The cooling water must be closed. Which steps would you take to ensure least possible damage?
Make no modifications, but tell the duty engineer to pay special attention for abnormalities
Run the engine at a lower speed
Cool the turbocharger by means of air.
Dismantle the rotor and assemble the sealing plate
Which of these statements is incorrect with regard to the loading of bagged fishmeal?
The antioxidant should not be less than 650ppm
The fat content should be less than 15%
The antioxidant should not be less than 100ppm
The moisture content should be between 6 and 12%
What name is applied to foods (in particular meat) that have been prepared according to the rules of Islam?
How might a leak from a cargo tank on an oil tanker be readily detected during the voyage?
By regularly monitoring the vessel's trim on the cargo computer - any cargo that leaks will run to the end of a compartment, resulting in an increase in trim.
By occasionally opening a selected tank and manually measuring the cargo ullage, then comparing it to the 'after loading' reading.
By regularly monitoring void and ballast spaces, such as by testing them for hydrocarbon content and sounding them.
By frequently monitoring cargo level equipment readouts and comparing them to the load port departure readings.
In the diagram, which letter is pointing to the area of the ship known as the "STERN"?
The Stern area is indicated by A, in the figure
The Stern area is indicated by D, in the figure
The Stern area is indicated by C, in the figure
The Stern area is indicated by B, in the figure
What must be ensured prior to opening side-rolling hatch covers of a bulk carrier?
Hatch rollers are turning freely
Cross wedges have been removed
The wheels should have been raised up to the wheel track
A two step controller (open/close) has failed and the only available spare controller is a P+I controller. Select, from the options given, how the P+I controller could be set up to achieve approximate two step control.
Set the proportional band to maximum width and the integral action to minimum (repeats per minute).
Set the proportional band to maximum width and the integral action to maximum (repeats per minute).
Set the proportional band to minimum width and the integral action to maximum (repeats per minute).
Set the proportional band to minimum width and the integral action to minimum (repeats per minute).
A ship is sub-divided by thermal and structural boundaries to:
Contain and extinct any fire in the space of origin
Divide the officers and crew living quarters
Separate the air conditioned and non air conditioned spaces in the accomodation
Separate crew living quarters from machinery spaces
What action should the Master of a General cargo vessel take with a fishmeal cargo, which is self-heating and liable to spontaneous combustion?
Follow guidance in IMO Bulk Cargo Code or IMSBC) and probably declare a port of refuge
Boundary cool only and continue on voyage
Open hatch covers to find source of fire
The specified maximum working pressure of a cargo hose in service on a chemical tanker should be at least which of the following?
1/3 design burst pressure.
What advantages do you see by conducting passenger muster’s. Drill’s are mandatory for international voyage’s.
The passengers get to know the way around the ship.
The Passengers get familiar with lifejacket and location of muster station
Giving the company a good image for the public, and the crew get training.
The passengers get familiar with emergency procedures, life jackets, musterstation. And the crew get training in growd handling.
What is ‘Reserve Buoyancy’?
The buoyancy provided by all enclosed spaces above the waterline
The residual buoyancy at an angle of loll
The residual buoyancy at the maximum righting lever
The buoyancy provided by all spaces above the waterline
You are in an area of restricted visibility, close to a port. You hear this signal. What vessel does it come from and what additional information does the signal provide?
A vessel at anchor, more than 100 metres in length. She is sounding the additional signal to give warning of her position.
A vessel aground, more than 100 metres in length. The additional signal indicates which side the clear water lies on.
A vessel at anchor, less than 100 metres in length. She is sounding the additional signal top give warning of her position.
A vessel at anchor, more than 100 metres in length. The additional signal indicates that her cable extends at least 25 metres from her bow.
What is the time limit for abandonment of ro-ro passenger ships?
2 hours from the time the abandon ship signal is given
15 minutes from the time the abandon ship signal is given
30 minutes from the time the abandon ship signal is given
What basic information do we get from the pump's flow-head curve?
We get information about the NPSH.
We get information about the pump's suction head.
We get information about the pump's back pressure.
We get information about the pump's lifting height and liquid flow.
The ship is en route. When may passengers visit the bridge?
When the weather is nice and the sea is calm
During daytime if the traffic is smooth
Passengers are not allowed to visit the bridge while the ship is en route
A bulk vessel loads a full cargo to summer marks of a high density bulk cargo such as iron ore concentrate; what would be the possible stability conditions produced?
The vessel will normally have a small intact metacentric height (GM) and have a slow roll period
The vessel will normally have a large intact metacentric height (GM) and have a fast roll period
The vessel will be tender and have a poor curve of righting levers.
The vessel may have a list
Why should vehicles stowed on ramps face downwards?
To facilitate cargo discharge operations
To facilitate cargo stowage operations
To prevent fuel draining from the engine
To prevent excessive tyre compression
How is cargo in a self-unloading bulk carrier fed to the vessel’s conveyor belts during discharge?
Via remote-controlled hopper gates at the bottom of each hold
Via hydraulically-operated hopper gates at the bottom of each hold
By gravity through mechanical hopper gates at the bottom of each hold
Via mechanically-operated hopper gates at the bottom of each hold