Der Test besteht aus zufälligen Fragen zu einem ausgewählten Thema.
Which one of the listed requirements regarding the launching and recovery arrangements for survival crafts do not correspond to present regulations? (SOLAS III/15)
Only one type of launching and recovery arrangements shall be used for similar survival crafts onboard the ship
Means shall be available to prevent any discharge of water on to survival crafts during abandonment
each lifeboat shall be provided with an appliance which is capable of launching and recovering the lifeboat
Launching and recovery arrangements shall be such that the operator can observe the survival craft during launching and, for lifeboats, during recovery
Which class of fire involves gas?
What is the necessary precautions to prevent sootfire in the exhaust boiler?
All the mentioned alternatives.
Hose down the smoke side with regular interval.
Clean smoke side regularly with soot blower equipment.
Clean the smoke side with chemicals.
*What is the signal actuated by a fire detection system?
An audible and visual signal consisting in 7 short signals followed by a long one
An audible signal at the control panel
A visual and audible alarm signal at the control panel
A visual signal at the control panel
*Where detectors of a fixed fire detection system are grouped in sections, each of these sections:
May cover more than one deck within accommodation spaces
May cover more than one main vertical zone in a passenger ship
May cover a machinery space of category A together with a control station
None of the answers is correct
*What is the list that must be overcome by a self-closing fire door on a passenger ship?
What type of fire-extinguishing medium release is allowed for fixed gas fire-extinguishing installations? (SOLAS II-2/5.1.8)
Automatic release system incorporating alarm system for manned compartments
Manual operated release system only
Automatic release system activated by fire detectors
Automatic release system activated by the ship-s fire alarm
In pumprooms and pipe tunnels "flameproof" electric light fittings are generally fitted. This means that:
Gas may enter, but even if an explosion takes place the fittings is so strong that the explosion will be contained within it and will not be blow out?
Even if fire occurs, it will not consume the fitting?
The electrical supply will disconnect automatically in cases of fire?
The fitting is completely gastight and no gas can enter into contact with the bulb and electric connections?
What is the most common fixed fire fighting extinguishing system fitted in an engine room?
An halogenated hydrocarbon system
A pressure water-spraying system
A carbon dioxide (CO2) system
*What is the minimum capacity "c" of the emergency fire pump ?
c not less than 40%C total main, but in any case not less than 250 m3/h
c not less than 20%C total main, but in any case not less than 250 m3/hNOTE: "C total main" is the total capacity of the main fire pumps of the ship
c not less than 40%C total main, but in any case not less than 25 m3/h
c not less than 20%C total main, but in any case not less than 25 m3/h
The self-contained breathing apparatus can be classified according to their air circuit in:
High, medium and low pressure circuit apparatus
Medium and low pressure circuit apparatus
Open and closed circuit apparatus
High and low pressure circuit apparatus
A drip tray containing oil is on fire. The only fire fighting equipment available is a water hose with single jet/spray nozzle. How, if at all, should you attempt to put out this fire using water?
Water should be applied to the oil in a single jet only
The water can be applied in a fine spray starting from the front in a sweeping motion
Water should be applied in a jet to the back of the fire
Water should not be used on any type of oil fire
The presence of smoke represents one of the greatest dangers in the fire fighting. Why?
It reduces the visibility, provokes panic, is irritating and may be toxic
It only reduces visibility and is very hot
It hinders communications, causes burns, and provoke panics
It refrains the equipment from setting out the fire, and is irritating
Regular ‘updating’ of a vessel’s position in an Inmarsat-C installation is among other things of importance:
to exclusively receive MSI-reports meant for the NAVAREA where the vessel is
because the Inmarsat organisation, in connection with the good reception of MSI-reports, makes it……
because MSI-reports for own vessel can't be received otherwise
What data is at least requested in a DSC “distress alert” ?
the identification of the vessel in distress and her position
the identification of the vessel in distress and the number of people on board
the identification of the vessel in distress, her position and the nature of distress
How often must inspection of proper working of the EPIRB ‘s and SART ’s take place on board? Once per:
The following information must be given on the SART:
Date of replacement of the battries
The date of replacement of the hydrostatic release unit
If a person is in a state of shock, what of the following is the correct thing of you to do?
Apply hot-water bottles to keep the pasient warm.
Move the casualty as much as possible.
Treat and reassure the casualty and stay with the person at all times.
Be kind to the casualty and give anything to eat or drink at first opportunity.
A faint is a brief loss of consciousness of no more than momentary duration caused by a temporary reduction in the flow of blood to the brain.How to prevent anyone from fainting?
Tell the person to sit down in a sitting position breathing normally.
Tell the person to sit down and lean forward with the head between the knees taking deep breaths.
Try to keep the person in an upstanding position.
If standing in a crowd, flex the leg muscles and toes to aid circulation.
Any ship of 10.000 tons gross tonnage and above shall be fitted with oily-water separating equipment for the control of machinery space bilges.What kind of equipment is required in this connection?
Oily-water separating equipment only.
Either Oil fitting equipment , or Oily-water separating equipment , or combination of both.
Oil fitting equipment only.
What is the correct understanding of the term "Bending moments" when applied to ships?
The longitudinal Bending Moments are the forces between empty and full compartments causing the ship to bend and change shape
The Bending Moments of a ship are the forces acting on the ship causing it to hog and sag.
All of the suggested answers
The longitudinal Bending Moment at any section within the ship is the total moments tending to alter the longitudinal shape of the ship
A tug is connected in a line at your bow. Will the bollard pull be the same at any speed?
Yes, the bollard is the same at any speed
No, when the speed exceeds 5 knots we have not much help in a tug
No, when the speed is increasing, the bollard is also increasing
We will have the best use of the tug when the ship makes sternway
When navigating using the GPS, how does the GPS display indicate when the accuracy of the displayed position is reduced?
The GPS display is always very accurate and does not give any indication of lack of accuracy.
A large Correction Factor is displayed on the screen
A large HDOP value is displayed on the screen
The GPS display flashes and sounds an alarm
Give the meaning of the following symbol:
gathering place for embarkation formalities
muster station for unaccompanied minors (UM)
Poster or signs shall be provided on or in the vicinity of survival crafts and their launching controls. Which one of the following requirements has to be included according to present SOLAS regulations?
Give relevant instructions and warnings.
Give an overview of location of all lifesaving appliances.
Give information on survival craft capacity.
Give information on survival craft speed and seaworthiness.
Which item among those below is included in the normal equipment of every rescue boat ?
anti-seasickness medicine sufficient for at least 48h and one seasickness bag for each person
one copy of the prescribed life saving signals on a waterproof card
a food ration for each person as
Which item among those below is included in the normal equipment of every rescue boat ?
one daylight signalling mirror with instructions
two buoyant rescue quoits
four rocket parachute flares
Which one of the listed requirements regarding the stowage of a survival craft do not correspond with present regulation? (SOLAS III/13.1) Each survival craft shall be stowed:
in a secure and sheltered position and protected from damage by fire or explosion
so that neither craft nor stowage arrangement interfere with the general operation of the ship
in a state of continuos readiness so that two crewmembers can prepare for embarkation and launching in less than 5 minutes
as near the water surface as is safe and practicable
*Which one of the following items has to be included in an abandon ship drill?
Manoeuvring the lifeboat in the water
operation of davits used for launching liferafts
Starting and operating radio life-saving appliances
Launching and recovery of a survival craft
When should gangway nets be rigged?
When it is deemed necessary by the Master or the Chief Officer.
Whenever the gangway is rigged.
Whenever the gangway is regarded as unsafe.
Between sunset and sunrise.
Welding and burning are two operations which give the highest risk of a fire on board ship. Which of the following safety precautions may be regarded as the most important in order to minimise this particular risk?
Electric welding plants should be controlled by a responsible engineer before use.
Only use electrodes from a well known manufacturer.
Only holders of a welding certificate should be allowed to carry out welding or burning on board ships.
The area where the welding is to take place and adjacent spaces to be cleaned and all unnecessary materials and objects to be removed.
Indicate the correct name for the tool on the sketch:
Part of the outer surface of a refrigeration compressor crankcase and the refrigerant return line near the compressor ice up heavily during normal operation. Which of the options given is the most likely cause of this problem?
The oil separator is not functioning correctly and is allowing lubricating oil to pass into the system.
The seawater flow control valve for the condenser is faulty allowing insufficient cooling water flow.
The superheat control setting for the thermostatic expansion valve is set too low.
The filter drier unit in the liquid line is partly blocked.
What are the general cargo stowage requirements for cashew nut shell liquid in drums?
Stow away from foodstuffs
Stow away from paper products
What is the correct definition of: - a mooring line?
A thick rope to tie up the ship.
What will happen with the interface in the bowl, if the flow is too high?
The separation of the oil is bad.
The separation of the oil is good.
Will have no effect on interface.
The IGC code gives details of construction and equipment requirements for liquefied gas carriers. Under which circumstances would a liquefied gas carrier require a double bottom and a longitudinal bulkhead forming full side ballast tanks in way of the cargo containment system?
Only when the cargo is carried at less than minus 10 degree C.
Only if the cargo tanks are designed for fully refrigerated LPG cargoes.
Only when the cargo is carried at temperatures below minus 55 degree C in cargo tanks without a secondary barrier.
Only when the cargo is carried at temperatures below minus 55 degrees C in cargo tanks with a secondary barrier.
What should be observed concerning a ship's water tight integrity?
That all water tight ramps and doors are locked and secured at sea
The ramp is in stowed position
That all emergency exit doors are locked and secured
On a Container vessel, when should a vessel's hatch pontoons not be lifted?
When the heel of the ship is excessive
When lighting conditions are poor
When the SWL of the gantry crane is not clearly marked
How many rescue boats should be provided on ro-ro passenger ships of 500 gross tons and above?
Two Fast Rescue Boats, one on each side of the ship
Two, and at least one of the rescue boats shall be a Fast Rescue Boat
None providing the ship has lifeboats
Whenever ro-ro/car decks are unattended the following applies:
Fire detection systems should be switched on, Deck and engine crew should be trained in the use of the drencher systems and their operation, Continous monitoring of ro-ro/car decks by Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) or regular fire patrols should also be in place, All fire doors should be kept closed on ro-ro/car decks when the vessel is at sea
Fire detection systems should be switched on, Continous monitoring of ro-ro/car decks by Closed Circuit Television (CCTV) or regular fire patrols should also be in place, All fire doors should be kept closed on ro-ro/car decks when the vessel is at sea
Continous monitoring of ro-ro/car decks by Closed Circuit Television (CCTV)
Fire detection systems should be switched on, All fire doors should be kept closed on ro-ro/car decks when the vessel is at sea
Air bags (dunnage bags) are widely used for securing palletised refrigerated cargoes. In the case of a fruit cargo, which of the given options should the user be aware of?
Over inflation can crush and damage the soft tissue of the fruit.
Over inflation can distort the pallet stack.
Over inflation can distort the air bag.
Over inflation can damage the ship's structure including the insulation.
What charateristics of Seed Cake group B (IMDG Class 4.2) cargo should be considered when carrying in bulk?
The only concern is that the cargo may self-heat slowly.
The only concern is the cargo may be liable to oxidise, causing subsequent reduction of oxygen in the cargo spaces
The only concern is that the cargo may be liable to spontaneous combustion.
Cargo may self-heat slowly; may spontaneously ignite; liable to oxidise; may produce carbon dioxide
During inspection of a cylinder of a large slow speed diesel engine it is noted that there are hard deposits around the upper part of the piston crown above the top ring groove and also some evidence of scuffing on the liner wall. From the options given select the one which is the most likely cause of this problem.
The piston cooling is inadequate causing overheating.
The fuel oil being used has too high a sulphur and ash content.
Insufficient cylinder oil is being supplied.
Cylinder oil with TBN to great for fuel grade is being used.
You are proceeding up a river, with berths on both banks. You see this flag hoist on a vessel moored on a berth ahead. What does it mean?
Caution! I have an anchor down.
You should proceed at slow speed when passing me.
I am about to depart the berth.
How many hours before departure should the ship's steering gear be checked and tested?
Why should only dry powder known to be “foam compatible” be used in conjunction with foam to extinguish gas fires?
Because certain types of dry powder has a negligible cooling effect
Because certain types of dry powder can cause breakdown of a foam blanket
Because certain types of dry powder is a flame inhibitor
Because certain types of dry powder not give protection against re-ignition
What is the two letter signal, to be used by flags, radiotelephony or radiotelegraphy, meaning "Calling All Ships".
When refitting the bolts into a flange on a steam line how should the bolts be prepared so that they can be easily removed next time maintenance is required?
Coat the threads in graphite based grease.
Fit the bolts dry with a spring washer.
Apply thread tape to the bolt threads.
Coat the threads in general purpose grease.
A mixed cargo consisting of cartons of frozen meat and drums of frozen orange juice is being loaded into the same reefer space. From the options given, select the reason that best describes why the drums of orange juice must be handled carefully.
There may be contact damage to the cartons of meat from the steel drums of orange juice.
There is a risk that the meat could taint the orange juice.
There is a risk of spillage from the drums of orange juice which may taint the meat.
There may be contact damage to the steel drums of orange juice from the cartons of meat.
On a Bulk Carrier, what should be done immediately if during the voyage the temperature of bulk coal exceeds 55?C?
Use fire fighting water in the cargo space
Notify the harbour authorities at the port of destination
Seal the hold completely and monitor the cargo using suitable instruments
Notify the ship owner and/or charterer
On a General Cargo vessel, the placards and labels on containers and pallets containing dangerous goods (IMDG Cargo) must be marked with what information ?
Number of individual pieces of cargo
Every oil tanker of 5,000 tonnes deadweight and above delivered on or after 1 February 2002 shall comply with intact stability. What is the minimum GM (metacentric height) when the vessel is in port?
What is the purpose of the flame scanner or 'magic eye' fitted to the burner unit of oil or gas fired steam boilers?
To check the colour of the flame.
To control the combustion air supply to the boiler.
To check that the flame is present during start up or normal operation of the burner; if not then fuel is shut off automatically.
To check the colour of the exhaust gas from the furnace.
In a circuit diagram of a simple hydraulic circuit, which of the alternatives does the following symbol indicate?
Directional control valve.
How does a chemical detector tube work?
A sample of the atmosphere inside the compartment is drawn through a chemical reagent in a glass tube. The surface of the reagent becomes progressively discoloured as more contaminant vapour is detected in the sample. When this is read off the scale marked on the tube, the concentration of the vapour can be determined.
A sample of the gas from inside the compartment is sucked through a glass tube containing white cotton. As it does so, the gas becomes discoloured. The cotton will gradually dissolve and be replaced by the coloured gas, according to the concentration level. This may be read off a scale on the tube at the edge of the remaining cotton.
A sample of the air inside the compartment is pumped into a glass tube. As the pressure builds up inside the tube, a coloured stain can be observed, corresponding to the vapour pressure of the contaminant gas. The length of the stain corresponds to the percentage concentration of the gas.
The mositure in a sample of the atmosphere inside the compartment is allowed to soak into a strip of foam in a glass tube. This foam is impregnated with a reagent chemical. If it turns red, then the compartment is unsafe for entry; if it turns green, then entry is permitted.
Which of the following statements will direct a fire-fighting team to the source of fire?
Fire in the accommodation
Fire in No. 3 cargo hold, port side, forward
The temperature of chilled air is monitored after it has passed through a refrigerated cargo and the temperature noted. This temperature is often referred to as the RAT. Which of the given options does RAT stand for in relation to refrigeration of a cargo?
Respirated Air Temperature.
Relative Air Temperature.
The diode shown performs which function?
Reference the transistor to +15V.
Provide an overload route for transistor current.
Allow Op Amp to top up +15V rail.
Return inductive current to supply at switch off.
What is "DRAUGHT", in the figure?
Draught is indicated by D, in the figure
Draught is indicated by C, in the figure
Draught is indicated by B, in the figure
Draught is indicated by A, in the figure
On a Bulk Carrier, what should be done immediately, if during the voyage the temperature of bulk coal exceeds 55?C?
Continue ventilation of all cargo spaces
Seal the hold completely and monitor the cargo using suitable instruments
Use fire fighting water in the hatch
Stop ventilation of cargo space
What type of vessel is this and from what direction are you seeing it?
This is a vessel engaged in fishing other than trawling, making way through the water, with outlying gear extending more than 150 metres in the direction of the all-round red light. I am seeing her from astern.
This is a vessel engaged in fishing other than trawling, making way through the water, with outlying gear extending more than 150m in the direction of the all-round white light. I am looking at her port side.
This is a vessel engaged in pilotage duties at anchor. I am looking at her port side.
This is a vessel engaged in pilotage operations, deploying or recovering a pilot. I am looking at her port side.
What is commonly recognised as the main hazard associated with unprotected entry into an enclosed space on a tanker?
There are no significant hazards associated with entry into enclosed spaces on tankers
A potentially oxygen deficient or toxic atmosphere
Restrictions on access and mobility within the space
Lack of adequate illumination for safe movement within the space
When plotting a position, where should the Officer of the Watch select as the ships position, when three gyro compass bearings intercept as a triangle (Cocked Hat) and not as a single point?
At the centre of the triangle
At the point furthest away from any danger.
At the point nearest the course line drawn on the chart
At the point nearest to the danger, if any.
Under what load condition would sootblowing of the boiler tubes be most beneficial?
When the boiler is firing on low rate.
When the boiler burner is off.
When the boiler is firing on medium rate.
When the boiler is firing on high rate.
With regard to the characteristics of a mafi trailer what must be ensured prior to unfastening this unit on board a ro-ro vessel?
That the cargo details have been checked
That there is sufficient room for it to be driven away
That cargo on the trailer is not damaged
That after unfastening it will not move
Where would you look for a summary of important safety and handling information on a cargo loaded on your ship?
The Material Safety Data Sheet
The Company Cargo Handling Manual
The Master's Standing Orders
Which is the most important factor in the safety awareness of the ships crew?
The safety awareness of the senior officers
The level of emergency-preparedness
The quality of emergency drills
The shipboard training provided
Provided it is considered safe to do so what is the best method of cleaning a cargo hold that contained grain?
Sweep the cargo holds after discharge
Hose down the cargo holds after discharge
Sweep and clean cargo holds from the top down as discharge progresses
Sweep and clean cargo holds from the top down as discharge progresses followed by a final wash
Which vitamin is found only in meat and fish?
What stowage factors should be taken into account when planning the loading of cars, in a pure car carrier?
The amount of dunnage to be used
Longitudinal and athwartships distances between the cars
Compressors for handling vapour from liquefied gas cargoes are fitted as part of the cargo handling plant on liquefied gas carriers. How is liquid prevented from entering the compressor suction?
By checking the temperature in the vapour line between the cargo tank and compressor.
A liquid separator is fitted in the vapour line between the cargo tank and the compressor.
A liquid condenser is fitted in the vapour line between the cargo tank and the compressor.
By checking the pressure in the vapour line between the cargo tank and compressor.
Where should fixed stacking cones be positioned?
On deck in non-cellular vessels
At the base of cell guides
Between containers in under-deck stowage locations
On the tank top in non-cellular vessels
When testing boiler water, should the sample be:
At lowest possible temperature.
Simple gauge glasses for indicating the boiler water level, such as the one shown here, are often fitted to low pressure boilers. What would be a reasonable schedule for blowing through the gauge glasses?
How many crews are required to be trained and regularly drilled in all aspects of fast rescue boats in various conditions, including righting after capsizing?
When considering instrumentation systems, what is a typical symptom of a fault with the span of an instrument?
100% output is accurate, but Zero-point is wrong
Zero-point is accurate, but 100% input is not giving 100% output
Zero-point and 100% are correct, but not at mid - range
When are ro-ro units most exposed to damage?
When being manoeuvred for stowage or breaking out of stowage
When being driven up or down the vessel’s internal ramps
When being driven up or down the loading ramp
What should be the first action to be taken in the event of the water level disappearing out of the boiler water level gauge glass?
Secure all of the burners.
Close the feed-water stop valve.
Close the main steam stop valve.
What makes a container vessel's cargo holds effective in containing under-deck fires?
A fixed fire-fighting system
Intact hatch and ventilator seals
An effective bilge pumping systems
On a Container vessel, which of the following is a Flammable Liquid, under the IMDG Code?
Any liquid with a flashpoint above 63 degrees Celsius closed-cup test
Paints, which emit flammable vapours up to and including 60 degrees Celsius closed-cup test
Paints, which emit flammable vapours above 60 degrees Celsius closed-cup test
Any liquid with a flashpoint between 60 degrees Celsius and 70 degrees Celsius closed-cup test
What is a Fantainer used for?
Carrying dangerous goods prone to condensation
Carrying reefer cargoes prone to condensation
Carrying dry cargoes prone to condensation
What should be done if the surface of the loading ramp is oily?
Immediately clean the oil-affected area(s)
Allow cargo operations to continue in the usual manner
Stop cargo operations and inform the master
Wash the oil-affected area(s) using a fire hose
What would be the effect of a faulty steam trap on a fuel oil heater causing condensate to build up in the heater exchanger?
An increase in fuel oil temperature.
Low water level in the boiler.
Reduced heating capacity of the heater.
Excess pressure on the shell of the heat exchanger.
This circuit is a logic gate with two input signals, A and B, and one output signal Q. Which type of logic function is the gate giving?
On the figure 4 possible definitions of the term "BRIDGE" are given. Which one is the correct one?
Bridge is given by B on the figure
Bridge is given by C on the figure
Bridge is given by D on the figure
Bridge is given by A on the figure
Which of the following cargo types is a general cargo vessel best suited ?
Containers and heavy project cargo
Pallets tinned foodstuffs and drums chemicals
Bulk grain and bulk cement
Fruit and vegetable cargoes
A mixed cargo of hard frozen products is to be loaded in layers into one deep cargo space on a conventional reefer vessel. The products are steel drums of frozen orange juice, frozen meat in cartons and frozen beef hocks in muslin. What would be the best position for loading the drums of orange juice?
Since all the cargo is hard frozen it doesn't matter which layer the orange juice is loaded.
A ship's electrical system operates at 60Hz but when connected to shore supply it is supplied with 50Hz. Which of the following would you expect?
Electric motors will run at increased speed and will tend to overheat.
Generators are more sensitive to reverse power faults.
Electric motors will run at reduced speed and will tend to overheat.
Earth faults are more likely.
Why can't we use inert gas from a combustion-type generator when preparing cargo tanks for ammonia?
Because of the high temperature in the inert gas.
Because ammonia reacts with the carbon dioxide in the inert gas.
Because of high water content in the inert gas.
Because of the high oxygen content in the inert gas.