War verhaftet: 09.09.2003, Erscheinungsdatum unbekannt
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🇶🇦 Qatar
Oil Tanker
1 981 Jahr
Verhaftungen 2
Liste der Verstöße
01202 - CERTIFICATE AND DOCUMENTATION - CREW CERTIFICATES - Certificate for rating for watchkeeping (no responsibility of RO)
04110 - EMERGENCY SYSTEMS - Abandon ship drills (no responsibility of RO)
01204 - CERTIFICATE AND DOCUMENTATION - CREW CERTIFICATES - Certificate for personnel on tankers (no responsibility of RO)
11129 - LIFE SAVING APPLIANCES - Operational readiness of lifesaving appliances (no responsibility of RO)
09106 - LIVING AND WORKING CONDITIONS - LIVING CONDITIONS - Sanitary Facilities (no responsibility of RO)
10199 - SAFETY OF NAVIGATION - Other (navigation) (no responsibility of RO)
15111 - ISM - Company verification, review and evaluation (no responsibility of RO)
10104 - SAFETY OF NAVIGATION - Gyro compass (no responsibility of RO)
11101 - LIFE SAVING APPLIANCES - Lifeboats (no responsibility of RO)
10118 - SAFETY OF NAVIGATION - Speed and distance indicator (no responsibility of RO)
09112 - LIVING AND WORKING CONDITIONS - LIVING CONDITIONS - Medical Equipment (no responsibility of RO)
11102 - LIFE SAVING APPLIANCES - Lifeboat inventory (no responsibility of RO)
11103 - LIFE SAVING APPLIANCES - Stowage and provision of Lifeboats (no responsibility of RO)
10116 - SAFETY OF NAVIGATION - Nautical publications (no responsibility of RO)
01209 - CERTIFICATE AND DOCUMENTATION - CREW CERTIFICATES - Manning specified by the minimum safe manning doc (no responsibility of RO)
01201 - CERTIFICATE AND DOCUMENTATION - CREW CERTIFICATES - Certificates for master and officers (no responsibility of RO)
11131 - LIFE SAVING APPLIANCES - On board training and instructions (no responsibility of RO)
07117 - FIRE SAFETY - Jacketed high pressure lines and oil leakage alarm (no responsibility of RO)
07116 - FIRE SAFETY - Ventilation (no responsibility of RO)
15105 - ISM - Resources and personnel (no responsibility of RO)
15109 - ISM - Maintenance of the ship and equipment (no responsibility of RO)
Zusätzliche Daten
Ort des Verstoßes: Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China
Unternehmen: H.B.M. SHIPPING
Klassifikationsgesellschaft: International Register of Shipping
Quelle: tokyo-mou.org
10120 - SAFETY OF NAVIGATION - Revolution counter (International Naval Surveys Bureau)
11108 - LIFE SAVING APPLIANCES - Inflatable liferafts (International Naval Surveys Bureau)
01201 - CERTIFICATE AND DOCUMENTATION - CREW CERTIFICATES - Certificates for master and officers (no responsibility of RO)
10109 - SAFETY OF NAVIGATION - Lights, shapes, sound-signals (no responsibility of RO)
05105 - RADIO COMMUNICATIONS - MF/HF Radio installation (International Naval Surveys Bureau)
05109 - RADIO COMMUNICATIONS - VHF radio installation (International Naval Surveys Bureau)
10116 - SAFETY OF NAVIGATION - Nautical publications (no responsibility of RO)
01201 - CERTIFICATE AND DOCUMENTATION - CREW CERTIFICATES - Certificates for master and officers (no responsibility of RO)
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