War verhaftet: 29.02.2000, freigegeben: 07.03.2000
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🇰🇭 Cambodia
General Cargo
1 984 Jahr
Verhaftungen 1
Liste der Verstöße
99101 - OTHER - Other safety in general (no responsibility of RO)
02111 - STRUCTURAL CONDITIONS - Beams, frames, floors-corrosion (no responsibility of RO)
02111 - STRUCTURAL CONDITIONS - Beams, frames, floors-corrosion (no responsibility of RO)
99101 - OTHER - Other safety in general (no responsibility of RO)
02111 - STRUCTURAL CONDITIONS - Beams, frames, floors-corrosion (no responsibility of RO)
99101 - OTHER - Other safety in general (no responsibility of RO)
99101 - OTHER - Other safety in general (no responsibility of RO)
02111 - STRUCTURAL CONDITIONS - Beams, frames, floors-corrosion (no responsibility of RO)
02110 - STRUCTURAL CONDITIONS - Beams, frames, floors-op.damage (no responsibility of RO)
02111 - STRUCTURAL CONDITIONS - Beams, frames, floors-corrosion (no responsibility of RO)
99101 - OTHER - Other safety in general (no responsibility of RO)
02111 - STRUCTURAL CONDITIONS - Beams, frames, floors-corrosion (no responsibility of RO)
02111 - STRUCTURAL CONDITIONS - Beams, frames, floors-corrosion (no responsibility of RO)
03107 - WATER/WEATHERTIGHT CONDITIONS - Doors (no responsibility of RO)
99101 - OTHER - Other safety in general (no responsibility of RO)
02111 - STRUCTURAL CONDITIONS - Beams, frames, floors-corrosion (no responsibility of RO)
99101 - OTHER - Other safety in general (no responsibility of RO)
02111 - STRUCTURAL CONDITIONS - Beams, frames, floors-corrosion (no responsibility of RO)
02111 - STRUCTURAL CONDITIONS - Beams, frames, floors-corrosion (no responsibility of RO)
99101 - OTHER - Other safety in general (no responsibility of RO)
02111 - STRUCTURAL CONDITIONS - Beams, frames, floors-corrosion (no responsibility of RO)
02111 - STRUCTURAL CONDITIONS - Beams, frames, floors-corrosion (no responsibility of RO)
02110 - STRUCTURAL CONDITIONS - Beams, frames, floors-op.damage (no responsibility of RO)
99101 - OTHER - Other safety in general (no responsibility of RO)
99101 - OTHER - Other safety in general (no responsibility of RO)
02111 - STRUCTURAL CONDITIONS - Beams, frames, floors-corrosion (no responsibility of RO)
99101 - OTHER - Other safety in general (no responsibility of RO)
99101 - OTHER - Other safety in general (no responsibility of RO)
99101 - OTHER - Other safety in general (no responsibility of RO)
02111 - STRUCTURAL CONDITIONS - Beams, frames, floors-corrosion (no responsibility of RO)
02111 - STRUCTURAL CONDITIONS - Beams, frames, floors-corrosion (no responsibility of RO)
Zusätzliche Daten
Veröffentlichungsdatum: 07.03.2000
Ort des Verstoßes: Fushiki, Japan
Unternehmen: SPA SHIPPING S.DE R.L.
Klassifikationsgesellschaft: OTHER (COSMOS BUREAU OS SHIPPING INC.)
Quelle: tokyo-mou.org
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