Der Test besteht aus zufälligen Fragen zu einem ausgewählten Thema.
A 6-men inflatable liferaft shall be carried as far forward as is reasonable and practicable. Where is the best stowing position?
In a locker, under the forecastle
Aft of the forecastle secured with wire, turnbuckle and slip hook
Aft of the forecastle secured with the use of a hydrostatic release device
All forward on the forecastle and secured with the use of a hydrostatic release device
Give the meaning of the following symbol
Survival craft distress pyrotechnic signals
Radio signal emitting parachute flare
*A bulkhead of the "A" class must:
Be constructed of steel or other equivalent material
Comply with all the requirements listed here
Prevent passage of smoke and flame till the end of a one-hour standard fire test
*What is the term used to designate the work that may cause heat, sparks or flames and that cannot be performed if specific compulsory precautions are not taken in places where nearby flammable products could be present?
The free volume of carbon dioxide (CO2) of a fixed gas fire-extinguishing system shall be calculated at
How does low expansion foam act as an extinguishing agent when dealing with oil fires?
By smothering and also by providing some cooling
The heat from the fire causes the foam to produce an inert gas which gradually extinguishes the fire
A « OSC » is :
A SAR coordinating centre
The master of a ship who coordinates on scene search and rescue operations
To what pressure will a new length of cargo hose be tested by a manufacturer prior to its supply to a vessel for service onboard a chemical tanker?
Not more than one and a half times its specified maximum working pressure, but not less than two-fifths of its bursting pressure.
Not less than one and a half times its nominal bursting pressure, but not more than four-fifths of its specified maximum working pressure.
2 times its designed working pressure, but not more than three-fifths of its nominal bursting pressure.
Not less than one and a half times its specified maximum working pressure, but not more than two-fifths of its bursting pressure.
A Category "B" Chemical Cargo which has a melting point of more than 15° C. can be carried:
In tanks adjacent to the ship's shell plating having heating coils?
In tanks where the heating coils have been removed and supply and return steam pipes blanked off?
In tanks not adjacent to the ship's shell plating having heating coils?
In any tank onboard the vessel?
Prior to entering service on a vessel in foreign trade for the first time you are required to have a health certificate not older than?
A strain occurs when a muscle or group of muscles is over- stretched and possibly torn, by violent or sudden movement. Strain can be caused by lifting heavy weights incorrectly. The treatment of strain may be remembered as the word RICE.What is RICE an abbreviation for?
Right Internal Cooperative Ending.
Rubber, Internal, Careful, Estimation.
Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation.
Rest, Injury, Care, Evaluation.
Which of the following is NOT required to be in the oil transfer procedures?
Any special procedures for topping off tanks
A line diagram of the vessel's oil transfer piping
The location and capacity of all fuel and cargo tanks on the vessel
The number of persons on duty during oil transfer operations
Any ship of 10.000 tons gross tonnage and above shall be fitted with oily-water separating equipment for the control of machinery space bilges.What kind of equipment is required in this connection?
Oily-water separating equipment only.
Either Oil fitting equipment , or Oily-water separating equipment , or combination of both.
Oil fitting equipment only.
When cross-flooding arrangements to correct unsymmetrical flooding and excessive heel angels in damaged condition are installed in passenger ships, what is the maximum time allowed for equalization?
What is one of the methods used by an aircraft to attract a vessel's attention for participation in a rescue operation?
Diving from high attitude.
You are underway on a power driven vessel in open water when you see another power driven vessel approximately five miles straight ahead on an opposite course. What action do you take?
Make a bold alteration to starboard and pass on his port side
Try and call him on the VHF to decide on what action to take
Stand on with caution as he will alter course
Make a bold alteration to port and pass on his starboard side
Consider the situation sketched below. How will you distribute the power of the tugs when you want to move the ship sideways without any yaw?
Equal power on both tugs while checking the gyro
Full power on the aft tug, reduce on the forward tug
Full power on the aft tug, stop on the forward tug
Full power on the forward tug, the stern tug should hold back
The positions of the ship provided by the GPS should always be confirmed by other means, when possible. Which of the following suggested methods would be the most accurate?
The ranges of three distinctive shore objects on the radar.
Bearing using the Radio Direction Finding of three radio beacons
Bearing and distance from a navigational Buoy
Compass bearings of three shore objects
" On area A1 the function "" Transmission and reception of signals for locating "" is mainly based on:"
the use of SARSAT COSPAS Epirbs
the use of SART transponders
the use of INMARSAT Epirbs
The rule for having a radio transmitter license is internationally laid down in:
Search and rescue treaty of Hamburg
Vessels communicating with each other by mariphone, work:
dependent on the set onboard
Which class of emission is used for MF radio telephony transmissions ?
Define the class of emission H3E :
Radiotelex and DSC - Frequency shift keying of carrier with error correction
Radiotelephony - Single sideband full carrier
Radiotelex and DSC - Phase modulation
Radiotelephony - Single sideband suppressed carrier
Which of the following is the correct minimum carriage requirement for a ship of more than 300 gross tons and operating in area A4:
1VHF RT + DSC+ DSC watch receiver – 1 NAVTEX or 1 EGC receiver– 2 or 3 VHF portable – 1 EPIRB – 1 MF RT + DSC+ DSC watch receiver – 1 INMARSAT A,B or C and 1 HF RT + DSC+ DSC watch receiver
1VHF RT + DSC+ DSC watch receiver – 1 or 2 SART – 1 NAVTEX and/or 1 EGC receiver and/or 1 HF NBDP watch receiver – 2 or 3 VHF portable – 1 EPIRB – 1 MF RT + DSC+ DSC watch receiver – 1 HF RT + DSC+ DSC watch receiver
1VHF RT + DSC+ DSC watch receiver – 1 or 2 SART – 1 NAVTEX or 1 EGC receiver– 2 or 3 VHF portable – 1 EPIRB – 1 MF RT + DSC+ DSC watch receiver – 1 INMARSAT A,B or C
1or 2 SART – 1 NAVTEX and/or 1 EGC receiver and/or 1 HF NBDP watch receiver – 2 or 3 VHF portable – 1 1 HF RT + DSC+ DSC watch receiver
Which one of the listed requirements regarding life-jackets corresponds to present SOLAS regulations ? A life-jacket shall be so constructed that:
it can be correctly donned within 3 minutes without assistance
it gives a long term thermal protection
it allows the wearer to jump from any height without injury and without damaging the life-jacket
it allows the wearer to jump from height of at least 4.5 m into the water without injury and without damaging the life-jacket
Which item among those below is included in the normal equipment of every lifeboat ?
one life-jacket for each person
sea-charts and navigating equipment
An enclosed lifeboat is fitted with a self-contained air support system. With the engine running, what is the minimum period of time the air should remain safe and breathable?
What is most important for crew members when preparing for emergencies?
That people listen to orders given
That people are well trained
That people know where to find designated equipment
That people know where to muster
*Which one of the following items has to be included in an abandon ship drill?
Starting and operating radio life-saving appliances
Launching and recovery of a survival craft
Manoeuvring the lifeboat in the water
Checking that life-jackets are correctly donned
Which of the following items shall be included in an "abandon ship"-drill?
Checking the lifeboat provisions and supplies
Checking the distress signal rockets and other distress signals
Checking that passengers and crew are suitably dressed and lifejackets correctly donned
Checking that all crew and passenger are present
The training manual shall contain instructions and information in easily understood terms and illustrated wherever possible. Which of the following objects do not have to be explained in detail in the manual according to present regulations?
Muster of assigned stations
Donning of lifejackets and immersion suits
Boarding, launching and clearing of the survival crafts and rescue boats
Donning of fire protection clothing
Feed check valves for main and auxilliary purposes are normally of the double shut off type, as shown in the diagram. What is the main function of the non-return valve?
To allow overhaul of the screw down valve when the non-return valve is shut and the boiler is steaming.
To allow fine tuning of feed water flow to the boiler.
To prevent the steam and water in the boiler from discharging out by the feed line, if a feed line fracture or a joint in the line blows.
To increase the workload for staff when overhauling the boiler.
What effect would turbulent fluid flow through a heat exchanger have on the efficiency of the heat transfer?
Turbulent fluid flow generally reduces heat transfer efficiency
Heat transfer efficiency is not affected by the type of fluid flow through the heat exchanger.
Turbulent fluid flow generally increases heat transfer efficiency.
It cannot be determined since it is not possible to generate turbulent fluid flow through a heat exchanger?
In a large, 2 stroke, main diesel engine cylinder lubricating oil is supplied directly through lubrication points cut into the cylinder liner. At what point during the cycle should the supply normally occur.
At mid-stroke of the piston.
As the piston rings pass the lubrication points.
Cross-flooding fittings shall be operable from:
The section where the unsymmetrical flooding occurs
Fast rescue boats shall be capable of carrying:
At least 5 seated persons and a person lying down
At least 6 persons seated
Which statement about the use of profiling onboard a ship is true?
A random selection process must be established.
Detection equipment can be used in place of profiling.
Profilers need at least half an hour to gather the information they need.
Only visitors can be profiled.
What could result from carrying coal with a high sulphur content on a Bulk Carrier?
Evolution of methane gases
A possible shift of cargo
Corrosion of steelwork in the cargo holds if the cargo becomes wet
After washing cargo holds why are cargo residues often found on the tank top when hatches are opened at the load port?
Because the washing of cargo holds was not thorough
Because of poor drainage into the bilges
Because of cargo residues falling down due to ship’s vibrations during the ballast passage
Due to failure of the bilge eductors
Generators work on the principle of electromagnetic induction. The internal e.m.f. generated in the phase windings of an a.c. generator is controlled by:
The internal volt drop and the residual magnetism.
The internal volt drop and the load current.
The diesel speed and excitation current.
The diesel speed, magnetising force and load current.
Shortly after starting up a fuel oil purifier oil is seen to be trickling out of the sludge outlet. Which of the options given is the most likely cause of this problem?
Incorrect gravity disc fitted.
Insufficient seal water supplied during start up.
Excessive back pressure in the clean oil outlet.
Use of …… and …… is strictly prohibited onthe ro-ro deck, signs shall be displayed
Personal Protective Equipment and Mobile telephones
For how long must you save the printouts from the ODME?
Until the end of the voyage.
Commonly used on an oil tanker, what does an "Explosimeter" measure?
The amount of H2S gas in a tank atmosphere
The level of oxygen present within a tank
The composition of hydrocarbon gas / air mixtures in a tank atmosphere
The relative amounts of nitrogen and combustible gases within a tank
A vessel with a large transverse GM will have which of the following rolling periods?
Fast abrupt rolling period to small angles.
A moderately comfortable period with medium angles of heel.
Slow period of roll either side of an angle of loll.
Very slow and to large angles of heel.
During bilge pumping operations the pump suction gauge indicates a high vacuum. What is the most likely cause of the high vacuum reading?
A glogged bilge strainer.
A hole in the suction line.
Which of the following is a summary of the tank cleaning requirements for a category "X" substance on a chemical tanker constructed after 1st January 2007?
Strip to 75 litres / 12 miles from land / 25 metres of water / minimum 7 knots, proceeding en route.
Prewash for solidifying or high viscosity substances / strip to 75 litres / 12 miles from land / 25 metres of water / minimum 7 knots, proceeding en route.
Prewash / strip to 75 litres / 12 miles from land / 25 metres of water / minimum 7 knots, proceeding en route.
Prewash / strip to 100 litres / 12 miles from land / 25 metres of water / minimum 7 knots, proceeding en route.
What type of heat exchanger is shown?
You enter a High Voltage switch room and find a person apparently unconscious. Which of the following should be done?
Check if the victim is in contact with live parts and if not apply first aid.
Raise alarm, identify means of isolation and apply before approaching victim.
Trip all breakers and approach victim.
Raise alarm then drag the victim clear so that they cannot reach live parts while receiving aid.
What is the main purpose of the superheater vent valve on a high pressure steam boiler?
To remove air from the superheater.
To contol the superheater pressure during operation.
To remove water from the superheater.
To ensure a flow of steam through the superheater when raising steam pressure or when the boiler is not on-line.
A ro-ro unit weighing 2mt is to be loaded in the fore and aft direction and lashed by belts of SWL 0.6mt. How many lashing belts should be used to secure the unit?
What name is given to the short, intial wash given to tanks that have just contained certain particularly hazxardous cargoes before the ship leaves the unloading port and where the washings are landed to shore or to a slop barge?
A mandatory customer post discharge wash.
Some process control systems may several inputs and controlled variables. In this context what is meant by split-range?
Several controllers are connected to the same control-valve
Several control-valves are connected to the same controller
Several control-loops for the same range
Which of the following forms of food poisoning is particularly associated with outbreaks on cruise ships?
Staphylococcal enterotoxin.
How will continuous low load operation influence the time between overhauls, tbo, for the cylinder covers and associated valves of a 4-stroke diesel engine?
Reduce the time between overhauls due to increased fouling.
Increase the time between overhauls since fuel injectors work better at low load so combustion will be improved and the maintenance will be reduced.
Increase the time between overhauls since the engine is not working as hard.
No influence at all, the required overhauls are unaffected by operating load.
A centrifugal pump is to be reassembled following overhaul and it is discovered that there are no spare gaskets for the pump housing. From the options given select the best alternative material to make a gasket from.
Reinforced pilot packing.
Thick paper (chart paper).
Who is responsible for supervising stevedores during cargo operations?
On a RoRo vessel, where is the best place to find information on loading ramp limitations?
In the company's safety instructions
In the loading ramp manual
What determines the size of the "sump" in a chemical tanker's cargo tank?
It must be below 1/3000th of the total volume of the tank.
The foot of the pump must fit inside it with a minimum of 20 cm clearance all round from the pump casing.
When combined with the estimated residues on the bulkheads and in the associated pipelines, the quantity of residues remaining in the sump must be below the maximum quantity remaining after discharge as permitted by law.
The flow of residues into the sump must be greater than or equal to the pumping capacity of the pump when operated at stripping speed (calculated as 12% of nominal speed against 3 bar head pressure), with not more than 1.5 degrees adverse list or 0.1 degree trim.
On a Container vessel, what should be done if a container with a damaged corner post is being loaded?
The container should be returned to shore immediately
A cargo damage report should be made for signing by stevedores
A log entry of the container number and stowage position should be made
A note should be made and the information handed over to the relieving watch keeper
Only search vehicle compartments where you suspect objects may be hidden.
What does ‘wedging’ achieve in side-rolling hatch covers?
It facilitates lowering of the panels for closing
It forces the compression bar on one panel to fit against the seal on the opposite panel
It facilitates the automatically wedging of hatch cover panels
It facilitates the automatic cleating of hatch cover panels
A combustible gas indicator of the catalytic filament type is used to check the atmosphere in an enclosed space onboard ship. When taking readings in a fuel tank which has been emptied for cleaning the meter reading initially rises and then falls back to zero. What is the likely defect, if any, in the instrument when this type of behaviour is displayed?
The sampling pump is faulty.
The filament has burnt out.
The filament is contaminated due to too high a concentration of hydrocarbons.
On routine daily inspection you notice that there is a light arcing between an alternator's carbon brushes and rotor sliprings, with alternator operating at 70% load. Should you:
Check the surface of the sliprings, polish if necessary and bed in the brushes
Clean up and increase the tension on the brushes
Move the position of the brushes around the sliprings to find the correct neutral position
Reverse the polarity of the excitation voltage at the brush holder connection
A steam generating tube in a boiler is found to be badly sagged but not ruptured. Select, from the options given, the most suitable action to be followed in order to operate the boiler.
Plug both ends of the tube and drill a hole in the body of the tube.
As long as the tube is not ruptured the boiler can be operated normally.
Plug both ends of the tube.
Heat the tube up with a gas torch and return it to its original shape and position.
How should steel wire rod coils be stowed?
With their cores aligned athwartships
With their cores aligned vertically
With their cores aligned fore and aft
With their cores aligned alternately fore and aft and athwartships
Most fuel oil separtors working on the centrifuge principle have an automatic start up and sludging facility. Which of the following actions would you expect to occur first during the start up sequence?
Sealing water supplied to bowl to prevent carry over.
Operating water drained from bowl to open it.
Operating water supplied to bowl to close it
Fuel oil supplied to bowl to fill it.
"Your ship security plan must include procedures for responding to security threats, auditing security activities and interfacing with the port facility."
On a RoRo vessel, what should be done if a non dangerous goods ro-ro unit is found stowed in an incorrect location?
Advise stevedores at the port of discharge
Mark the unit and amend the stowage plan whilst informing the Master and company
You have made a turning circle at full speed in deep water. You are now going to make one with initial speed, slow ahead. Do you think the diameter will differ from that of initial full ahead?
Yes, it will be much smaller with slow ahead
Yes, there will be a large difference in the turning diameter between full and slow ahead
Yes, it will be much greater with slow ahead
The diameter will be the same whatever initial speed we have when starting the turn
A 250V contactor has been fitted to a 220V supply. Which of the following symptoms might be observed?
Contactor chattering (vibrating)
A mechanical seal, consisting of carbon and ceramic seal rings, is to be fitted to a cetrifugal pump shaft. What is the most likely result of not being extremely carefull when fitting this type of seal?
The spring and bellows for the seal can be easily damaged.
The rubber O rings for the seal can be easily damaged.
The seal rings are brittle and can be easily chipped or damaged.
The seal rings are hard and may score the pump shaft.
You are going to serve boiled potatoes with the evening meal at 18:00 hours. At what time should you have the potatoes ready?
What should be continuously monitored when carrying DRI cargoes?
Integrity of the inert gas blanket
Is it required to have supplementary emergency lighting on board passenger ships?
Yes, all passenger public spaces and alleyways shall be provided with supplementary electric lighting
No, reflective marking indicates the escape routes
No, passengers should bring their own flashlights
No, portable battery operated lamps shall be provided in alleyways and public spaces
The effective stability of a tug, when assisting a vessel to manoeuvre, can be decreased by hydrodynamic interaction with the ship it is assisting. Where is the most dangerous position of the tug relative to the ship, for this adverse affect to be found?
The most dangerous position is when the tug is alongside the amidships section of the larger vessel.
The most dangerous position is where the tug has made fast the towing spring and is then moving ahead of the larger vessel.
The most dangerous position is where the tug approaches the stern of the larger vessel and enters into its associated positive pressure field.
The most dangerous position is where the tug approaches the bow rounding the forward shoulder of the larger vessel.
What is the main effect on lubricating oil of operating for long periods at excessively high temperature?
It will change the flashpoint of the oil.
It will cause the oil to oxidise, reducing the viscosity.
It will cause the oil to oxidise, increasing the viscosity.
It will cause the oil to evaporate, increasing consumption.
Foodstuffs which have not been cooked or prepared in any way may be described as which of the following?
Which of the following options may be used as a brief summary of how to safely make high voltage equipment accessible?
Shed load, Earth (ground), disconnect, isolate
Disconect, isolate, earth (ground)
Shed load, isolate. Earth (ground)
Disconnect, earth (ground), isolate
A water heating system with automatic temperature control uses steam as the heating medium and the temperature is controlled by a pneumatically operated valve? What would be an acceptable start up procedure of the system from cold state?
Start with the control valve in manual and use the hand jack to gradually increase the temperature by throttling the steam flow before changing to pneumatic control.
Start the system up in manual mode and gradually increase the controller output signal until the temperature reaches the required value before changing over to automatic control.
Start the system up in automatic mode with normal set point but with the steam supply to the control valve manually throttled in.
Start the system up in automatic mode with normal set point so that the required temperature is achieved as quickly as possible.
Where are the maximum Shearing Forces likely to occur on an oil tanker?
At the mid-length of the ship
At the bulkhead between empty and full tanks
At the forward collision bulkhead
On a container vessel what action should be taken if a tank container of liquid ammonia is engulfed in fire
Dry chemical must not be used to extinguish the fire
Water must not be used to cool the container
Compressed air for instrument and control purposes needs to be of high quality. In order to condition the air filter modules are usually fitted to remove the contaminants. If there is evidence of oil carry over to the final elements in the instrumentation air system what is the most likely cause?
The coalescer module is saturated and requires renewal.
The drier section of the module needs to be regenerated.
The air compressor piston rings need to be renewed.
The particle removal module is choked.
What should be the first action to be taken in the event of the water level disappearing out of the boiler water level gauge glass?
Secure all of the burners.
Close the feed-water stop valve.
Close the main steam stop valve.
According to regulations cranes and other lifting appliances onboard should, at regular intervals, be examined by ship's personnel and the result recorded in Register of Ship's Lifting Appliances and Cargo Handling Gear. How often should such examinations take place?
You have just completed discharge of a cargo of Iso-Butanol and are preparing for tank cleaning. The pumpman is going round the deck checking the cargo pump cofferdams for any leakage of hydraulic oil or cargo. What term is applied to this procedure?
An oil tanker's tank-cleaning machine with a rotational speed of 1 rpm and a slected pitch angle of 1.5 degrees is used to perform a bottom wash with a vertical angle from 40 degrees to 0 degrees for 1.5 cycles (3 passes). If the throughput of the machine at design pressure is 90 m3/hr, what will be the washing time and quantity of crude oil required?
40 minutes and 60 cubic metres of oil.
48 minutes and 70 cubic metres of oil.
30 minutes and 45 cubic metres of oil.
36 minutes and 48 cubic metres of oil.
Why do we have to make sure that the plate pack is compressed to the right measurement A, after insertion of plates?
Should be compressed more every time after opening.
To prevent serious damages to the plates.
What effect would increase of sea temperature have on your amount of cargo onboard?
Proportional increase - higher temperature - more volume.
A common expression is for example 2 across. What does this mean.
The tanks crosswise from no. 2 tanks.
CT2, WT2 port, WT2 starboard.