Der Test besteht aus zufälligen Fragen zu einem ausgewählten Thema.
What is the main characteristic of the weak link in a float-free arrangement for inflatable liferafts?
be of sufficient strength to permit to pull the painter from the container and the inflation of the liferaft
be of sufficient strength to break at a depth of at least 4 m and release the liferaft from its berth
be of such a strength to be cut by any person with a jack-knife
be of sufficient strength to keep the liferaft alongside the ship when dragged at a maximum speed of 3 knots
Which one of the listed requirements regarding lifeboat propulsion do not correspond to present regulations?
The engine shall be provided with an electric power starting system with rechargeable energy batteries
Every lifeboat shall be powered by a compression ignition engine using fuel with a flamepoint of not less than 44°C
Means shall be provided for recharging all engine-starting, radio and searchlight batteries
Water resistant instruction for starting and operating the engine shall be provided
If you have to carry out hot work close to a smoke detector in the engine room, what precautions should be taken?
No special precautions except for having a watch man and a fire extinguisher available.
Notify Master, Deck officer and Engineer in charge.The loop for this special sensor to be switched off and take normal precautions for hot work.
Disconnect the smoke detector.
Notify deck officer in charge that a fire alarm may occur.
*Under which circumstances should a sprinkler head of a common fixed sprinkler fire-extinguishing system be activated?
Automatically, when the temperature is within a range from 68°C to 79 °C
When the temperature is within a range from 68°C to 79°C, but after the corresponding alarm is acknowledged and assessed at the control panel
When the smoke density exceeds 12,5% obscuration per meter, but after the corresponding alarm is acknowledged and assessed at the control panel
Automatically, when the smoke density exceeds 12,5% obscuration per meter
*What is the maximum floor area that one smoke detector can cover?
The aim of fire detection is
all the answers are correct
to discover where a fire starts
to begin applying an emergency plan
Sanitary-, ballast-, bilge- or general service pumps may be accepted as fire pumps provided: (SOLAS II-2/4.3.2)
They are ready for use as fire pump at any time
They can be started from a position outside the engine room
They are not normally used for pumping oil
They are fitted with automatic start connected to the fire alarm
Where do we find information regarding fire extinguishers, fire doors, remotes release buttons, fire equipment etc. onboard a ship?
The main risk for people when using CO2 as an extinguishing agent in a closed space is:
Low temperature at the nozzle
Which one of the listed fire-extinguishing medium is most effective against an open oil fire?
On board an accident happened. Urgent radio-medical advice is needed. We choose the category:
Select the correct send and receive frequencies for sending a DSC ‘distress alert’ in the MF band:
TX: 2189.5 kHz RX: 2177.0 kHz
TX: 500.0 KHz RX: 518.0 KHz
TX: 2187.5 kHz RX: 2187.5 kHz
TX: 2177.0 kHz RX: 2177.0 kHz
Which class of emission is used for ARQ NBDP transmissions ?
All designated SAR aircraft and civil aircraft carry equipment operating on the international aeronautical distress frequencies (amplitude modulation). The aeronautical distress frequencies are?
123,8 MHz and/or 247,6 MHz
243,1 MHz and/or 486,2 MHz
127.8 MHz and/or 349.6 MHz
121,3 MHz and/or 243,0 MHz
What does the abbreviation ABC mean in first aid?
Air, Breathing, Circulation.
Abandon, Balance, Circulation.
Air, Breath, Concentration.
When planning the distribution of the cargo, what are the most important forces to take in consideration?
Shear forces and bending moments.
What is the advantages of a GPS-satellite system compared to other navigational aids?
The GPS system gives information about weather- and waveconditions in the area.
The GPS system gives information about position, speed and time continuously world wide.
The GPS system has built in a group of six radio-beacons called a Decca-chain.
The GPS system is based on hyperbola navigation.
Where do you think the "pivot point" is located when your ship is going full speed ahead? No wind, current.
At about 1/6 of the ship-s length from the stern
At about 1/6 of the ship-s length from the bow
The vessel is in a 360 degrees turn with engine full ahead. If the speed is reduced during the turn, will there be any change in the turning diameter?
Yes, the turning diameter will increase if the speed is reduced.
No, the turning diameter will only change if the rudder angle is reduced
Yes, the turning diameter will be smaller if the speed is reduced.
No, the turning diameter will not change if the speed is reduced.
What is the first function of GMDSS?
Transmission and reception of on scene communication
Reception of shore to ship distress alerts
Transmission of ship to shore alerts
Transmission and reception of signals for locating
" On area A4 the function "" Transmission and reception of signals for locating "" is mainly based on:"
the use of SART transponders
the use of SARSAT COSPAS Epirbs
The variation in strength of the received signal is called:
What mode must be used on the MF/HF transmission when making a radiotelephone call:
What is the purpose of the « SQUELCH » on a VHF transmitter/receiver?
" reduce the ""noise"" in the background"
Increase the range of the transmitter
increase the sound signal of the receiver
switch to another channel
What shall a rescue person use if he has to jump into the water in order to assist a survivor?
Survival suit and lifeline
Which one of the listed routine test and inspections of life-saving appliances is not required by the regulations?
Inspection of life-saving appliances, including lifeboat equipment shall be carried out monthly to ensure they are complete and in good order
Survival crafts and rescue boats with launching appliances shall be visually inspected weekly to ensure they are ready for use
Lifeboat engines to be run for at least 3 minutes every week
General emergency alarm to be tested daily
Which of the listed requirements for cargo ships regarding personal life-saving appliances does not correspond to present regulations?
Ships with a length of 100 metros or less shall carry minimum 8 lifebuoys
Cargo ships of less than 85 metros in length shall, as a general rule, carry immersion suits for every person onboard
Ships fitted with free-fall life-boats may carry thermal protective aids instead of immersion suits
Self-igniting lights for lifebuoys required on tankers shall be of an electric battery type
Which item among those below is included in the normal equipment of every liferaft ?
two painters of a length equal to not less than the distance from the stowage position of the liferaft to the waterline
one buoyant rescue quoit, attached to not less than 30m of buoyant line
one searchlight which can work continuously for not less than 3 hours
*Give the meaning of the following symbol
Rescue boat with waterproof canopy
Which of the following ear protection devices is most effective?
Dry cotton or cottons balls.
What kind of permits have to be obtained before starting cold work in tanks?
Cold work permit + Permit for entry .
You are in an area of restricted visibility and hear this signal. It is repeated at two minute intervals. What does it indicate?
That there are two more vessels nearby.
That there is another vessel in the vicinity and that she has just altered course to port.
That there is another vessel nearby, that she is underway, but stopped and making no way through the water.
That there is another vessel nearby, but that she is at anchor.
While securing tank lids prior to loading, you notice that the packing from one is damaged and hanging down. What will you do?
Cover the damaged area of packing with silicone and secure the lid. Make an entry in the "defect log" at the end of your watch.
Push the packing back up into the channel as best as you can and secure the lid.
Secure the lid and report the damaged packing to the pumpman for changing later on.
Report it immediately to the duty officer. Notify other watchkeepers, so that the lid is not closed in error, prior to the problem being rectified.
Why is it necessary to have routine testing of the cooling water?
To detect the presence of contaminants in the water that may be injurious to the cooling system.
To ensure that the proper residuals of treatment chemicals, as specified, are maintained all time.
To trace leakage in the cooling water system.
On a General Cargo vessel, how should steel coils be stowed?
With their cores aligned athwartships
With their cores aligned alternately fore and aft and athwartships
With their cores aligned vertically
With their cores aligned fore and aft
What information should be displayed on a Fumigated Container?
The date of manufacture of the container
The proper name of the fumigant and the date it was applied
The trade name of the fumigant and the date it was applied
The last container inspection date
One particular group of hazardous goods is highlighted by the IMDG Code as potentially being the most dangerous for carriage. Which of the following is it?
What precautions should be taken for the deck covering in a steering gear room?
Lay removable wooden duckboards.
Apply a liberal coating of non-slip paint.
Any of the listed alternatives.
Lay removable open-grill metal duckboards.
What is ‘Allowable Use Strength’?
The strength of cargo lashing materials allowed by the classification society
The tension to which cargo lashings should be set up
The safe working load of cargo lashing materials
The breaking strength of cargo lashing materials
How should steel coils be loaded at the start of cargo operations on a General Cargo Vessel?
From the centre of a cargo hold working towards the sides
From both sides of a cargo hold working towards the centre
From the centre of a cargo hold working towards one side then the other
On oil tankers, Cargo tanks can be isolated from machinery spaces by:
What is shown in the image?
A hatch compression bar is shown in the image
A hatch cleat is shown in the image
A hatch wedge is shown in the image
A hatch locking bar is shown in the image
During inspection of a cylinder liner for a large, slow speed diesel engine it is found to be worn in a cloverleaf pattern. The greatest points of wear are found to be in way of the cylinder lubricator holes. From the options given, what is the most likely cause of this type of wear pattern?
Excessive cooling of the cylinder liner at low load operation.
Fuel impingement on the liner due to faulty fuel injector nozzle.
Cylinder lubricant has too high an alkalinity for the sulphur content of the fuel.
Insufficient cylinder lubricating oil being supplied.
The fuel injection timing of a diesel engine is delayed causing high cylinder exhaust gas temperatures. What is the likely effect of this condition on turbocharger operation?
Continuous surging of the turbocharger
Vibration of the turbocharger.
Decreased turbocharger revolutions
Increased turbocharger revolutions
What is the traditional seaman's saying that suggests the procedure to follow when carrying provisions around the galley and storerooms and up and down stairways?
"One hand for the ship and one for yourself".
"One hand for the Captain and one for the Cook".
"One hand for the ship and one for the stores".
"Keep your hands to yourself".
This graphical symbol is a logic gate. Which gate?
Cargo heaters are frequently used when discharging refrigerated LPG cargoes into pressurised shore tanks. What would be a typical "heating range" required from a heater for discharge of fully refrigerated propane?
A sudden or gradual decrease in the pH-value, or an increase of the sulfate content, in the cooling water may indicate:
Leakages from seawater coolers
Leakages from L.O. coolers.
High concentration of corrosion inhibitors
What type of heat exchanger is shown?
You are an assistant cook, working on a large passenger ferry. You have a boil on your left wrist, which has become infected. What must you do?
Take two paracetamol and cover the boil with a small flesh-coloured band-aid.
Don't tell anyone about it, wear a long sleeved jacket and carry on working.
Report the condition to your superior, obtain medical assistance, avoid handling foodstuffs until the skin has healed.
Wear a cotton glove on your left hand when carrying any raw or fresh foodstuffs.
What claims could arise against the vessel at the discharge port for steel reinforcing rods loaded in open-top containers?
Physical damages to the cargo
Cargo staining by rust, hydraulic oil or grease
Select the option which best completes the following statement. "When carrying out repairs to damaged hatch gratings it is best to use…
…galvanised crosshead screws."
In which order should changing a section of the hatch cover seal be carried out?
Straight sections followed by moulded sections
Straight sections + 5% followed by moulded sections
Moulded sections followed by straight sections cut to the length required + 5%
Moulded sections followed by straight sections cut to the required length
Which of these statements about drug smuggling is true?
"The preventative measures you incorporate into your ship’s security plan should be exhaustive, regardless of the level of threat identified by your ship’s security assessment."
The risks to ships are not restricted to specific areas or trading routes.
Drugs are difficult to conceal onboard a ship.
"Drug smuggling is only a problem in certain ports, so only ships sailing in those ports need to implement preventative measures."
What is the difference between methane and ethane?
Ethane has two more carbon atoms and two more hydrogen atoms.
Ethane has double bonding between the atoms.
Ethane has two more carbon atoms and one more hydrogen atoms.
Ethane has one more carbon atoms and two more hydrogen atoms.
Studies of shipboard emergencies show that many passengers do not read or remember safety information. As an officer, how can you best compensate for this fact?
In an emergency, repeatedly tell passengers what's happening, what's being done, and what they should do.
Post large, graphic safety signs conspicuously throughout the ship.
Prior to departure, provide passengers with a good safety video.
Ensure that printed safety information onboard is of the highest quality.
For what purpose is inert gas normally used in the cargo tanks of a liquefied gas carrier?
To maintain an inert atmosphere in the tanks during a loaded voyage.
To prevent an explosive atmosphere forming in the cargo tanks before gas freeing.
To pressure test the cargo tanks after repair work.
To help displace the cargo from the tanks during discharge.
What should be done if a vessel is trimmed outside the limits of its trim correction tables during a draught survey?
Bring the vessel to within the trim limits imposed by the tank sounding tables prior to carrying out the survey
Ask the attending surveyors to extrapolate the tables for the excessive trim
Bring the vessel to within the trim limits imposed by the tank sounding tables prior to taking tank soundings
Consult the classification society concerned
Which of the valve types given in the options is most likely to be used in the cargo loading lines of a liquefied gas carrier?
Screw down non-return valves.
Self closing flap valves.
Ball or butterfly valves.
What is a "ladle"?
Part of a Steward's uniform.
A Mediterranean vegetable.
What name is given to the process on an oil tanker, when inert gas is being blown into a cargo tank, to reduce the level of oxygen it contains?
Why is is especially necessary to continue to ventilate the tank and to continuously monitor the atmosphere when working inside a cargo compartment which still contains vegetable oil residues?
For a tank which has contained vegetable oils, if it is continuously ventilated an Enclosed Space Entry Permit is not required. However, for anyone entering the compartment without a permit in place, they must carry an oxygen meter which continuously monitors the atmosphere.
Forced ventilation will create a hard "skin" on the residues, making them safer to stand on. Testing the atmosphere will indicate when this skin has formed, as no further vapours will be released.
Vegetable oils are commonly washed using very hot water. Forced ventilation will make the temperature inside the compartment better to work in. Monitoring the atmosphere will indicate if the humidity is increasing.
Because the decomposing residues continue to release hazardous gases, reducing the levels of oxygen in the tank and making the atmosphere potentially dangerous.
"Part way through a profiling interview with a supplier, the package the individual is carrying arouses your suspicion. What do you do?"
Confront the individual and demand that he open the package.
Discreetly inform someone of your suspicions so he or she can get assistance.
Call for help on the radio.
Take the package and open it.
Is it required to have supplementary emergency electric lighting on board passenger ships?
No, passengers should bring their own flashlights
No, reflective marking indicates the escape routes
Yes, all passenger public spaces and alleyways shall be provided with supplementary electric lighting
A pressure gauge of the bourdon tube type is reading incorrectly and shows 2 bar when the pressure in the system is zero. There is no spare available. Which of the options would be the best temporary remedy for this situation?
Use a deadweight tester to mark a new scale on the gauge throughout the working range.
Remove the indicator needle and reposition it to read zero when the system is unpressurised.
Bend the bourdon tube so that a zero reading is obtained when the system is unpressurised.
Subtract 2 bar from the gauge reading when checking the pressure.
Explain the difference between absolute pressure and manometer pressure.
Absolute pressure is atmospheric pressure multiplied with manometer pressure, to be used in technical tables
Absolute pressure is atmospheric pressure minus manometer pressure, to be used in technical tables
Absolute pressure is equal to manometer pressure and must be used in technical tables
Absolute pressure is atmospheric pressure added with manometer pressure, to be used in technical tables
The water content of inert gas is important when the gas is used for cargo tank inerting and drying operations on a liquefied gas carrier. Which drier arrangement for the inert gas will result in the lowest water content and dew point of the inert gas?
An absorption drier followed by a refrigerated drier in series can reduce the dew point down to less than minus 40 degrees C.
A refrigerated drier on its own can usually reduce the dew point to less than minus 40 degrees C.
A refrigerated drier followed by an absorption drier in series can reduce the dew point to less than minus 40 degrees C.
A refrigerated drier and an absorption drier operated in parallel can reduce the dew point to less than minus 40 degrees C.
A refractory material is one that will retain its solid state even at very high temperatures, and furnace temperatures as high as 1650 °C have been recorded in marine boilers. What is the primary purpose of using a refractory?
They act as a heat sink, and ensure more even distribution of heat throughout the furnace.
All of the mentioned alternatives.
They are used to protect exposed parts of drum, which otherwise could become overheated.
To protect the furnace casing from overheating, burning and possible escape of gases into boiler room.
With the exception of some citrus fruits and bananas, fruit is usually pre-cooled to the required carriage temperature prior to loading on a reefer vessel. In order to protect the cold chain, and to maintain the temperature of the fruit, a minimum exposure time to ambient conditions during loading is necessary. What action should the deck officers take during loading to achieve this minimum exposure time?
Close the hatches and apply cooling to the cargo already loaded during any break in cargo operations that exceed 30 minutes.
Request that the stevedores work faster to minimise loading time.
Close the hatches for any break in cargo operations that exceed 60 minutes.
Close the hatches and apply cooling to the cargo already loaded during any overnight break in cargo operations.
The sign on the image indicates:
Location of immersion suit(s)
Location of boiler suit(s)
You should wear warm clothes in this area
You should wear immersion suit when working in this area
From where can one obtain information regarding the segregation of dangerous goods packed in cargo transport units?
The cargo securing manual
Special tables in the IMDG Code
Details in the bill of lading
Medium and high speed diesel engines used for electrical generation duties on board ship have overspeed protection devices fitted to protect the engine in case the electrical generator trips while carrying high loads. Why are these devices necessary?
To stop the engine before any serious damage occurs due to excess inertial loads.
To stop the engine before any serious damage occurs to the electrical components due to excess voltage and frequency.
To stop the engine before any serious damage occurs due to rapidly changing thermal loads.
To stop the engine before any serious damage occurs due to rapidly changing cylinder pressures.
During 'dry lay up' of a main water tube boiler it is necessary to maintain dry, low humidity environment in the water spaces. Which of the chemicals given in the options would best achieve this condition?
How often shall drills for the operation of watertight doors, side scuttles, valves and closing mechanism of scuppers, ash-chutes and rubbish chutes take place in passenger ships?
In respect of a chemical tanker, carrying category "X", "Y" and "Z" Noxious Liquid Substances, what is understood by the term "Clean Ballast" as defined in the IBC Code?
Ballast water carried in a tank which, since it was last used to carry a cargo containing a substance in category "X","Y" or "Z", has been thoroughly cleaned and the residues resulting there from have been discharged and the tank emptied in accordance with the appropriate requirements of Annex II.
Ballast water carried in a tank which has been previously washed in accordance with the requirements of the Procedures and Arrangements Manual.
Ballast water that is free of all cargo residues and slops.
Ballast water introduced into a tank permanently allocated to the carriage of ballast or cargoes other than oil or Noxious Liquid Substances as variously defined in the Annexes of the MARPOL Convention and which is completely separate from the cargo and oil fuel systems.
When securing cars on a RoRo vessel, what is the preferred lashing angle in any direction from the lashing point?
What are the duties of the watch-keeping engineer?
The duties of the watch-keeping engineer are to keep constant surveillance of machinery and auxiliary systems and to inspection the steering gear at least once a watch
The duties of the watch-keeping engineer are to maintain the required ship's speed
The duties of the watch-keeping engineer are to ensure that the machinery spaces are properly manned
The duties of the watch-keeping engineer are to keep constant surveillance of the steering gear and hydraulic system
Special "additives" are sometimes blended with, or added to, chemical cargoes to prevent polymerisation, decomposition or oxydation while they are in the ship's tank on a long voyage. What general term is given to these additives?
What is the name of this unit?
A hydrostatic release unit
An antistatic release unit
Very roughly, the gas mixture from Crude Oil can be represented by the hydrocarbon gas Propane. What is the approximate upper flammable limit(UFL) of crude oil vapours by volume in air?
Where do you find detailed information and specific technical requirements for fire safety systems?
Fire Safety Systems Code (FSS Code)
What precautions should you take when washing down the galley area at the end of the working day?
All power to the galley range and other electrical equipment should be switched off and isolated; ensure you are suitably and safely dressed to avoid electrical, slipping and other hazards.
All electrical equipment should be switched on, to ensure it dries out quickly if it gets wet; remove your catering clothing, so that it does not get dirty and wet.
Wash only the deck, to avoid any risk of shock from electrical items, such as the range; wear shorts and rubber sandals ("flip-flops") to avoid transferring contaminants from your work clothes.
Cover all equipment and work benches with plastic sheeting; wash the galley deckhead, then work down the bulkheads and finally the deck, with fresh water above 65 degrees Celsius; wear heavy duty work clothes.
Passenger ships have a normal requirement of 1 lifejacket per person + 10% for children. In addition to this, how many lifejackets have to be stowed in conspicuous places on deck or at the muster stations?
When starting three phase induction motors which of the following starting methods will immediately apply rated voltage to the machine?
What special requirements applies to fire alarm signalling systems in passenger ships
Remote control of fire doors and reactivation of ventilation
Same requirements for Fire alarm systems applies to all ships
Centralized in a continuously manned control station with remote control of fire doors, Indication of open or closed fire doors
Fail safe, Centralized in a continuously manned control station, Remote control of fire doors, Indication of open or closed fire doors, Reactivation of ventilation, Detector status, Back up powered
What is the meaning of the abbreviation PCB
If the carriage of a new Noxious Liquid Substance not yet listed in the IBC Code is considered, this may be achieved through a "tri-partite" agreement. Who must this agreement be between?
The Port State of the Shipper / the Flag State of the Carrier / the Port State of the Receiver.
The Flag State of the Shipper / the Flag State of the Charterer / the Flag State of the Receiver.
The IMO / the Port State of the Shipper / the Port State of the Receiver.
The Shipper / the Receiver / the Operator or Charterer.
Give the meaning of the following symbol
Manually operated call point